MS0113-E-01 2005/01
- 20 -
XXXX : Date code identifier (4 digits)
Revision History
Date (YY/MM/DD) Revision Reason Page Contents
01/08/27 00 First Edition
05/01/20 01 Spec addition 2 20pin QFN package is added.
6 Power supply current (Power-down m ode, 20QFN):
• These products and their specifications are sub ject to ch ange withou t notice. Before considering a ny use or
application, consu lt the Asahi Kasei Microsystems Co., Ltd. (AKM) sales office or authorized distributor
concerning th eir current status.
• AKM assumes no liability for infr ingement of any patent, intellectual prop erty, or other right in the
application or use of any information contained herein.
• Any export of these products, or devices or systems containing them, may require an export license or other
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• AKM products are neither intende d nor autho rized fo r use as critical c omponents in any safety, life su ppo rt,
or other hazard related device or system, and AKM assumes no responsibility relating to any such use, except
with the expr ess written consent of the Re presentative Director of AK M. As used here:
a. A hazard related device or system is one designed or intended for life support or maintenance of safety
or for applications in medicine, aerospace, nuclear energy, or other fields, in which its failure to function
or perform may reasonably be expected to result in loss of life or in significant injury or damage to person
or property.
b. A critical component is one whose failure to function or perfo rm may reasonably be ex pected to result,
whether directly or indirectly, in the loss of the safety or effectiveness of the device or system containing
it, and which must therefo re meet very high standards of per formance and reliability.
• It is the responsibility of the b uyer or distributor of an AKM product who distributes, disp oses of, or
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