Signetics Military Bipolar Memory Products DESCRIPTION The 82823 and 828123 are field-pro- grammable, which means that custom patterns are immediately available by foliowing the Signetics Generic | fusing procedure. The 82S23 and 82$123 de- vices are supplied with all outputs at a log- ical Low. Outputs are programmed to a lagic High {evel at any specified address by fusing a Ni-Cr link matrix. These devices include on-chip decoding 82523, 825123 256-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM Product Specification FEATURES Address access time: 50ns max Input loading: -150.A max On-chip address decoding One chip enable input e Output options: ~ 82523: Open collector ~ 828123: 3-State e No separate fusing pins APPLICATIONS Prototyping/volume production Sequential controllers Format conversion Hardwired algorithms Random logic Code conversion ORDERING INFORMATION and 1 chip enable input for memory ex- Unprogrammed outputs are Low DESCRIPTION ORDER CODE pansion. They feature either Open collec- level 16-Pin Ceramic Dual-In- 82S23/BEA, tor or 3-State outputs for optimization of |. Fully TTL compatible Line 300mil-wide B2S123/BEA word expansion in bused organizations. 16-Pin ic FlatPack 82S23/BFA, ~Pin Ceramic FlatPa 829123/BFA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SYMBOL PARAMETER RATING UNIT Voc Supply voltage +7 Voc Vv Input voltage 45.5 Voc Vo Output voltage High (82823) +55 Voc Vo Output voltage Off-State (82S123) 45.5 Voe Ta Operating temperature range 55 to +125 > Tste Storage temperature range ~65 to +150 C PIN CONFIGURATION BLOCK DIAGRAM Ao rT oO ADDRESS 132 | 2 UNES DECODER | 32. 8 MATRIX 03 Aq Oo] |i % Os Og o veo _d >_> 8 OUTPUT DRIVERS GND , O02 03 Og Os Og OF Og July 11, 1989 749 853-0252 F03718 Signetics Military Bipolar Memory Products Product Specification 256-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM (32 x 8) 82$23, 828123 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -55C < Ta s +125C, 4.5V < Veg < 5.5V SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS1.2 LIMITS UNIT Min | Typ I Max Input voltage Vin Low 0.8 Vv Vin High 2.0 Vv Vix Clamp Voc = 4.5V, | = -18mMA -1.2 v Output voltage CE = Low VoL Low lo = 16mMA 0.5 Vv Vou High Ip = -2MA, Voc = 4.5V 2.4 Vv Input current Veco = 5.5V fit Low V, = 0.45V -150 yA en High Vp=2.7V 25 BA tine High V, = 5.5V 40 pA Output current! Veco = 5.5V lou Leakage (82S23) TE = High, Vo = 5.5V 40 HA loz Hi-Z state (825123) CE = High, Vo = 5.5V 40 HA CE = High, Vo = 0.4V -40 pA los Short circuit (828123) Vec = 5.5V, TE = Low, Vo = OV, High stored -20 -100 mA Supply current loc Voc = 5.5V, CE = High | 110 | ma Capaeltance TE = High, Voc = 5.0V Cw Input V,_ = 2.0V 5 10 pF Court Output Vo =2.0V 8 13 pF AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -55C < Ty < +125C, 4.5V < Voc < 5.5V SYMBOL PARAMETER UMITS UNIT To FROM Min Typ Max taa Access time* Output Address 45 50 ns toe Access time4 Output Chip Enable 30 ns teo Disable time Output Chip Disable 30 ns NOTES: 1. Positive current is defined as into the terminal referenced. 2. All voltages with respect to network ground. 3. Duration of short circuit should not exceed 1 second. 4. Tested at an address cycle time of tps. 5. Typical values are at Voc = 5V, Ta = +25C. 6. Guaranteed but not tested. July 11, 1989 750 Signetics Military Bipolar Memory Products Product Specification 256-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM (32 x 8) 82S23, 828123 TEST LOAD CIRCUITS VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS ge 27V w | zw fe NEGATIVE PULSE vM Mi O-ml Ao sov a.3V 0.3V ov Om Ay Car > Ke THU TUKtr) | Le O-m] Ae R T * tru) ray >] EE O-~m] Ag DUT aw av 30V POSITIVE ne $ Eo SMBtuBES score Pose vu 7 I CAPACITANCE) a.34 0.3 O~m| TE OyF-0 == tw mel ov GND Input Pulse Definitions + INPUT PULSE CHARACTERISTICS Vu Rep. Rale | Pulse Width tru tHe NOTE: 1.5V 1MHz 500ns sSns s5ns Ry = 270 Q, Ag = 600R, CL = 50pF. TIMING DIAGRAMS 3.04 ADDRESS \ Vu ov ve ov You VM You I Vu = 1.5V 3.04 ADDRESS x ov oo cE N Vu vu J jm te It lca >| p oO VM wl L le > = too} Vy = 1.5V July 11, 1989 751