For more information
applicaTions inForMaTion
Setting the Output Voltage
The LTC3607 develops a 0.6V reference voltage between
the feedback pins, VFB1 and VFB2, and ground as shown
in Figure 1. The output voltage is set by a resistive divider
according to the following formula:
VOUT =0.6V 1+
Keeping the current small (<5μA) in these resistors maxi-
mizes efficiency, but making them too small may allow
stray capacitance to cause noise problems and reduce
the phase margin of the error amp loop.
To improve the frequency response, a feed-forward ca-
pacitor CFF may also be used. Great care should be taken
to route the VFB traces away from noise sources, such as
the inductor or the SW traces.
For continuous mode operation with a fixed maximum
input voltage, the minimum value that the output voltage
can be reduced to is set by the minimum on-time, which
is approximately 65ns. For fixed frequency (2.25MHz) ap-
plications, the relation between minimum output voltage
and maximum input voltage is:
VOUT(MIN) = 0.14625 • VIN(MAX)
If the output voltage drops below that limit, the output will
still regulate, but the part will skip cycles.
Power Good Outputs
The PGOOD1 and PGOOD2 are open-drain outputs which
pull low when a regulator is out of regulation. When the
output voltage is within ±8.5% of regulation, a timer is
started which releases the relevant PGOOD pin after 64
clock cycles.
Mode Selection & Frequency Synchronization
The MODE/SYNC pin is a multipurpose pin which provides
mode selection and frequency synchronization. Floating
this pin or connecting it to a 3.3V source enables Burst Mode
operation, which provides optimal light load efficiency at
the cost of a slightly higher output voltage ripple. When
this pin is connected to ground, pulse-skipping operation
is selected. This mode provides the lowest output ripple,
at the cost of slightly lower light load efficiency.
The LTC3607 can also be synchronized to another LTC3607
by the MODE/SYNC pin. During synchronization, the
mode is set to pulse-skipping and the top switch turn-on
is synchronized to the rising edge of the external clock.
Pulse-skipping mode is also the default mode during
Checking Transient Response
The regulator loop response can be checked by looking
at the load transient response. Switching regulators take
several cycles to respond to a step in load current. When
a load step occurs, VOUT immediately shifts by an amount
equal to ΔILOAD • ESR, where ESR is the effective series
resistance of COUT. ΔILOAD also begins to charge or dis-
charge COUT generating a feedback error signal used by the
regulator to return VOUT to its steady-state value. During
this recovery time, VOUT can be monitored for overshoot
or ringing that would indicate a stability problem.
The initial output voltage step may not be within the
bandwidth of the feedback loop, so the standard second
order overshoot/DC ratio cannot be used to determine
phase margin. In addition, a feed-forward capacitor can be
added to improve the high frequency response, as shown
in Figure 1. Capacitors C1 and C2 provide phase lead by
creating high frequency zeros with R1 and R3 respectively,
which improve the phase margin.
The output voltage settling behavior is related to the
stability of the closed-loop system and will demonstrate
the actual overall supply performance.
In some applications, a more severe transient can be caused
by switching in loads with large (>1μF) input capacitors.
The discharged input capacitors are effectively put in paral-
lel with COUT, causing a rapid drop in VOUT. No regulator
can deliver enough current to prevent this problem if the
switch connecting the load has low resistance and is driven
quickly. The solution is to limit the turn-on speed of the
load switch driver. A Hot Swap™ controller is designed
specifically for this purpose and usually incorporates cur-
rent limiting, short-circuit protection, and soft-starting.