MB, DB, IO, PC Connector s
Proprietary Part Number Ordering Procedure
Variation Suffix, cont.
(750) PCB stud stickout of .172 termination, Au/Ni, [same as
(700)], RTV potted rear, MB-P
(751) 90° PCB stud stickout of .150, Sn/Ni, epoxy potted
rear, PC
(752) Au/Ni, epoxy potted rear, standard termination length
(753) Solderless wrap .025 sq.; .665 stickout, Au/Ni, [same
as (700)], epoxy potted rear, MB-W
(754) PCB stud stickout of .172 termination, SnPb/Cu (MIL-
Spec), MB-P
(757) PCB stud, .391 stickout, matte tin, MB-P
(758) PCB stud, .172 stickout, Au/ Ni, [sa me as (700)] , epoxy
potted rear, MB-P
(760) PCB stud, .192 stickout, Au/Ni (Mil-Spec), MB-P
(761) 90° PCB stud, .120 stickout, Sn/Ni, epoxy potted rear,
(762) PCB stud, .145 stickout, Au/Ni (Mil-Spec), epoxy pot-
ted rear, MB-P
(763) PCB stud, .145 stickout, SnPb/Cu (Mil-Spec), epoxy
potted rear, MB-P
(764) 90° PCB stud, .150 stickout, SnPb/Cu (Mil-Spec),
epoxy potted rear, DB & PC
(765) PCB stud, st ick out o f .300 DB (90°), .300 MB-P, SnPb/
Cu (Mil-Spec), epoxy potted rear
(766) 90° PCB stud, .120 stickout, Au/Ni (Mil-Spec), epoxy
potted rear, DB
(767) PCB stud, .192 stickout, Au/Ni (Mil-Spec), epoxy pot-
ted rear, MB-P
(768) PCB stud, .172 stickout, Au/Ni (Mil-Spec), MB-P
(769) 90° PCB stud, .200 stickout, Au/Ni (Mil-Spec), DB
(770) 90° PCB stud, .260 stickout, Au/Ni (Mil-Spec), DB
Amphenol® Low Mating Force Connectors are shipped lessaccessory item s.
Accessories may be ordered by either military or proprietary part numbers shown below:
Accessory Item Series Military Part Number Proprietary Part Number Qty. Required
Polarization Keys MB, DB, IO, PC M55302/78-02 10-285422-2 4*
Locking/Mounting Bushing MB M55302/172-01 10-411196-3 2
Alternate Length Bushing (Longer) MB M55302/172-02 10-411196-5 2
Locking Bushing PC M55302/172-05 10-411196-4 2
Locking Screw, Plain IO M55302/172-04 10-502599 2
Locking Screw, Slotted IO - 10-502599-1 2
Locking Screw, Slotted (Low Profile) IO M55302/172-03 10-502599-2 2
Test Probe Kit MB, DB, IO, PC - 11-10400-22 1**
See pages 28-30 for more detailed information on these accessory items. * 4 Keys required per connector half, if used
** One kit per connector gender is recommended
Low Mating Force
how to order (proprietary types)/accessories
(732) PCB stud stickout of .300 DB (90°), .300 MB-P and
.335 IO-P, Au/Cu [same as (701)],
(733) PCB stud stickout of .421, matte tin, MB-P
(734) Sol de rl es s w ra p .025 sq .; .665 st ic k o ut , Au/Ni, [same
as (700)], RTV potted rear, MB-W
(735) RTV potted rear, standard termination length, Au/Ni,
[same as (700)]
(736) RTV potted rear, standard termination length, Sn/Ni
[use (724) for PC]
(737) PCB stud stickout of .300 DB (90°), .300 MB-P and
.335 IO-P, Au/Ni, [same as (700)], RTV potted rear
(738) PCB stud stickout of .192 SnPb/Cu (Mil-Spec), MB-P
(739) PCB stud stickout of .300 DB (90°), .300 MB-P and
.335 IO-P;, RTV potted re ar, Sn/Ni
(740) Solderless wrap .025 sq.; .665 stickout, Sn/Ni,
RTV potted rear , MB -W
(741) Sol de rl es s w ra p .025 sq .; .280 st ic k o ut , Au/Ni, [same
as (700)], MB-W
(742) PCB .145, Au/Ni, [same as (700)], epoxy potted rear,
(743) 90° PCB .120, Au/Ni, [same as (700)], epoxy potted
rear, DB
(744) 90° PCB .120, Au/Ni, [same as (700)], (MIL-Spec),
epoxy potted rear, DB
(746) 90° PCB .120, SnPb/Cu, (MIL-Spec), epoxy potted
rear, DB
(747) PCB stud stickout of .200, Sn/Ni, IO-P
(748) PCB stud stickout of .145, Sn/Ni, epoxy potted rear,
(749) PCB, epoxy potted re ar, standard termination length,