DEMO908QB8 Quick Start Guide, Rev. 0.2
2Freescale Semiconductor
Use the USB-MON08 to install DEMO908QB8_ATD program
The USB-MON08 allows a user to program the MCU Flash and debug applications via USB connection.
1. On the Axiom CD (“Examples” folder), copy and open the “DEMO908QB8_ATD.zip” file to your
PC, and extract the files into a working folder on your desktop. Note: Be sure to extract, and
just copy, the files.
2. Open CodeWarrior HC(S)08 v3.1 and open the “DEMO908QB8_ATD.mcp” project file.
3. Open “DEMO908QB8_ATD.c” in the source folder by double clicking on “DEMO908QB8_ATD.c”.
4. Check the jumper settings and make sure they are in the default position. Use figure 1 as a guide.
5. If you have not already done so, connect the USB cable. The LED, PWR OUT, and +5V LEDs
should be on.
6. Click on “Debug” under Project in the menu bar or press “F5.” The True-Time Simulator &
Real-Time Debugger interface window will appear. Please follow the instructions on the screen to
complete the Flash programming process.
7. If the “Attempting to contact target and pass security…” window appears, please make sure the
following options are configured correctly:
–Target Hardware Type: Class 7
–Port: USB1 (Depends on the PC USB Port)
–Device Type: QB8
–Device Power: 5 Volts, provided by P&E Interface
–Device Clock: Clock Driven by P&E Interface on Pin 13
–Target MCU Security bytes: Check the “IGNORE security failure and enter monitor mode”
8. Click the “Contact target with these settings…” button and follow the instructions on the screen.
When the “Erase and Program Flash?” window appears, click the “Yes” button.
9. The “CPROG08SZ Programmer” window should close after the MCU Flash is programmed. You
are now ready to run the DEMO908QB8_ATD code.
10. Install jumper 6 on the USER_EN header.
11. Click on the green arrow in the toolbar at the top of the screen to run the program. After you click
this button, a message in the command window (bottom right-hand side) will say “RUNNING”.
12. LED1 and LED2 will change according to amount of light the photo cell (RZ1) is receiving.
+5V LED does not turn on
• Make sure the “PWR_SEL” jumper is in the VB position.
• Change the USB_SPEED jumper from HIGH to FULL.
• Install the HC(S)08 USB 2.0 CodeWarrior service pack.
Unable to program the part using USB-MON08
• Install the HC(S)08 USB 2.0 CodeWarrior service pack.
• Make sure the “PWR_SEL” jumper is in the VB position.
• Change the USB_SPEED jumper from HIGH to FULL.
• Make sure all the jumpers on the USB-MON08 ENABLE header are installed. Refer to figure 1.
• Make sure USER_EN jumpers 5 and 6 are not installed.
Unable to Run the ATD program correctly:
• Make sure USER_EN jumper 6 is installed.