NJU7261 Series J C-MOS STEP-UP PRELIMINARY SWITCHING REGULATOR Mi GENERAL DESCRIPTION M@ PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJU7261 series is a C-MOS step-up switching regulator which contains accurate voltage reference, error amplifier, CR oscillator, control circuit, switching transistor, diode and resistor. The stand-by function is effective for low power consumption. The regulation voltage is fixed by internal circuits and the following line-up of different output voltages version NJU7261UXX are available. This series is suitable for portable equipments or bat- tery operated items because of its small packaged out! ine, low operating voltage and current. M@ FEATURES WM EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT @ Low Operating Voltage (1. 0V min.) @ Low Operating Current (5.0uA typ. / Vour=3. OV) er vas @ Low Stand-by Current (0. 242A max. / Vou1=3. OV) 5 JL 4 @ High Precision Output Voltage (43% max.) @ Wide Operating Voltage Range @ Stand-by Function C) @ CR Oscillator On-chip @ Diode On-chip @ Package Outline S0T89-5 il 2 1 @ C-MOS Technology : CORT GND STB @ LINE-UP HM EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Output Voltage (V) Line-Up 3.0 NJU7261U30 5.0 NJU7261U50 Mi TERMINAL DESCRIPTION No. | Term. Name 1/0 FUN CTtHON 1 CONT I External Inductor Connect Terminal 2 GND POWER Power Source (GND) 3 STB I Strobe Terminal : H or OPEN --* Normal Operation (step-up) L + Standp~By Operation 4 Vin POWER Power Source (+) 5 Vout 0 Step-up Output Terminal New Japan Radio Co,Ltd 6-199NJU7261 Series errr reer eee ee cere aS Mi ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25C) PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Input Voltage Vin 10 Vv CONT Input Voltage Veont GND-0. 3S Vcowr S10 V Strobe Input Voltage Vera GND~O. 3SVsreSVin V Output Voltage Vout GND-0. 3S Vou1 S10 Vv Power Dissipation Po 300 ni Operating Temperature Range Topr - 25~+ 75 Cc Storage Temperature Range Tstg 40~4+125 c Note) Decoupling capacitor should be connected between Via and GND due to the stabilized operation for this IC. Mi ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS +3V Version (Ta=25C) NORM MEASUREMENT PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITION WIN T TYP T MAC UNIT CIRCUIT Input Voltage Vin - {5.0 V 1 Start Voltage Verart NO LOAD - 11.0 Vv 1 Oscillator Freq. fosc Vin=1. 5V 20 30 50 KHz 2 Output Voltage Vout Vin=1.5V, lour=20mA 2.9113.0 3. 09 Vv 1 Input Stability} AVours Vin=l. 5~2. OV - 30 100 mV 1 lou r=20mA Load Stability AVoure Vin=1. 5V - 30 | 100 mV 1 lour=10 73 A~25mA Operating Curren las Vin=Vsre=1.5V, NO LOAD - |5.0 10 uA 3 Stand-by Current la Vin=t. SV, _ 10.2 HA 4 Vere=0V, NO LOAD Switching Current le. Vps=0. 2V | 250 _ mA - STB Terminal H level | Vsraw |Vin=1. SV 1.0 - _ V 5 Input Voltage |L level | Vere. |Vin=1. 5V ~ - 10.4 V 5 H level Ierent Vin=l. 5V, Vers=1. OV - 15 30 uA 6 STB Terminal! Isren2|Vin=t. 5V, Vsers=1. 5V _ 0.1 _ HA 6 Input Current L level Iste.s|Vin=t. 5V, Vere=0. 4V 15 30 uA 6 Istec2 Vin=l. 5V, Vs1e=0V _ 0.1 _ HA 6 6-200 New Japan Radio Co, Ltd.NJU7261 Series J +5V_ VERSION (Ta=25C) NORM MEASUREMENT PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITION MIN. | TYP. | MAX. UNIT CIRCUIT Input Voltage Vin - |7.0 V 1 Start Voltage Vstart NO LOAD _ _ 1.0 Vv 1 Oscillator Freq. fosc Vi n=. OV 20 30 50 KH 2 Output Voltage Vout Vin=3. OV, tour=20mA 4.8515.0 | 5.15 v 1 Input Stability | AVour Vin=2.0~3. OV - 30 =| 100 %/V 1 AVint Vout lour=20mA Load Stability AVout Vinz3. OV _ 30 =| 100 mV 1 lour=10 pp A~ 25mA Operating Current Iss Vin=Vsre=3. OV, NO LOAD - 5 15 uA 3 Stand-by Current la Vin=d. OV, - - |0.2 uA 4 Vs15=0V, NO LOAD Switching Current Isi Vp s=0. 2V - 250 - mA - STB Terminal level | Vston |Vin=d. OV 2,4 - - V 5 input Voltage Jevel | Vster |[Vin=d. OV _ |0.4 V 5 level betes {Vinzd. OV, Vste=2. 4V _ 50 | 100 uA 6 STB Terminal Istan2]Vin=d. OV, Vsta=d. OV - 0.1 - uA 6 Input Current level Istec{ Vinz3.0V, Vs7a=0. 4V -_ 50 | 100 uA 6 Istere|Vinzd. OV, Vste=0V _ 0.1 - uA 6 New Japan Radio Co,Ltd. 6-201NJU7261 Series Mi MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT 1 oscilloscope (1) Lo00uH VIN CONT + STB yout = + Zak GND 22 uF TIT External Diode Type : D1NS4 provided by SHINDENGEN (le=1A, Ve=0. 55V) (2) 2000 | VIN CONT STB yout GND e TT (3) VIN STB Vi VOUT GND v2 Tr Ly Vout Iss = 1, + I, * VY 6-202 New Japan Radio Co, Lid Under the condition of V2=Vour + 1.0VNJU7261 Series Mi MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT 2 (4) LoO0uH JT VIN CONT STB GND TTT (5) A> 2002 | VIN cONT STB vVouTr oscilloscope GND = A, (6) GND New Japan Radio Co,.Lkd 6-203NJU7261 Series Mi APPLICATION CIRCUIT 100uH STROBE . 00 INPUT nn VEN CONT STB + vout lh = + 22 42 F GND 22 at F a se] 6-204- New Japan Radio Co. Ltd.NJU7261 Series Mi TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC Start Voltage vs. Temperature Start Voltage vs. Temperture Internal Oscillator Operation : External DINS4 Internal Oscillator Operation : External D1NS4 Start Voltage V Start Voltage V "50 0 50 100 "50 0 50 100 Temperature C Temperature "C Oscillation Frequency vs. Temperature Oscillation Frequency vs. Temperature 60 60 40 40 20 20 -60 0 50 100 -80 0 $0 100 Temperature C Temperature C 6. Oscillation Frequency KHz Oscillation Frequency KHz New Japan Radio Co, Lid. 6-205