Aluminum Electrolytic Type / Surface Mount Type Low Impedance Long Life CE-LX..... SUNCON RoHS compliance s& & =o O> oc Se ea a 3 om 33 ] se ,e, , a? e 105, 2,000 to 5,000hours song Life Fs 33 e Solvent proof (within 2 minutes) CELL <1 cE 1x Q (P.58) a 0 . 6 i Specifications 3 = Ona O De = 181@ Rated voltage (Vv) a 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 CE-BE Surge voltage (V) Room temperature 8.0 13 20 82 44 63 79 100 125 CE-BD Category temperature range (C) - 55 to +105 CEBS Capacitance tolerance (%) 120Hz/20C M: +20 CEBSS e4to 6.3| 026 | 020] 0.16 | 0.14 | 0.12 | 0.12 | 0.08 _ _ CE-FE tand (max) issipation Factor (tan p8tog . . ; : . ; ; . . CELD Dissipation Factor (tan 6 ) 120Hz/20C 8t 18} 0.28 | 0.24 | O22 | 0.16 | 0.14 | O14 | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.07 CEFSS Exceeding 1,000 uF, +0.02 every 1,000 uF 7 eakage current uA/after 2minutes (max, e greater value of either O. or CEFS Leak (LC) A/after 2mi ( ) Th | f either O.01CV or 3 CE-FH Impedance ratio at Based the value at|40% |Z/Zeot| 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 CE-LH low temperature 120Hz, +207 |~55|7/Ze00 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 CE-AX - Test 04 to 96.3, 10X7.7 : 2,.000hours, 98 to #18 : 5.000hours CE-KX 105 a ae SEGA Endurance rated voltage applied AC/C Within +30% of the initial value : (With the rated tand Less than 300% of the specified value CELS ripple current) CEZX LC Less than the specified value CE-ZC CE-LL . . . cELntan vote) SCM Marking, Dimensions (Unit : mm) Te D: 10) 1) cI i} t} i} i} >, Ba CE-PC i6 Flay 0.3max 5 CE-PH (Cathode) 4 6.0 4.3 4.3 5.0 |0.5t008) 1.0 CEPS Oo i) 6.0 5.3 5.3 6.0 |05to08) 1.4 CE-PF xr 6.3 6.0 6.6 6.6 7.3 |O5tc08| 22 CE-TH O O 6.3 7.7 6.6 6.6 7.3 |05t008} 22 CE-JUX [D=12.5] L 8 10.2 8.3 8.3 9.0 |0.7t010) 32 Polarity R (+) CE-NP (Cathode) 144 No 10 7.7 10.3 10.3 11.0 |1.0to14} 46 CEFN for pb-8 orbiggee 10 |102 | 103 | 103 | 110 frow14l 46 ME-SWB (P)reference size 10 13.5*5| 10.3 10.3 11.0 |1.0to14| 46 ME-UZ-SZ 125 |13.5**) 128 12.8 13.5 |10to14| 46 ME-UAX-SAX 16 16.5*| 16.3 16.3 17.3 |1.7to2.1 7.0 ME-SWG 18 16.5*"*|} 19.0 19.0 20.0 |1.7to2.1 7.0 ME-HC 18 21.5*'|} 19.0 19.0 20.0 |1.7to2.1 7.0 ME-LS ME-CZ ME-CA MEOX M Part number |x LXA LXS MEAX 16 CE 470 LX 16 CE 330 LXA 35 CE 100 LXS Series code Series code Series code ME-WX Rated capacitance Rated capacitance Rated capacitance ME-WA Type code Type code Type code ME-WL Rated voltage Rated voltage Rated voltage ME-WG LXC LXT ME-FX 35 CE 470 LXC 16 CE 3300 LX T ME-FH | L Sn plating terminal option Series code Series code ME-PX Rated capacitance Rated capacitance ME-HPC-HPD Type code Type code Rated voltage Rated voltage ME-FC-FD ME-SWN ME-HWN 56 SUNCON Aluminum Electrolytic Type / Surface Mount Type RoHS compliance @ Size, Impedance, Rated Ripple Current o> Be | 3 6 5 82 Tae 4.7 ' ' ! ! ' ' ! ! 4x6.0 1145 ' 90 s 3 3 yy 10 4x6.0 1145! 90| 5x60 !070! 170 g lg T T T T T T T T T T = 15 4x6.0 1145! 90| 5x6.0 1070! 170| 5x6.0 1070! 170 on i 22 i i 4x6.0 (145; 90] 5x60 {070 ; 170| 5x60 {070 |; 170] 5x60 {070 ; 170 g 27 4x6.0 11451 90] 5x60 '070' 170] 5x6.0 1070 ' 170] 6.3x6.0 039 ' 250| 63x6.0 1039 | 250 a 33 5x6.0 '070! 170] 5x60 '070 ! 170| 63x6.0 '039 | 250] 63x60 10399 | 250] 63x6.0 '039 | 250 S 47 5x6.0 10.70! 170| 6.3x6.0 1039 | 250] 6.3x6.0 1039 | 250] 6.3x6.0 039 | 250| 63x6.0 1039 | 250 56 5x6.0 (070 ; 170} 6.3x6.0 (039 ; 250] 6.3x6.0 (039 |; 250] 6.3x6.0 {0.39 ; 250) 63x7.7 (030 , 300 68 6.3x6.0 1039 ' 250] 6.3x6.0 039 ' 250] 6.3x6.0 10.39 ' 250] 6.3x6.0 1039 ' 250| 6.3x7.7 10.30 ' 300 CEBE 5x6.0 *2/0.70 | 170 6.3X7.7 #21030 | 300 CEBD 100 rn TOT ep eee Qe PT Ve ee | en eee (eee rotate CE-BS 6.3x6.0 1039 | 250| 6.3x6.0 1039 ' 250| 6.3x6.0 10.39 ' 250| 6.3x7.7_ 1030! 300] 8x10.2 10.17 ' 600 6.3x6.0 (039 | 250] 6.3x6.0 {039 ; 250] 6.3x7.7 {030 ; 300} 8x102 ,0.17 ; 600) 8x10.2 {0.17 ; 600 CE-BSS 150 rr i ee ee qa eee Tee eee Vrs PTT PS ee ee eee Tree PTS ee eee eee rrr ' ' ' ' 10X7.7 *1'!0.17 + 600 CE-FE 6.3x6.0 1039 | 250] 6.3x7.7 1030 | 300] 6.3x7.7 10.30 | 300] 8x10.2 |017 | 600} 8x10.2 10.17 | 600 CELD 220 a TOT Tp eee Qa eee ee eee ie es eS Qe TS eee eee rota roo to roo 10X7.7 *1'0.17 | 600 roo CE-FSS 6.3x7.7 {0.30 ; 300} 8x10.2 ;0.17 ; 600] 8x10.2 {017 ; 600} 8x102 ,0.17 ; 600] 10x10.2 {0.090; 850 CEFS 330 rr i ee ee i ee ee VTS TP TSS pee eee eee Tree PTS eee eee crepe ' ' 10X7.7 *1'0.17 + 600 ' ' CE-FH 8x10.2 10.17 | 600] 8x102 '017 | 600| 8x02 '017 ! 600] 10x10.2 0.090! 850] 10x13.5%3'0.070! 950 CE-LH 470 rr TOT Tp ee Qa TP Te ee qa eee | ee eee (eee rote Ta CE-AX 10X7.7 #1!0,17 | 600 12.5X13.5 10,060! 1100 8x10.2 10.17 | 600] 10x10.2 0090! 850] 10x10.2 0.090! 850] 10x13.5x3'0.070! 950 GEKX 680 TTT TT TST KP ST See eee rere renee qr repre epee eee eee rrr pee eee eee rrr CE-GA 10X7.7 1'0.17 | 600 12.5X13.5 '0.060'1100/12.5x13.5 10.060! 1100 : it 10X13.5%3;0.070; 950 yt CELS 1000 PTT aa TOT Tp ee Qe TT Ve PTS eee rot TTT CE-ZX 8x10.2 10.17 | 600| 10x10.2 10,090! 850/12.5x13.5 10,080! 1100 |12.5x13.5_10,060!1100| 16x16.5_ 10,035! 1800 10X13.5k3! 0.070! 950 CEZC 1500 a THT TT TST KP STS qr rere eee eee qa er ree pee eee nee rrr peepee nae rere CE-LX 10x10.2 10.090! 950/12.5x13.5 10.060'1100|12.5x13.5 10.060'1100] 16x16.5 '0.035'1800| 16x16.5 10.035! 1800 ; 2200 125x135 '0.060'1100|/12.5x13.5 0.060! 1100 16x16.5 '0035!1800] 18x16.5 10.033! 2060 CELL 2700 18X21.5 10,028! 2260 CE-LH(High Vottage) 3300 16x16.5 '0.035!1800| 18x16.5 /0.033! 2060 GE-PC 3900 14 Ht 14 18x21.5 10.0281 2260 14 CEPH 4700 ' 16xX16.5 10.035!1800] 18x16.5 0.033} 2060 CE-PS 5600 it it 18x21.5 10.0281 2260 it it CE-PF 6800 16x16.5 '0.035!1800] 18x16.5 10,033! 2080 GE-TH 8200 18x16.5 10.033'2060| 18x21.5 10.028! 2260 14 it 14 CEUX 10000 18x16.5 '0.033'2060 CE-NP 12000 18X21.5 10,028! 2260 1 it rt rt CEFN ME-SWB re 5 a ete 00 ME-UZ-SZ 47 A4x6.0 1290 ' 60 1 1 ME-UAX:SAX 10 6.3x6.0 1088 | 165] 6.3x6.0 11.50! 80 ME-SWG 22 6.3x6.0 1088 | 165| 6.3x7.7__11.20 ' 120 it i ME-HG 27 6.3x7.7_ 1068 | 195 ME-LS 33 63x77 1068 | 195 i tot 10x10.2 1065 | 200 ME-CZ 47 6.3x7.7 1068 | 195] 10x7.7 *110.70 | 200] 10x10.2 {065 |} 200/125x13.5 10.32 | 500 ME-CA 56 8x10.2 1034 1 350 i it i ME-CX 68 8x10.2 |0.34 | 350 I 12.5X13.5 |0.32 | 500 ME-AX 8x10.2 10.34 ' 390/125x13.5 10.16 ' 800/12.5x13.5 '0.92 ' 500] 16x16.5 10.17 ' 793 ME-WX 100 ------ He do--~--I-~_~-J}|-_~~_~_~_~_~~ jto-~-~-L~-~-~J}-_~_~_~~_~_~~ Jeo-~-~-L~-~-~J--~-~~~-~-~~-~-H-I Io bie 10x7.7 #1,0.34 | 330 ; ME-WA 150 10x10.2 10.18 | 670/125x13.5 10.16 | 800/125x13.5 1032 | 500 16x16.5 10.17 | 793 ME-WL 220 10x10.2 10.18 |} 670/12.5x13.5 10.16 | 800 18xX16.5 |0.153; 917 ME-WG 330 (/12.5x13.5 10.12 ' 900] 16x16.5 1008211410] 16x16.5 10.17 ' 793] 18x21.5 10.083! 1230 ME-FX 470 16X16.5 10.073/1610] 16x16.5 |0.082/1410] 18x16.5 {0.153 917 ' ' ME-FH 680 16x16.5 10073'1610| 18x16.5 10,080! 1690 it it ME-PX 1000 16x16.5 1007311610] 18x21.5 10,055! 1960 ; ME-HPC-HPD 1200 18x16.5 10,068! 1900 i tot i ME-FG-FD 1500 18x21.5 10.042; 2180 ; a: -_ ME-SWN Please refer to page 15 for | . [_ ! . ME-HWN a Case size:DxL(mm) Impedance(Q) Rated ripple current nr frequency coefficients. 016, 618:CE-LXT max at 1O0OkHz, 200 = mArms(100kHz, 1050) *2 LXS *3 LXC 57