Black Box Products Datacom > Converters click photo to enlarge RS-232 to RS-422 Converter, Standalone Simple async RS-232 to RS-422 conversion. IC107A-R3 Extended Double DiamondTM Warranty Available (3 Additional Year) Product Highlights Our basic 64-kbps converter. Details Tech Specs Resources Accessories Warranty Description RS-232 to RS-422 Converter, Standalone Quick Facts Our basic 64-kbps converter. Further Details Transmits data up to 4000 feet (1219.2 m). Full-duplex operation over 4-wire lines. Async (data leads) only. Our popular RS-232 to RS-422 Converter provides reliable conversion at speeds up to 64 kbps. You can transmit data up to 4000 feet (1219.2 m) on the RS-422/485 interface--over 4-wire lines in full-duplex operation. In RS-485 mode, select either RTS or DTR to enable the driver. Or set the driver so that it's always enabled. The converter features DIP switches instead of DIP shunts for easy setup. It's intended for use with data signals, so if you need a converter that supports handshake and clocking leads, our techs recommend one of the RS-232 to RS422/RS-449 Converters (IC456A-R5, IC456C-R5) in Related Items. This product includes: (1) converter and attached power supply (1) manual