Rev. 0.2 /April 2008 60
0.1 Jitter Notes
Specific Note a When the device is operated with input clock jitter, this p ar ameter needs to b e derated by
the actual tERR(mper), act of the input clock, where 2 <= m <=12.(output deratings are
relative to the SDRAM input clock.) For example, if the measured jitter into a DDR-800
SDRAM has tERR(mper),act,min = -172 ps and tERR(mper),act,max =+ 193 ps, then t
DQSCK,min(derated) = tDQSCK,min - tERR(mper),act,ma x = -400 p s - 193 p s = - 593 p s
and tDQSCK,max(derated) = tDQSCK,max - tERR(mper),act,min = 400 ps+ 172 ps = +
572 ps. Similarly, tLZ(DQ) for DDR3-800 derates to tLZ(DQ),min(derated) = - 800 ps -
193 ps = - 993 ps and tLZ(DQ),max(derated) = 400 ps + 172 ps = + 572 ps. ( Caution on
the min/max usage!) Note that tERR(mper),act,min is the minimum measured value of
tERR(nper) where 2 <= n <=12, and tERR(mper),act,max is the maximum measured
value of tERR(nper) where 2 <= n <= 12
Specific Note b When the device is operated with input clock jitter, this p ar ameter needs to b e derated by
the actual tJIT(per),act of the input clock. ( output deratings are relative to the SDRAM
input clock. ) For example, if the measured jitter into a DDR3-800 SDRAM has
tCK(avg),act = 2500 ps, tJIT(per),act,min = - 72 ps and tJIT(per),act,max = + 93 ps, then
tRPRE,min(derated) = tRPRE,min + tJIT(per),act,min = 0.9 x tCK(avg),act +
tJIT(per),act,min(derated) = tRPRE,min + tJIT(per),act,min = 0.9 x tCK(avg),act +
tJIT(per),act,min = 0.9 x 2500 ps - 72 ps =+ 2178 ps. Similarly, tQH,min(derated) =
tQH,min + tJIT(per),act,min = 0.38 x tCK(avg),act + tJIT(per),act,min = 0.38 x 2500 ps -
72 ps = + 878 ps. (Caution on the min/max usage!)
Specific Note c These parameters are measured from a data strobe signal (DQS(L/U), DQS(L/U)#)
crossing to its respective clock signal (CK, CK#) cross ing . Th e spec values are not
affe cted by the amount of clo ck jitter applie d (i.e. tJIT(per), tJIT(cc), etc.), as these are rel-
ative to the clock signal crossing. That is, these parameters sh oul d be met wheth er cloc k
jitter is present or not.
S pecific Note d These parameters are measured from a data signal (DM(L/U), DQ(L/U)0, DQ(L/U)1, etc.)
transition edge to its respective data strobe signal (DQS(L/U), DQS(L/U)#) crossing.
Specific Note e For these parameters, the DDR3 SDRAM device supports tnPARAM [nCK] = RU{
tPARAM [ns] / tCK(avg) [ns] }, which is in clock cycles, assuming all input clock jitter spec-
ifications are satisfied.For example, the device will support tnRP = RU{tRP / tCK(avg)},
which is in clock cycles, if all input clock jitter specifications are met. This means: For
DDR3-800 6-6-6, of which tRP = 15ns, the device will support tnRP = RU{tRP / tCK(avg)}
= 6, as long as the input clock jitter specifications are met, i.e. Precharge co mmand at Tm
and Active command at Tm+6 is valid even if (Tm+6 - Tm) is less than 15ns due to input
clock jitter.
Specific Note f These parameters are specified per their average values, however it is understo od that
the following relationsh ip between the average timing and the absolute inst anta neous tim-
ing holds at all times. (Min and max of SPEC values are to be used for calculations in
Table .