Atmel Crypto Evaluation Studio Overview [Application Note] 3
The challenge-response demo offers a user-configur able simulation of the security provided by the ATSHA204 device:
• Animated system “enabled” or “disabled”
• Animated ATSHA204 device communication and status
• Device communication log
• Ability to configure the system key
• Context-sensitive help
The ACES CE allows you t o easily configure devices for system design, prototyping, and small pr oduction runs . CE includes:
• Device zone layout
• Device memory visualization
• Zone configuration settings
• Device configuration
• Device locking
• Device command execution
• Device communication log
• System security calculation log
• Context-sensitive help
2. The ACES Package
2.1. ACES CE
The ACES CE (shown in Figure 1) provides you with a simple visualization of the device in a f am i liar, integrated development
environment (IDE). Using the ACES CE requires a supported development kit, such as the Atmel ATAVRSECURITY kit, the
Atmel AT88C K 101 kit, Atmel AT88CK427 kit, or the Atmel AT88CK 454 k i t.
The “device navigator” shows a selectable list of all the zones on the ATSHA204 and the ATAEAS132 devices. The c ontents
of the CE’s “zone map” and “zone config ur ation” panes ar e determined b y t he s el ec tion in the “ device navigator.” The bytes in
the ATSHA204 and the ATAES312 devices’ conf igurable loc ations can be modified by simply clic k ing in the zone map.
A “command builder” has been provided for exerc isi ng the ATSHA204 and the ATAES132 devices. The command builder
provides access to all available commands, and provides the exact bytes that each command sends and receives.
Context-sensitive help, described below, is availabl e everywhere in the ACES CE simply by pres sing the F1 key from any
screen, and so you are never too far from the information you needed.
2.2. ACES Challenge-response Demo
The ACES challenge-response demo exercises the AT SHA204 device in a typical authentication scenari o. Using the ACES
demo requires a supported development kit, such as the Atmel AT88CK101 kit, or the Atm el AT88CK454 kit.
The demo consists of two side-by-side windows (shown in Figure 1). The left window visualizes the state of the s ystem; either
“enabled” or “disabled.” T he r ight window visualiz es the communicati on with the ATS HA204 device, and also includes a
communication log that shows the actual bytes sent to and received from the device.
The demo is interactive. When one of the supported development kits is plugged in, the demo application detects the ki t and
automatically sends a chal lenge to the ATSHA204 device. If the challenge is succes sful, the left window goes to its enabled
state. When t he kit is unplugged, the left window goes back to its disabled state. If the ATSHA204 device does not have the
“system secret” programmed into it, the left window stays in the disabled state.