Managing test results is often time consuming and cumbersome, leaving many organizations to just go without or when
documentation does occur, it’s inconsistent, ad hoc and may contain erroneous or missing results, which provides no value
to the business.
There is a better way, welcome to Link-Live Cloud Service, a centralized
management, collaboration and archival workspace for network connec-
tivity test results from LinkSprinter and LinkRunner AT hand-held network
Test results are automatically sent to your Link-Live cloud account,
providing organizations with a newfound ability to quickly and easily
document their network, provide proof of performance and better manage
jobs and staff efciency. In addition, an e-mail of every test result is sent
as it occurs; allowing the technician to annotate information about the test and even attached a photo. That annotation is
then automatically added to that record in Link-Live, creating an in-depth record of performance for each link and mapped
connectivity path.
Link-Live Cloud Service Levels
Link-Live offers two levels, Essentials and Job Pro. Essentials comes standard with all models of LinkSprinter and
LinkRunner AT, and provides important test results management and reporting capabilities. Job Pro expands Essentials into
a more complete test results management platform providing greater job visibility, project control, tester and user
Link-Live Cloud Service
üManage, sort and analyze
network test results
ü Filter results by time, user,
network, errors
ü Download rmware updates
ü Generate reports in .pdf or
.csv output
ü Annotate test results
ü Centralized multi-unit auto
Job Pro
Adds the following capabilities to
Essentials and is available in 1 year
and 3 year subscription offerings.
üJob folders (organize by site,
job, customer, etc.)
ü Custom cover page and analytical
summary report
ü On tester persistent comments
ü Auto le into folders
ü Attach photos
For more info, visit us at ©2015 Fluke Corporation.
Printed in U.S.A. 2/2015 6004860