2. Optical measurements are made using small–angle incident radiation from light–emitting diode optical sources. Visible 640 nm LEDs and infrared
940 nm LEDs are used for final product testing for compatibility with high–volume production.
3. The 640 nm irradiance Ee is supplied by an AlInGaP light–emitting diode with the following characteristics: peak wavelength λp = 640 nm and
spectral halfwidth Δλ½ = 17 nm.
4. The 940 nm irradiance Ee is supplied by a GaAs light–emitting diode with the following characteristics: peak wavelength λp = 940 nm and spectral
halfwidth Δλ½ = 40 nm.
5. Integration time Tint, is dependent on internal oscillator frequency (fosc) and on the integration field value in the timing register as described in
the Register Set section. For nominal fosc = 735 kHz, nominal Tint = (number of clock cycles)/fosc Field value 00: Tint = (11 x 918)/fosc = 13.7 ms
Field value 01: Tint = (81 x 918)/fosc = 101 ms Field value 10: Tint = (322 x 918)/fosc = 402 ms Scaling between integration times vary proportionally
as follows: 11/322 = 0.034 (field value 00), 81/322 = 0.252 (field value 01), and 322/322 = 1 (field value 10).
6. Full scale ADC count value is limited by the fact that there is a maximum of one count per two oscillator frequency periods and also by a 2–count
offset. Full scale ADC count value = ((number of clock cycles)/2 - 2) Field value 00: Full scale ADC count value = ((11 x 918)/2 - 2) = 5047
value 01: Full scale ADC count value = ((81 x 918)/2 - 2) = 37177
Field value 10: Full scale ADC count value = 65535, which is limited by 16 bit
register. This full scale ADC count value is reached for 131074 clock cycles, which occurs for Tint = 178 ms for nominal fosc = 735 kHz.
7. Low gain mode has 16x lower gain than high gain mode: (1/16 = 0.0625).
8. For sensor Lux calculation, please refer to the empirical formula below. It is based on measured Ch0 and Ch1 ADC count values for the light source
specified. Actual Lux is obtained with a commercial luxmeter. The range of the (sensor Lux) / (actual Lux) ratio is estimated based on the variation
of the 640 nm and 940 nm optical parameters. Devices are not 100% tested with fluorescent or incandescent light sources.
CH1/CH0 Sensor Lux Formula
0 ≤ CH1/CH0 ≤ 0.52 Sensor Lux = (0.0315 x CH0) – (0.0593 x CH0 x ((CH1/CH0)1.4))
0.52 ≤ CH1/CH0 ≤ 0.65 Sensor Lux = (0.0229 x CH0) – (0.0291 x CH1)
0.65 ≤ CH1/CH0 ≤ 0.80 Sensor Lux = (0.0157 x CH0) – (0.0180 x CH1)
0.80 ≤ CH1/CH0 ≤ 1.30 Sensor Lux = (0.00338 x CH0) – (0.00260 x CH1)
CH1/CH0 ≥ 1.30 Sensor Lux = 0
AC Electrical Characteristics (VDD = 3 V, Ta = 25°C)
t(CONV) Conversion time 12 100 400 ms
f(SCL) Clock frequency – – 400 kHz
t(BUF) Bus free time between start and stop condition 1.3 – – μs
t(HDSTA) Hold time after (repeated) start condition. After this period,
the first clock is generated.
0.6 – – μs
t(SUSTA) Repeated start condition setup time 0.6 – – μs
t(SUSTO) Stop condition setup time 0.6 – – μs
t(HDDAT) Data hold time 0 – 0.9 μs
t(SUDAT) Data setup time 100 – – ns
t(LOW) SCL clock low period 1.3 – – μs
t(HIGH) SCL clock high period 0.6 – – μs
tFClock/data fall time – – 300 ns
tRClock/data rise time – – 300 ns
CjInput pin capacitance – – 10 pF
† Specified by design and characterization; not production tested.