KX022 Accelerometer 2x2x0.9mm Accelerometer with FIFO/FILO Buffer FEATURES APPLICATIONS 2x2x0.9mm LGA package Full-featured algorithm engine including: o Tap detection, orientation detection, activity monitoring, and embedded motion wake-up algorithms Low current consumption in all modes: o 0.9 A in standby, o 10 A at normal resolution, and o 145 A at high resolution Two interrupt registers User-configurable, embedded wake-up function to conserve battery power Internal voltage regulator to maintain constant internal operating voltages throughout the 1.8 - 3.6V input supply range PRODUCT OVERVIEW The KX022 is a robust, low-power, I2C/SPI, 3-axis accelerometer with integrated FIFO/FILO buffer that features a wide range of embedded functionality, including tap detection, orientation, activity, and wake-up algorithms. Kionix's XAC sensor provides outstanding stability with a market-leading combination of improved shock, reflow, and thermal performance. The KX022 also offers accelerometer outputs with 16-bit resolution for greater precision. Userselectable parameters include 2g, 4g or 8g ranges and Output Data Rates (ODR) with programmable high-pass and low-pass filters. It is packaged in an ultra-small, 12-pin, 2x2x0.9mm LGA plastic package. User Interface Power Management Active/Inactive Monitoring Device Orientation Inclination and Tilt Sensing Gesture Recognition Pedometer/Activity Monitoring Motion-controlled user interface FOR Smartphones and Mobile Devices Laptops Gaming and Virtual Reality Health and Fitness KX022 Accelerometer 2x2x0.9mm Accelerometer with FIFO/FILO Buffer The performance parameters below are programmed and tested at 2.6 volts and T = 25C. The device can accept supply voltages from 1.8V to 3.6V. Due to internal voltage regulators, there should be minimal change with supply voltage variations. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETERS UNITS KX022-1020 CONDITION g 2.0, 4.0, 8.0 User-selectable full-scale output range 16384, 8192, 4096 16-bit 64, 32, 16 8-bit mg/C 0.2 -40C to +85C %/C 0.01 -40C to +85C Hz 3500 (xy) 1800 (z) typical -3dB Hz 0.781 min; 50 typical; 1600 max % of FS 0.6 typical % 2.0 typical mg 0.75 typical I2C Communication Rate MHz 3.4 max SPI Communication Rate MHz 10 max V 1.8V - 3.6V typical Range Sensitivity1 counts/g 0g Offset vs. Temp Sensitivity vs. Temp Mechanical Resonance 2 Output Data Rate (ODR)3 Non-Linearity Cross-axis Sensitivity Noise 4 Power Supply Current Consumption5 A % of full scale output 145 typical High resolution (RES = 1) 10 typical Low resolution (RES = 0) 0.9 typical Standby ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETERS UNITS KX022-1020 CONDITION Operating Temperature C -40 to 85 Powered Storage Temperature C -55 to 150 Un-powered Mechanical Shock g 5,000, 0.5 ms 10,000, 0.2 ms Powered or un-powered, halversine ESD V 2,000 Human body model NOTES Resolution and acceleration ranges are user selectable via I2C or SPI. Resonance as defined by the dampened mechanical sensor. 3 User selectable through I2C or SPI. 4 RMS at 50Hz with low-pass filter = ODR/9. 5 Current varies with Output Data Rate (ODR). 1 2 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Kionix: KX022-1020-FR KX022-1020-PR