Compact Dual-band Reach XtendTM (FR05-S1-NO-1-004)
Last updated on March 2018
4.3. ANTENNA FOOTPRINT (as used in the evaluation board)
This antenna footprint applies for the reference evaluation board described on page 5 of this
User Manual. Feeding line dimensions over the clearance zone described in Figure 4 apply for a
0.8 mm thickness FR4 PCB.
Figure 4 – Antenna Footprint Details.
Other PCB form factors and configurations may require a different feeding configuration, feeding
line dimensions and clearance areas. If you require support for the integration of the antenna in
your design, please contact info@fractusantennas.com
The specs of a Fractus Antennas standard antenna are measured in their evaluation board,
which is an ideal case. In a real design, components nearby the antenna, LCD’s, batteries,
covers, connectors, etc affect the antenna performance. This is the reason why it is highly
recommended placing pads compatible with 0402 and 0603 SMD components for a PI matching
network as close as possible to the antenna feeding point. Do it in the ground plane area, not in
the clearance area. This is a degree of freedom to tune the antenna once the design is finished
and taking into account all elements of the system (batteries, displays, covers, etc).