SE868-V3 Prod uct User Guide
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SE868-V3 Product User Guide
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4
SE868-V3 Product User Guide
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4
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1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 10
1.1. Purpose .................................................................................................................. 10
1.2. Contact Information, Support ................................................................................. 10
1.3. Text Conventions ................................................................................................... 10
1.4. Related Documents ................................................................................................ 11
2. Product Description ................................................................................................... 12
2.1. Product Overview ................................................................................................... 12
2.2. Product Variants ..................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1. Hardware ................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2. Firmware .................................................................................................................... 13
2.3. Block Diagram ........................................................................................................ 14
2.4. SE868-V3 Modu le Photo ........................................................................................ 15
3. Evaluation Kit (EVK) ................................................................................................... 16
3.1. SE868-V3 Evaluati on Ki t ........................................................................................ 16
4. Product Features ........................................................................................................ 18
4.1. Multi-Constellation Navigation ................................................................................ 18
4.2. QZSS support ........................................................................................................ 18
4.3. Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) ...................................................... 18
4.3.1. SBAS Correc t io ns ...................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2. SBAS Ranging ........................................................................................................... 18
4.4. Elevation Mask Angle ............................................................................................. 18
4.5. Assisted GPS (AGPS) - SiRFInstantFix™.............................................................. 19
4.5.1. Client-g enerat ed Extended Ephemeris (CGEE) ......................................................... 19
4.5.2. Server-generated Extended Ephemeris (SGEE) ........................................................ 19
4.6. 2-D Positionin g ....................................................................................................... 19
4.7. Static Navigation .................................................................................................... 19
4.8. Velocity Dead-Reckoning ....................................................................................... 20
4.9. Jamming Rejection Continuous Wave (CW) Jamming Mitigation ....................... 20
4.10. Internal LNA ........................................................................................................ 21
4.11. 5 Hz Navi gation................................................................................................... 21
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4.12. 1PPS ................................................................................................................... 22
4.13. Device Wake-up (1st Port) ................................................................................... 22
4.14. MEMS Wakeup (2nd Port - I2C) ........................................................................... 22
4.15. Message Waiting (Data Ready Indicator) ........................................................... 22
4.16. I/O Communication Ports .................................................................................... 22
4.17. Power Management Modes ................................................................................ 23
4.17.1. Full Power Mode .................................................................................................... 23
4.17.2. SmartGNSS ........................................................................................................... 23
4.17.3. Trickle Power ......................................................................................................... 24
4.17.4. Push-to-Fix ............................................................................................................. 24
4.17.5. SiRFaware ............................................................................................................. 24
4.17.6. Hibernate ............................................................................................................... 24
5. Product Compatibility ................................................................................................ 25
5.1. Upgrading JF2 designs to the SE868-V3 ............................................................... 25
5.2. Upgrading SE868-V2 designs to the SE868-V3 ..................................................... 26
6. Product Performance ................................................................................................. 27
6.1. Hor i zontal Positi on Accuracy .................................................................................. 27
6.2. Time to First Fix ..................................................................................................... 28
6.3. Sensitivity ............................................................................................................... 29
7. Software Interface ...................................................................................................... 30
7.1. NMEA Output Messages ........................................................................................ 30
7.1.1. Standard Messages ................................................................................................... 30
7.1.2. Proprietary Output M essages .................................................................................... 31
7.2. NMEA Input Commands ........................................................................................ 32
7.2.1. Change output sentences and their rates ................................................................... 32
7.2.2. Change data rate ....................................................................................................... 32
7.2.3. Switch to OSP protocol .............................................................................................. 32
7.3. OSP Output Messages .......................................................................................... 32
7.4. OSP Input Commands ........................................................................................... 32
7.4.1. Change output messages .......................................................................................... 32
7.4.2. Change data rate ....................................................................................................... 32
7.4.3. Switch to NMEA protocol and data rate...................................................................... 32
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8. Flash Upgradability .................................................................................................... 33
9. Elect rical Interf ac e ...................................................................................................... 34
9.1. M odule Pi n-out ....................................................................................................... 34
9.2. DC Characteristic s ................................................................................................. 36
9.3. Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................................... 36
9.4. Power Supply ......................................................................................................... 37
9.4.1. Voltage Supply Design ............................................................................................... 37
9.4.2. 1.8 V Supply Voltage ................................................................................................. 37
9.4.3. DC Power Requirements ........................................................................................... 37
9.4.4. ON-OFF (input) and SYSTEM-ON (output) ................................................................ 38
9.4.5. DC Power Consumption ............................................................................................ 39
9.5. Reset ...................................................................................................................... 41
9.6. Boot Sel ect ............................................................................................................. 41
9.7. Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation............................................................. 42
9.7.1. Host Port Configuration for 1st Port (port 0) ................................................................ 42
9.7.2. Host Port Configuration for 2nd Port (port 1) .............................................................. 43
9.7.3. UART Operation ........................................................................................................ 43
9.7.4. I2C Operation ............................................................................................................. 44
9.7.5. SPI Operation ............................................................................................................ 45
9.8. RF Interface ........................................................................................................... 46
9.8.1. RF Input ..................................................................................................................... 46
9.8.2. External Active Antenna Voltage ................................................................................ 46
9.8.3. Burnout Protection ..................................................................................................... 46
9.8.4. Jamming Rejection .................................................................................................... 46
9.8.5. Frequency Plan .......................................................................................................... 47
9.9. Local Oscillator Leakage ........................................................................................ 47
10. Reference Designs .................................................................................................. 48
11. RF Front End Design ............................................................................................... 51
11.1. RF Signal Requirements ..................................................................................... 51
11.2. GNSS Antenna Pol ar i z at ion ................................................................................ 52
11.3. Active versus Passive Antenna ........................................................................... 53
11.4. GNSS Antenna Gai n ........................................................................................... 53
11.5. External LNA Gain and Noise Figure .................................................................. 54
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11.6. System Noise Floor ............................................................................................. 54
11.7. RF Trace Losses ................................................................................................. 55
11.8. PCB stack and Trac e I mpe da nc e ....................................................................... 55
11.9. Implications of the Pre-Select SAW Filter ........................................................... 56
11.10. Powering an External LNA (active antenna) .................................................... 56
11.11. RF Interference ................................................................................................ 57
11.12. Shielding .......................................................................................................... 57
12. Mechanical Drawing ................................................................................................ 58
13. PCB Footprint .......................................................................................................... 59
14. Product Packaging and Handling .......................................................................... 60
14.1. Product Marking and Serialization ...................................................................... 60
14.2. Product Packaging and Delivery ......................................................................... 61
14.3. Moisture Sensitivity ............................................................................................. 63
14.4. ESD S en s itivity ................................................................................................... 64
14.5. Reflow ................................................................................................................. 65
14.6. Assembly Considerations ................................................................................... 65
14.7. Washing Considerations ..................................................................................... 65
14.8. Safety .................................................................................................................. 65
14.9. Disposal .............................................................................................................. 66
15. Environmenta l Requirements ................................................................................. 67
15.1. Operating Environmental Limits .......................................................................... 67
15.2. Storage Environmental Limits ............................................................................. 67
16. Compliances ............................................................................................................ 68
16.1. CE Declaration of Conformity ............................................................................. 69
16.2. RoHs Compliance ............................................................................................... 70
17. Glossary and Acronyms ......................................................................................... 71
18. Safety Recommendations ....................................................................................... 75
19. Document History ................................................................................................... 76
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Figure 2-1 SE868-V3 Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 2-2 SE868-V3 Module Photo ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 3-1 SE868-V3 Evaluation Kit Contents ................................................................................. 16
Figure 3-2 SE868-V3 Evaluation Kit ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 9-1 SE868-V3 Pin-out Diagram ............................................................................................ 34
Figure 10-1 SE868-V3 Ref er enc e Design Passive Antenna ......................................................... 48
Figure 10-2 SE868-V3 Ref er enc e Design Active Antenna............................................................ 49
Figure 11-1 Cascade Noise Figure example calculations with external LNA ................................ 54
Figure 11-2 RF Trace Examples ..................................................................................................... 55
Figure 12-1 SE868-V3 Mechanical Drawing .................................................................................... 58
Figure 13-1 SE868-V3 PCB Footprint ............................................................................................. 59
Figure 14-1 Product Label ............................................................................................................... 60
Figure 14-2 Product Packaging - Tray ............................................................................................. 61
Figure 14-3 Product Packaging - Tape and Reel ............................................................................. 62
Figure 14-4 Moisture Sensitive Device Label .................................................................................. 64
Table 2.1 SE868-V3 Product Variants - Hardware .......................................................................... 13
Table 2.2 SE868-V3 Product Variants - Firmware ........................................................................... 13
Table 4-1 Internal gain value and external gain range ..................................................................... 21
Table 4-2 Power Management Modes........................................................................................... 23
Table 6-1 SE868-V3 Horizontal Position Accuracy .......................................................................... 27
Table 6-2 SE868-V3 Time To First Fix ............................................................................................ 28
Table 6-3 SE868-V3 Sensitivity ....................................................................................................... 29
Table 7-1 Default NMEA Output Messages ..................................................................................... 30
Table 7-2 Available NMEA Output Messages ................................................................................. 31
Table 7-3 NMEA Talker IDs ............................................................................................................ 31
Table 9-1 SE868-V3 Pin-out Function Table ................................................................................... 35
Table 9-2 DC Charact eris tics .......................................................................................................... 36
Table 9-3 Absolute Maxim um Ratings ............................................................................................. 36
Table 9-4 DC Supply Voltage .......................................................................................................... 37
Table 9-5 Power Consumption SE868-V3 Gen 1 ......................................................................... 39
Table 9-6 Power Consumption SE868-V3 Gen 2 ......................................................................... 40
Table 9-7 Host I/O Port Configuration First port (port 0) ............................................................... 42
Table 9-8 UART Pin Assignments ................................................................................................... 43
Table 9-9 I2C Pin Assignments ....................................................................................................... 44
Table 9-10 SPI Mode Pin Assignments ........................................................................................... 45
Table 9-11 Frequency Plan ............................................................................................................. 47
Table 9-12 LO Leakage .................................................................................................................. 47
Table 11-1 Inductor Loss ................................................................................................................ 57
Table 15-1 SE868-V3 Operating Environmental Limits ................................................................... 67
Table 15-2 SE868-V3 Storage Environmental Limits ...................................................................... 67
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide product information for the SE868-V3 GNSS
1.2. Contact Information, Support
For general contact, technical support, reporting documentation errors and to order manuals,
contact Telit Tech n ica l Support Cen ter ( TTSC ) at:
Alternatively, use:
For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations
on accessories and components visit:
To register for product news and announcements or for product questions contact Telit
Technical Support Center (TTSC).
Ou r a im is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and
suggestions for improvem ents.
Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
1.3. Text Con ven tio ns
Danger This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily
injury may occur.
Caution or Warning Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if
these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.
Tip or Information Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when integrating
the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.
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1.4. Related Documents
SE868-V3 Data Sheet
SE868-V3 Evaluation Kit User Guide (1VV0301206)
The following documents require a Non-disclos ure ag reem en t:
NMEA Reference Guide (CS-129435-MA8)
SiRFstar One Socket Protocol Interface Control Document (CS-129291-DCP15)
SiRFstarV OSP Extensions (CS-303979-7)
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2. Product Description
The SE868-V3 modules are complete multi-constellation position, velocity, and time (PVT)
engines featuring high performance, high sensitivity, and low power consumption. These
modules are capable of excellent performance in harsh environments. The inclusion of the
GLONASS and BeiDou constellations yields better coverage, greater accuracy, and improved
The SE868-V3 module is based on the SiRFstar 5e (B02) flash GNSS chip.
The SE868-V3 is pin-compatible with the SE868-V2 and J F2 modul es with some differences
for drop-in replacement. See Section 5 Product Compatibility for details.
2.1. Produc t O verview
Complete GNSS receiver module including memory, LNA, TCXO, and RTC
Based on the SiRFstar 5e (B02) flash GNSS chip
Same footprint as JF2 and SE868-V2 modules (see Product Compatibility section
GPS (L1), QZSS, and either Glonass (L1) or BeiDou (B1) simultaneous ranging
Galileo rea dy
SBAS capable (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN), including ranging
AGPS support for extended ephemeris using local or server-based solutions:
o Client-G enerated Ex tende d E phemeris (CGEE )
o Server-Generated Extended Ephem eris (SGEE)
Jamming Rejection
Supports passive or active antenna
1PPS output
Fix reporting at 1 Hz or 5 Hz
NMEA v3.1 command input and data output
OSP (binary) command input and data output
Standard UART serial port for input commands and output messages
The serial port is configurable for UART, I2C, or SPI interface
Second serial port is configurable for UART or I2C interface
The Second port may be used for MEMS wakeup (with FW support)
16 Megabit built-in flash memory
70 mW typical power consum ption (Full Power mode, GPS + GLONASS)
Power management modes for extended battery life
o Push-to-Fix, Trickle Power, SiRFaware
Supported by evaluation kits
-40°C to +85°C industrial temperature range
11 x 11 x 2.62 mm 32-pin QFN package
Surface mountable by standard SMT equipment
RoHS compliant design
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2.2. Product Variants
2.2.1. Hardware
The first generation of SE868-V3 (Gen 1) was replaced by the second generation (Gen 2)
variant in January 2016. SE868-V3 (Gen 2) is fully backward compatible and has a reduced
power consumption of approximately ~35%.
(Gen 1)
(Gen 2 Low power)
Table 2.1 SE868-V3 Product Variants - Hardware
2.2.2. Firmware
The firmware has two variants:
High Gain
Low Gain
Internal Gain
Table 2.2 SE868-V3 Product Variants - Firmware
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2.3. Block Diagram
Figure 2-1 SE868-V3 Block Diagram
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2.4. SE868-V3 Module Photo
Figure 2-2 SE868-V3 Module Photo
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3. Evaluation Kit (EVK)
3.1. SE868-V3 Evaluation Kit
The Evaluation Kit (EVK) contains the necessary hardware and software to assist in
evaluation and integration of the module in customer applications.
Note: The antenna is included but not visible under the ground plane.
Figure 3-1 SE868-V3 Evaluation Kit Contents
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Figure 3-2 SE868-V3 Evaluation Kit
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4. Product Features
4.1. Multi-Constellation Navigation
GPS and GLONASS constellations ar e enabled by default.
The user may enable or disable GPS, GLONASS, and/or BDS constellations via OSP
command MID 222,16. Use of GLONASS or BDS alone may not give optimum positioning
results depending on the region that the receiver is located in.
4.2. QZSS support
The Japanese SBAS satellites are in a highly-inclined elliptical orbit which i s geosynchronous
(not geostationary) and has analemma-like ground tracks. This orbit allows continuous
coverage over Japan using only three satellites. Their primary purpose is to provide
augmentation to the GPS system (which is not supported in the current FW version), but the
signals may also be used for ranging.
QZSS ranging is disabled by default, but can be enabled via OSP command MID 222,16.
4.3. Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS)
The receiv er is cap able o f using SBAS satellites b oth a s a source o f differe ntia l correc tions an d
satellite ranging measurements. These systems (WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN and MSAS) use
geostationary satellites to transmit regional corrections via a GNSS-compatible sig nal.
4.3.1. SBAS Corre c t ions
The SBAS sa tellites transm it a set of diff erential co rrections usi ng a signal sim ilar to that of th e
GPS signals and in the same frequency band. The use of SBAS corrections can improve
positioning accuracy.
SBAS correc tion s are di sab led by default but can be en abled via OSP MIDs 133, 138, and 170
commands. Thereafter, the receiver will demodulate and use corrections data from the SBAS
4.3.2. SBAS Ranging
The use of SBAS satellites can augment the number of measurements available for the
navigation solution, thus improving availability and accuracy.
SBAS satellite ranging is disabled by default but can be enabled via a $PSRF103 NMEA
command or OSP Mode Control command (MID 136).
4.4. Elevation Mask Angle
The default elevation mask angle is 5° which can be changed using OSP MID 139.
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4.5. Assisted GPS (AGPS) - SiRFInstantFix™
Assisted GPS (or Aided GPS) is a method by which TTFF is improved (reduced) using
information from a source other than current broadcast GPS signals. Th ere are two sources of
predicted (extended) ephemeris:
Locally-predicted ephemeris: Client-Generated Extended Ephemeris (CGEE)
Server-predicted ephemeris: Server-Generated Extended Ephemeris (SGEE)
Both CGEE and SGEE are available for GPS and GLONASS satellites.
4.5.1. Client-generate d Ext e nde d E phe m eris (CGEE)
Extended ephemeris is computed in the receiver and then stored locally in the flash memory .
Whenever the module r eceives ephem eris data fo r a satellite, it checks if i t has computed CGEE
for that satellite recently. If it has not, it computes EE for that satellite (for the next 3 days for
GPS and 1 day for GLONASS) and stores it in flash me mory. The next time the module turns
on and broadcast ephemeris is not available for a visible satellite, the stored CGEE data is
searched to see if it is still valid and can be used. If EE data is available for enough satellites,
the receiver can obtain a first fix in 10 to 15 seconds (typical) rather than the usual 35 seconds
without EE data. CGEE is enabled by default.
4.5.2. Server-generated Extended Ephemeris (SGEE)
Extended ephemeris is computed at the se rver and saved in a file which can then be download ed
to the receiver’s flash memory. The server file contains 1, 3, 7, and 14, days of ephemerides.
To use SGEE data, a file must be transferred using NMEA or OSP commands. Please contact
Telit support for subscription details.
4.6. 2-D Positioning
By default, the module will compute a 2-D solution if possible when performing initial
acquisition. In a 2-D solution, the receiver assumes a value for altitude and uses it to estimate
the horizontal position. Under warm and hot start conditions, the receiver uses the last known
value of altitude, which is a good assumption in most situations. However under cold start
conditions, the last position is unknown, and the receiver assumes a value of 0. In situations
where the true altitude is significantly different from that, the horizontal position estimate will
be noticeably impacted. 2-D positioning is controlled by OSP MID 136.
4.7. Static Navigation
Static Navigation is an oper ational mode in which the receiver will freeze the posit ion fix when
the speed falls below a set threshold (indicating that the receiver is stationary). The course is
also frozen, and the speed is reported as 0. The navigation solution is unfrozen when the speed
increases above a threshold or when the computed position exceeds a set distance from the
frozen position (indicating that the receiver is again in motion). These thresholds cannot be
changed by the user.
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This fea ture i s use fu l fo r ap pli cations in wh ich v ery lo w d y nam ics are not expec te d, the cl ass i c
example being an automotive application.
Static Navigation is disabled by default, but can be enabled by OSP command MID 143.
4.8. Velocity Dead-Reckoning
Velocity dead-reckoning is the use of the last known velocity to propagate the navigation
solution when there are insufficient measurements to calculate an updated solut ion. It serves
to mitigate the effects of blocked satellite signals by continuing to provide a position output.
Note: The receiver outputs status information to indicate that a solution is being maintained
using dead-reckoning.
This feature is disabled by def aul t but can be enabled using the Mode Control message (MID
136). Valid timeout values are in a range from zero (which disables dead-reckoning) to two
4.9. Jamming Rejection Continuous Wave (CW) Jamming
Continuous Wave (C W) jam ming mitigation im proves per formance in a sy stem th at is a ffected
by these predictable jamming signals:
Stable jamming signals generated by your system implementation, such as harmonics
of digital clocks and logic switching
Predictable jamming signals in the RF environment (e.g. from collocated transmitters)
When this feature is ac tiv ated, the proces s for jamming mitig ation is:
1. Detect jamming signals above the noise floor.
2. Isolate and filter frequencies containing jamming signals.
The GNSS signal is constantly monitored for CW jammers and up to eight are detected and
cancelled in each band without any operator intervention.
GPS, GLONASS, and BDS band cancellers are activated and reported using OSP Message ID
92. This feature is useful both in the design stage and during the production stage for uncovering
issues relat ed to unexp ec ted jamming. Use OSP MID 220,1 to configure this feature.
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4.10. Internal LNA
The module has an adjustable gain internal LNA which allows the receiver to compensate for
the use o f various external antennas. The default gain (low or high) is determined by the version
of firmware installed in the module. The chart below shows the internal gain modes and the
allowable external gain.
Use the OSP command MID 178,71 to change the gain of the internal LNA.
Passive antenna:
For passive antenna op erati ons, the inte rnal LN A shou ld be in high g ain m ode. GPIO8
should normally be left unconnected or connected to monitor the receiver status.
Active antenna (or External LNA):
If an external LNA is used, total RF gain should not exceed the recommend limit of
30dB. When GPIO8 is high, the external LNA should be enabled; when low, it should
be disabled.
Gain Setting Internal LNA gain Internal LNA NF External Gain Range
High 16 dB 2 dB (typical) 0 to 14 dB
Low 6 dB 6.5 dB (typical) 14 to 24 dB
If the external gain is undetermined, use the low gain firmware build
Table 4-1 Internal gain value and external gain range
4.11. 5 Hz Navigation
When this fea ture is enabled, the re ceiver st arts in 1 Hz m ode and con tinues u ntil it achiev es an
over-determined fix with 5 or more satellites. It then computes and outputs solutions 5 times
per second. Each computation uses fewer, but more frequent satellite observations. In most
situations this gives a better response to vehicle velocity and course changes but might cause
slightly more erratic performance in stationary or low-dynamic situations.
The receiver a lso at temp ts to send out 5 t imes as m any m essages per second. The d ata rate may
need to be increased or the set of scheduled messages be reduced to avoid overloading the
available bandwidth.
For NMEA p rotocol, with defau lt messages se t on (GGA, GSA and RMC output once per cy cle
and GSV output once every 5 cycles) output is nearly 1300 characters per second. Including
start and stop bits, at least 19200 bps is required to avoid running out of bandwidth.
For multi-constellation output, one GNGNS and one GNGSA would be added to each report
cycle, and three GNGSV sentences every 5th cycle, requiring a minimum of 38,400 bps data
rate. For OSP protocol, CSR recommends a minimum data rate of 115200 bps.
To enable 5 Hz Nav ig ation, use a $PS RF103 com m and or an O SP MID 136 command with bit
2 of the pos_mode_enable field set to 1.
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4.12. 1PPS
1PPS is a one pulse per second signal which is enabled after the receiver has achieved a 5-
satellite Ka lm an filter position fix.
It is disabled when the fix goes invalid. However, if Velocity DR (see Section 4.8 Velocity
Dead-Reckoning) is enabled, the 1PPS pul se i s di sab led after the position fix bec om es invalid
and the Velocity DR timeout has expired.
The time mark is within 1 μs of the GPS epoch and typically within 100 ns.
The 1PPS pulse width is 250 ms.
4.13. Device Wake-up (1st Port)
The module will wake up from a commanded HIBERNATE state if the ON_OFF signal
remains high and there is a data trans ition on port 0 (the first port). The wake-up message will
not be acted upon since the receiver is not operating until after wake-up.
See Section 9.7 Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation for details.
Contact Telit support for implementation of this signal.
4.14. MEMS Wakeup (2nd Port - I2C)
If the 2nd port is operating as I2C, the module can configure a Kionix KXCJ9 MEMS
accelerometer to generate a signal when a threshold is exceeded. This signal can be connect ed
to a GPIO external inter rup t which will cause the module to wake up from a low power state.
Use of this feature will require a custom configured firmware build. Please contact Telit for
further details.
See Section 9.7 Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation for details.
4.15. Message Waiting (Data Ready Indicator)
The module will raise the MW (DRI) signal when data is waiting to be transmitted on port 0
and it is configured for either UART (with flow control enabled) or SPI interface.
See Section 9.7 Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation for details.
4.16. I/O Communication Ports
The 1st host port can be configured to communicate using UART, I2C, or SPI interface and
supports UART Device Wakeup.
The 2nd host port can be configured for UART or I2C interface and supports I2C MEMS wakeup.
See Section 9.7 Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation for details.
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4.17. Power Management Modes
The receiver features sev er al operating modes that provide reduced power consumption.
Availability of GN SS signals in the operational environm ent will be a factor in choosing power
management modes. The designer can choose a mode that provides the best trade-off of
navigation performance versus power consumption.
Each of the power management modes can be commanded using the Power Mode Request
Message (MID218,6). Please refer to the SiRFstarV OSP Extensions manual (CS-303979) for
Power Mode
Continuous operation in reporting position fixes
optimized for the best all-around performance.
SiRFSmartGNSS modes save power
based on
satellite signal strength.
Periodic Fixes
Power cycling: RUN - STANDBY
Power cycling: RUN - HIBERNATE
Periodic data collection & updating
No Fixes
Only RTC and BBRAM are powered up.
Table 4-2 Power Management Modes
4.17.1. Full Power Mode
This mode has the highest average power consumption, but it is the most accurate navigation
mode and supports the most dynamic motion scenarios. Full Power is required during initial
satellite acquisition, tracking, & navigation and while receiving SGEE assistance data.
This is the default.
4.17.2. SmartGNSS
SmartGNSS modes are power saving alternatives for GNSS operation while maintaining
complete functionality of the device similar to full power mode.
The module defaults to full power during the initial acquisition of the first fix, and will
continue tracking in SmartGNSS if enabled. Therefore, all first fix metrics for SmartGNSS
are equivalent to full power. SmartGNSS I
SmartGNSS I autonomously manages GNSS system usage based on signal conditions to save
The adaptive m echanism uses fewe r syst em resources during strong signal condi tio ns and uses
more resources during weak signal conditions in order to maintain navigation performance. Full
constellation tracking is maintained while in this mode. 1PPS is available.
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4 SmartGNSS II
SmartGNSS II includes the benefits of SmartGNSS I and achieves further power reduction by
minimizing the usage of the secondary GNSS constellation. The adaptive mechanism adjusts
constellation usage based on signal conditions to maintain performance while minimizing
power consumption. 1PPS is available.
4.17.3. Trickle Power
This mode cycles between FULL POWER and STANDBY states. It provides GPS-only
navigation updates based on a duty cycle which can be set from 100 ms to 900 ms ON time.
The system runs in full power until it learns ephemeris and RTC calibration, then switches to
the specified duty cycle periods. If signals are w eak or the f ix is los t, th e receiver w ill g o to th e
FULL POWER state. TricklePower mode yields significant power savings in strong signal
conditions. 1PPS is n ot a v ailable.
4.17.4. Push-to-Fix
This mode provides for even lower power consumption than TricklePower and is intended for
applications that require relatively infrequent position reports. The position is reported
per iod ica ll y (once every 6, 12, 18, 24 seconds or 30 to 86400 seconds in 30 s increment s) and
also when requested by toggling the On-Off pin.
Push-to-Fix II allows vehicle velocity to be taken into account for PTF period, and also allows
QoS checks to be enabled or disabled.
4.17.5. SiRFaware
This is a power -saving mode t hat maintains GPS data by waki n g u p a t inter va l s ( e .g. e ve ry 3 0
minutes) to collect signals. Time/and position estimates are updated (e.g. every 10 minutes).
Extended Ephemeris will b e used if avail abl e.
4.17.6. Hibernate
The receiver can be commanded into the HIBERNATE state, which is the lowest power mode
available. O nly the R TC and B BR AM dom ains are po wered up. Use the NMEA $PSRF 117,16
or OSP MID 205 command to transition to this state. The module will also transition to
HIBERNATE when the ON-OFF pin is brought low.
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5. Product Compatibility
Th e SiRF starV (B02)-based SE868-V3 module incorporates new technology co mpared to the
previous S iRFstarI V and V-based designs. The SE868-V3 offers an upgrade path from existing
Telit and competitive designs.
The SE868-V3 is footprint-compatible with the SE868-V2 & JF2 family but it is not a drop-in
replacement. Some of the pins have a slightly different function. The designer will have to
modify the antenna and possibly other components in the RF path to accommodate the
GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo as well as the GPS signals. It may be possible to use the
SE868-V3 in place of some JF2 variants (design guidelines specified must be followed).
5.1. Upgrading JF2 designs to the SE868-V3
The SE868-V3 is a footprint-compatible replacement or upgrade for the JF2 variants (Flash,
EE, and ROM). However it is NOT design compatible. A SE868-V3 cannot be dropped in to a
JF2 design and operate properly. Listed be low are diff erences be tween the JF2 and the SE868-
V3 and the necessary external changes. There are other variations between the products that
also prevent them from being drop in replacements (such as differences in software) that are
not discussed here. Consult Telit support for more information.
The ON-OFF signal for the SE868-V3 is level sensitiv e. High turns the module on; low
puts the module into HIBERNATE. The ON-OFF signal on the JF2 is edge sensitive.
The SE868-V3 adds a new DC power pin. For compatibility with the JF2 flash and
ROM variants, a zero ohm jumper has been added internally so this pin will not need
to be powered. However, we recommend that it be connected to 1.8 V . The previ ous
JF2 variants had this pin as a no-connect. If the customer grounded this pin in their
design, it will short the 1.8 volt supply directly to ground.
The SE868-V3 does not support EEPROM. It uses internal SQIF flash memory.
The SE868-V3 supports DR I2C for MEMs wakeup on the 2nd port, but the previous
accelerometer (Kionix KXTF9) is deprecated and has been replaced by the Kionix
GPIO 3 is not supported and is not brought out to any module pin.
For the SE868-V3, GPIO8 is an output signal to enable an ext ern al LNA . The external
LNA should be enabled when GPIO8 is high. For passive antennas, GPIO8 can be left
unconnected or connected to monitor the status of the receiver. The GPIO8 signal was
used for LNA gain control in the JF2.
The SE868-V3 is a complet e GNSS receiver th at is capable o f using Satell ites from the
GLONASS or BEIDOU constellations. The JF2 module only used GPS signals (with
a center frequency of 1575.42 MHz). The GLONASS frequency range is approximately
1598 to 1607 MHz. The BeiDou signal has a center frequency of 1561.098 MHz.
Appropriate design consideration should be taken when selecting the anten na a nd a ny
external LNA.
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For the JF2 module, the idle state of the host port I/O lines is logic high. Care must be
used to prevent b ackdriving the R X line w hen the m odule is powered down. Th is is no
longer a consideration with the SE868-V3.
5.2. Upgrading SE868-V2 designs to the SE868-V3
The SE868-V3 is a footprint compatible replacement or upgrade for the SE868-V2. However,
an SE868-V3 cannot be dropped into a SE868-V2 design and operate properly without mi nor
changes. L isted below are d ifferences b etween th e SE868-V2 and the SE868-V3 along with the
necessary external changes. There are other variations between the products that also prevent
them from being drop in replacements, such as variations in software, that are not discussed
here. Consult Telit support for more information.
The ON-OFF signal for the SE868-V3 is level sensitive. Hig h turns the m odule on; low
turns the module off. The ON-OFF signal on the SE868-V2 is edge sensitive.
The SE868-V3 can use the BOOT pin to program the device, although SiRFLive does
not require it. The Boot pin was a no connect on the SE868-V2 (which used ROM).
The SE868-V2 uses an internal SPI flash connected to GPIO0, GPIO1, GPIO3 and
GPIO4. The SE868-V3 uses internal SQIF m emory. GPIO3 is not supported and is no t
brought out to any SE868-V3 module pin. The remaining GPIO lines are available for
use depending upon software support.
The SE868-V3 supports DR I2C for MEMs wakeup on the 2nd port, but the previous
accelerometer (Kionix KXTF9) is deprecated and has been replaced by the Kionix
The SE868-V2 do es not support DR I2C for MEMs wakeup be cause the 2nd port is used
by the internal SPI flash.
For t he SE868-V3, GPIO8 i s an output signal that can be used to enable or disable an
external LNA. The LNA should be enabled when GPIO8 is high and disabled when
low. For passive antennas, GPIO8 can normally be left unconnected or connected to
monitor the status of the receiver. For the SE868-V2, GPIO8 was an input to select
LNA gain.
Pin 6 is rese rved on th e SE 868-V3 and should not be c onnec ted to any ex ternal c ircuit.
It was a Ground on the SE868-V2.
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6. Product Performance
For best performance it is recommended that multi-constellation navigation be used.
6.1. Horizontal Pos iti on Acc uracy
Constellation(s) CEP (m)
GPS 1.2
GPS + Glon ass 1.5
GPS + BeiD ou 2.5
Test Conditions: 24-hr Static scenario, -130 dBm,
Full Power mode
Table 6-1 SE868-V3 Horizontal Position Accurac y
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6.2. Time to First Fi x
Constellations(s) Sta r t Type Max TTFF (s)
Warm - Assisted
Warm 30
Hot 3.2
Warm 32.6
Warm 22.8
GPS + BeiDou
Test Conditions: Static scenar io, -130 dBm, Full Power mod e
Table 6-2 SE868-V3 Tim e To F irst Fix
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6.3. Sensitivity
Constellation(s) State Minimum Signal Level (dBm)
Acquisition -146
Navigation -161
Tracking -165
Acquisition -145
Navigation -158
Tracking -162
Acquisition -142
Navigation -150
Tracking -156
Acquisition -146
Navigation -161
Tracking -165
GPS + BeiDou
Acquisition -146
Navigation -161
Tracking -165
Test conditions: St atic scenario under ideal lab conditions using a GNSS simulator.
Table 6-3 SE868-V3 Sens itivi ty
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7. Software Int erface
The host serial I/O port (UART, I2C, or SPI) supports full duplex communication between the
receiver and the user.
The default UART configuration is: NMEA, 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Two protocols are available for command input and data output:
NMEA-0183 V3.10
SiRF One Socket Protocol (OSP)
7.1. NMEA Output Messages
1 Hz fix rate. Maximum is 5 Hz.
7.1.1. Standard Messages
Message ID
GNSS Recommended minimum navigation data
GNSS position fix data
GNSS Dilution of Precision (DOP) and active satellites
GNSS satellites in view.
1 / 5
Note: Multiple GSA and GSV messages may be output per cycle.
Table 7-1 Default NMEA Output Messages
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The following messages can be enabled by command:
Message ID Description
GLL Geographic Position – Latitude & Longitude
VTG Course Over Ground & Ground Speed
ZDA Time and Date
GNSS Fix Data
Table 7-2 Available NMEA Output Messages
The following Talker IDs are used:
Talker ID Constellation
GA Galileo
GB BeiDou
GN Solutions using multiple constellations
Table 7-3 NMEA Talker IDs
7.1.2. Proprietary Output Messages
The receiver can issue several proprietary NMEA output messages ($PSRF) which report
additional re ceiv er dat a and status in form atio n.
Some of these messages exceed the 80-character limita tion of the NME A-0183 standard.
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7.2. NMEA Input Commands
The receiver uses NMEA proprietary messages for commands and command responses. This
interface provides configuration and control over selected firmware features and operational
properties of the module.
The format of a command is:
Commands are NMEA proprietary format and begin with “$PSRF”.
Parameters, if present, are comma-delimited as specified in the NMEA protocol.
7.2.1. Change output s e nt e nc es a nd t he ir ra t e s
Use the Query/Rate Control ($PSRF103) command to enable and disable output NMEA
messages and set their output rates.
7.2.2. Change data rate
Use the Set Serial Port ($PSRF100) command to change the port data rate.
7.2.3. Swit c h to OSP protoc ol
Use the Set Serial Port ($PSRF100) command to switch to the OSP protocol. It may be
necessary to change the data rate since OSP can generate a much larger volume of output per
reporting cycle.
7.3. OSP Output Messages
Please refer to SiRF OSP documentation.
7.4. OSP Input Commands
7.4.1. Change output m e s s age s
Use OSP MID 166 to change the output messages.
7.4.2. Change data rate
Use OSP MID 134 to change the baud rate
7.4.3. Switch to NME A protocol a nd da t a rate
Use the OSP MI D 129 command to switch to the NMEA protocol and chang e the port data rate.
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8. Flash Upgradability
The firmware stored in the internal Flash memory of the SE868-V3 may be upgraded via the
serial port TX/RX pads.
Please refer to the SE868-V3 Evaluation Kit User Guide to update the firmware.
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9. Electrical I nterface
9.1. Module Pin-out
Figure 9-1 SE868-V3 Pin-out Diagram
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25, 27, 32
Connect all pins to 1.8 V supply. See Section 9.4 Power Supply.
1, 4, 7, 9,
21, 31
Connect all pins to ground.
RF Input
RF Input. See Section 9.8 RF Interface. No DC voltage may be applied.
Control Input
On/Off. See Section 9.4.4 ON-OFF (input) and SYSTEM-ON (output)
Reset (active low). See Section 9.5 Reset. This signal is not necessary for normal
operation and may be brought out to a test point or left unconnected.
Low during normal operation. BOOT-SEL may be driven high to force the module into
the programmable state. BOOT-SEL is read prior to the host select lines (GPIO 6 &
7). If not used, this pin should be left floating or (preferably) brought out to a test
point. See Section 8 Flash Upgradability.
GPIO 6 & 7 are read only at powerup and reset events to configure the 1st host serial
port. See Section 9.7.1 Host Port Configuration for 1st Port.
After configuration, they may be enabled for UART or SPI signal lines, depending on
the firmware configuration.
Indicates the power state of the module. Also called Wakeup.
See section 9.4.4ON-OFF (input) and SYSTEM-ON (output)
External LNA control. Also called GNSS_ON. See Section 4.10 Internal LNA.
1 PPS time mark. See Section 4.12 1PPS
1st Host Communications Port I/O See Section 9.7.1 Host Port Configuration for 1st Port
1st Port I/O: UART-Xmit (TX), I2C- Clock (SCL), or SPI-Data Out (MISO)
1st Port I/O: UART-Recv (RX), I2C- Data (SDA), or SPI-Data In (MOSI)
After configuration, may be used for 1st port: UART-CTS or SPI-SCLK
After configuration, may be used for 1st port: UART-RTS or SPI-nCS
2nd Host Communications Port I/O See Section 9.7.2 Host Port Configuration for 2nd Port
2nd Port I/O: UART-Recv (RX), MEMS I2C Clock (SCL)
Port I/O: UART-Xmit (TX), MEMS I
C Data (SDA)
Function depends on Firmware configuration. Leave unconnected.
Function depends on Firmware configuration. Leave unconnected.
No Connection
2, 3, 14,
16, 20, 22
No Connection.
No Connection in SE868-V3. (Was GPIO3 in SE868-V2).
Reserved - Do not connect to any external circuit. (Was GND in SE868-V2).
Table 9-1 SE868-V3 Pin-out Function Table
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9.2. DC Characteristics
Signal Description Min Typ Max Units
VOL Low level output voltage, IOL 2mA - - 0.4 V
VOH High level output voltage, IOH 2mA 0.75*VDD - - V
VIL Low level input voltage -0.3 - 0.45 V
VIH High level input voltage, IIH 2mA 0.7*VDD - 3.6 V
RPU Internal pull-up resistor equivalent 50 86 157
RPD Internal pull-down resistor equivalent 51 91 180
LI Input leakage at VI = 1.8 V or 0 V -10 - 10 µA
LO Tristate output l eak ag e at VO = 1.8 V or 0 V -10 - 10 µA
CI Input capacitance, digital output - 8 - pF
Table 9-2 DC Characteristics
9.3. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Pins Max Rating Units
RF Input Vol tage All RF input s 1.5 V
RF Input Po wer All RF i nputs 10 dBm
ESD Voltage CDM
All Pins +/- 1100 V
ESD Voltage HDM
JEDEC JS-001-2012
All Pins +/-500 V
1.8 V Supply Voltage VDD_18 2.2 V
I/O Pin Voltage All digital i np uts 3.60 V
Table 9-3 Absolute Maximum Ratings
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9.4. Power Supply
9.4.1. Volta ge S upply Des ign
The DC voltage supply (including regulators, capacitors, etc.) must be designed to insure that
the power is maintained within the below specifications.
9.4.2. 1.8 V Supply Voltage
Unlike some previous GNSS receiver modules, the SE868-V3 requires a single always-on 1.8
V supply. Rather than having a “split” power supply design of main and backup, the module
manages all of its pow e r modes internally . The module will powe r up in to the s tat e determined
by the ON-OFF pin (High: RUN; Low: HIBERNATE).
The current state of the SE868-V3 can be determined by monitoring the “SYSTEM-ON” signal.
See section 9.4.4 ON-OFF (input) and SYSTEM-ON (output).
If the 1.8 volt DC supply is removed from the module (regardless of power state) it will lose
curre nt RTC time and the conten ts of th e in terna l SRAM. To execute an orderly sh utdown, first
place the m odule into the H IBERNATE state, then remov e power. To prevent improper sta rtup,
keep the power removed for approximately 10 seconds to reliably clear the SRAM contents.
The module monitors the 1.8 volt supply and issues an internal hardware reset if the supply
drops below 1.7 volts. This reset protects the memory from accidental writes during a power
down condition. The reset forces the module into a low power state.
To prevent the reset, the 1.8 volt supply must be regulated to be within ±50 mV of nominal
voltage (including load reg ulation and power supply noise and ripple). Noise and ripple outside
of these limits can affect GNSS sensitivity and also risk tripping the internal voltage supervisors,
thereby shutting down the module unexpectedly . Regulators with very g ood load regulation are
strongly recommended along with adequate power supply filtering to prevent power supply
glitches as the module transitions between power states.
The power supply voltage, noise and ripple must be between 1.75V and 1.85V for all
frequencies. To help meet these requirements, a separate LDO for the module is suggested.
9.4.3. DC Power Requirements
Max ripp le: 54 mV (0 to 3 MHz), 15 mV (> 3 MHz)
Table 9-4 DC Supply Volt age
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9.4.4. ON-OFF (input) and SYSTEM-ON (output)
The SE868-V3 module has three power states: OFF, RESET, and ON.
The ON state has three substates: HIBERNATE, STANDBY, and RUN.
The OFF state exists when power is removed from the module.
Upon initial application of power, the module enters the RESET state until the internal reset
process is com p leted. It then transitions (at least briefly) to the ON state.
In the ON state, the module will transition to either the RUN or HIBERNATE substate
depending on the status of the ON-OFF pin.
If the ON-OFF pin is high, the module will transition to the RUN substate.
If the ON-OFF pin is low, the module will transition to the HIBERNATE substate.
Note: T he ON_OFF pin must not be tied to V18 because it must be brought low, then high to
transition out of a commanded hibernate state.
The module will transition to the RESET state when external reset (nRESET) is pulled low, or
upon internal reset (e.g. supply voltage out of spec). The external nRESET signal takes
precedence over the state of the ON-OFF signal. SYSTEM-ON will be logic low.
While in the O N s ta te, th er e are thr ee substates, depen ding upo n the status of the ON-O FF pin,
commands or selected power management modes. The three substates are: HIBERNATE,
The module transitions between RUN and STANDBY via TricklePower modes; and between
RUN and HIBERNATE via PushToFix and SiRFaware modes. It can also transition from RUN
to HIBERNATE by de-asserting the ON-OFF signal. The firmware is configure d to transition
from HIBERNATE to RUN when data is received on the RX pin. Note that the first character
received is invalid in this case, so the command will not be acted upon.
In the RUN substate, the SYSTEM-ON signal will be logic high.
In the STANDBY OR HIBERNATE states, SYSTEM-ON will be logic low.
To execute an orderly shutdown, first place the module in the HIBERNATE substate, then
remove power.
Also, see Section 9.5 Reset.
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9.4.5. DC Power Consum pt ion SE-868-V3 Gen 1 (Linear Mode Power Supply)
The SE868-V3 Gen 1 has been replaced by SE868-V3 Gen 2. See §
SE868-V3 Gen 1 (Linear)
Smart 2 Smart 1 Fu ll Po we r
State & Constellation Sym Typ Max Typ Max Typ Max Units
GPS only
GPS and Glonass
GPS and BeiDou
GPS Only
GPS and Glonass
GPS and BeiDou
Low PowerTrickle Po wer
GPS only Push to Fix
GPS and Glonass – Push to Fix
GPS and BeiDou – Push to Fix
Low PowerPush To Fix
GPS only Push to Fix
GPS and Glonass – Push to Fix
GPS and BeiDou – Push to Fix
Battery Backup (Hibernate)
Operating temperature: 25°C.
Supply voltage: 1.8 VDC nominal
Trickle Power mode: On 100 ms, Off 30 s
Push To Fix mode: 6 s
Table 9-5 Power Consumption SE868-V3 Gen 1
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4 SE-868-V3 Gen 2 (Switching Mode Power Supply)
SE868-V3 Gen 2 (SMPS)
Smart 2 Smart 1 Fu ll Po we r
State & Constellation Sym Typ Max Typ Max Typ Max Units
GPS only
GPS and Glonass
GPS and BeiDou
GPS Only
GPS and Glonass
GPS and BeiDou
Battery Backup (Hibernate)
Operating temperature: 25°C.
Supply voltages: 1.8 VDC nominal
Low Power mode: 500 ms duty cycle.
Periodic Mode: Default settings - asleep for 12 s, then awake for 3 s.
Table 9-6 Power Consumption SE868-V3 Gen 2
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9.5. Reset
The module will generate an internal reset as appropriate. Therefore, no external signal is
required for the module to operate properly and this pin may be left unconnected.
If an extern al reset is d esired, the signal m ust be eith er open coll ector or op en drain withou t any
form of pull up. Do no t pu l l this l ine hig h wi th either a pull up o r a dr iven log ic on e. Wh en this
line is pulled low, the module will immediately transition into reset mode.
When the external reset is released, the module will go through its normal power up sequence
provided the V18 supply is within specifications. See section 9.4.4 ON-OFF (input) and
SYSTEM-ON (outpu t)
Pulling NRESET low at any time forces the module into the reset state irrespective of the ON-
OFF signal. In the reset state, the SYSTEM-ON signal is low.
Once the NRE SET s ig nal is rele ased t he module will transition to th e HIBERNATE state or to
the ON state as determined by the ON-OFF signal input.
9.6. Boot Select
It is not necessary to use the Boot Select pin to re-flash the receiver since SiRFlive can use
commands to perform this task.
This pin should be left floating or (preferably) may be brought out to a test point.
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9.7. Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation
The receiver module includes two serial ports which are configured for the desired interface.
The first host port can be configured to communicate using a UART, I2C, or SPI interface.
See Section 9.7.1 Host Port Configuration for 1st Port for details of port configuration.
Device Wake-up (1st Port)
The module will wake up from a commanded HIBERNATE state if the ON_OFF signal
remains high and there is a data transition on port 0 (the first port). The wake-up message will
not be acted upon since the receiver is not operating until after wake-up.
See Section 9.7 Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation for details.
Contact Telit support for implementation of this signal.
The second host port is configured in the firmware build with one of two options:
UART for message and command communication
I2C for MEMS wakeup
Note: SPI is not available because it requires 4 pins
The default is I2C for MEMS wakeup.
Please conta ct Tel it support for details of port configuration.
Also, see Section 4.14 ME MS Wakeup (2nd Port - I2C).
9.7.1. Host Por t Configuration for 1st Port (port 0)
The receiver m odule includes a full-duplex se ria l inte rf ace which is configured for UART, I 2C
or SPI interface by reading GPIO6 and GPIO7 at start-up or reset (only).
The following table gives the required input signals:
Pin Pullup /
GPIO6 Weak
10 kΩ to +1.8 V
(may become CTS)
(becomes SCLK)
(may become RTS)
10 kΩ to ground Float
(becomes SPI_CS)
Table 9-7 Host I/O Port Configuration Fi rst port (p ort 0)
Note: GPIO6 and GPIO7 are read for configuration purposes at power up or reset only.
Afterwards, they may be used for UART or SPI signal lines depending on firmware options.
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9.7.2. Host Por t Configurat ion for 2nd Port (por t 1)
The second host port default configuration in determined in the firmware build.
9.7.3. UART Operation
Upon power up, the module will communicate using a standard asynchronous 8 bit protocol
with output messages appearing on the TX line and input commands and data being received
on the RX line. The UART can operate at baud rates from 4800 bps to 1.2288 Mbps, however
speeds above 115,200 bps have not been fully tested and verified.
If the module is operated in TricklePow er mode, a b aud rate o f at least 38,400 is recomm ended.
This reduces the time required to empty the output buffer and allows the receiver to drop into
the low power state for a longer period of time.
The minim um recommended baud ra te for OSP is 3840 0, or 115200 if debug data messag es are
Use the OSP MID 178,70 command to enable/disable flow control on the first port.
Use the Query/Rate Control (PSRF103) to enable and disable output NMEA messages and set
their output rates.
After configuration, the pins are defined as fo llow s:
Pin Name UART Function
First Port
Transmit Data (TX)
Receive Data (RX)
CTS (if enabled)
RTS (if enabled)
Second Port
Transmit Data (TX1)
Receive Data (RX1)
Table 9-8 UART Pin Assignments
Note: Flow control is disabled by default.
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9.7.4. I2C Operation
Upon power up, the module acts as a master transm itter and a slave receiver (multi-master m ode)
on the second port.
When used in I2C mode, external pull-ups in the range of 1K to 2.2K to a 1.8V to 3.6V power
supply are required on the RX and TX lines.
The default configuration is Multi-master. This can be changed to slave mode using an OSP
command MID 178, SID 1.
Clock rates of 100 and 400 kbps are supported.
The operation of the I2C with a master transm it and slave rece ive resembles a UART operation,
where both the module and the host can independently freely transmit. It is possible to enable
the master transmit and slave receive at the same time, as the I2C bus allows for contention
resolution between module and host vying for the bus.
After configuration, the pins are defined below:
Pin Name I2C Function
First Port
I2C Clock (SCL)
I2C Data (SDA)
Not used
Not used
Second Port
I2C Data (SDA)
I2C Clock (SCL)
Table 9-9 I2C Pin Assignments
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9.7.5. SPI Operation
See Section 9.7.1 Host Por t Configuration for 1st Port to specify SPI interface.
The 2nd port cannot be configured for SPI interface since there are only two pins available.
SPI is supported in the slave mode. The Micro Wi re for mat is not supported.
Maximum speed is 6.8 MHz.
After configuration, the pins are defined below:
Pin Name SPI Function
First Port
SPI Data Out (MISO)
SPI Data In (MOSI)
SPI Clock (SCLK)
SPI Chip Select (CS#)
Second Port
Not Available
Table 9-10 SPI Mode Pin A ssignments
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9.8. RF Interface
9.8.1. RF Input
The RF input (RF-IN) pin accepts GNSS signals in the range of 1561 MHz to 1606 MHz at a
level between -125 dBm and -165 dBm into 50 Ohm impedance.
No DC voltage can be applied to the RF input.
The RF input pin is ESD sensitive.
The SE868-V3 contains an integrated LNA and pre-select SAW filter. This allows the module
to work well with a passive GNSS antenna. If the antenna cannot be located near the module,
then an active antenna (that is, an antenna with a built in low noise amplifier) should be used.
Antenna Characteristics:
Passive antenna: isotropic gain of greater than -6 dBi.
Active antenna: noise figure of less than 1.0 dB will offer the best performance.
See Section 4.10 Internal LNA for recomm endations and m axim um rating s for a ctive ant enna
(or external LNA) gain.
9.8.2. External Active Antenna Voltage
If an activ e anten na (or exte rnal LNA) is us ed, an exter nal bias-T is required to provide voltage
to it. A DC blocking capacit or is also required to preven t DC voltage from being applied to RF-
IN pin.
9.8.3. Burnout Protecti on
The receiver accepts without risk of damage a signal of +10 dBm from 0 to 2 GHz carrier
frequency, except in band 1560 to 1610 MHz where the maximum level is –10 dBm.
9.8.4. Jamming Rejection
Jamm ing Rejection can be used for solv ing narrow band (CW ) EMI problems in the custom er’s
system . It is effectiv e against na rrow band c lock harm onics. Jamming Rejection is not effective
against wide band noise, e.g. from a host CPU mem ory bus or switching power supply because
these sources typically cannot be distinguished from thermal noise. A wide band jamming
signal effectively increa ses the noise floor and reduces GNSS signal levels.
Please refer to Section 4.9 Jamming Rejection for further details.
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9.8.5. Frequency Plan
Frequency (MHz)
TCXO Frequency
LO Frequency
Table 9-11 Frequency Plan
9.9. Local Oscillator Leakage
LO Leakage
-70 dBm (typical)
Table 9-12 LO Leakage
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10. Reference Desi gns
Note: XC6221 is the DC voltage supply regulator
Figure 10-1 SE868-V3 Reference DesignPassive Antenna
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Note: XC6221 is the DC voltage supply regulator
Figure 10-2 SE868-V3 Reference DesignAct ive Antenna
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Along with power and ground, the minimum signals required to operate the module properly
are: one RF input and four d ig ital lines.
The RF input can be connected directly to a passive GNSS antenna.
C5 is used to block DC voltag e from entering the m odule. The active-antenna refe ren ce d esig n
shows a DC power feed for its LNA. The inductor L1 is chosen to be self-resonant at the GPS
L1 frequency (1.57542 GHz) to minimize loading on the RF trace. Capacitor C6 is chosen to
be self-resonant at the GPS L1 frequency such that it is close to an RF short at that frequency.
V_ANT is the supply voltage for the external active antenna.
TX0 is a s tandard s erial output - usually a UART w ith a defau lt bit rat e of 9600 bps, 8 data bits,
1 stop bit, and no parity. As is the case with a ll UART data, the idl e state is logic one. This is a
1.8 volt logic level signal. Note that it can be configured for I2C or SPI interface.
RX0 is a stand ard se ri al input - usually a UA RT with a defau lt b it rat e of 9600 bps, 8 data bits,
1 stop bit and no parity. As is the case with all UART data, the idle state is logic one. This is a
1.8 volt logic level signal, but is tolerant to 3.6 volts.
Note that it can be configured for I2C or SPI interface.
TX1 and RX1 can be configured for I2C interface, but not SPI interface.
SYSTEM-ON is an output indicating the power state of the module. If the module is in the
RUN state, the log ic lev el w ill be high (1.8 V), otherwise the logic level will be low.
ON-OFF is an input to control the power state of the module. After power-up, the module will
enter the RUN state if i t is h ig h, or the HIBERNATE st ate if it i s low. SYSTEM- ON will th en
indicate the system’s state.
Note: ON-OFF must not be tied to V18 or the module will not be able to exit a commanded
Resistor R1 as shown pu lls GPI O6 high, w hich specifies the host port configuration to be serial
See Section 9.7 Host I/O Port Configuration and Operation for details.
The power supply shown is a minimal design for power requirements. The power supply must
have tight voltage regulation under varying line and load conditions to prevent falsely tripping
the internal voltage supervisor within the module.
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11. RF Front End Design
11.1. RF Signal Requirements
The receiver can achieve Cold Start acquisition with a sig nal level above the specified minimum
at its input. This means that it can acquire and track visible satellites, download the necessary
ephemeris data and compute the location within a 5 minute period. In the GNSS signal
acquisition process, demodulating the n avig ation m essag e data is the most di fficul t task, w hich
is why Cold Start acquisition requires a higher signal level than navigation or tracking. For the
purposes of this discussion, autonomous operation is assumed, which makes the Cold Start
acquisition level the dominant design constraint. If assistance data in the form of time or
ephem eris aiding is availa b le, lower sig nal lev el s can be used for acqu isit ion.
The GPS signal is defined by IS-GPS-200. This document states that the signal level received
by a linearly polarized antenna having 3 dBi gain will be a minimum of -130 dBm when the
antenna is in t he wo rst-case orientat ion and the satel lite is 5 deg rees o r m ore abov e the horiz on.
In actual practice, th e GPS satel lites transm it slightly m ore power than specified, and the signal
level typically increases if a satellite has higher elevation angles.
The GLONASS signa l is defined by GLONASS ICD 2 008 Version 5.1. This document states
that the power level of the received RF signal from GLONASS satellite at the output of a 3dBi
linearly polarized antenna is not less than -131dBm for L1 sub-band provided that the satellite
is observed at an angle 5 degrees or more above the horizon.
The receiver will display a reported C/No of 40 dB-Hz for a GPS signal level of -130 dBm at
the RF input. This assumes a SEN (system equivalent noise) of the receiver of 4dB. System
Equivalent Noise includes the Noise Figure of the receiver plus signal processing or digital
noise. For an equivalent GLONASS signal level the GLONASS signal will report a C/No of
approximately 39 dB-Hz. This is due to the receiver’s higher losses (NF ) for GLONASS signals
and a higher signal processing noise for GLONASS signals.
Each GNSS satellite presents its own signal to the receiver, and best performance is obtained
when the signal levels are between -130 dBm and -125 dBm. These received signal levels are
determined by:
GNSS satellite transmit power
GNSS satellite elevation angle
Free space path loss
Extraneous path loss (such as rain)
Partial or total path blockage (such as foliage or buildings)
Multipath interference (caused by signal reflection)
GNSS antenna characteristics
Signal path after the GNSS antenna
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The satellite transmit power is specified in each constellation’s reference documentation,
readily available online.
The GNSS signal is relatively immune to attenuation from rainfall.
However, the GNSS signal is heavily influenced by attenuation due to foliage (such as tree
canopies, etc.) as well as outright blockage caused by buildings, terrain or other items near the
line of sight to the specific GNSS satellite. This variable attenuation is highly dependent upon
satellite loc ation. If enoug h satelli tes are block ed, say a t a low e r elev at ion, o r a ll in one g en e ral
direction, the geometry of the remaini ng satellites will r esult is a lower position acc u r ac y. The
receiver reports this geometry effect in the form of PDOP, HDOP and VDOP numbers.
For example, in a vehicular application, the GNSS antenna may be placed on the dashboard or
rear pack age tray of an autom obile. The metal roof of the vehicle will cau se significant blockag e,
plus any therm al coat ing ap plied to the v ehicl e glas s ca n attenu ate th e GNSS signa l by as m uch
as 15 dB. Again, both of these factors will affect the performance of the receiver.
Multipath inte rferen ce is a phen omenon where the signal from a particular satellite is reflected
and is received by the GNSS antenna in addition to or in place of the line of sight signal. The
reflected signal has a path length that is longer than the line of sight path and can either attenuate
the original signal, or, if received in place of the original signal, can add error in determining a
solution because the distance to the particular satellite is actually shorter than measured. It is
this phenomenon that makes GNSS navigation in urban canyons (narrow roads surrounded by
high rise buildings) so challenging. In general, the reflection of a GNSS signal causes the
polarizat ion to rev erse. The implica tio ns of this are cov ered in the next sec tion.
11.2. GNSS Antenna Polarization
The GPS broadcast signal is Right Hand Circularly Polarized (RHCP).
An RHCP an tenna w ill have 3 dB gain com pared t o a linea rly-polarized antenna ( assum ing the
same antenna gain specified in dBic and dBi respectively).
An RHC P antenna is be tter at reject ing m ultipath int erf erence th an a line arly po lariz ed antenna
because the reflected signal changes polarization to LHCP. This signal would be rejected by
the RHCP antenna, typically by 20 dB or greater.
If the multipath signal is attenuating the line of sight signal, then the RHCP antenna would
show a higher signal level than a linearly polarized antenna because the interfering signal is
However, in the case where the multipath signal is replacing the line of sight signal, such as in
an urban canyon environment, then the number of satellites in view could drop below the
minimum needed to determine a 3D position. This is a case where a bad signal may be better
than no signal. The system designer needs to understand trade-offs in their application to
determine the better choice.
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11.3. Active versus Passive Antenna
If the GNSS antenna is placed near the receiver and the RF trace losses are not excessive
(nominally 1 dB), then a passive antenna may be used. This would often be the lowest cost
option and most of the time the simplest to use. However, if the antenna needs to be located
away from the receiver, then an active antenna may be required to obtain the best system
perform ance. An activ e antenna inclu des a built- in low noise amplifier (LNA) to overcom e RF
trace and cable losses. Also, many active antennas have a pre-sel ect filter, a post-select filter,
or both.
Important specifications for an active antenna LNA are gain and noise figure.
11.4. GNSS Antenna Gain
Antenna gain is defined as the amplified signal power from the antenna compared to a
theoretical isotropic antenna (equally sensitive in all directions).
Optimu m p erformance i s re alized o nly if th e firm ware build and hardwar e config urat ion match
the type of antenna used (active or passive). The firmware must set the internal LNA gain to
correspond to th e instal led anten na.
For example, a 25 mm by 25 mm square patch ant enna on a reference groun d plane (usua lly 70
mm by 70 mm) may give an antenna gain at zenith of 5 dBic. A smaller 18 mm by 18 mm
square patch on a reference ground plane (usually 50 mm by 50 mm) may give an antenna gain
at zenith of 2 dBic.
An antenna vendor should specify a nominal antenna gain (usually at zenith, or directly
overhead) and antenna pattern curves specifying gain as a function of elevation, and gain at a
fixed elevation as a function of azimuth. Pay careful attention to the requirement to meet the
required design, such as ground plane size and any external matching components. Failure to
follow these requirements could result in very poor antenna performance.
It is important to note that GNSS antenna gain is not the same as external LNA gain. Most
antenna vendors will specify these numbers separately, but some combine them into a single
number. Both numbers are significant when designing the front end of a GNSS receiver.
For example, antenna X has an antenna gain of 5 dBic at azimuth and an LNA gain of
20 dB for a combined total of 25 dB. A ntenna Y has an antenna g ain of -5 dBic at azimuth and
an LNA gain of 30 dB for a combined total of 25 dB. However, in the system, antenna X will
outperform antenna Y by about 10 dB (Refer to the next section for more details on external
LNA gain).
An antenna with higher gain will generally outperform an antenna with lower gain. However,
once the signals are above about -130 dBm for a particular satellite, no improvement in
performance would be realized. But for those satellites with a signal level below about -135
dBm, a higher gain antenna would am plify the signal and improve the performance of the GNSS
receiver. In the case of really weak signals, a good antenna could mean the difference between
being able to use a particular satellite signal or not.
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11.5. External LNA Gain and Noise Figure
The modules can be used with an external LNA (usually built into an active antenna). Because
of the internal LNA, the overall external gain (including signal losses past the external LNA)
should conform to th e specification in Table 4-1 Internal gain value and external gain range
for best perform ance. Using an ex tern al L NA may require setting t he in tern al L N A to low gain
mode, which requi res a fir m w are cha ng e. Levels hig h er than specified may affect the jamm ing
detection capability and o v era ll performance of the receiver. Contact Telit for details.
The external LNA should have a n oise figure bet ter t han 1 dB . This w ill g iv e an ov erall sy stem
noise figure of around 2 dB (assuming the LNA gain is 14 dB) or higher if a low gain mode is
selected within the module. The overall system noise figure can be calculated using the Friis
formula for cascaded noise figure. The simplified formula is:
Equation 11-1 Cascade Noise Figure
Where F is the total system noise figure, F1 is the noise figure of the external LNA, F2 is the
noise figure of the internal LNA, and G1 is the gain of the exte rnal LNA. I n the GNSS receiver ,
digital nois e is an additive n umber and cannot be redu ced by reducing the Sy stem Noise figure.
Figure 11-1 Cascade Noise Figure example calculations with external LNA
If the external LNA has no pre-select filter, it must be able to accommodate signals outside the
GNSS passband, which ar e typica lly at m uch higher l evels than GNSS. The ampli fier must stay
in the linear region when presented with these other signals. Again, the system designer needs
to determine all of the unintended s ignals and their possible levels that can be presented m aking
sure the external LNA will not be driven into compression. If this were to happen, the GNSS
signal itself would start to be attenuated and the GNSS performance would suffer.
11.6. System Noise Floor
The receiver will display a reported C/No of 40 dB-Hz for an input signal level of -130 dBm.
The C/No number means the carrier (or signal) is 40 dB greater than the noise floor measured
in a one Hz bandwidth. This is a standard method of measuring GNSS receiver performance.
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The simplified formula is:
C/No = GNSS Signal level Thermal Noise System NF
Therm al noise is -174 dBm/Hz at 290K.
Equation 11-2 Carrier to Noise Ratio
We can estimate a system noise figure of 4 d B for the module, cons isting of the pre-select SAW
filter loss, th e LNA noise f igure, and im plem entati on lo sses wi thin the d igita l sign al pro cessin g
unit. The DSP noise is typically 1.0 to 1.5 dB.
However, if a good qua lity extern a l L N A is u se d, the noise figure of that LN A ( ty p ica lly bette r
than 1dB) could reduce the overall system noise figure from 4 dB to approximately 2 dB.
11.7. RF Trace Losses
RF Trace losses on a PCB are difficult to estimate without having appropriate tables or RF
simulation software. A g ood rule of thumb would be to k eep the RF traces as short as possible ,
make sure they are 50 ohm impedance, and don’t contain any sharp bends.
Figure 11-2 RF Trace Examples
11.8. PCB stack and Trace Impedance
It is important to maintain a 50 Ω impedance on the RF path trace. Design software for
calculating trace impedance can be found from multiple sources on the internet. The best
method is to contact your PCB supplier and request a stackup for a 50 Ω controlled impedance
board. Th ey wil l giv e you a sug g ested trace w idth a long with PCB stack up needed to c reate th e
50 Ω impedance.
It is also important to consider the effects of component pads that are in the path of the 50 Ω
trace. If the traces are shorter than a 1/16th wavelength, transmission line effects will be
minimi zed, but stray capacitance from large component pads can induce additional RF losses.
It m ay be neces sa ry to ask t he P CB v endor to g en erate a new PC B s tack up and sug g ested t ra ce
width that is closer to the component pads, or modify the component pads themselves.
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11.9. Implications of the Pre-Select SAW Filter
The SE868-V3 modules include a pre-select SAW filter in front of the internal LNA. Thus the
RF input of the module is connected directly to the SAW filter. Any circuit connected to the
RF input pin would see a complex impedance presented by the SAW filter (especially out of
band), rather than the relatively broad and flat return loss presented by an LNA. Filter devices
pass the desired in-band signal, resulting in low reflected energy (good return loss), and reject
the out-of-band signals by reflecting it back to the input, resulting in bad return loss.
If an external amplifie r is to be used with the receiver, the overall des ign should be check ed for
RF stability to prevent the external amplifier from oscillating. Amplifiers that are
unconditionally stable at their output will function correctly .
If an external filter is to be connected directly to the module, care needs to be used in making
sure the external filter or the internal SAW filter performance is not compromised. These
components are typically specified to operate into 50 Ω impedance, which is generally true in-
band, but would not be true out of band. I f there is extra g ain associated with the external filter,
then a 6 dB Pi or T resistive attenuator is suggested to improve the impedance match between
the two components.
11.10. Powering an External LNA (active antenna)
An external LNA requires a source of power. Many active antennas accept a 3 V or
5 V DC voltage that is impressed upon the RF signal line.
Two approaches can be used:
1. Use an inductor to tie directly to the RF trace. This inductor should be at self-resonant at
L1 (1.57542 GHz) and should have good Q for low loss. The higher the inductor Q, the
lower the loss will be. The side of the inductor connecting to the antenna supply voltage
should be bypassed to ground with a good quality RF capacitor, again with self-resonance
at the L1 frequency.
2. Use a quarter wave stub in place of the inductor. The length of the stub is designed to be
exactly ¼ wavelength at L1, which has the effect of making an RF short at one end of the
stub to app ear a s an RF ope n at the other e nd. The RF short is created by a high quality RF
capacitor operating at self-resonance.
The choice between the two would be determined by:
RF path loss introduced by either the inductor or quarter wave stub.
Cost of the inductor.
Space availability for the quarter wave stub.
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Simulations done by Telit show the following:
Inductor Additional signal loss (dB)
Murata LQG15HS27NJ02 0.65
Quarter wave stub on FR4 0.59
Coilcraft B09TJLC (used in ref. design) 0.37
Table 11-1 Inductor Loss
Since this additional loss occurs after the LNA, it is generally not significant unless the circuit
is being designed to work with both active and passive antennas.
11.11. RF Interference
RF inte rference into the GN SS receiver tends to be the bigg est problem w hen determ ining why
the system performance is not meeting expectations. As mentioned earlier, the GNSS signals
are at -130 dBm and lower. If signals higher than this are presented to the receiver, the RF front
end can be overdriven. T h e r e c ei ve r c an r ej e ct a number of CW j amming signals in each band
(GPS, GLONASS, and BeiDou), but would still be affected by non-CW signals.
The most common source of interference is digital noise, often created by the fast rise and fall
times and high clock speeds of modern digital circuitry. For example, a popular netbook
computer uses an Atom processor clocked at 1.6 GHz. This is only 25 MHz away from the
GNSS signal, and depending upon temperature of the SAW filter, can be within its passband.
Because of the nature of the address and data lines, this would be broadband digital noise at a
relatively high level.
Such devic es ar e r equ ired t o adhe re to a reg ula tory s ta ndard fo r emissions su ch a s F CC Par t 1 5
Subpart J Class B or CISPR 22. However, these regulatory emission levels are far higher than
the GNSS signal.
11.12. Shielding
Shielding the RF circuitry generally is ineffective because the interference is received by the
GNSS antenn a itse lf, the m ost sen sitiv e portion of the RF path. The ant enna cannot be shie lded
because it could not then receive the GNSS signals.
There are two solutions, one is to move the antenna away from the source of interference, and
the other is to shield the digital interference source to p rev e nt it fro m getting to the ante nn a.
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12. M echanical Drawing
Figure 12-1 SE868-V3 Mechanical Drawing
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13. PCB Footprint
Figure 13-1 SE868-V3 PCB Footprint
The module shall be mounted on a PCB which complies with V-0 flammability class.
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14. Product Packaging and Handling
14.1. Product Marking and Serialization
The SE868-V3 module label has a 2D Barcode with the module serial number.
Contact a Telit representative for information on specific module serial numbers.
Key Description
0 P in 1 identification
1 Te li t logo
2 Product ID
3 P roduct Variant (if any)
4 Barcode type 2D datamatrix and text of Telit Serial Number
11 digit (base 36 - 0 to 9 followed by A to Z)
5 CE logo
Sample text (if any)
Figure 14-1 Product Label
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14.2. Product Packaging and Delivery
SE868-V3 modules are available in Trays or on Tape and Reel.
All packaging is ESD protective lined.
Modules shipped in tray form:
Each tray is ‘dry’ packaged and vacuum sealed in a Moisture Barrier Bag (MBB) with two
silica gel packs and then placed in a carton.
Figure 14-2 Product Packaging - Tray
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Modules shipped in Tape and Reel form:
Each reel is ‘dry’ packaged and vacuum sealed in a Moisture Barrier Bag (MBB) with two
silica gel packs and a humidity indicator card which is then placed in a carton.
Figure 14-3 Product Packaging - Tape and Reel
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14.3. Moisture Sensitivity
Precautionary measures are required in handling, storing and using these devices to avoid
damage from moisture absorption. If localized heating is required to rework or repair the device,
precautionary methods are required to avoid exposure to solder reflow temperatures that can
result in performance degradation.
The receiver module has a moisture sensitivity level rating of 3 as defined by IPC/JEDEC J-
STD-020. This rating is assigned due to some of the components used within the module.
Please follow the MSD and ESD handling instructions on the labels of the MBB and exterior
The SE868-V3 is supplied in trays or tape and reel and is hermetically sealed with desiccant
and humidity indicator card. The SE868-V3 parts must be placed and reflowed within 168 hours
of first opening the hermetic seal provided the factory conditions are less than 30°C and less
than 60% R. H. and the humidity indicator card indicates less than 10% relative humidity.
If the package has been opened or the humidity indicator card indicates above 10%, then the
parts must be baked prior to reflow. The parts may be baked at +125°C ± 5°C for 48 hours.
Howev er, the tray or the tape and reel can NOT withsta nd that tempera ture. Lower temperature
baking is feasible if the humidity level is low and time is available. Please see IPC/JEDEC J-
STD-033 Handling, Pack ing , Shipping and Use of Mois ture/Re flow Sensi tiv e Surfa ce Mou n t
Devicesfor additional information.
Additional information can be found on the MSL tag affixed to the outside of the hermetically
sealed bag.
JEDEC standards are available free of charg e from the JEDEC website
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Figure 14-4 Moisture Sensitive Device Label
14.4. ESD Sensitivity
The module contains class 1 devices and is classified as Electro-Static Discharge Sensitive
Telit recommends two basic principles of protecting ESD devices from damage:
Handle sensitive components only in an ESD Protected Area (EPA) under protected
and controlled conditions;
Protect sensitive devices outside the EPA using ESD protective packaging.
All personnel handl ing ESDS devices have the responsibility to be aware of the ESD threat to
the reliabili ty of electron ic produc ts.
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Further information can be obtained from the JEDEC standard JESD625-A Requirements
for Handling Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESD S) Devices w h ich can be downloaded
free of charge from:
14.5. Reflow
The modules are compatible with lead free soldering processes as defined in IPC/JEDEC J-
STD-020. The reflow profile m ust not exceed the profile g iven IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Table
5-2, “Classification Reflow Profiles”. Although IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 allows for three
reflows, the assembly process for the module uses one of those profiles, therefore the module
is lim ited to tw o re fl ow s.
When re-flowing a dual-sided SMT board, it is important to reflow the side containing the
module last. This prevents heavier components within the module from becoming dislodged if
the solder reaches liquidus temperature while the module is inverted.
Note: JEDEC standa rds are availab le for free from the JEDEC web si te .
Please note tha t the JEDEC docum ent includes important inform ation in addition to
the above figure.
14.6. Assembly Considerations
Since the module contains piezo-electric compo nents, it should be placed near the end of the
assembly process to minimize mechanical shock to it . During board sing ulation, p ay careful
attention to unwanted vibrations and resonances introduced into the board assembly by the
board router.
14.7. Washing Considerations
The m odule can be w ashed using stand ard PC B clean ing procedu res a fter ass em bly. The sh ield
does not provide a water seal to the internal components of the module, so it is important that
the module be thoroughly dried prior to use by blowing excess water and then baking the
module to drive residual moisture out. Depending upon the board cleaning equipment, the
drying cycle may not be sufficient to thoroughly dr y the module, so additional steps may need
to be taken. Ex ac t p rocess d eta ils wi ll ne ed to be de term ined by the ty pe of w ashi ng equipm ent
as well as other components on the board to which the module is attached. The module itself
can withstand standard JEDEC baking procedures.
14.8. Safety
Improper handling and use of this module can cause permanent damage to it. There is also the
possible risk of personal injury from mechanical trauma or choking hazard.
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14.9. Disposal
Telit recommends that this product s hould not be treated as ho usehold waste. For more detailed
information about recycling this product, please contact your local waste management authority
or the reseller from whom you purchased the product.
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15. Environmental Requirements
15.1. Operating Environmental Limits
-40°C to +85°C
Temperature Rate of Change
±1°C / minute maximum
Up to 95% non-condensing or
wet bulb temperature of +35°C,
whichever is les s
-1500 m to 100,000 m
Maximum Vehicle Dynamics
600 m/s (acquisition and navigation)
2 G acceleration
ITAR Limits
515 m/s and altitude greater than 18,000 m
Table 15-1 SE868-V3 Operating Environmental Limits
15.2. Storage En vironmental Limi ts
-40°C to +85°C
Up to 95% non-condensing or
wet bulb temperature of +35°C,
whichever is les s
-1500 m to 100,000 m
18G peak, 5 millisecond duration
Shock (in shipping container)
10 drops from 75 cm onto concrete floor
Table 15-2 SE868-V3 Storage Environmental Limits
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16. Compliances
The SE868-V3 module complies with the following:
Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)
Manufactured in an ISO 9000: 2000 accredited facility
Manufactured to TS 16949 requirement (upon request)
The SE868-V3 module conforms to the following European Union Directives:
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC and product safety test
Directive EMC 2004/108/EC for conformity for EMC
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16.1. CE Declaration of Conformity
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16.2. RoHs Compliance
The Telit SE868-V3 modules are fully compliant with Directive 2002/95/EC on the
restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment (RoHS)
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17. Glossary and Acronyms
AGPS: Assisted (or Aided) GPS
AGPS provides ephemeri s data to the receiver to allow faster cold start times than would be
possible using only broadcast data.
This extended ephemeris data could be either server-generated or locally-generated.
See Local Ephemeris prediction data and Server-based Ephemeris prediction data
A reduced-precision set of orbital parameters for the entire GPS constellation that allows
calculation of approximate satellite positions and velocities. The almanac may be used by a
receiver to determine satellite visibility as an aid during acquisition of satellite signals. The
almanac is updated weekly by the Master Control Station. See Ephemeris.
BeiDou (BDS / formerly COMPASS):
The Chinese GNSS, currently being expanded towards full operational capability.
Cold Start:
A cold start occurs when a receiver begins operation with unknown position, time, and
ephemeris data, typically when it is powered up after a period on inactivity. Almanac
information may be used to identify previously visible satellites and their app roximate positions.
See Restart.
Cold Start Acquisition Sensitivity:
The low est signal l evel at w hich a GNSS rece iver is ab le to reli ably acqui re satelli te signa ls and
calcu late a nav ig at ion so lu tion from a Cold S tart . C old s tart acqu is ition sen sit ivity is l im ited by
the data decoding threshold of the satellite messages.
EGNOS: European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
The European SBAS system.
Ephemeris (plural ephemerides):
A set of precise orbital parameters that is used by a GNSS receiv er to calculate sate llite position
and velocity. The satellite position is then used to calculate the navigation solution. Ephemeris
data is updated frequently (normally every 2 hours for GPS) to maintain the accuracy of the
position calculation. See Almanac.
ESD: Electro-Static Discharge
Large, m omentary, unwanted electrical currents that can cause damage to electronic equipment.
The Indian SBAS system.
The European GNSS currently being built by the European Union (EU) and European Space
Agency (ESA).
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GDOP: Geometric Dilution of Precision
A factor used to describe the effect of satellite g eometry on the accuracy of the time and position
so l ut ion of a GNSS receiver. A lower value of GDOP indicates a smaller error in the solution.
Related factors include PDOP, HDOP, VDOP and TDOP.
GLONASS: ГЛОбальная НАвигационная Спутниковая Система
GLObal'naya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema
(Global Navigation Satellite System)
The Russian GNSS, which is operated by the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System
Generic term for a satellite-based navigation system with global coverage. The current or
planned systems are: GPS, GLONASS, BDS, and Galileo.
GPS: Global Positioning System
The U.S. GNSS, a satellite-based positioning system that provides accurate position, velocity,
and time data. GPS is operated by the US Department of Defense.
Hot Start:
A hot start occurs when a receiver begins operation with known time, position, and ephemeris
data, typically after being sent a restart command. See Restart.
LCC: Leadless Chip Carrier
A module design without pins. In place of the pins are pads of bare gold-plated copper that ar e
soldered to the printed circuit board.
LNA: Low Noise Amplifier
An electronic amplifier used for very weak signals which is especially designed to add very
little no is e to the a mplified sig nal.
Local Ephemeris prediction data:
Extended Ephemeris (i.e. predicted) data, calculated by the receiver from broadcast data
received from satell ites, w hich is sto red in m em ory. I t is usua lly useful for up to three day s. See
MSAS: MTSAT Sate ll it e A ug mentation Sy stem
The Japanese SBAS system.
MSD: Moisture sensitive device.
MTSAT: Mult ifu n ct ional Transpo r t Sa tel li te s
The Japanese system of geosynchronous satellites used for weather and aviation control.
Navigation Sensitivity: The lowest signal level at which a GNSS receiver is able to reliably
maintain navigation after the satellite signals have been acquired.
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NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association
QZSS: Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
The Japanese SBAS system (part of MSAS).
Reacquisition: A receiver, while in normal operation, loses RF signal (perhaps due to the
antenna cable being disconnected or a vehicle entering a tunnel), and re-establishes a valid fix
after the signal is resto red. Contrast with Reset and Restart.
Restart: A receiver beginning operation af te r be ing sen t a restart command, generally used for
testing r ath er th an n orm a l op eratio n. A re start ca n a lso resu lt f rom a powe r-up. See Cold Start,
Warm Start, and Hot Start. Contrast with Reset and Reacquisition.
Reset: A receiver beginning operation after a (ha rdwar e) r eset si gnal on a pi n, gener all y used
for testing rather than normal operation. Contrast with Restart and Reacquisition.
RoHS: The Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment, was adopted in February 2003 by the European Union.
RTC: Real Time Clock
An electronic device (chip) that maintains time continuously while powered up.
SAW: Surface Acoustic Wave filter
Electromechanical device used in radio frequency applications. SAW filters are useful at
frequencies up to 3 GHz.
SBAS: Satellite Based Augmentation System
A system that uses a network of ground stations and geostationary satellites to provide
differential corrections to GNSS receivers. These corrections are transmitted on the same
frequency as navigation signals, so the receiver can use the same front-end design to process
them. Current examples are WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, and GAGAN.
Server-based Ephemeris prediction data:
Extended Ephemeris (i.e. predicted) data, calculated by a server and provided to the receiver
over a network. It is usually useful for up to 14 days. See AGPS.
TCXO: Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator
Tracking Sensitivity:
The lowest signal level at which a GNSS receiver is able to maintain tracking of a satellite
signal after acqu is ition is complete.
TTFF: Time to First Fix
The elapsed time required by a receiver to achieve a valid position solution from a specified
starting condition. This value will vary with the operating state of the receiver, the length of
time since the last position fix, the location of the last fix, and the specific receiver design. A
standard reference level of -130 dBm is used fo r tes ting.
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UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
An integrated circuit (or part thereof) which provides a serial communication port for a
computer or peripheral device.
WAAS: Wide Area Augmentation System
The North American SBAS system developed by the US FAA (Federal Aviation
Warm Start:
A warm start occurs when a receiver begins operation with k nown (at least approx imately) time
and position, but unknown ephemeris data, typically after being sent a restart command.. See
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18. S afety Recommendatio ns
Be sure that the use of this product is allowed in the country and in the environment required.
The use of this product may be dangerous and must be avoided in the following areas:
Where it can interfere with other electronic devices in environments such as hospitals,
airports, aircraft, etc.
Where there is risk of explosion such as gasoline stations, oil refineries, etc. It is the
responsibility of the user to enforce the country regulation and specific environmental
Do not disassemble the product. Evidence of tam p ering will invalidate the warranty.
Telit recommends following the instructions in product user guides for correct installation of
the product. The product must be supplied with a stabilized voltage source and all wiring must
conform to security and fire prevention regulations. The product must be handled with care,
avoiding any contact with the pins because electrostatic discharges may damage the product
The system integrator is responsible for the functioning of the final product; therefore, care
must be tak en with components external to the m odule, as wel l as for any project or installation
issue. Should there be any doubt, please refer to the technical documentation and the regulations
in force. Non-antenna modules must be equipped with a proper antenna with specific
The European Community provides some Directives for electronic equipment introduced on
the market. All the relevant information are available on the European Community website:
The text of the Directive 99/05 regarding telecommunication equipment is available, while the
applicable Directives (Low Voltage and EMC) are available at:
The power supp ly used shal l comply the clau se 2.5 (Lim ited power sources) o f the standard EN
60950-1 and the module shall be mounted on a PCB which complies with V-0 flammability
Since the module must be built-in to a system, it is intended only for installation in a
RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION. Therefore, the system integrator must provide an
enclosure which protects against fire, electrical shock, and mechanical shock in accordance
with relevan t standard s.
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Mod. 0805 2015-02 Rev.4
19. Document History
First issue
Added Internal LNA information
Added Table 4-1
Internal gain value and external
gain range.
Revised Tab le 7-1 Defaul t NMEA Outpu t Me ssages.
Revised Table 7-2
Available NMEA Output
Changes description of GPI08
Changed module photo
Updated glossary
Minor text changes
Clarified GLONASS glossary entry
Corrected LNA Noise Figure example
Text updates
Clarified BOOT pin should be left floating
Corrected SYSTEM_ON to ON_OFF in 9.4.4
Corrected active antenna reference design
Added package description in 2.1
Changed default for Velocity DR to disabled
Added NMEA and OSP command information
Added DoC
Gen 2: Added Switching Mode Power Supply
Added FW variant section
Updated Message Waiting (DRI) information
Updated 2nd Serial Port information
Updated MEMS wakeup information
Updated BOOT pin information
Updated 1PPS description
Corrected SYSTEM-ON description
Minor text revisions