POWERSEM GmbH, Walpersdorfer Str. 56
91126 D- Schwabach
Phone: 09122 - 9764-0 Fax.: 09122 - 9764-20
2005 POWERSEM reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions
Fast Recovery PSMD 30E IFAV = 25 A
Epitaxial Diode VRRM = 800-1200V
(FRED) Module
Preliminary Data Sheet
800 800 PSMD 30E/08
1000 1000 PSMD 30E/10
1200 1200 PSMD 30E/12
Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings
IFAV TC = 85°C 25 A
IFSM TVJ = 45°C t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 300 A
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 330 A
TVJ = TVJM t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 270 A
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 300 A
i2 dt TVJ = 45°C t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 450 A2 s
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 450 A2 s
TVJ = TVJM t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 360 A2 s
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 370 A2 s
TVJ -40 ... + 150 °C
TVJM 150 °C
Tstg -40 ... + 125 °C
VISOL 50/60 HZ, RMS t = 1 min 2500 V
IISOL 1 mA t = 1 s 3000 V
Md Mounting torque (M5) 5 Nm
Terminal connection torque (M5) 5 Nm
Weight typ. 160 g
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Value
VJ = 25°C 750 µA
VR = 0,8VRRM TVJ = 125°C 7 mA
VF IF = 30 A TVJ = 25°C 2 V
trr TVJ = 25°C, IF = 1A;
-di/dt = 100 A/µs; VR = 30V
100 ns
VTO For power-loss calculations only 1.5 V
rT TVJ = TVJM 12.5
RthJC per diode; DC current 1.0 K/W
per module 0.5 K/W
RthJK per diode; DC current 1.2 K/W
per module 0.6 K/W
dS Creeping distance on surface 10 mm
dA Creeping distance in air 9.4 mm
a Max. allowable acceleration 50 m/s2
Package with screw terminals
Isolation voltage 3000 V
Planar glasspassivated chips
Short recovery time
Low forward voltage drop
Short recovery behaviour
UL registered, E 148688
Inductive heating and melting
Free wheeling diode in converters
and motor control circuits
Uninterruptible power supplies
Ultrasonic cleaners and welders
High reliability circuit operation
Low voltage peaks for reduced
protection circuits
Low noise switching
Low losses
Package, style and outline
Dimensions in mm (1mm = 0.0394“)