* Compact Size
* Adjustable motion easily locked down
* Useful for prototyping or in finished product
* Heat sink and non-conducting models available
800/783-2321 Toll-Free
847/238-1420 Phone
847/238-1423 Fax
Metal Brackets
Provide additional heat sink protection to the laser diode module. Laser diode modules are
positive to the case for optimal heat sinking. Do not mount metal brackets to the negative
supply or negative earth without additional electrical isolation.
LB-A-Y (Y = 25, 20, 16)
Adjustable angle of 103ºtilt, with coarse and fine translation orthogonal to component axis.
Two lock down screws.
LB-B-Y (Y = 16, 14)
Adjustable angle of 40ºtilt with coarse translation adjustment orthogonal to component
axis. Set screw secures component.
LB-C-Y (Y = 16, 14)
Painted brass and steel construction. Classic ball and socket design offers wide range of
Polymer Brackets
These brackets are nonconductive and are designed to maximize air convection cooling.
For optimal cooling, clamp laser diode modules near the electrical input end.
LB-D-Y (Y = 25, 16, 12.7, 12, 10.5)
Delrin and aluminum construction. Full 360ºrotation around two orthogonal axes.
Translation is adjustable along long dimension of the mounting block and the post. Single
fastener controls both rotation variables, post translation, and secures component.
Style A
Style B
Style C
Style D
Bracket Hole Diam. Sleeve Adapters Mounting Slot
X=A-D (ID mm) Y (ID mm) [Z] (mm)
LB-A-25 25 n/a 12 x 6
LB-A-20 20 18 12 x 6
LB-A-16 16 14, 12.7 12 x 6
LB-B-16 16 14, 12.7 20 x 6
LB-B-14 14 12, 10.5 20 x 6
LB-C-16 16 14, 12.7 10 x 6
LB-C-14 14 12, 10.5 10 x 6
LB-D-25 25 n/a 17 x 7
LB-D-16 16 n/a 17 x 7
LB-D-12.7 12.7 n/a 17 x 7
LB-D-12 12 n/a 17 x 7
LB-D-10.5 10.5 n/a 17 x 7
Bracket Part Numbering scheme: LB-X-Y [-Z] (Z if applicable).