R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T APPROVAL SHEET Customer Part No. Product type RoHS TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN Mode: Transmissive and Normally white type 3.2" TFT LCD module Non-compliance Compliance Remarks Preliminary Specification Final Specification Signature by Customer: : Issued by QA Checked by QA TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B Checked by PM -1- Approved By QA RD Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T Specification of LCD Module Product No.: TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN Issue date: 2013/02/21 KYOCERA DISPLAY CORPORATION 5-7-18 Higashinippori Arakawa-ku Tokyo Japan TEL: +81-03-5811-8772(Direct) FAX: +81-03-5811-8787 TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -2- Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................5 2. FEATURES.........................................................................................5 3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION ........................................................5 4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION ...............................................................6 5. MAXIMUM RATINGS..........................................................................7 6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC .....................................................7 6.1. DC Characteristics.......................................................................................... 7 6.2. Backlight Characteristics ................................................................................ 8 7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ................................................9 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. PIN DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 9 i80/16-bit System Bus Interface Timing Characteristics ............................... 10 i80/16-bit System interface ........................................................................... 11 i80/16-bit System Bus Interface Timing(Register) ........................................ 11 i80/16-bit System Bus Interface Timing(GRAM) ........................................... 12 Reset Timing Characteristics........................................................................ 12 8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS......................................13 8.1. 8.2. Optical characteristics................................................................................... 13 CIE(x, y) chromaticity.................................................................................... 13 9. RELIABILITY ....................................................................................15 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 10. MTTF ............................................................................................................ 15 Tests............................................................................................................. 15 Color performance ........................................................................................ 15 INSPECTION CRITERIA................................................................16 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. Inspection Conditions................................................................................ 16 Light Method ............................................................................................. 16 Classification Of Defects ........................................................................... 16 Sampling & Acceptable Quality Level ....................................................... 17 10.5. Definition Of Inspection Area .................................................................... 17 TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -3- Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 10.6. Items and Criteria...................................................................................... 18 11. ILLUSTRATION OF LCD DATE CODE .........................................21 12. ROHS COMPLIANT WARRANTY .................................................21 13. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE ............................................................21 13.1. Safety........................................................................................................ 21 13.2. 13.3. Storage Conditions.................................................................................... 21 Installing LCD Module ............................................................................... 21 13.4. 13.5. Precautions For Operation ........................................................................ 22 Handling Precautions ................................................................................ 22 13.6. Guarantee ................................................................................................. 23 14. REVISION HISTORY .....................................................................23 TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -4- Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN is a Transmissive type color active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD), which uses amorphous thin film transistor (TFT) as switching devices. This product is composed of a TFT LCD panel, driver ICs, FPC and a backlight unit. The following table described the features of TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN. 2. FEATURES Display Mode Transmissive Type 3.2" TFT LCD, Normally white type Display Format RGB vertical stripe Driver IC. ILI 9325C Interface 8080 - system 16 bit Interface Viewing Direction Higher Contrast ratio: 9 o'clock Less gray scale reversal: 3 o'clock Backlight type / color LED / white *5 3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Item Specifications Unit 55.14(W)x78(H)x2.9(D)* mm Resolution 240x3(R,G,B)x320 dot Active area 48.6(W)x64.8(H) mm Pixel pitch 0.2025(W)x0.2025(H) mm Dimensional outline Without FPC TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -5- Issue Date: 2013/02/21 TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -6- DISPLAY SCALE 40/1 RGB 40 1 View Direction 240(R.G.B)X320 DOTS SINGLE SIDE AREA CONDUCTIVE PEELING TAPE 1 40 GIANTPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD MYLAR TAPE (Amber) Silicone applied to cover trace ,and IC COMPONENT AREA (H=1.0 MAX.) STIFFENER PRINTING LINE REFLECTOR R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 5. MAXIMUM RATINGS ITEM SYMBOL MIN. MAX. UNIT Power Supply Voltage VCC 2.5 3.3 V Logic input voltage range VCC-GND 2.4 3.3 Operation Temperature Top -20 70 V Storage Temperature Tstg -30 80 - 90 %RH Humidity Note 1: TA40 Without dewing Note Note1 6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC 6.1. DC Characteristics (VCC = 2.4~3.3V,IOVCC=1.65~3.3V) Item Symbol IC Power Voltage Values Unit Min. Typ. Max. VCC 2.5 2.8 3.3 V Consumption current of VCC ICC - 9.5 16 mA Low Level Input Voltage VIL -0.3 - 0.2 x IOVCC V High Level Input Voltage VIH 0.8 x IOVCC - IOVCC V Low Level Output Voltage VOL - - 0.2 x IOVCC V High Level Output Voltage VOH 0.8 x IOVCC - - V TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -7- Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 6.2. Backlight Characteristics Item Symbol Condition Min Typ. Max. Unit LED module Forward voltage VLED ILED=20mA --- 17.5 --- V LED module current ILED VLED=17.5V --- 20 --- mA LD ILED=20mA VLED=17.5V --- 80 --- % Surface brightness uniform without LCD 1 Backlight LED Circuit LED20mA LED+ 2 Uniform measure condition (a)Measure 9 point. Measure location is show below (b)Uniform = (Min. brightness / Max. brightness)x100% (c)Best Contrast, Main and sub panel All dots turn ON (White screen) 2W/3 W/3 2H/3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Active area (H) H/3 Active area TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -8- Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 7.1. PIN DESCRIPTION Pin NO. Symbol 1 VCC 2 VCI 3 CS 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~16 17 Function A supply voltage to the internal logicVcc = 2.4~3.3V A supply voltage to the analog circuit. Connect to an external power supply of 2.5~3.3V A chip select signal. Lowthe ILI9325C is selected and accessible Highthe ILI9325C is not selected and not accessible Fix to the GND level when not in use A register select signal. DNC_SCL/RS Lowselect an index or status register Highselect a control register A write strobe signal and enables WR an operation to write data when the signal is low A read strobe signal and enables RD an operation to read data when the signal is low A reset pin. /RESET Initializes the ILI9325C with a low input Be sure to execute a power-on reset after supplying power NC No Connect DB1 ~ DB8 Data bus pin NC No Connect 18~25 DB10~DB17 26~38 GND Data bus pin Power groundGND=0V 39 LED + B/L power supply 40 LED - B/L power ground TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B -9- Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 7.2. i80/16-bit System Bus Interface Timing Characteristics Normal write mode (IOVCC=1.65V~3.30V, VCC=2.4V~3.30V), TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 10 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 7.3. i80/16-bit System interface 7.4. i80/16-bit System Bus Interface Timing(Register) (a) Write to Register (b) Read to Register TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 11 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 7.5. i80/16-bit System Bus Interface Timing(GRAM) (a) Write to Register (b) Read to Register 7.6. Reset Timing Characteristics TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 12 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8.1. Optical characteristics Item Symbol Temp. Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions Tr 25 - 11 12 ms Tf 25 - 14 18 ms Luminance L 25 220 250 - cd/m2 - Contrast ratio CR 25 230 250 - - NOTE 1 50 60 - 50 60 - Degree NOTE 2 30 50 - 50 60 - Degree NOTE 2 Response time Viewing Angle 8.2. Item Vertical Horizontal NOTE 3 + 25 + 25 - CIE(x, y) chromaticity Transmissive Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. X - 0.634 - y - 0.348 - X - 0.364 - y - 0.559 - X - 0.144 - Red Green =0 , =0 =0 , =0 =0 , =0 Blue y - 0.086 - X - 0.292 =0 , =0 White y - TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B 0.299 - - 13 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T NOTE 1: Definition of contrast ratio: Measure contrast ratio on the below 5 points and take average value Contrast ratio is calculated with the following formula: Contrast RatioCRWhiteLuminance of ON/BlackLuminance of OFF NOTE 2: Definition of Viewing Angle NOTE 3: Definition of Response Time The response time is defined as the time interval between the 10and 90 amplitudes TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 14 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 9. RELIABILITY 9.1. MTTF The LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTTF value of 50,000 hours with normal condition. (25C in the room without sunlight; not include life time of backlight) 9.2. Tests NO. 1 2 ITEM High Temperature Operating Low Temperature Operating CONDITION 70 -20 3 High Temperature Non-Operating 80 4 Low Temperature Non-Operating -30 5 240 hrs CRITERION No Defect Of Operational Function In Room Temperature Are Allowable(235C). 240 hrs 240 hrs Leakage current should be below double of initial value. 240 hrs High Temperature/ 50 ,90%RH 240 hrs Humidity Non-Operating -30 80 Temperature Shock 6 Non-Operating ( 30min ) ( 30min ) 10 CYCLES Electrostatic Discharge HBM:2KV Test Non-Operating Note 1: Test after 24 hours in room temperature(235C). Note 2: The sampling above is individually for each reliability testing condition. Note 3: The color fading of polarizing filter should not care. Note 4: All of the reliability testing chamber above, is using D.I. water.(Min value: 1.0 M -cm) Note 5: In case of malfunction defect caused by ESD damage, if it would be recovered to normal state after resetting, it would be judged as a good part. 7 9.3. Color performance No. ITEM Criterion (initial) 1 Luminance >50% 2 NTSC >70% 3 Contrast Ratio >50% TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 15 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 10. INSPECTION CRITERIA 10.1. Inspection Conditions 10.1.1. Environmental conditions The environmental conditions for inspection shall be as follows Room temperature: 235C Humidity: 5020%RH 10.1.2. The external visual inspection With a single 1000200lux fluorescent lamp as the light source, the inspection was in the distance of 30cm or more from the LCD to the inspector's eyes. 10.2. Light Method 10.2.1. Environment lamp under 1000200 lux, Viewing direction for inspection over 30 10.2.2. The distance from eye to defect around 300mm, the distance from ND Filter to defect around 25~30mm Eye 300mm ND Filter Defect place 10.3. Classification Of Defects 10.3.1. Major defect A major defect refers to a defect that may substantially degrade usability for product applications. TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 16 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 10.3.2. Minor defect A minor defect refers to a defect which is not considered to be able substantially degrade the product application or a defect that deviates from existing standards almost unrelated to the effective use of the product or its operation. Notes: If the LCD/LCM 's cosmetic and display performance do not specify in "inspection criterion", it should be based on these delivered samples. 10.4. Sampling & Acceptable Quality Level Level II, MIL-STD-105E Major Minor Cosmetic 1.0 % 1.5 % Electrical-display 0.4% 0.65 % 10.5. Definition Of Inspection Area V.A: Viewing Area A.A: Active Area Active Area Viewing Area Outside of Viewing area TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 17 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 10.6. Items and Criteria 10.6.1. Visual inspection criterion in cosmetic (1) Glass defect No Defect Dimension Criteria Remark By engineering diagram (Minor) Y Z 1 X Extensive crack Reject Cracks 2 (Major) (2) LCM appearance defect No Defect Criteria Round type Remark Permissible Qty 1. =(L+W)/2, Spec. (Minor) 0.10mm 1 Disregard 0.10mm< 0.20mm 3 0.20mm< 0 Line type Spec. L: Length, W: Width 2. Disregard if out of A.A. W L Permissible Qty 1. L: Length, W: Width W 0.03mm Disregard 2. Disregard if out of A.A. (Minor) L 3.0mm and 2 2 0.03mm0.10mm or L>3.0mm 0 Permissible Qty 1. =(L+W)/2 , Polarizer dent Spec. (Minor) 0.20mm 3 Disregard 2 0.30mm< 0.50mm 1 0.50mm< 0 - 18 - L: Length, W: Width 2. Disregard if out ofA.A. 0.20mm< 0.30mm TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B W W L Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T (3) FPC Defect No Criteria Reject Copper peeling 1 Copper peeling Remark (Minor) (4) Black tape No 1 2 Defect Criteria Shift Remark IC exposed Reject No black tape Reject (Minor) No black tape (Minor) (5) Silicon No 1 Defect Visual inspection criterion in electrical display Defect No display Criteria Remark Not allowed (Major) 1 Missing line 2 Remark Reject Amount of silicon ITO exposed (Minor) 10.6.2. No Criteria Not allowed (Major) Darker or lighter Not allowed line 3 (Major) TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 19 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 4 By limited sample Weak line (Minor) No Defect Criteria Bright / Dark point (Minor) 5 Spec. Bright point 1 Dark point 2 Round type 0.10mm Disregard 2. Disregard if out of A.A. 0.10mm< 0.20mm 3 0.20mm< 0 Line type W 0.03mm 2 0.03mm0.10mm or L>3.0mm 8 Mura L Disregard L 3.0mm and 7 W Permissible 1. L: Length, W: Width Qty 2. Disregard if out of A.A. Spec. (Minor) sub pixel. Permissible 1. =(L+W)/2, L: Length, W: Width Qty Spec. (Minor) 6 Remark 1: 1sub-pixel : 1R or 1G or Permissible 1B Qty 2:Point defect area 1/2 L W 0 By 5% ND filter invisible (Minor) 10.6.3. Others 1. Issues that are not defined in this document shall be discussed and agreed with both parties. (Customer and supplier) 2. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the criteria shall be applied to both parties. (Customer and supplier) 3. Polarizer, more than 0.5mm in size reduction rejected. TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 20 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 11. ILLUSTRATION OF LCD DATE CODE TBD 12. RoHS COMPLIANT WARRANTY RoHs Hazardous substances including: Cd< 100 ppm Pb< 1000 ppm Hg< 1000 ppm Cr +6 < 1000 ppm PBDE < 1000 ppm PBB < 1000 ppm 13. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE 13.1. Safety (1) Do not swallow any liquid crystal, even if there is no proof that liquid crystal is poisonous. (2) If the LCD panel breaks, be careful not to get liquid crystal to touch your skin. (3) If skin is exposed to liquid crystal, wash the area thoroughly with alcohol or soap. 13.2. Storage Conditions (1) Store the panel or module in a dark place where the temperature is 235C and the humidity is below 5020%RH. (2) Store in anti-static electricity container. (3) Store in clean environment, free from dust, active gas, and solvent. (4) Do not place the module near organics solvents or corrosive gases. (5) Do not crush, shake, or jolt the module. (6) Do not exposed to direct sun light of fluorescent lamps. 13.3. Installing LCD Module Attend to the following items when installing the LCM. (1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate or touch panel to protect the polarizer and LC cell. TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 21 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 13.4. Precautions For Operation (1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to show the best contrast. (2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime. (3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However, this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range. (4) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable. (5) Do not apply mater or any liquid on product, which composed of T/P. 13.5. Handling Precautions (1) Avoid static electricity that can damage the CMOS LSI; please wear the wrist strap when handling. (2) The polarizing plate of the display is very fragile. So, please handle it very carefully. (3) Do not give external shock. (4) Do not apply excessive force on the surface; it may cause display abnormal. (5) Do not wipe the polarizing plate with a dry cloth, as it may easily scratch the surface of plate. (6) Do not use ketonics solvent & Aromatic solvent, use with a soft cloth soaked with a cleaning naphtha solvent. (7) Do not operate it above the absolute maximum rating. (8) Do not remove the panel or frame from the module. (9) Do not apply mater or any liquid on product, which composed of T/P. TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 22 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21 R RooH HS S C CO OM MP PLLIIA AN NT T 13.6. Guarantee 13.6.1. The period is within 12 months since the date of shipping out under normal using and storage conditions. 13.6.2. Any defect not caused by KYOCERA DISPLAY is not guaranteed to the customer. The defect phenomenon should be agreed by both parties. 14. REVISION HISTORY Version Revise record Date A New version 2012/03/05 B Viewing Direction remark 2012/04/24 TVL-55736GD032JR-LW-G-AAN ver.B - 23 - Issue Date: 2013/02/21