FLT 35 CTRL-0.9 Order No.: 2817411
PHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbH Page 2 / 5
http://www.phoenixcontact.de Feb 4, 2011
Degree of protection IP20
Mounting type DIN rail: 35 mm
Design Rail-mountable module, one-piece
Ambient temperature (operation) -40 °C ... 85 °C
Permissible humidity (operation) ≤ 95 %
Direction of action 1L-N/PE
Width 17.70 mm
Height 65.50 mm
Length 89.80 mm
Pitch unit 1 Div.
Protective circuit
IEC category I
EN type T1
Nominal voltage UN230 V AC
Arrester rated voltage UC260 V AC
Arrester rated voltage UC (L-N) 260 V AC
Arrester rated voltage UC (L-PEN) 260 V AC
Nominal frequency fN50 Hz
60 Hz
Ground conductor current IPE ≤ 0.5 mA
Operating effective current IC at UN≤ 0.5 mA
Nominal discharge surge current In (8/20) µs 35 kA
Nominal discharge surge current In (8/20) µs (L-N) 35 kA
Nominal discharge surge current In (8/20) µs (L-
35 kA
Lightning test current (10/350) µs, charge 17.5 As
Lightning test current (10/350) µs, specific energy 305.00 kJ/Ω
Lightning test current (10/350) µs, peak value limp 35 kA
100% lightning impulse sparkover voltage
≤ 0.9 kV
Protection level Up≤ 0.9 kV
Protection level UP (L-N) ≤ 0.9 kV
Protection level UP (L-PEN) ≤ 0.9 kV
Response time ≤ 100 ns