Startup and Shutdown
NOTE: The device must not be loaded during
startup and shutdown (see Figure 5 description).
Soft start is a means to reduce the in-rush current
when the device starts up. When the device is
ramping up the input voltage, and the output
capacitors are discharged, a large current flow is
averted by modulating the gate drive of the NFET
during the soft start interval. This interval is pre-
programmed and not user programmable.
Thermal Overload Protection
Thermal shutdown will disable operation when the
Junction temperature exceeds the value given in
the Thermal Characteristics table. Once the
junction temperature drops by the hysteresis
temperature, the converter will re-start with a
normal soft-start.
Input Under-Voltage Lock-out
Internal circuits ensure that the converter will not
start switching until the input voltage is above the
specified minimum voltage of ~5V. If the voltage
drops below the UVLO threshold the lockout
circuitry will again disable the switching. Hysteresis
is included to prevent chattering between states.
Frequency Adjustment
The device must be set to run at 115 kHz switching
frequency with a 100 k resistor connected
between FADJ pin and GND to ensure proper
operation of the device.
Capacitor Selection
The EC2630QI requires a range of capacitance
depending on application configuration. Capacitor
selection is dependent upon power level, efficiency,
space, and cost requirements. Low-cost, low-ESR
X5R or X7R ceramic capacitors should be used.
Either 1206 or 1210 case sizes are recommended.
In general, 1210 capacitors exhibit less voltage
coefficient than 1206 capacitors, providing more
capacitance per unit volume-volt. Y5V or
equivalent dielectric formulations must not be used
as they lose capacitance with frequency,
temperature and bias voltage.
NOTE: The total output capacitance must be
greater than or equal to 100F and cannot exceed
Capacitor selection guidelines to support full output
load (4.5A):
Input Capacitors-
A typical implementation might use 3x22μF,
16V 1206, MLCC capacitors
Output Capacitors-
As EC2630 is used to power up
downstream Altera Enpirion point-of-load
(POL) converters, the input capacitors for
the downstream POL converters are the
output capacitors for the EC2630QI.
Wherever possible, it is recommended to
have the downstream converters close to
the bus converter.
- The minimum implementation for output
capacitor uses a 10μF local cap.
Flying Capacitors-
Flying capacitors should be at least equal to
the output capacitors, and a typical
implementation might use 3x47μF, 10V, and
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