Dimensions and configurati on: See figure 1.
Material: Jackscrews and jack sockets shall be made of corrosion resisting stainless steel in accor dance with
ASTM A581/A581M or ASTM A582/A582M pass i vated in accor dance with SAE-AMS2700 or shall be corros ion
resistant copper nickel alloy (61 ±2% nickel, 2.5% max. other, and the balance zinc and s hall have a brinell
hardness of 14 5 to 175.
Plating: The contact plating shall be in accordance with MIL-DTL-55302 or gold in accordance with ASTM B488
type II, code C , class 1.27, over ni c kel plating in acc ordance with S A E-AMS-QQ-N-290, class 2, 50 to 150
microinches in the engaging a rea and gold in acc or dance with ASTM B 488 type II, code C, class 0.51, or type III,
code A, 0.51 over nickel plating in accordance with SAE-AMS-QQ-N-290, class 2, 50 to 150 microinche s in the
termination ar ea.
Contact identi fication: See figure 1.
Contact enga gement and separat i on forces (number 22 c ontacts):
Minimum sepa r ation: 0.5 ounce.
Maximum engagement: 12.0 ounces for standard force and 4.0 ounces for l ow force.
Mating and unmating:
Standard ins ertion force contacts: The maximum mating force, in pounds, shall be the number of contact s
multiplied by 0.56 and the withdrawal force, in pounds, shall be a minim um of 0.08 times the number of contacts
and shall not exceed the measur ed insertion f or ce.
Low insertio n force contacts: The maximum mating force, in pounds, shall be the number of contacts multi plied by
0.25 and the withdrawal force, in pounds, shall be a minimum of 0.04 tim es the number of cont ac ts and shall not
exceed the ma ximum insertion force.
NOTE: Not applicable when mating and unmating is accomplished through the engaging of turning jacksets.
Jackscrew and jack socket torque: 2-inch pounds maximum fully mated.
Contact resist ance: The average contact resistance of all contacts measured shall n ot exceed 0.010 ohm, and no
individual contact pair sha ll have a resistance exceeding 0.020 ohm.
Dielectric withstanding vo ltage:
Sea level: 1,000 volts rms.
High altitud e: 300 volts rms.
Current rati ng: 5.0 amperes maximum in accordance with contact.
Insertion and removal tool: MIL-I-81969/12.
Crimp tool: M2 2520/2-01