APPLICATION NOTE AN4200 Advanced Linear Devices 2
Connect all inputs of the unused switches to V+ or V-. The
impedance of the inputs of the ALD 42XX CMOS analog
switches is so high that the internal logic levels become un-
defined if the inputs are left disconnected. When left dis-
connected, both the internal P-channel and N-channel tran-
sistors may be in an unintended state where oscillation and
intermittent excessive current drain may occur.
When connecting the analog switches to external circuits,
care must be taken to insure that inductive or capacitive tran-
sient coupling does not cause malfunction or permanent dam-
age to the analog switches. This is particularly important if
the connections are made through long wires or signal lines.
To prevent latch up, it is necessary that the input and output
voltage signals do not exceed the power supply rails by more
than 0.3 volts. For example, when using a single 5 volt power
supply, the input and output signals should never be more
positive than 5.3 volts or more negative that -0.3 volts. When
using dual ±1.5 volt power supplies, the input and output
signals should never be more positive than 1.8 volts or more
negative than -1.8 volts.
When switching low level signals, careful choice of a switch
and design of the system layout helps avoid signal masking
by AC noise pickup and DC voltages generated by thermo-
couple effects. Several factors must be considered for ef-
fective signal switching and transmission. For a system
that has a significant signal path length and is potentially
being routed in a noisy signal environment common mode
signals may be picked up. This common mode signal can
provide a significant error for low level signal transmission.
To minimize the effect of common mode signals, use twisted
pair of wires. The transmission cable carrying the trans-
ducer should be as short as possible to minimize noise. Sig-
nal conductors should be tightly twisted for minimum en-
closed area. This technique guards against picking up elec-
tromagnetic interference and shields the twisted wire against
capacitively coupled electrostatic interface charge. The trans-
mission cable must present a balanced line to the source of
noise interference. It must have an equal series impedance
in each conductor and an equal series impedance to ground.
The result should be that noise will be coupled in phase to
both conductors and rejected as common mode voltages.
Silicon in contact with aluminum creates a thermocouple
voltage. In a typical switch, the source voltage will be ex-
actly cancelled by the drain voltage, but large thermal gradi-
ents between the source and drain contacts can produce a
net offset voltage. The essentially zero current consump-
tion of the ALD switch family translates into minimal errors
due to thermocouple offsets.
The ALD4211/ALD4212/ALD4213 feature very high preci-
sion due to these factors:
1. The analog switch has ultra low capacitive charge cou-
pling so that the charge stored on a 200pF sampling capaci-
tor is minimally affected.
2. With special charge balancing and charge cancellation
circuitry designed on chip, the ALD4211/ALD4212/ALD4213
achieves ultra low charge injection of typically only 0.2pC
resulting in extremely low signal distortion to the external
3. The analog switch switching transistors have pA leakage
currents minimizing the droop rate of the sampling circuit.
4. The internal switch timing allows for the analog switch to
turn off internally without producing any residual transistor
channel charge injection, which may affect external circuits.
With a low loss polystyrene or polypropylene sampling ca-
pacitor, long data retention times are possible without sig-
nificant signal loss.
The ALD4211/ALD4212/ALD4213 CMOS analog switches,
when used with industry standard pinout connection, have
the input and output pins reversed with the signal source
input connected to OUT pins and COM pins used as output
pins. In this connection and when used with 1,000pF or
greater value capacitors, or when connected to a DC cur-
rent or resistive load, the switch would not be operating in an
ultra low charge injection mode. Typical charge injection, in
this case, would be 5pC as the pin to pin capacitive coupling
effect would dominate. In this connection, all the other char-
acteristics of the ALD4211/ALD4212/ALD4213 CMOS ana-
log switches remain the same.
The ALD family of analog switches were developed with an
ON-resistance matching of two percent between the differ-
ent analog switches. The Total Harmonic Distortion of the
analog signal through the switch is also minimized for the
audio frequency range.
Chart 1 shows the salient characteristics of each of the
switches in the ALD analog switch family. The ALD analog
switch family is manufactured with Advanced Linear Devices’
enhanced ACMOS silicon gate process. They are designed
to be used as linear elements in Advanced Linear Devices'
Function-Specific ASIC.