Specification Definitions
ACQUISITION TIME is the time required to acquire the input voltage. That is, it is time required for the hold
capacitor to charge up to the input voltage.
APERTURE DELAY is the time between the fourth falling SCLK edge of a conversion and the time when the
input signal is acquired or held for conversion.
CONVERSION TIME is the time required, after the input voltage is acquired, for the ADC to convert the input
voltage to a digital word.
CROSSTALK is the coupling of energy from one channel into the other channel, or the amount of signal energy
from one analog input that appears at the measured analog input.
DIFFERENTIAL NON-LINEARITY (DNL) is the measure of the maximum deviation from the ideal step size of 1
DUTY CYCLE is the ratio of the time that a repetitive digital waveform is high to the total time of one period. The
specification here refers to the SCLK.
EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS (ENOB, or EFFECTIVE BITS) is another method of specifying Signal-to-Noise
and Distortion or SINAD. ENOB is defined as (SINAD −1.76) / 6.02 and says that the converter is equivalent to
a perfect ADC of this (ENOB) number of bits.
FULL POWER BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequency at which the reconstructed output fundamental
drops 3 dB below its low frequency value for a full scale input.
FULL SCALE ERROR (FSE) is a measure of how far the last code transition is from the ideal 1½ LSB below
VREF+and is defined as:
VFSE = Vmax + 1.5 LSB – VREF+
• Vmax is the voltage at which the transition to the maximum code occurs. FSE can be expressed in Volts, LSB
or percent of full scale range. (1)
GAIN ERROR is the deviation of the last code transition (111...110) to (111...111) from the ideal (VREF −1.5
LSB), after adjusting for offset error.
INTEGRAL NON-LINEARITY (INL) is a measure of the deviation of each individual code from a line drawn from
negative full scale (½ LSB below the first code transition) through positive full scale (½ LSB above the last code
transition). The deviation of any given code from this straight line is measured from the center of that code value.
INTERMODULATION DISTORTION (IMD) is the creation of additional spectral components that are present at
the output and are not present at the input and result from two sinusoidal frequencies being applied to the ADC
input at the same time. It is defined as the ratio of the power in the intermodulation products to the total power in
one of the original frequencies. IMD is usually expressed in dB.
MISSING CODES are those output codes that will never appear at the ADC outputs. These codes cannot be
reached with any input value. The ADC082S021 is specified not to have any missing codes.
OFFSET ERROR is the deviation of the first code transition (000...000) to (000...001) from the ideal (i.e. GND +
0.5 LSB).
SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO (SNR) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the rms value of the input signal at the
converter output to the rms value of the sum of all other spectral components below one-half the sampling
frequency, not including d.c. or harmonics included in the THD specification.
SIGNAL TO NOISE PLUS DISTORTION (S/(N+D) or SINAD or SNDR) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the rms
value of the input signal at the output to the rms value of all of the other spectral components below half the
clock frequency, including all harmonics but excluding DC.
SPURIOUS FREE DYNAMIC RANGE (SFDR) is the difference, expressed in dB, between the rms values of the
input signal at the output and the peak spurious signal, where a spurious signal is any signal present in the
output spectrum that is not present at the input, excluding d.c.
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