CO Miniature Housings LDG-A Models LDG-A-12 ... max. 12 connections LDG-A-14 ... max. 14 connections LDG-A-16 ... max. 16 connections LDG-A-320 ... max. 30 connections General The LDG-A series of miniature housings are fully-insulated housings to the specifications of the machinery and auto- mobile industries, with terminals protected against acci- dental contact in accordance with VDE 0100 Part 750, VDE 0160 Part 100 and VBG 4. Designed to be particularly easy to install, these housings facilitate extremely rational equipment assembly with opti- mal utilization of space. @ Connections between the circuit boards and the ter- minals by means of solderable circuit-board connec- ting pins, so that no wiring connections are needed. @ The connecting pins are suitable for automatic solde- ring processes. @ Blind plugs close off any unused terminal ducts. @ The flat cover is easily removed and can be readily drilled or otherwise adapted to requirements. Captive, self-locking terminal screws that are highly resistant to loosening through vibration. Large wiring entry channels and guidance for screwdrivers. @ Equippment can be completely assembled before being built into the housing. @ Structured surface and attractive design. @ Easy to assemble and simple to dismantle should ser- vicing be necessary. @ Creepage and air distances to VDE 0110 Group C, FARNELL COD Technical Data M4p-7383 Description LDG-A-12 LDG-A-14 | LDG-A-16 LDG-A-30 Protection Housing IP 40 Terminals IP 20 Housing base Polycarbonate (30% GFR), RAL 7032, UL 94 V-1 Terminal housing, cover and blind plugs Polycarbonate, UL 94 V-2 Material sheet steel, tinned Terminals| Wire cross section max. 2,5 mm? max. 4mm? Rated current max. 16 A max. 20 A Terminal pins Tin bronze 2 um initial nickel plating 5 tm tin plating Temperature range -40C ...+h0C Overall dimensions L 75 x W 22,5 x H 100 mm| L175 xB 45H llOmm | L 75 x W $5 x H 10 mm {t 75 x W 99.7 XH WOmm Ne = - ERNI Elektroapparate GmbH I++ 49-71 66-500 *% 7 27 759 Seestrafe 9 Telefax ++49-7166-50282 D-7327 Adelbergi Miniature housings LDG-A-12 . Recommended circuit board dimensions 64 --___J . 5h 61 | Lengthwise 52,07 48 36,83 =y 9 | P29, 21a * t | [] L iiftes Wel 7 Ts 5 |S Re tT ! io a | ot maQ+_t__f p+ | | i q D o ' i = ay Hs ) + ob } Q ' ap / : \+ 2 3 | J | : | f fhe i rr a . Dimensions section A-B Section C-D A a - C 22,5 Cover ' Py 25 3 56 ny & 23 ol py spa | Ty PE__Termine! nousing, ight Terminal housing left et 5 rm zt xe ~| Hj t ut Crosswise circuit board 4 | ~PCR ternal pin. rig terminal pin right _ se 1 414259 Ly) = 17,55 le H) iff 2 414460 Lo= 11,95 PCB terminal pin, left - ~ | agis 3 414461 L3= 635 1 414456 L) = 17:55 S | Termina: 2 414487 Lgs= 11,95 2 a 3 414458 L3= 6,35 an ; in rl Blind ping Hole for Lo (in place of terminai cheese-head screw H and terminal pin) ~_Lengthwise : H yw circuit board B 2.2x6,5 DIN 7971 | fii 4 ilk 413 339 t at = ss: i gin | ee wl | 550 Suding catch Housing base aa : = ome Sn with sliding catch 355 circuit board 1,270) . . . -~" Crosswise circuit board WB - | ne 1'7,5 met 4 2,67"! ) ho 14,3 Max. a -01 alls Length available for components depends on the location of the crosswise circuit board be 17,5 1) height depends on location of the crosswise circuit board omponents/ Miniature housings LDG-A-14 Dimensions h 7S . ne i Hole for cheese-head screw B 2.2 x 6,5 DIN 7871 42,2 _ x59=35,46 et | Terminal housing (wide) 3,3=99 3 12, i's 8,4 ; " | Cover _ Ly! :; : =! | af - pI so. i | nan ! se ~~ PCB terminal pin dong Crosswise circuit i eee a ! Kl ME Trial pin er board ee ee ee PPR Terminal housing (narrowy- <7" a A : Terminal g 847 RR EP dg . PCB terminal pin (sho) 7") | e Blind plug g 1 tS th la (Qn place of terminal Lengthwise : ae oe ! and terminai pin) ais anh circuit board : | ' i : i iN wn Pos ! I - poy fe i =} at Ww Housing base, grey. ao FT ts si | Sliding catch ae | fos, Iso woe 30 r Ln . : i | Ts CLI 3 I. Recommended circuit board dimensions Crosswise circuit board Lengthwise circuit board 45.8 a oD | y 30 for wide :erminal housing ; 16 we, (OF narrow terminal housing ~ 1 | nN 16 | Fy | ~ | | Center of housing | __I | oy : | po setst pe 47 ! Dro b is | pe Oh fo odd = ; 238 1S | | ae | | oT Wo EE ! i ; i i ~| ea bo! = | | io Sol | I | fos is | | ~ i Sl aw | _ | wi 8S \ - | = 73.5 ae ! ON ! 40,2 . Mounting limit for compenents. as drawn or mirror image See also dimension sneei ]}) height depends on locaton of a the crosswis circuit beard J)(- Miniature housings Dimensions PCB terminal (long) Crosswise Terminal Terminal \se Blind plug Qn place of and terminal pin} PCB term:na! pin {short} Lengthwise circuit catch \ Terminal housing (vide) Housing base, grey, with catch 16 0 Hg Recommended circuit board dimensions TStSax | 6 = oa | Lengthwise circuit board LDG-A-16 iS | 30 - | i ~ 13,8 - / Hole fer cheese-head screw B 22 x 65 DIN 7971. Crosswise circuit board the crosswise circuit board NY b 3921 x | F i: I-36 He. be 45,9 & _ i | i | ow T | | a - 3 Po : | i 3 : | = 2 T + LL | S a oe Tv roe | @ ; | To To | aS 7 Ss i | ee | | : i 8 enw ft | po r ge Vo | , 8 oo \ | 4 ji wn Vs" | N i | | g - Py: in : | i tom | hfe ; po tt iol aa | \ | | Pt ptt [bes . tot 7h a5 _ Y 50 - - Nu Mounting limit for components, as drawn or murror image See aiso dimension sheet 1) height depends on ocation of Note reduced srace for compenents in the corner areaMiniature housings Cover PCB terminal Crosswise circuit board Terminal Terminal 19 Blind pl (in place of termina. and terminal pin} catch PCB terminal (short wise Circult board wn . | . f ia o T z I , ST Arnal Recommended circuit board dimensions > oo ooo +444 : > qs [ ane \ Terminal hous-ng (wide) > 3 : : . Fy Lengthwise circuit board oO 36.2.93 2) 4 30 ~ for wide terminal housing Vax6 286 207 at O['8 764 for narrow terminal housing 16 Tera wt be LDG-A-30 Hole for cheese-head screw B22 x 413 339 7971 Crosswise circuit board 16 5 8 ey yo dial $f 1 7 : ge E on i ~ aww : 2 as 7 : e 2. | = 2s : ' 3 ot Bh | 189, n ~ \ : "| , j{ 15 1) height depends on location of ~ i | vi 7 the crosswise circuit board im 12.5 tise ae of a7 35 Note: Mountng limi: for components, as drawn or mirror image reduced space for components in the corer area See also dimers:cn sheet weeSubminiature D connectors ID connectors for nbbon cable ZUG 2 Relay OTHE TTT Connectors as per DIN 41612 Components for mateable transfer-wirings K _/ W{ Miniature housings for max. 30 connections LDG-A-30 housings are capable ofaccomodatinguptotwo The narrower terminal housing is fitted with shorter termi- lengthwise circuit boards in addition to one top circuit nal pins and the wider housing with longer terminal pins. board as a crosswise connection and to accomodate any The housing can be mounted either by means of screws actuating and indicating elements. passed through the two holes to DIN 46 121 and DIN 43 660 The two differently sized terminal housings can be fitted or by a snap fastener for fitting to DIN 46 277 and DIN EN with as many terminal pins and terminals as are required. 50022 assembly rails. Ordering information Description Execution Colour Order No. Housing base light grey 414165 Housing cover light grey 413962 i Housing cover transparent 413963 i Housing cover dark grey 413 964 : Terminal housing narrow dark grey 413966 : Terminal housing narrow blue 413965 i Terminal housing wide dark grey 413 968 : Terminal housing wide blue 413 9867 : PCB terminal pin short 113024 PCB terminal pin long 113.025 Terminal, unassembled 103 008 Blind plug dark grey | 103006r Miniature housings for max. 16 connections LDG-A-16 housings are capable of accomodating up to two lengthwise circuit boards in addition to one top circuit board as a crosswise connection and to accomodate any actuating and indicating elements. The two differently sized terminal housings can be fitted with as many terminal pins and terminals as are required. Ordering information LDG-A-16 The narrower terminal housing is fitted with shorter termi- nal pins and the wider housing with longer terminal pins. The housings can be mounted either by means of screws passed through the two holes to DIN 46 12] and DIN 43660 or by a snap fastener for fitting to DIN 46277 and DIN EN 50022 assembly rails. , Description Execution Colour | Order No. Housing base light grey 414 124 Housing cover light grey 203 032 Housing cover transparent 203 031 Housing cover dark grey 203 030 Terminal housing narrow dark grey 103031 Terminal housing narrow blue 103 033 Terminal housing wide dark grey 103 032 Terminal housing wide blue 103 034 PCB terminal pin short 113024 PCB terminal pin long 113025 Terminal, unassembled 103 008 Blind plug dark grey i 103006rr Miniature housings for max. 14 connections LDG-A-14 LDG-A-14 housings are capable of accomodating up to two lengthwise circuit boards in addition to one top circuit board as a crosswise connection and to accomodate any actuating and indicating elements. The two differently sized terminal housings can be fitted with as many terminal pins and terminals as are required. Ordering information The narrower terminal housing is fitted with shorter termi- nal pins and the wider housing with longer terminal pins. The LDG-A-14 is provided with a snap fastener for fitting to the assembly rails meeting the DIN 46277 and DIN EN 50022 or a screw fastening via a seperate adapter- plate. Description Execution Colour Order No. Housing base light grey 423 280 Housing cover light grey 423 273 Housing cover transparent 423 272 Housing cover dark grey 423 274 Terminal housing narrow dark grey 423 275 Terminal housing narrow blue 423 276 Terminal housing wide dark grey 423 277 Terminal housing wide blue 423 278 PCB terminal pin short 113024 PCB terminal pin long 113025 Terminal, unassembled 103 008 Blind plug dark grey 103 006 Adapter plate for screw fastening 424 140( Miniature housings for max. 12 connections LDG-A-12 LDG-A-l2 housings are capable of accomodating one lengthwise circuit board and one crosswise circuit board. The two assymetrical terminal housings that can be scre- wed to the circuit board are each capable of accomodating up to six terminal pins and terminals. Ordering information Only as many terminal pins and terminals as are required need be fitted. The LDG-A-12 is provided with a snap fastener for fitting to DIN 46 277 and DIN EN 50022 assembly rails. Description Execution Colour Order No. Housing-base light grey 414470 Housing cover transparent 414462 Housing cover light grey 414 463 Terminal housing right dark grey 414 483 Terminal housing left Gark grey 414455 PCB terminal pin right 1 414459 PCB terminal pin tight 2 414 460 PCB terminal pin right 3 414461 PCB terminal pin left 1 414456 PCB terminal pin left 2 414457 PCB terminal pin left 3 414458 Terminal, unassembled , 414469 Blind plug dark grey 414466