&5</2 24'.+/+0#4;
# #
Address Bus (Output, 3-state). # # form a
20-bit address bus. The Address Bus provides the address
for memory dat a bus exc hanges ( up to 1 MB) and I/O dat a
bus exchanges (up to 64 KB). The address bus enters a
high–impedance state during reset and external bus ac-
knowledge cycles. Address line # is multiplexed with the
output of PRT channel 1 (6
, selected as ad dress ou tpu t
on reset ), and addres s line # is not avail able in DIP ver -
sions of the Z8S180.
$75#%-. Bus Acknowledge (Output, active Low).
$75#%- indicates that the requesting device, the MPU ad-
dress and data bus, and some control signals enter their high-
impedance state.
$754'3Bus Request (Input, active Low). This input is
used by external devices (such as DMA controllers) to re-
quest access to the system bus. This request demands a high-
er p riori ty than 0/+ and is al ways r eco gnized at th e end o f
the curr ent mach ine cycl e. This signal stops t he CPU from
executing further instructions, places addresses, data buses,
and other control signals into the high-impedance state.
%-#%-#Asyn chronous Clock 0 a nd 1 (bidirection-
al). When in output mode, these pins are the transmit and
receiv e clock outputs f ro m the ASCI b aud r at e generators.
When i n inpu t mode, these pins serve as the exter nal c lock
inputs for the ASCI baud rate generators. %-# is mu lti-
plexed with &4'3, and %-# is multiplexed with 6'0&.
%-5Serial Cloc k (bidirection al). This line is the clock for
the CSI/O channel.
%65 %65. Clear to sen d 0 an d 1 (Inputs, act ive Low).
These lines are modem control signals for the ASCI chan-
nels. %65 is multip lexed wit h 4:5.
& &Data Bus = (bidirectional, 3-state). & & con-
stitute an 8-bit bidirectional data bus, used for the transfer
of information to and from I/O and memory devices. The
data bus enters the high-impedance state during reset and
external bus acknowledge cycles.
&%&. Data Carrier Detect 0 (Input, active Low); a pro-
grammable modem control signal for ASCI channel 0.
&4'3&4'3. DMA Request 0 and 1 (Input, active
Low). &4'3 is used to request a DMA transfer from one
of the on-chip DMA channels. The DMA channels monitor
these inputs to determine when an external device is ready
for a 4'#& or 94+6' operation. These inputs can be pro-
grammed to be eithe r level or edg e sens ed. &4'3 is mul -
tiplexed with %-#.
'Enable Clock (Ou tput). This pin functions as a sync hro-
nous, machine-cycle clock output during bus transactions.
':6#.External Clock Crystal (Input). Crystal oscillator
connections. An external clock can be input to the
Z8S180/Z8L180 on this pin when a crystal is not used. This
input is Schmitt triggered.
*#.6. *#.6/5.''2 (Output, active Low). This output is
assert ed af ter the CPU executes eit her the *#.6 or 5.''2
instruction and is waiting for either a nonmaskable or a
maska ble inte rrupt before o peratio n can res ume. I t is also
used with the / and 56 signals to d ecode the status of the
CPU machine cycle.
+06. Maskable Interrupt Request 0 (Input, active Low).
This signa l i s gen erated by external I/ O devi ces . The CPU
honors these requests at the end of the current instruction
cycle as l ong as the 0/+ and $754'3 signal s are inact ive.
The CPU acknowledges this interrupt request with an in-
terrup t ackn owledge cy cle. During thi s cycle , both th e /
and +143 signals become active.
+06+06. Maskable Interrupt Request 1 and 2 (Inputs,
active Low). This signal is generated by external I/O de-
vices. The CPU honor s these reques ts at the end of the cur -
rent instruction cycle as long as the 0/+, $754'3, and +06
signals are inactive. The CPU acknowledges these requests
with an interrupt acknowledge cycle. Unlike the acknowl-
edgment fo r +06, ne ither th e / or +143 signals bec ome
active during this cycle.
+143. I/O Request (Out put, acti ve Low, 3-sta te). +143 in -
dicate s that th e address bu s contains a valid I/O ad dress fo r
an +14'#& or +1 94+6' operation. +143 is also gener-
ated, along with /, during the acknowledgment of the
+06 input signal to indicate that an interrupt response vec-
tor ca n be p lace onto t he da ta bus. Th is s ignal is a nalogou s
to the +1' signal of the Z64180.
/. Machine Cycle 1 ( Output, active Low) . Together with
/4'3, / indicates that the current cycle is the opcode-
fetch cycle of instruction execution. Together with +143,
/ indicates that the current cycle is for interrupt acknowl-
edgment. It is also used wi th the *#.6 and 56 signal to de-
code the status of the CPU machine cycle. This signal is
analogous to the .+4 signal of the Z64180.
/4'3. Memory Request (Output, active Low, 3-state).
/4'3 indicates that the address bus holds a valid address
for a memory 4'#& or memory 94+6' operation. This sig-
nal is analogous to the /' signal of Z64180.
0/+. Nonmaskable Interrupt (Input, negative edge trig-
gered). 0/+ demands a higher priority than +06 and is al-