AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 High efficiencyLow noiseConstant large volumeMulti-level AGC Eighth generation Class K Audio Amplifier FEATURES DESCRIPTION Multi-Level AGC audio algorithm effectively eliminate noise, make sound pure natural Low noise43V Ultra-low distortion0.008% Power amplifier overall efficiency is up to 83% Speaker and Receiver two-in-one application AW87318 is specifically designed to eliminate smart mobile phone music noise, to enhance overall sound quality, which is a new high efficiency, low noise, ultra-low distortion, constant large volume, upgrading eighth generation class K audio amplifiers. AW87318 integrated Awinic proprietary multi-level AGC audio algorithm, effectively eliminate music noise, improve sound quality and volume. Using a new generation K-Chargepump technology, efficiency reaches 93%, power amplifier's overall efficiency reaches 83%, greatly prolong the mobile phone usage time. AW87318 noise floor is as low as to 43uV, with 98.8dB high signal-to-noise-ratio(SNR). The ultra-low distortion 0.008% and unique multi-level AGC technology brings high quality music enjoyment. AW87318 has 0.6W,0.7W,0.8W,0.9W,1W,1.1W and 1.2W seven subdivision selectable speaker-guard output power levels, which is suitable for different rated power speakers. With multi-level AGC audio algorithms, the music is pure natural and melodious. Within lithium battery voltage range (3.3V--4.35V), output power is constant, preventing voice becomes smaller and smaller during usage of cell phone. AW87318 supports speaker and receiver two-in-one application. In receiver mode, the output noise is as low as to 19uV, amplifier is in class D mode, powered by VBAT. AW87318 has built-in over current protection, over-temperature protection and short circuit protection function, effectively protect the chip. AW87318 uses small 0.4mm pitch 1.6mmx1.68mm CSP-14 package. Receiver1V/VVn=19uVTHD+N=0.025% Receiver3V/VVn=22uVTHD+N=0.025% Selectable speaker-guard power level 0.6W, 0.7W, 0.8W, 0.9W, 1W, 1.1W, 1.2W Within Lithium battery voltage range, maintained constant large volume Support 6ohm speaker Compatible with AW8736AW8737 Super TDD-Noise suppression Excellent pop-click suppression One wire pulse control High PSRR-68dB217Hz ESD protection6kV (HBM) Small 0.4mm pitch 1.6mmx1.68mm CSP-14package APPLICATIONS Smart phone APPLICATION DIAGRAM VBAT CS1 4.7uF CF1 2.2uF CS2 0.1uF A3,B3 VDD A4 Pulse Input 1 3 5 4 Single-End Input Speake r Audio DAC 2 10 33nF 3K Cin Rin A2 MUX Receiver Cin 33nF Rin C1 C1P C1N D1 C2P SHDN PVDD AW87318 A1 B1 C2N D3 COUT 4.7uF 10V INN Cd 220pF BB D2 CF2 2.2uF VOP SPK/ REC B4 B1 INP 3K VON C2 1nF D4 B2 C3 1nF GND C2,C4 Figure1 AW87318 application diagram All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 1 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 PIN CONFIGURATION AND TOP MARK AW87318CSR TOP VIEW VON D GND C VDD VOP B INN VDD SHDN A 2 3 D C2P C1P C C1N GND B C2N A INP 1 AW87318CSR MARKING PVDD 2 1 4 3 4 K318-AW87318CSR XXXX-Production tracking code Please notice the pin number Figure 2 K318 XXXX AW87318 pin diagram top view and device marking PIN DESCRIPTION Number Symbol Description A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B3 B4 C1 C2C4 D1 D2 D3 D4 INP INN VDD SHDN C2N VDD VOP C1N GND C2P C1P PVDD VON Positive audio input terminal Negative audio input terminal Power supply Chip power down pinactive lowone wire pulse control Negative side of the external charge pump flying capacitor C2 Power supply Positive audio output terminal Negative side of the external charge pump flying capacitor C1 Ground Positive side of the external charge pump flying capacitor C2 Positive side of the external charge pump flying capacitor C1 Boost charge pump output voltage Negative audio output terminal AWINIC CLASS K FAMILY ITEM TEST CONDITION AW8736 AW8737 AW87317 AW8738 AW87318 PVDD(V) VDD=4.2V 5.8 6.05 6.05 6.05 6.05 Ouput noise(V) VDD=4.2Vf=20Hz to 20kHzinput ac grounded8V/V,A-weighting 125 52 53 40 43 VDD=3.6VPo=1.0WRL=8+33H 75 80 80 83 83 Efficiency(%) 2 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM C1P VDD C1N C2P C2N SHDN OVP SHDN&BIAS PVDD K-Chargepump Current Limit SEGMENTED OTP OSC Multi-level AGC VOP INP INPUT BUFFER Ultra Low EMI output stage Class-K Modulator INN VON OCP NCN Noise Cancellor AW87318 GND Figure 3 AW87318 functional diagram APPLICATION DIAGRAM VBAT CS1 4.7uF CF1 2.2uF CS2 0.1uF A3,B3 VDD A4 Pulse Input 1 Receiver 3 Single-End Input Speake r Audio DAC 2 5 4 10 33nF 3K Cin Rin A2 MUX BB 33nF Rin C1 C1P C1N D1 C2P SHDN PVDD AW87318 A1 B1 C2N D3 COUT 4.7uF 10V INN Cd 220pF Cin D2 CF2 2.2uF VOP SPK/ REC B4 B1 INP 3K VON C2 1nF D4 B2 C3 1nF GND C2,C4 Figure 4 AW87318 speaker mode application diagram (Note 1) Note1when single-ended inputinput audio signal can arbitrarily connect to one of INNINP input terminalthe other terminal connects to ground through input capacitor and resistance. 3 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 VBAT CS1 4.7uF A3,B3 VDD A4 Pulse Input 1 5 4 Single-End Input Speake r Audio DAC 3 2 10 33nF 3K Cin Rin A2 MUX Receiver Cin Rin 33nF 3K D2 D1 C1 C2P C1P C1N SHDN PVDD AW87318 A1 B1 C2N D3 COUT 4.7uF 10V INN Cd 220pF BB CF2 2.2uF CF1 2.2uF CS2 0.1uF VOP SPK/ REC B4 B1 INP VON C2 1nF D4 B2 C3 1nF GND C2,C4 Figure 5 AW87318 receiver mode application diagram ORDERING INFORMATION Product Type Operation temperature range Package Device Marking Moisture Sensitivity Level Environmental Information Delivery Form AW87318CSR -4085 CSP-14 K318 MSL1 ROHS+HF Tape and Reel 3000 pcs AW87318 Shipment R: Tape & Reel Package type CS: CSP14 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING(Note2) Parameter Range Supply Voltage VDD -0.3V to 6V Chargepump output voltage PVDD -0.3V to 7V VOP,VON -0.3V to PVDD+0.3V C1P ,C2P -0.3V to PVDD+0.3V C1N,C2N -0.3V to VDD+0.3V INPINN Input Pin Voltage -0.3V to VDD +0.3V Package Thermal Resistance JA 4 84.9/W Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 -40 to 85 Ambient Temperature Range 165 Maximum Junction Temperature TJMAX -65 to 150 Storage Temperature Range TSTG 260 Lead TemperatureSoldering 10 Seconds ESD Rating Note 3 HBMhuman body model 6KV CDM 1.5KV MM 250V Latch-up Test ConditionJEDEC STANDARD NO.78D NOVEMBER 2011 +IT450mA -IT-450mA Note 2Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note 3The human body model is a 100pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5k resistor into each pin. Test method: MIL-STD-883H Method 3015.8 MODE DESCRIPTION(TA=25,VDD=4.2V) AW87318 audio amplifier outer input capacitor is Cinouter input resist is Rininner input resist is 6.6K gain Av is 159.5K/(Rin+6.6K). Recommended typical application is 1 Cin=33nFRin=3KAv=16.6V/V MODE Enable Signal Gain V/V AGC PowerW RL=8 +33H RL=6 +33H RL=4 +15H RL=3 +15H MODE1 16.6 1.2 1.6 -- -- MODE2 16.6 1.1 1.5 -- -- MODE3 16.6 1.0 1.3 2.0 -- MODE4 16.6 0.9 1.2 1.8 -- MODE5 16.6 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.0 MODE6 16.6 0.7 0.9 1.4 1.8 MODE7 16.6 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.6 MODE8 1 MODE9 3 MODE10 16.6 1.75W@ THD=1% 2.05W@ THD=1% 2.4W@ THD=1% 2.35W@ THD=1% 5 Multi-Level AGC Function Receiver Mode Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test conditionTA=25, VDD=3.6VRL=8+33Hf=1kHzunless otherwise noted Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Units VDD Power supply voltage 3.0 5.5 V VIH SHDN high input voltage 1.3 VDD V VIL SHDN low input voltage 0 0.35 V 30 mV 1 A |VOS| Output offset voltage Vin=0VVDD=3.0V to 5.5V -30 ISD Shutdown current VDD=3.6V SHDN =0V TTG Thermal AGC start temperature threshold 150 TTGR Thermal AGC exit temperature threshold 130 TSD Over temperature protection threshold 160 TSDR Over temperature recovery threshold 120 TON Start-up time 40 ms protection 0 K-Chargepump 1.5* VDD =3.0V to 4V PVDD V VDD Output voltage VDD >4V 6.05 V OVP hysteresis VDD >4V 50 mV FCP Charge Pump frequency VDD=3.0V to 5.5V CP Charge pump efficiency VDD=3.6VIload=200mA TST Soft-start time No loadCOUT=4.7F Vhys IL 0.8 1.06 1.33 93 MHz % 1 1.2 1.4 ms 200 300 400 mA VDD=4.2VVin=0no load 10 15 mA VDD=3.6VPo=1.0WRL=8+33H 83 % VDD=3.6VPo=1.0WRL=6+33H 83 % Current limit when PVDD short to ground Class K power amplifiermode1-mode7mode10 Iq Quiescent current Efficiency Fosc Modulation frequency VDD=3.0V to 5.5V Av gain external input resistance=3k 600 800 1000 Vin Recommend input voltage VDD=3.0V to 5.5V Rini Inner input resistance mode1~mode7mode10 6.6 k Fhin Input high pass filter corner frequency Cin=33nFexternal input resistance=3k 502 Hz 16.6 kHz V/V 1 Vp VDD=4.2VRL=8+33H 1.08 1.2 1.32 W VDD=4.2VRL=6+33H 1.44 1.6 1.76 W VDD=4.2VRL=4+15H 2.16 2.4 2.64 W VDD=4.2VRL=3+15H 2.16 2.4 2.64 W Mode2 Multi-Level AGC power VDD=4.2VRL=8+33H 0.99 1.1 1.21 W Mode2 Multi-Level AGC power VDD=4.2VRL=6+33H 1.35 1.5 1.65 W Mode1 Multi-Level AGC power Pagc Pagc 6 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Units VDD=4.2VRL=4+15H 1.98 2.2 2.42 W VDD=4.2VRL=3+15H 2.16 2.4 2.64 W VDD=4.2VRL=8+33H 0.9 1 1.1 W VDD=4.2VRL=6+33H 1.17 1.3 1.43 W VDD=4.2VRL=4+15H 1.8 2 2.2 W VDD=4.2VRL=3+15H 2.16 2.4 2.64 W VDD=4.2VRL=8+33H 0.81 0.9 0.99 W VDD=4.2VRL=6+33H 1.08 1.2 1.32 W VDD=4.2VRL=4+15H 1.62 1.8 1.98 W VDD=4.2VRL=3+15H 2.16 2.4 2.64 W VDD=4.2VRL=8+33H 0.72 0.8 0.88 W VDD=4.2VRL=6+33H 0.9 1 1.1 W VDD=4.2VRL=4+15H 1.44 1.6 1.76 W VDD=4.2VRL=3+15H 1.8 2.0 2.2 W VDD=4.2VRL=8+33H 0.63 0.7 0.77 W VDD=4.2VRL=6+33H 0.81 0.9 0.99 W VDD=4.2VRL=4+15H 1.26 1.4 1.54 W VDD=4.2VRL=3+15H 1.62 1.8 1.98 W VDD=4.2VRL=8+33H 0.54 0.6 0.66 W VDD=4.2VRL=6+33H 0.72 0.8 0.88 W VDD=4.2VRL=4+15H 1.08 1.2 1.32 W VDD=4.2VRL=3+15H 1.44 1.6 1.76 W Mode3 Multi-Level AGC power Mode4 Multi-Level AGC power Mode5 Multi-Level AGC power Mode6 Multi-Level AGC power Mode7 Multi-Level AGC power PSRR SNR Power supply rejection ratio 217Hz -68 dB 1kHz -68 dB VDD=4.2VPo=1.7WTHD+N=1%RL=8+33H Av=8V/V 98.8 dB VDD=4.2VPo=2.0WTHD+N=1%RL=6+33H Av=8V/V 98.2 dB 43 Vrms 48 Vrms 57 Vrms VDD=3.6V,Po=1W,RL=8+33H,f=1kHz,Mode1 0.008 % VDD=3.6V,Po=1W,RL=6+33H,f=1kHz,Mode10 0.009 % THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=8+33HVDD=4.2V 2.15 W THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=8+33HVDD=4.2V 1.75 W THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=8+33HVDD=3.6V 1.6 W THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=8+33HVDD=3.6V 1.28 W THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=6+33HVDD=4.2V 2.52 W VDD=4.2VVp-p_sin=200mV Signal-to-noise ratio VDD=4.2Vf=20Hz to 20kHz input ac groundedAv=8V/V Vn Output noise voltage VDD=4.2Vf=20Hz to 20kHz input ac groundedAv=12V/V A-weighting VDD=4.2Vf=20Hz to 20kHz input ac groundedAv=16V/V THD+N PO PO Total harmonic distortion+noise Mode10 output power Mode10 output power 7 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Units THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=6+33HVDD=4.2V 2.05 W THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=6+33HVDD=3.6V 1.82 W THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=6+33HVDD=3.6V 1.5 W THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=4+15HVDD=4.2V 2.8 W THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=4+15HVDD=4.2V 2.4 W THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=4+15HVDD=3.6V 2.02 W THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=4+15HVDD=3.6V 1.68 W THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=3+15HVDD=4.2V 2.63 W THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=3+15HVDD=4.2V 2.35 W THD+N=10%f=1kHzRL=3+15HVDD=3.6V 1.85 W THD+N=1%f=1kHzRL=3+15HVDD=3.6V 1.65 W Receiver (mode8-mode9) Iq Quiescent current VDD=4.2VVin=0no load 5 Efficiency VDD=3.6V, Po=0.8W, RL=8+33Hmode9 86 Modulation frequency VDD=3.0V to 5.5V Fosc Av Fhin Vn Vn 600 mA % 1000 kHz external input resistance=3kmode8 1 V/V external input resistance=3kmode9 3 V/V mode8 106.6 k mode9 36.6 k Cin=33nF, external input resistance=3k,mode8 44 Hz Cin=33nF, external input resistance=3k,mode9 122 Hz VDD=4.2Vf=20Hz to 20kHz input ac groundedAv=1V/V 19 Vrms 22 Vrms VDD=4.2V,Po=0.1W,RL=8+33H,f=1kHz,mode8 0.025 % VDD=4.2V,Po=0.4W,RL=8+33H,f=1kHz,mode9 0.025 % gain Input high pass filter corner frequency Output noise voltage Output noise voltage A-weighting VDD=4.2Vf=20Hz to 20kHz input ac groundedAv=3V/V THD+N 800 7.5 Total harmonic distortion+noise One wire pulse control TH SHDN high level duration time VDD=3.0V to 5.5V 0.75 2 10 s TL SHDN low level duration time VDD=3.0V to 5.5V 0.75 2 10 s TLATCH SHDN turn on delay time VDD=3.0V to 5.5V 150 500 s TOFF SHDN turn off delay time VDD=3.0V to 5.5V 150 500 s Note Multi-Level AGC 4 TATF Fast attack time -13.5dB gain attenuation completed 1.5 ms TATS Slow attack time -13.5dB gain attenuation completed 6 ms TATT Total attack time -13.5dB gain attenuation completed 7.5 ms TRLT Release time 13.5dB gain release completed 280 ms AMAX Maximum attenuation -13.5 dB Note 4Attack time points to 13.5dB gain attenuation timeRelease time points to 13.5dB gain recovery time. 8 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 MEASUREMENT SETUP AW87318 features switching digital output, as shown in Figure 6. Need to connect a low pass filter to VOP/VON output respectively to filter out switch modulation frequency, then measure the differential output of filter to obtain analog output signal. 10nF 500 VOP INP Rin Cin 30kHz Low-Pass Fliter AW87318 VON INN 500 Rin Cin 10nF Figure 6 AW87318 test setup Low pass filter uses resistance and capacitor values listed in Table 1. Rfilter Cfilter Low-pass cutoff frequency 500 10nF 32kHz 1k 4.7nF 34kHz Table 1 AW87318 recommended values for low pass filter Output Power Calculation According to the above test methods, the differential analog output signal is obtained at the output of the low pass filter. The valid values Vo_rms of the differential signal as shown below: Vo_rms The power calculation of Speaker is as follows PL (Vo _ rms)2 RL RLload impedance of the speaker 9 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Efficiency vs Po K-chargepump Efficiency 100 100 90 90 VDD=3.6V VDD=4.2V 80 VDD=4.2V 70 Efficiency( % ) Efficiency( % ) 80 VDD=3.6V 60 50 40 30 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 RL=8+33H 10 CF1,CF2=2.2F COUT =4.7F 10 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Po ( W ) 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 10K 20K 10K 20K Po ( W ) GAIN vs FREQUENCY OUTPUT POWER vs VDD 1.4 24 AW87318 Po keep constant MODE1 1.2 22 20 1.0 18 MODE4 16 Gain( V/V ) NCN Output Power( W ) MODE2 MODE3 MODE5 0.8 MODE6 MODE7 0.6 MODE1~MODE7 Rine=3k Cin=1F RL=8+33H 14 12 10 8 0.4 6 4 0.2 2 RL=8+33H 0 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 20 4.3 4.1 50 100 1K VDD ( V ) FREQUENCY ( Hz ) GAIN vs FREQUENCY 2.4 2.2 6.0 MODE8 Rine=3k Cin=1F RL=8+33H 5.5 5.0 1.8 4.5 1.6 4.0 Gain( V/V ) Gain( V/V ) 2.0 GAIN vs FREQUENCY 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 0.6 1.5 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 20 MODE9 Rine=3k Cin=1F RL=8+33H 50 100 1K 10K 20 50 100 1K FREQUENCY ( Hz ) FREQUENCY ( Hz ) 20K 10 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 THD+N vs FREQUENCY THD+N vs FREQUENCY 10 10 MODE10 0.8W VDD=4.2V Rine=3k Cin=1F RL=8+33H 1 THD+N (%) THD+N (%) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 20 MODE10 1W VDD=4.2V Rine=3k Cin=1F RL=6+33H 0.1 0.01 50 100 10K 1K 20K 0.001 20 50 100 Po vs VIN 2 Mode1 VDD=4.2V f=1kHz RL=8+33H Mode2 VDD=4.2V f=1kHz RL=8+33H 1 0.5 Po (W) Po (W) 1 Multi-level AGC 0.5 Multi-level AGC 0.26 1.30 0.28 0.1 0.5 2 1 0.5 0.1 VIN ( Vp ) Mode4 VDD=4.2V f=1kHz RL=8+33H 1 0.5 Po (W) 1 Multi-level AGC 0.5 Multi-level AGC 0.24 1.18 0.25 0.1 1.1 0.1 0.5 1 2 0.1 0.5 1 2 VIN ( Vp ) VIN ( Vp ) 2 Po vs VIN 2 Mode3 VDD=4.2V f=1kHz RL=8+33H 0.1 1 VIN ( Vp ) Po vs VIN 2 1.21 0.1 0.1 Po (W) 20K FREQUENCY ( Hz ) Po vs VIN 2 10K 1K FREQUENCY ( Hz ) 11 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 Po vs VIN 2 Po vs VIN 2 Mode5 VDD=4.2V f=1kHz RL=8+33H 1 Po (W) Po (W) 1 Mode6 VDD=4.2V f=1kHz RL=8+33H 0.5 0.23 Multi-level AGC 0.5 1.07 0.21 Multi-level AGC 0.96 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 2 1 VIN ( Vp ) 2 PSRR vs FREQUENCY Po vs VIN 0 2 Mode6 VDD=4.2V f=1kHz RL=8+33H 1 1 VIN ( Vp ) Mode10 Rine=3k Cin=1F RL=8+33H -10 -20 PSRR (dB) Po (W) -30 0.5 Multi-level AGC 0.20 -40 -50 VDD=4.2V VDD=3.6V -60 0.92 -70 -80 0.1 -90 0.5 0.1 1 2 20 100 VIN ( Vp ) 1K 10K 20K FREQUENCY ( Hz ) STARTUP SEQUENCE SHUTDOWN SEQUENCE SHDN SHDN VOP&VON 10ms/div 12 VOP&VON 100s/div Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 MULTI-LEVEL-AGC ATTACK SEQUENCE MULTI-LEVEL-AGC RELEASE SEQUENCE Vin Vin VOP-VON VOP-VON 100ms/div 5ms/div 13 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 DETAILED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AW87318 is specifically designed to eliminate smart mobile phone music noise, to enhance overall sound quality, which is a new high efficiency, low noise, ultra-low distortion, constant large volume, upgrading eighth generation class K audio amplifiers. AW87318 integrated Awinic proprietary multi-level AGC audio algorithm, effectively eliminate music noise, improve sound quality and volume. Using a new generation K-Chargepump technology, efficiency reaches 93%, power amplifier's overall efficiency reaches 83%, greatly prolong the mobile phone usage time. AW87318 noise floor is as low as to 43uV, with 98.8dB high signal-to-noise-ratio(SNR). The ultra-low distortion 0.008% and unique multi-level AGC technology brings high quality music enjoyment. AW87318 has 0.6W,0.7W,0.8W,0.9W,1W,1.1W and 1.2W seven subdivision selectable speaker-guard output power levels, which is suitable for different rated power speakers. With multi-level AGC audio algorithms, the music is pure natural and melodious. Within lithium battery voltage range (3.3V--4.35V), output power is constant, preventing voice becomes smaller and smaller during usage of cell phone. AW87318 supports speaker and receiver two-in-one application. In receiver mode, the output noise is as low as to 19uV, amplifier is in class D mode, powered by VBAT. The AW87318 built in excellent pop-click noise suppression circuit, effectively avoids pop-click noise during shutdown, wakeup, and power-up/down operation of AW87318. The AW87318 uses Awinic proprietary TDD-Noise suppression technology and EMI suppression technology, effectively restrain TDD-Noise and EMI interference. AW87318 has built-in over current protection, over-temperature protection and short circuit protection function, effectively protect the chip. AW87318 uses small 0.4mm pitch 1.6mmx1.68mm CSP-14 package. The AW87317 is specified over the industrial temperature range of -40 to 85. CONSTANT OUTPUT POWER In the mobile phone audio applications, the AGC function to promote music volume and quality is very attractive, but as the lithium battery voltage drops, general power amplifier output power will reduce gradually, leads to smaller and smaller music volume. So, it is hard to provide high quality music within the battery voltage range. The AW87318 integrated Awinic proprietary multi-level AGC audio algorithm, within lithium battery voltage range(3.3V-4.35V), output power is constant, the output power cannot drop along with lithium battery voltage lower down. Even if the battery voltage drops, AW87318 can still provide high quality large volume music enjoyment. AW87318 has ten operation modes, first seven modes have Multi-level AGC function, the output power levels are 1.2W,1.1W,1W,0.9W,0.8W,0.7W, 0.6W,respectively. Multi-level AGC technology In the actual audio application, system output power tends to be more than rated power of speaker, such as in the 5V power supply, as for 8ohms speaker, the maximum undistorted power is about 1.56W, but many speakers' rated power is about 0.5W, if there is no output power control, the overload signal can cause damage to the speaker. The audio power amplifier with NCN function (that is single-level AGC) can protect the speaker effectively, with the increase of input signal, the output power increases. When output power exceeds the setting threshold, the NCN function reduces the internal gain of amplifier and restricts the output power under the set threshold. But the NCN function has the attack time setting, which is the tradeoff between auditory effect and crack distortion noise, if the attack time is longer, the audio volume will be greater, but crack distortion will also increase; if the attack time is shorter, the crack distortion will decrease, but the audio volume will be reduced. General music has large peak factor, which is in the range of about 40~60dB, when playing music, the big peak signal output exceeds the maximum output amplitude, there will be more crack distortion, and obvious noise will be heard in some music, so it is need to use multi-level AGC technology to dynamically adjust the audio power amplifier, to increase music volume, at the same time, eliminate the emergence of obvious noise in large volume music and improve sound quality. 14 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 AW87318 integrated Awinic proprietary multi-Level AGC algorithm technology, effectively eliminating the noise in the music, make sound pure natural, and greatly enhancing the sound volume. The single-level AGC function and multi-level AGC function is shown in figure 7. Single-level AGC Multi-level AGC Constant output power threshold voltage More Crack Distortion Crack distortion voltage Constant output power threshold voltage Few Of Crack Distortion Single-level AGC function: detect constant output voltagewithin attack timeoutput has more crack distortion, and more noise Multi-level AGC function: simultaneously detect crack distortion voltage and constant output voltage, within attack time, output has few of crack distortion, effectively eliminate noise Figure 7 Single-level AGC/Multi-level AGC Operation Principle Attack time Attack time is the time multi-level AGC takes for the gain to be attenuated -13.5dB once the audio signal exceeds the constant output power threshold voltage. When the output signal crack noise occurred, the Fast AGC of Multi-level AGC launched, attenuated the gain with 10dB within 1.5ms. When the crack noise eliminated, the Slow AGC of Multi-level AGC launched, attenuated the gain slowly, with 3.5dB within 6ms. According to smart mobile phone music noise features and demands for improve music quality and volume, adoption of the Awinic proprietary technology `Multi-level AGC' inside AW87318, which keeping the music rhythm effectively, and at the same time eliminating the crack distortion, protecting the speaker. Release time Release time is the time multi-level AGC takes for the gain to return to its normal level once the audio signal is smaller than crack distortion voltage or constant output power threshold voltage. According to smart mobile phone music noise features and demands for improve music quality and volume, release time of AW87318 is set to be 280ms, which can effectively eliminate the noise, make music sound pure natural. K-Chargepump AW87318 adopts a new generation of charge pump technologyK -Chargepump structure, it has high efficiency and large driving ability, working frequency is 1.1MHzbuilt in soft start circuit, current limiting control loop and over-voltage-protection(OVP) loop, guaranteeing system stable and reliable operation. High Efficiency AW87318 uses K-chargepump structurebooster output voltage PVDD is 1.5 times of supply voltage VDD, the ideal efficiency can reach 100%. K-chargepump efficiency is the ratio of output power to input power, that is POUT *100% PIN For example, in an ideal M times charge pump, the input current IIN is M times of output current IOUTthe efficiency formula can be written as POUT V *I V *100% OUT OUT *100% OUT *100% PIN VIN * M * I OUT M *VIN M is charge pump work mode variable (1.5 times), VOUT is charge pump output voltage, VIN is power supply voltage, IOUT is load current. For K-chargepump, the output voltage is 1.5 times of the input voltage, due to 15 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 the charge pump internal switch loss and IC static current loss, the actual efficiency will be up to 93%. Therefore, K-chargepump booster technology can greatly improve the power efficiency. Charge Pump Structure Figure 8 is charge pump basic principle diagram, the charge pump used in AW87318 has seven switches, the output voltage PVDD is 1.5 times as input voltage VDD through seven switches timing control. S1 S6 C1P + VDD CIN 4.7uF CF1 2.2uF S4 PVDD COUT 4.7uF C1N S2 + S7 C2P CF2 2.2uF S5 S3 C2N Figure 8 Charge Pump Principle Diagram The operation of the charge pump has two phases. In 1, as shown in figure 9, switches S1, S2 and S3 are closed, VDD charges to the flying capacitor CF1 CF2. S1 C1P + VDD CIN 4.7uF S6 CF1 2.2uF S4 PVDD COUT 4.7uF C1N S2 + S7 C2P CF2 2.2uF S3 S5 C2N Charging Phase Figure 9 1: Flying Capacitor Charging In 2, as shown in figure 10: switches S1, S2 and S3 are disconnected, switches S4, S5, S6 and S7 are closed. Because the voltage across the capacitor can't mutation, so the voltage on flying capacitor CF1 CF2, is added to the VDD, which make PVDD risen to a higher voltage. 16 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 S1 C1P + VDD CIN 4.7uF S6 CF1 2.2uF S4 PVDD COUT 4.7uF C1N S2 + S7 C2P CF2 2.2uF S3 S5 C2N Discharging Phase Figure 10 2 Flying capacitor charge transfer to the output capacitance COUT Soft start K-chargepump has integrated soft start function in order to limit supply power inrush current during start-up. The supply current is limited to be 350 mA, and the soft start time is 1.2 ms. Current Limitation Control K-chargepump has integrated the current limitation control loop. In normal operation, when the heavy load or a situation that make charge pump flow through very large current, the current limitation control loop will control charge pump maximum output current capacity, that is 2 A. Over Voltage Protection(OVP)Control K-chargepump's output voltage PVDD is a multiple of the input voltage VDD, which provide a high voltage rail for internal power amplifier circuits, allowing the amplifiers provide greater output dynamic range in the lithium battery voltage range, so as to realize the large volume, high quality class K audio enjoyment. K-chargepump has integrated the over voltage protection control loop, when the input voltage VDD is greater than 4V, the output voltage PVDD is no longer a multiple of VDD, but is controlled by over voltage protection(OVP) loop and is stable in 6.05V, and the hysteresis voltage is about 50mV. Speaker & Receiver two-in-one application AW87318 mode8, mode9 are receiver modes, the gain can be optional, 1V/V and 3V/V, respectively, which make the application flexible. Receiver modes use speakers' signal path, which has ultra-low distortion and a strong driving ability. So it is suitable for high definition voice application. Another advantage is that there is no need of additional external components, less system cost and PCB layout space. In Figure 5 typical application, input capacitance Cin=33nF, input resistance Rine=3kohm, speaker mode gain is about 16.6V/V, the input high-pass corner frequency is at 502Hz; When receiver mode gain is 1V/V, the output noise of receiver is 19uVthe input high-pass corner frequency is at 44Hz. AW87318 can achieve speaker and receiver two-in-one application without changing any hardware. One-wire pulse control One wire pulse control technology only needs a single GPIO port to operate the chip, complete a variety of 17 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 functions, it is very popular in the area of the GPIO port shortage and portable systems. When the control signal line is longer, because of the signal integrity or radio frequency interference problem, it will produce the narrow glitch signal. Awinic one wire pulse control technology integrated the Deglitch circuit in internal control pin, which can effectively eliminate the influence of the glitch signal, as shown in figure 11. AW87318 SHDN Control signal with glitch Deglitch Glitch is eleminated Figure 11 Awinic Deglitch function diagram The traditional one wire pulse control technology still receives pulse signal from control port when chip is startup, so when the master control chip (such as mobile phone BB) sends wrong pulse during normal operation, the system will enter into error states. AW87318 uses one wire pulse latch technology, after the master control chip has sent pulses, the state will be latched, no longer receive the latter mis-sending pulse signals, as shown in figure 12. TLATCH STATE 4 Traditional One Wire Pulse Control STATE 3 Shielding abnormal pulse signal STATE 4 STATE 3 Anti-interference One Wire Pulse Control Figure 12 Anti-interference One Wire Pulse Control Function Diagram One Wire Pulse Control AW87318 select each mode through the detection of number of the pulse signal rising edge of SHDN pin, as shown in figure 13: When SHDN pin pull high from shutdown mode, there is only a rising edge, AW87318 enter into mode 1,Multi-level AGC output power is 1.2W; When high-low-high signal set to SHDN pin, there are two rising edges, AW87318 enter into mode 2, Multi-level AGC output power is 1.1W; When there are three rising edges, AW87318 enter into mode 3, Multi-level AGC output power is 1W; When there are four rising edges, AW87318 enter into mode 4, Multi-level AGC output power is 0.9W...; AW87318 has ten operation modes, the number of the rising edges does not allow more than ten. 18 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 MODE1 MODE2 MODE3 MODE4 0.75s260 20-40sec Time within 5 of actual peak temp Max. 6/sec Ramp-down rate Max. 8min Time from 25 to peak temp 27 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 VERSION INFORMATION Version Date V1.0 2015-10-16 AW87318CSR datasheet V1.0 V1.1 2017-5-16 Add LAND PATTERN descriptionCarrier tap descriptionPIN1 locationtap description and reflow soldering curvemodify Flying capacitor rated voltage Description 28 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW87318 May 2017 V1.1 DISCLAIMER Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Shanghai AWINIC Technology Co., Ltd (AWINIC Technology) does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. AWINIC Technology reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. Customers shall obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and shall verify that such information is current and complete. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. AWINIC Technology products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an AWINIC Technology product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. AWINIC Technology accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of AWINIC Technology products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer's own risk. Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. AWINIC Technology makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. All products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement. Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Reproduction of AWINIC information in AWINIC data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. AWINIC is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of AWINIC components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by AWINIC for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated AWINIC component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. AWINIC is not responsible or liable for any such statements. 29 Copyright (c) 2014 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD