SMBus/I2C Interfaced 4-Port, Level-Translating
GPIOs and LED Drivers
______________________________________________________________________________________ 13
Input Debounce
The MAX7306/MAX7307 sample the input ports every
31ms if input debouncing is enabled for an input port
(D2 = 1 of the port I/O register). The MAX7306/MAX7307
compare each new sample with the previous sample. If
the new sample and the previous sample have the same
value, the corresponding internal register updates.
When the port input is read through the serial interface,
the MAX7306/MAX7307 do not return the instantaneous
backing value of the logic level from the port because
debounce is active. Instead, the MAX7306/MAX7307
return the stored debounced input signal.
When debouncing is enabled for a port input, transition
detection applies to the stored debounced input signal
value, rather than to the instantaneous value at the
input. This process allows for useful transition detection
of noisy signals, such as keyswitch inputs, without
causing spurious interrupts.
Port Input Transition Detection and Interrupt
Any transition on ports configured as inputs automatically
set the D1 bit of that port’s I/O registers high. Any input can
be selected to assert an interrupt output indicating a transi-
tion has occurred at the input port(s). The MAX7306/
MAX7307 sample the port input (internally latched into a
snapshot register) during a read access to its port P_ I/O
register. The MAX7306/MAX7307 continuously compare
the snapshot with the port’s input condition. If the device
detects a change for any port input, an internal transition
flag sets for that port. Read register 0x26 to clear the inter-
rupt, then read all the port I/O registers (0x01 to 0x04) by
initiating a burst read to clear the MAX7306/MAX7307’s
internal transition flag. Note that when debouncing is
enabled for a port input, transition detection applies to the
stored debounced input signal value, rather than to the
instantaneous value at the input. Transition bits D4 and
D3 of port registers must be set to 0 to detect the next
rising or falling edge on the input port (P_).
The MAX7306/MAX7307 allow the user to select the
input port(s) that cause an interrupt on the INT output.
Set INT for each port by using the INT enable bit (bit
D5) in each port P_ register. The appropriate port’s
transition flag always sets when an input changes,
regardless of the port’s INT enable bit settings. The INT
enable bits allow processor interrupt only on critical
events, while the inputs and the transition flags can be
polled periodically to detect less critical events. When
debounce is disabled, a signal transition between the
9th and 11th falling edges of the clock will not be regis-
tered, since the transition is detected and cleared at
the same time.
Ports configured as outputs do not feature transition
detection, and therefore, cannot cause an interrupt.
The INT output never reasserts during a read sequence
because this process could cause a recursive reentry
into the interrupt service routine. Instead, if a data
change occurs during the read that would normally set
the INT output, the interrupt assertion is delayed until
the STOP condition. If the changed input data is read
before the STOP condition, a new interrupt is not
required and not asserted. The INT bit and INT output
(if selected) have the same value at all times.
Transition Flag
The transition bit in device configuration register 0x26 is
a NOR of all the port I/O registers’ individual transition
bits. A port’s I/O register’s transition bit sets when that
port is set as an input, and the input changes from the
port’s I/O registers last read through the serial interface.
A port’s individual transition bit clears by reading that
port’s I/O register. Always write a 0 to bits D4 and D3 of
the configuration register 0x26 to properly configure a
transition detection. The transition flag of configuration
register 0x26 is only cleared after reading all ports I/O
registers on which a transition has ocurred.
The active-low RST input operates as a hardware reset
that voids any ongoing I2C transition involving the
MAX7306/MAX7307 (this feature allows the
MAX7306/MAX7307 supply current to be minimized in
power-critical applications by effectively disconnecting
the MAX7307 from the bus). RST also operates as a
chip enable, allowing multiple devices to use the same
I2C slave address if only one MAX7306/MAX7307 has
its RST input high at any time. RST can be configured
to restore all port registers to the power-up settings by
setting bit D0 of device configuration register 0x26
(Table 1). RST can also be configured to reset the inter-
nal timing counters used for PWM and blink by setting
bit D1 of device configuration register 0x26.
When RST is low, the MAX7306/MAX7307 are forced
into the I2C STOP condition. The reset action does not
clear the interrupt output INT.
The RST input is referenced to VDD and is overvoltage
tolerant up to the supply voltage, VLA.
Port P1 can be configured as a latching interrupt out-
put, INT, that flags any transients on any combination of
selected ports configured as inputs. Any transitions
occurring at the selected inputs assert INT low to alert