PL IA NT CO M *R oH S TISP4072F3LM THRU TISP4082F3LM, TISP4125F3LM THRU TISP4180F3LM, TISP4240F3LM THRU TISP4380F3LM BIDIRECTIONAL THYRISTOR OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTORS TISP4xxxF3LM Overvoltage Protector Series LM Package (Top View) Ion-Implanted Breakdown Region Precise and Stable Voltage Low Voltage Overshoot under Surge Device `4072 `4082 `4125 `4150 `4180 `4240 `4260 `4290 `4320 `4380 VDRM V(BO) V 58 66 100 120 145 180 200 220 240 270 V 72 82 125 150 180 240 260 290 320 380 T(A) NC R(B) 1 2 3 MD4XAT NC - No internal connection on pin 2 LMF Package (LM Package with Formed Leads) (Top View) T(A) E T E L O S B O NC R(B) Standard 10/160 s 0.5/700 s 10/700 s 10/560 s 10/1000 s FCC Part 68 I3124 ITU-T K.20/21 FCC Part 68 REA PE-60 MD4XAKB NC - No internal connection on pin 2 Device Symbol Rated for International Surge Wave Shapes Waveshape 1 2 3 T ITSP A 60 38 50 45 35 R SD4XAA Terminals T and R correspond to the alternative line designators of A and B ................................................UL Recognized Component Description These devices are designed to limit overvoltages on the telephone line. Overvoltages are normally caused by a.c. power system or lightning flash disturbances which are induced or conducted on to the telephone line. A single device provides 2-point protection and is typically used for the protection of 2-wire telecommunication equipment (e.g. between the Ring to Tip wires for telephones and modems). Combinations of devices can be used for multi-point protection (e.g. 3-point protection between Ring, Tip and Ground). The protector consists of a symmetrical voltage-triggered bidirectional thyristor. Overvoltages are initially clipped by breakdown clamping until the voltage rises to the breakover level, which causes the device to crowbar into a low-voltage on state. This low-voltage on state causes the current resulting from the overvoltage to be safely diverted through the device. The high crowbar holding current helps prevent d.c. latchup as the diverted current subsides. How to Order Device TISP4xxxF3LM Package Carrier Order As Bulk Pack TISP4xxxF3LM-S Tape and Reeled TISP4xxxF3LMR-S Formed Lead DO-92 (LMF) Tape and Reeled TISP4xxxF3LMFR-S Straight Lead DO-92 (LM) Insert xxx value corresponding to protection voltages of 072, 082, 125 etc. NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 *RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan 27 2003 including Annex. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP4xxxF3LM Overvoltage Protector Series Description (Continued) This TISP4xxxF3LM range consists of ten voltage variants to meet various maximum system voltage levels (58 V to 270 V). They are guaranteed to voltage limit and withstand the listed international lightning surges in both polarities. These protection devices are supplied in a DO-92 (LM) cylindrical plastic package. The TISP4xxxF3LM is a straight lead DO-92 supplied in bulk pack and on tape and reeled. The TISP4xxxF3LMF is a formed lead DO-92 supplied only on tape and reeled. Absolute Maximum Ratings, TA = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Rating Symbol `4072 `4082 `4125 `4150 `4180 `4240 `4260 `4290 `4320 `4380 E T E L O S B O Repetitive peak off-state voltage (0 C < TJ < 70 C) Non-repetitive peak on-state pulse current (see Notes 1, 2 and 3) 2/10 s (FCC Part 68, 2/10 s voltage wave shape) excluding `4072 - `4082 8/20 s (ANSI C62.41, 1.2/50 s voltage wave shape) excluding `4072 - `4082 10/160 s (FCC Part 68, 10/160 s voltage wave shape) 5/200 s (VDE 0433, 2 kV, 10/700 s voltage wave shape) 0.2/310 s (I3124, 1.5 kV, 0.5/700 s voltage wave shape) 5/310 s (ITU-T K.20/21, 1.5 kV, 10/700 s voltage wave shape) 5/310 s (FTZ R12, 2 kV, 10/700 s voltage wave shape) 10/560 s (FCC Part 68, 10/560 s voltage wave shape) 10/1000 s (REA PE-60, 10/1000 s voltage wave shape) 2/10 s (FCC Part 68, 2/10 s voltage wave shape) `4072 - `4082 only 8/20 s (ANSI C62.41, 1.2/50 s voltage wave shape) `4072 - `4082 only Non-repetitive peak on-state current (see Notes 2 and 3) 50/60 Hz, 1 s Initial rate of rise of on-state current, Linear current ramp, Maximum ramp value < 38 A Junction temperature Storage temperature range VDRM ITSP Value 58 66 100 120 145 180 200 220 240 270 175 120 60 50 38 38 50 45 35 80 70 Unit V A ITSM 4 A diT/dt TJ Tstg 250 -40 to +150 -55 to +150 A/s C C NOTES: 1. Initially the TISP must be in thermal equilibrium with 0 C < TJ < 70 C. 2. The surge may be repeated after the TISP returns to its initial conditions. 3. Above 70 C, derate linearly to zero at 150 C lead temperature. NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP4xxxF3LM Overvoltage Protector Series Electrical Characteristics, TA = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) IDRM V(BO) V(BO) I(BO) VT IH dv/dt ID Coff Parameter Repetitive peak offstate current Breakover voltage Test Conditions Typ VD = V DRM, 0 C < TJ < 70 C E T E L O S B O dv/dt = 1000 di/dt < 20 A/s Breakover current On-state voltage Holding current Critical rate of rise of off-state voltage Off-state current dv/dt = 250 V/ms, RSOURCE = 300 IT = 5 A,t W = 100 s IT = 5 A,d i/dt = - /+ 30 mA/ms RSOURCE = 50 Max Unit 10 A 72 82 125 150 180 240 260 290 320 380 86 96 143 168 198 267 287 317 347 407 0.6 3 `4072 `4082 `4125 `4150 `4180 `4240 `4260 `4290 `4320 `4380 `4072 `4082 `4125 `4150 `4180 `4240 `4260 `4290 `4320 `4380 dv/dt = 250 V/ms, RSOURCE = 300 Impulse breakover voltage Off-state capacitance Min 0.15 0.15 5 Linear voltage ramp, Maximum ramp value < 0.85VDRM VD = 50 V f = 100 kHz, Vd = 1 Vr .m.s.,V D = 0, f = 100 kHz, Vd = 1 Vr .m.s.,V D = -50 V `4072 - `4082 `4125 - `4180 `4240 - `4380 `4072 - `4082 `4125 - `4180 `4240 - `4380 V V A V A kV 63 43 44 25 15 11 10 108 74 74 40 25 20 Typ Max Unit 120 C/W A pF Thermal Characteristics Parameter RJA Junction to free air thermal resistance Test Conditions EIA/JESD51-3 PCB mounted in an EIA/ JESD51-2 enclosure NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. Min TISP4xxxF3LM TISP4xxxF3LMOvervoltage OvervoltageProtector ProtectorSeries Series Parameter Measurement Information +i Quadrant I ITSP Switching Characteristic ITSM IT V(BO) VT I(BO) IH E T E L O S B O IDRM VDRM -v ID VD ID VD VDRM +v IDRM IH I(BO) V(BO) VT IT ITSM Quadrant III Switching Characteristic ITSP -i PMXXAAB Figure 1. Voltage- Current Characteristic for R and T Terminals All Measurements are Referenced to the T Terminal NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP4xxxF3LM TISP4xxxF3LM Overvoltage Overvoltage Protector Protector Series Series Typical Characteristics OFF-STATE CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 100 VDRM DERATING FACTOR vs MINIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE TC4XAA 1.00 0.99 Derating Factor ID - Off-State Current - A 10 1 0.97 VD = -50 V 0.96 0*01 0*001 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TJ - Junction Temperature - C 0.95 -40 150 '4240 THRU '4380 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 TAMIN - Minimum Ambient Temperature - C Figure 2. V(BO)I Normalized to 25 Ct -Value - On-State Curren A 10 '4240 THRU 1.0 '4380 TC3MAL TC4XAC '4072 AND '4082 T '4240 THRU '4380 25C '4072 150C AND '4082 1 -25 NORMALIZED HOLDING CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 2.0 TC4XAD 1.5 Normalized Holding Current '4125 THRU '4180 1.1 0 Figure 3. NORMALIZED V(BO) vs AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 100 0.91 '4125 THRU '4180 E T E L O S B O VD = 50 V 0*1 '4072 AND '4082 0.98 TC4XAB 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 -40C 0.4 225 13 5 6 125 7 8 9150 0 50 754 100 - On-State Voltage - -VC TA -VAmbient Temperature T Figure 4. NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. -25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ - Junction Temperature - C Figure 5. 125 150 TISP4xxxF3LM Overvoltage Protector Series Typical Characteristics NORMALIZED BREAKOVER VOLTAGE vs RATE OF RISE OF PRINCIPLE CURRENT TC4XAE 1.3 '4072 AND '4082 Normalized Breakover Voltage NEGATIVE POLARITY 1.2 '4240 THRU '4380 1.1 TC4XAF 1.3 '4072 AND '4082 POSITIVE POLARITY Normalized Breakover Voltage NORMALIZED BREAKOVER VOLTAGE vs RATE OF RISE OF PRINCIPLE CURRENT '4125 THRU '4180 1.2 E T E L O S B O '4240 THRU '4380 1.1 '4125 THRU '4180 1.0 0*001 0*01 0*1 1 10 1.0 0*001 100 di/dt - Rate of Rise of Principal Current - A/s 0*01 0*1 1 10 di/dt - Rate of Rise of Principal Current - A/s Figure 6. Figure 7. OFF-STATE CAPACITANCE vs TERMINAL VOLTAGE OFF-STATE CAPACITANCE vs TERMINAL VOLTAGE TC4XAG 100 90 80 70 POSITIVE POLARITY 60 '4072 AND '4082 50 Off-State Capacitance - pF Off-State Capacitance - pF 100 90 80 70 40 30 '4125 THRU '4180 20 10 0*1 1 10 Terminal Voltage - V Figure 8. 100 NEGATIVE POLARITY '4072 AND '4082 60 50 40 30 20 '4240 THRU '4380 50 TC4XAH 10 0*1 '4125 THRU '4180 '4240 THRU '4380 1 10 Terminal Voltage - V 50 Figure 9. NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP4xxxF3LM Overvoltage Protector Series ITSM(t) - Non-Repetitive Peak On-State Current - A Typical Characteristics 10 9 8 7 NON-REPETITIVE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs CURRENT DURATION TI4LAAA VGEN = 600 Vrms, 50/60 Hz RGEN(t) = 1.4*VGEN / ITSM(t) 6 5 4 E T E L O S B O 3 2 1 0*1 1 10 100 t - Current Duration - s Figure 10. NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. 1000 TISP4xxxF3LM Overvoltage Protector Series MECHANICAL DATA Device Symbolization Code Devices will be coded as below. Device TISP4072F3 TISP4082F3 TISP4125F3 TISP4150F3 TISP4180F3 TISP4240F3 TISP4260F3 TISP4290F3 TISP4320F3 TISP4380F3 Carrier Information Symbolization Code 4072F3 4082F3 4125F3 4150F3 4180F3 4240F3 4260F3 4290F3 4320F3 4380F3 E T E L O S B O Devices are shipped in one of the carriers below. A reel contains 2,000 devices. Device TISP4xxxF3LM Package Straight Lead DO-92 (LM) Carrier Order As Bulk Pack TISP4xxxF3LM-S Tape and Reeled TISP4xxxF3LMR-S Formed Lead DO-92 (LMF) Tape and Reeled TISP4xxxF3LMFR-S Insert xxx value corresponding to protection voltages of 072, 082, 125 etc. "TISP" is a trademark of Bourns, Ltd., a Bourns Company, and is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. "Bourns" is a registered trademark of Bourns, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. NOVEMBER 1997 - REVISED JANUARY 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications.