Systems, Inc.
General Description Features
Frequency Generator and Integrated Buffer for PENTIUM™
ICS9159-14 Rev B 3/16/00
Block Diagram
The ICS9159-14 generates all clocks required for high speed
RISC or CISC microprocessor systems such as 486, Pentium,
PowerPC,Ô etc. Four different reference frequency multiply-
ing factors are externally selectable with smooth frequency
transitions. These multiplying factors can be customized for
specific applications.
High drive BCLK outputs provide typically greater than 1V/
ns slew rate into 30pF loads. PCLK outputs provide typically
better than 1V/ns slew rate into 20pF loads while maintaining
±5% duty cycle.
• Generates up to four processor and six bus clocks, plus
disk, USB and reference clocks
• Synchronous clocks skew matched to 250ps window on
PCLKs and 500ps window on BCLKs
• 3.0V - 5.5V supply range
• 28-pin SOIC package
Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
PowerPC is a trademark of Motorola Corporation.
Pin Configuration
28-Pin SOIC
00 x71/811 1X 813.41)7.94(05
01 1Xx7/56813.41)5.66(6.66
10 1Xx11/29813.41)9.95(06
11 1Xx9/96813.41)9.45(55
*VCO range is limited from 60 - 200 MHz.
All frequencies in MHz, assuming 14.318 MHz input.
ICS reserves the right to make changes in the device data identified in this publication
without further notice. ICS advises its customers to obtain the latest version of all
device data to verify that any information being relied upon by the customer is current
and accurate.