Data Sheet 8 V1.1, 2009-08
Intro, V1.1
2.1.2 Text Conventions
This document uses the following text conventions for named components of the
• Functional units of the TC1736 are given in plain UPPER CASE. For example: “The
SSC supports full-duplex and half-duplex synchronous communication”.
• Pins using negative logic are indicated by an overline. For example: “The external
reset pin, ESR0, has dual-functionality.”.
• Bit fields and bits in registers are in general referenced as
“Module_Register name.Bit field” or “Module_Register name.Bit”. For example: “The
Current CPU Priority Number bit field CPU_ICR.CCPN is cleared”. Most of the
register names contain a module name prefix, separated by an underscore character
“_” from the actual register name (for example, “ASC0_CON”, where “ASC0” is the
module name prefix, and “CON” is the kernel register name). In chapters describing
the kernels of the peripheral modules, the registers are mainly referenced with their
kernel register names. The peripheral module implementati on sections mainly refer
to the actual register names with module prefixes.
• Variables used to describe sets of processing units or registers appear in mixed
upper and lower cases. For example, register name “MSGCFGn” refers to multiple
“MSGCFG” registers with variable n. The boundary of the variables are always given
where the register expression is first used (for example, “n = 0-31”), and may be
repeated when necessary.
• The default radix is decimal. Hexadecimal constants are suffixed with a subscript
letter “H”, as in 100H. Binary constants are suffixed with a subscript letter “B”, as in:
• When the extent of register fields, groups register bits, or groups of pins are
collectively named in the body of the document, they are represented as
“NAME[A:B]”, which defines a range for the named group from B to A. Individual bits,
signals, or pins are given as “NAME[C]” where the range of the variable C is given in
the text. For example: CFG[2:0] and SRPN[0].
• Units are abbreviated as follows:
–MHz = Megahertz
–µs = Microseconds
–kBaud, kbit = 1000 characters/bits p e r second
–MBaud, Mbit = 1,000,000 characters/bits per second
–Kbyte, KB = 1024 bytes of memory
–Mbyte, MB = 1048576 bytes of memory
In general, the k prefix scales a unit by 1000 whereas the K prefix scales a unit by
1024. Hence, the Kbyte unit scales the expression preceding it by 1024. The
kBaud unit scales the expression preceding it by 1000. The M prefix scales by
1,000,000 or 1048576, and µ scales by .000001. For example, 1 Kbyte is
1024 bytes, 1 Mbyte is 1024 ×1024 bytes, 1 kBaud/kbit are 1000 characters/bits