Application Hints
A Tantalum capacitor with a minimum capacitance value of
22 μF, and ESR in the range of 0.01Ω to 5Ω, is required at
the output pin for loop stability. It must be located less than 1
cm from the device. There is no limitation on any additional
Alternately, a high quality X5R/X7R 22 μF ceramic capacitor
may be used for the output capacitor only if an appropriate
value of series resistance is added to simulate the ESR re-
quirement. The ceramic capacitor selection must include an
appropriate voltage de-rating of the capacitance value due to
the applied output voltage. The series resistor (for ESR sim-
ulation) should be in the range of 0.1Ω to 1.0Ω.
The output voltage range is 5V to 20V and is set by the two
external resistors, R1 and R2. See the Typical Applications.
The output voltage is given by the formula:
VOUT = VREF x ((R1+R2) / R1)
where VREF is typically 1.275V.
Using 1.00 kΩ for R1 will ensure that the bias current error of
the adjust pin will be negligible. Using a R1 value higher than
10 kΩ may cause the output voltage to shift across tempera-
ture due to variations in the adjust pin bias current.
Calculating the upper resistor (R2) value of the pair when the
lower resistor (R1) value is known is accomplished with the
following formula:
R2 = R1 x ((VOUT / VREF) - 1)
The resistors used for R1 and R2 should be high quality, tight
tolerance, and with matching temperature coefficients. It is
important to remember that, although the value of VREF is
guaranteed, the final value of VOUT is not. The use of low
quality resistors for R1 and R2 can easily produce a VOUT
value that is unacceptable.
The ON/OFF pin has no internal pull-up or pull-down to es-
tablish a default condition and, as a result, this pin must be
terminated externally, either actively or passively.
The ON/OFF pin requires a low level to enable the output, and
a high level to disable the output. To ensure reliable operation,
the ON/OFF pin voltage must rise above the maximum ON/
OFF(OFF) voltage threshold (2.00V) to disable the output, and
must fall below the minimum ON/OFF(ON) voltage threshold
(0.80V) to enable the output. If the ON/OFF function is not
needed this pin can be connected directly to Ground.
If the ON/OFF pin is being pulled to a high state through a
series resistor, an allowance must be made for the ON/OFF
pin current that will cause a voltage drop across the pull-up
The LM2941 incorporates a linear form of thermal protection
that limits the junction temperature (TJ) to typically 155°C.
Should the LM2941 see a fault condition that results in ex-
cessive power dissipation and the junction temperature ap-
proaches 155°C, the device will respond by reducing the
output current (which reduces the power dissipation) to hold
the junction temperature at 155°C.
Thermal Overload protection is not a guaranteed operating
condition. Operating at, or near to, the Thermal Overload
condition for any extended period of time is not encouraged,
or recommended, as this may shorten the lifetime of the de-
Consideration should be given to the maximum power dissi-
pation (PD(MAX)) which is limited by the maximum operating
junction temperature (TJ(MAX)) of 125°C, the maximum oper-
ating ambient temperature (TA(MAX)) of the application, and
the thermal resistance (θJA) of the package. Under all possible
conditions, the junction temperature (TJ) must be within the
range specified in the Operating Ratings. The total power dis-
sipation of the device is given by:
PD = ( (VIN − VOUT) x IOUT) + (VIN x IGND)
where IGND is the operating ground pin current of the device
(specified under Electrical Characteristics).
The maximum allowable junction temperature rise (ΔTJ) de-
pends on the maximum expected ambient temperature
(TA(MAX)) of the application, and the maximum allowable junc-
tion temperature (TJ(MAX)):
The maximum allowable value for junction to ambient Ther-
mal Resistance, θJA, required to keep the junction tempera-
ture, TJ, from exceeding maximum allowed can be calculated
using the formula:
The maximum allowable power dissipation, PD(MAX), required
allowed for a specific ambient temperature can be calculated
using the formula:
Additional information for thermal performance of surface
mount packages can be found in AN-1520: A Guide to Board
Layout for Best Thermal Resistance for Exposed Packages,
AN-1187: Leadless Leadframe Package (LLP), and AN-2020:
Thermal Design By Insight, Not Hindsight .
The thermal dissipation of the TO-263 package is directly re-
lated to the printed circuit board construction and the amount
of additional copper area connected to the TAB.
The TAB on the bottom of the TO-263 package is connected
to the die substrate via a conductive die attach adhesive, and
to device pin 3. As such, it is strongly recommend that the
TAB area be connected to copper area directly under the TAB
that is extended into the ground plane via multiple thermal
vias. Alternately, but not recommended, the TAB may be left
floating (i.e. no direct electrical connection). The TAB must
not be connected to any potential other than ground.
For the LM2941S in the TS5B TO-263 package, the junction-
to-case thermal rating, θJC, is 1°C/W, where the CASE is
defined as the bottom of the package at the center of the TAB
area. The junction-to-ambient thermal performance for the
LM2941S in the TO-263 package, using the JEDEC JESD51
standards is summarized in the following table:
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