S16ASD2 ... S16MSD2 S16ASD2 ... S16MSD2 Surface Mount Silicon Rectifier Diodes - Half Bridge Silizium-Gleichrichterdioden fur die Oberflachenmontage- Halbbrucke Version 2012-10-09 1.2 4.5 Nominal current Nennstrom 10.25 0.5 0.2 4 Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung Type Typ 1 2 1.3 TO-263AB D2PAK Weight approx. Gewicht ca. 5.08 1.6 g Plastic material has UL classification 94V-0 Gehausematerial UL94V-0 klassifiziert 1 4 2 3 Standard packaging in tubes Standard Lieferform in Stangen Dimensions - Mae [mm] Maximum ratings and Characteristics Type Typ 50...1000 V Plastic case Kunststoffgehause 3 0.8 0.4 16 A Grenz- und Kennwerte Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung VRRM [V] 1) Surge peak reverse voltage Stospitzensperrspannung VRSM [V] 1) Forward voltage Durchlass-Spannung VF [V] 1), Tj = 25C IF = 5 A IF = 8 A S16ASD2 50 50 < 1.0 < 1.1 S16BSD2 100 100 < 1.0 < 1.1 S16DSD2 200 200 < 1.0 < 1.1 S16GSD2 400 400 < 1.0 < 1.1 S16JSD2 600 600 < 1.0 < 1.1 S16KSD2 800 800 < 1.0 < 1.1 S16MSD2 1000 1000 < 1.0 < 1.1 Max. average forward current, R-load Dauergrenzstrom mit R-Last TC = 100C TC = 100C IFAV IFAV 8 A 1) 16 A 2) Repetitive peak forward current Periodischer Spitzenstrom f > 15 Hz IFRM 30 A 3) Peak forward surge current, 50/60 Hz half sine-wave Stostrom fur eine 50/60 Hz Sinus-Halbwelle TA = 25C IFSM 135/150 A 1) Rating for fusing, t < 10 ms Grenzlastintegral, t < 10 ms TA = 25C i2t 90 A2s 1) Tj -50...+150C -50...+175C Junction temperature - Sperrschichttemperatur Storage temperature - Lagerungstemperatur 1 2 3 TS Per diode - Pro Diode Output current when operating two devices in a full bridge configuration Ausgangsstrom bei Betrieb zweier Bauteile als Vollbrucke Max. temperature of the case TC = 100C - Max. Temperatur des Gehauses TC = 100C (c) Diotec Semiconductor AG http://www.diotec.com/ 1 S16ASD2 ... S16MSD2 Characteristics Kennwerte Leakage current Sperrstrom Tj = 25C VR = VRRM IR Thermal resistance junction to case Warmewiderstand Sperrschicht - Gehause < 5 A RthC < 2.5 K/W 1) 10 2 120 [%] [A] 100 10 80 Tj = 125C Tj = 25C 1 60 40 10-1 20 IF IFAV 0 -2 0 TC 50 100 150 [C] Rated forward current vs. temp. of the case Zul. Richtstrom in Abh. v. d. Gehausetemperatur 1 2 200a-(5a-0.95v) 10 0.4 VF 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 [V] 1.8 Forward characteristics (typical values) Durchlasskennlinien (typische Werte) Per diode - Pro Diode http://www.diotec.com/ (c) Diotec Semiconductor AG