The MSP-100-MicroButton™ from Measurement Specialties
provides stainless steel media compatibility for the price of
competing plastic sensors. This sensor has no silicone gel or
polymeric media isolation methods to fail in contact with
water or other harsh chemicals. The all-metal diaphragm
design is immune to pressure fluctuations and subsequent
damage. The all-metal pressure enclosure has a small round
plastic housing and is available with a cable and connector.
Pressure connections are provided via an o-ring seal. Both
compensated/calibrated and uncompensated versions are
available. High volume port options
are customer specific. The
small size vs performance
and media compatibility
is provided through
100% 316L stainless steel isolation
for harsh chemical measurement
Cable/connector versions standard,
contact factory for PCB mountable
Low cost, high volume
Custom seal designs available
Drinking water or beverage safe
Calibrated 100mV output
Features Microfused™ technology
Beverage dispensing systems
Severe pressure cycle applications
Ink jet & paint spraying systems
Liquid dispensing
High volume custom pressure / flow
Ultra Low Cost Stainless Steel Pressure Sensors
static performance specifications
Units mV output Compensated Notes
Min. Typ. Max.
Offset mV / %FS -2% 0mV 2% 1,2, 3
Span mV / %FS -2% 100mV 2% 1,2,3
Accuracy % Span -.5 0.2 +.5 2,4
Long Term Stability % Span / yr - 0.25 -
Response Time mS .1 - - 5
Supply Voltage V - 5 14
Supply Current mA 2.5 3 3.5
Output Load K Ohms 100 - - 2
Input Impedance K Ohms - 4 -
Output Impedance K Ohms - 4 -
Isolation voltage M ohm @ 250V 50 - -
1) Output loading mV output products will change zero, span
and thermal errors (keep min. to 100K Ohms)
2) Room temperature calibration (25C)
3) Custom offset & span calibration available
range - consult factory
4) Combined BFSL linearity, hysteresis & repeatability
5) mV versions 10% to 90% pressure change, consult factory
for amplified versions
environmental performance
Specification Units Uncompensated Compensated Notes
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Thermal effect on Offset 0ºC to 45ºC % Span - - -2 - 2 1,2,3,4
Thermal effect on span 0ºC to 45ºC % Span - - -2 - 2 1,2,3,4
Operating temperature Deg. C 0 25 55 0 25 55
1) With reference to 25ºC
2) Other temperature ranges available
3) Tighter temperature calibration available
4) Uncompensated thermal performance
somewhat dependent on pressure range, consult
factory for more information.
mechanical specifications
ordering information
Specification Value
Proof pressure 1.5x rated pressure
Burst pressure 3x rated pressure
Vibration ±20G MIL-STD-810 C, Procedure 514.2, Figure 514.2-2, Curve L
Shock 50G 11sec 1/2 sine per Mil std 202F method 213B cond. A
Pressure cycles 10 million cycles 0 to full scale
Media compatibility All materials compatible with 316 stainless steel
Model Output Connection Specials port type Pressure range Pressure unit
MS1 X X - 000000 X - XXXX X
Output Connection Specials Port Type Pressure range Pressure
2=.0 to 100mV 1= cable 2 feet Specials are U = -10 o-ring seal 100P=0 to 100psi G = gauge
designated by a (.36” hole required) 250P=0 to 250psi
5 digit number. j=flat version 500P=0 to 500psi
X=Special output X=Special o-ring button 01KP=0 to 1Kpsi
connection 2K5P=0 to 2.5Kpsi
X= special port 05KP=0 to 5Kpsi
For ratiometric output, span changes with input voltage (see supply voltage specifications)
Specifications subject to change without notice
mechanical dimensions