BABCOCK Inc. MODEL: PD02D104 DISPLAY PRODUCTS DIVISION 128 x 64 DOT MATRIX, GAS-PLASMA DISPLAY WITH CONTROLLER AND DC - DC CONVERTER PLASMADOTTM full field dot matrix DC plasma display systems include driver electronics, on-board power supply, and a dedicated microprocessor to perform display refresh and user interface operations. Bi-directional communication with the display system is accomplished via an 8-bit ASCII interface in either parallel or RS-232C formats. Text inputs can be displayed in a choice of standard fonts and styles, or users can program custom characters to accommodate special requirements. Graphic input commands may also be used to display overlays to further enhance the displayed information. FEATURES Display Format: Overall Size: Overall Viewing Area: Pixel Size: Row Pitch: Column Pitch: Luminance Viewing Angle 64 rows x 128 columns 8.00" x 5.00" x 1.50" 5.10" x 2.54" . 020" x .020" . 040" . 040" 50 fL 130o ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Converter Input Voltage Operating Temperature Symbol Vp Topr Value -0.3 to +35.0 0 to +60 Unit V C Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to + 85 Logic Input Voltage Vin -0.3 to +7.0 C V Recommended Operating Conditions (Measured with all pixels lit.) Item Symbol Min Typ Max Converter Input Voltage Vp 10.8 12 26 Converter Input Power Pin 15 Operating Temperature Topr 0 25 60 RS232 Interface Signals (Topr = +25C) Item Symbol Input Threshold Voltage - Low Vtl Input Threshold Voltage - High Vth Output Voltage Swing Vout Min 0.8 5 Typ 1.2 1.5 8 Unit V Watts C Max 2.4 Unit V V V 9200-0115 Rev. A _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIFICATIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY Phone: (714) 994-6500 14930 East Alondra Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638-5752 Fax: (714) 994-3013 Page 1 of 4 BABCOCK Inc. MODEL: PD02D104 DISPLAY PRODUCTS DIVISION 128 x 64 DOT MATRIX, GAS-PLASMA DISPLAY WITH CONTROLLER AND DC - DC CONVERTER Parallel Interface Signals (Topr = +25C) Item Symbol Input High Voltage Vih Input Low Voltage Vil Input Leakage Current Iin Output High Voltage Voh Output Low Voltage Vol Min 3.5 -0.5 -10 3.5 SERIAL INTERFACE PORT Data Bits: Parity: Start Bits: Stop Bits: Baud Rate: Max Vcc 0.8 +10 Unit V V UA V V 0.5 8 None 1 1 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K BAUD RATE JUMPER 1 JUMPER 2 4800 9600 19.2K 38.4K X X X X `X' indicates an installed shunt. Environmental Specifications Item Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity (Non-Condensing) Vibration (10-55 Hz, .06" P-P) Shock P (acceleration, 11 Msec) Altitude (Operating) Altitude (Non-Operating) Min 0 Max +60 Unit C -40 + 85 0 95 3 30 20,000 70,000 C % G G ft. ft. 9200-0115 Rev. A _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIFICATIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY Phone: (714) 994-6500 14930 East Alondra Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638-5752 Fax: (714) 994-3013 Page 2 of 4 BABCOCK Inc. MODEL: PD02D104 DISPLAY PRODUCTS DIVISION 128 x 64 DOT MATRIX, GAS-PLASMA DISPLAY WITH CONTROLLER AND DC - DC CONVERTER CUSTOMER INTERFACE Parallel Communication Interface Connector J2 Mating Connector: AMP Part No. 746285-6 (or equivalent) J2 Pin No. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Description Computer Port DATA 0 DATA 1 DATA 2 DATA 3 DATA 4 DATA 5 DATA 6 DATA 7 WR* SEL* RD* RESET* BLANK* J2 Pin No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 17 16 15 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Description Computer Port GND GND GND GND GND TEST* GND GND GND GND GND BUSY GND 18 19 20 21 22 14 23 24 25 12 13 11 10 * = Negative true logic PARALLEL COMMUNICATIONS PORT CABLE CONNECTOR All interface signals for the 8-bit I/O port are supplied to the display by a 26-pin ribbon cable header. It is recommended to use a receptacle with the center polarization. Power Supply Connector J3 Mating Connector: Amp Part No. 1-480424-0 J3 Pin No. Description 1 2 3 4 +12 Volts Input GND GND +5 Vdc @ 150 mAmps Serial Communications Interface Connector J1 Mating Connector: Amp Part No. 747321-4 (or equivalent) J1 Pin No. Name 2 TxD 3 RxD 4 CTS 8 DTR 5 GND Description Transmit Data (Output) Output sent by the display back to the host. Receive Data (Input) Data sent by the host to the display system. Clear to Send (Input) Input indicates if the host is ready to accept data from The display system. Data Terminal Ready (Output) Output indicates to the host if the display system is Ready to accept data. Signal Ground Logic return for all serial interface signals. *Pins 1,6,7, and 9 are not connected. 9200-0115 Rev. A _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIFICATIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY Phone: (714) 994-6500 14930 East Alondra Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638-5752 Fax: (714) 994-3013 Page 3 of 4 BABCOCK Inc. MODEL: PD02D104 DISPLAY PRODUCTS DIVISION 128 x 64 DOT MATRIX, GAS-PLASMA DISPLAY WITH CONTROLLER AND DC - DC CONVERTER Outline and Mounting Dimensions: 9200-0115 Rev. A _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIFICATIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY Phone: (714) 994-6500 14930 East Alondra Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638-5752 Fax: (714) 994-3013 Page 4 of 4