Ultra Fast Rectifiers Gi mthov Designed for use in switching power supplies inverters and as free wheeling diodes. These state-of-the-art devices have the following features: Switch mode Dual Ultrafast Power Rectifiers Features: High surge capacity. Low power loss, high efficiency. Glass passivated chip junctions. 150C operating junction temperature. Low stored charge majority carrier conduction. Low forward voltage, high current capability. High-switching speed 50 nanosecond recovery time. Plastic material used carries Underwriters Laboratory Flammability Classification 94V-O. 16 Amperes 400-600 Volts TO-220AB /L 5p 4 +| | | = y+ : el tt er 7 ss | Cc MILLMETERS <a i DIM | min | MAX A | 14.68 | 15.32 B 9.78 | 10.42 Cc 6.01 6.52 | 1 2 3 D | 13.06 | 1462 co E 3.57 4.07 E F 2.42 2.66 t G 1.12 1.36 D H 0.72 0.96 | 4.22 4.98 J 1.14 1.36 K 2.20 2.97 L 0.33 0.55 _] L G M | 248 | 2.98 H F 7 L o | 3.70 | 3.90 la K Dimensions : Millimetres 1 2 i eb? Common Cathode Part Number Table Description Part Number Ultra Fast Rectifiers MUR1640CT Ultra Fast Rectifiers MUR1660CT http://www. farnell.com http://www.newark.com http://www.cpc.co.uk Page <1> S multicomp 27/12/10 V1.1 Maximum Ratings Characteristic Symbol MUR1640CT MUR1660CT Units Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage VrrM Working Peak Reverse Voltage Vrwm 400 600 DC Blocking Voltage Vr V RMS Reverse Voltage Vr (RMS) 280 420 Average Rectifier Forward Current 8.0 Per Leg To = 125C Ir (AV) 16 Per Total Device Peak Repetitive Forward Current \ 46 A (Rate Vp, Square Wave, 20kHz, To = 125C) FM Non-Repetitive Peak Surge Current | 125 (Surge applied at rate load conditions half-ware, single phase, 60Hz) FSM Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Ty, Tstg -65 to +150 C Electrical Characteristics Characteristic Symbol MUR1640CT MUR1660CT Units Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (lz = 8.0 Amperes Tc = 25C) Ve 1.30 1.50 Vv (l- = 8.0 Amperes Tg = 100C) 1.12 1.34 Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (Rated DC Voltage, Tc = 25C) Ip 10 WA (Rated DC Voltage, Tg = 125C) 500 Reverse Recovery Time (Ip = 0.5A, ly = 1.0 |, = 0.25A) Ter 50 Hs Typical Junction Capacitance Gp 70 pF (Reverse Voltage of 4 volts and f = 1 MHz) Page <2> 27/12/10 V1.1 Typical Forward Characteristics Forward Current Derating Curve 50 = om U16C40 = bo 10 U16C60 (Amperes) Average Forward Rectified Current (Amperes) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Case Temperature (C) Instantaneous Forward Current 0.1 Oo4 O06 O8 1 12 14 #16 18 20 Forward Voltage (Volts) Typical Reverse Characteristics Typical Junction Capacitance 10 8 & 5 1 8 a U16C60 g & o < 2 oa U16C40 oO 3 < 8 : 5 04 g E 3 s g Reverse Voltage (Volts) 001 a 20 40 60 80 100 120 8 6140 Percent of Rated Reverse Voltage (%) Peak Forward Surge Current ~ 125) c o = 400 oO 23 75 ag so HS o 25 a @ BY 5 1 Number of Cycles at 60 Hz Page <3> 27/12/10 V1.1 502 NI 102 NI te AAA, AA +0 hhh ne hae Ee Device (+) Under (-} L sav de its Pulse = Approximately Generator (-) a (Note 2} -0.254 $ Oscillascope | + = NI (Note 1) i*) 1.04 f Set time base for 10/20 ns/div Reverse Recovery Time Characteristic and Test Circuit Diagram Notes: 1. Rise Time = 7 ns maximum input impedance = 1MQ, 22pF. 2. Rise Time = 10 ns maximum input impedance = 50Q. Disclaimer This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the Premier Farnell Group (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage fesulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. SPC Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. Premier Farnell plc 2010. Page <4> 27/12/10 V1.1