y AWT924S10 | ANADIGICS TX POWER MMIC GSM/DCS lj Dual Band GaAs Power Amplifier IC Advanced Product Information - Rev 1 ad a -UEU Ld ate) * Dual Band Operation * Single PA Cost * Single Supply Operation * Small Package * Higher Power * High Efficiency : : $10 /. 46-8S0P 16 Pin Plastic Package with Heat Slug Description The AWT924 is a monolithic GaAs Power Amplifier. It can be used in the following dual band handset applications: GSM900/DCS1800 or GSM 900/PCS 1900. The AWT924 is a single chain power amplifier with excellent performance in a small package that enables customers to reduce phone size and increase talk time. Maximum Ratings Block Diagram PIN | SIGNAL | QW, PIN SIGNAL | pMtNG 1 Vo, 47 V5. 6 Veg TV, 2 RF, +15 dBm 7 Voc 47Vi. 3 V. #7 Veg 9 Vop 47 VDC 4 Veet #5 Veg 1213 | V,,/RFy, | +7 VDC 5 Vos 47 Vee Notes: 1. ( Negative volage of - 3.5 V at least must be present at this pin 2. Operating temperature. - 20 fo 90C 3. Storage temperature: -55 fo 100C ESINNADIGICS 3-55 S}ONPOld SSOOIMAWT924S10 Electrical Characteristics GSM ") Pin = +6.0 dBm, f = 890 - 915 MHz, V,,=V,, =Vp) =Vo3 = 4.8 V, Veg = -4 V, V, = 0, Te = 25C, Zo = 500 Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Frequency fo 890 - 915 MHz Saturated Output Power PSAT - 35 - dBm Power Added Efficiency @ Psat -.2 dB PAE - 50 - % Harmonic ) 2nd - - 36 - dBc 3rd - 46 isolation @ Vac. = OAV . - 45 - dBm Statbility: -80 dBc, all spurious outputs ; ; 61 ; \ hes FS onaioe | relative to desired signal 7s = 50 ohm Power Contro! Current VREF = +0.4V to | 1 A +3.5V REF - - m Input Return Loss - - 9.0 - dB RX Noise - - - -90 dBm Notes: 7. As measured in ANADIGICS test fixture under pulsed operation ( PW = 577mS, DC = 7-8). 2. Measured @ P.,,, = 34.7 dBm. 3. Norse in RX Frequency band @ bandwidth = 30 KHz, frx = 935 - 960 Miz. Electrical Characteristics DCS1800 Pin = +6.0 dBm, f = 1710 - 1785 MHz, V,,,=V5,=Vin) =Vog = 44.8 V, Veg =-4 V, Vy, =4.8V, Te = 25C, Zo = 502 2. Measured @ 32.0 dBm. 3. Noise in RX frequency band @ bandwidth = 30 KHz. frx = 1805-1880 MHz. Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit 3 Frequency fo 1710 - 1785 MHz o. 8 Saturated Output Power PSAT 32 32.5 - dBm @ 6S Power Added Efficiency . . 5 @ Psat -2 dB PAE 40 % Harmonic @ 2nd - - 36 - dBc 3rd - - 46 - isolation @ V,,-, = 0.4V - - 4:1 - dBm Statbility: -80 dBc, all spurious outputs VSWR load, all lati desired si \ - - 1 - phase angles Zs relative to desired signa = 50 ohm Power Control Current V.,. = +0.4V to +3.5V REF leer - -35 - mA Input Return Loss - - 14 - dB RX Noise - - 1 -82 dBm Notes. 7. As measured in ANADIGICS test fixture under pulsed operation (PW = 5772S, OC = 7:6). 3-56 EXANADIGICSAWT924S10 Recommended Operating Procedure on the Evaluation Board Power Up: Dual supply operation, (for Single Supply operation, please contact ANADIGICS). a) Begin by setting all power supplies to zero volts. b) Make sure that the input RF power is turned off. c) Apply 4.0 V to V.,, (Pin 6) d) Apply +4.8 V to V,,, V,,, V,,and V,,,. e) Set V, to 0.0 Volts for GSM operation or set V,, to 4.8 Volts for DCS operation. f) Apply +6 dBm of RF power to pin 2 for GSM/DCS operation. g) Apply a positive pulse train for GSM and DCS operation to V,,, (pin 4). Adjust pulse amplitude for desired output power. Power Down: To power down the device follow the above procedure in reverse order. AWT924 GSM PA Test Fixture Schematic VSS_ON SONPOs SSOIOIM L MMUN2234 = PIN SIGNAL DESCRIPTION 1 Voy 4 stage drain supply (+ 4.8 V) 2 RF, RF input power 3 Ve Control voltage for band selection (OV-GSM, 3.0V - DCS) 4 Vece Biag control 5 Vos Bias circuit supply 6 C55 Negative supply connection 7 Voc Change pump suppy 8 c, Change pump capacitor connection 9 Voe 2 stage drain supply (+ 4.8 V) 10 GND RF and DC ground 11 GND RF and DC Ground 12,13 RF oun / Vos RF output and DC input for 3d stage 14 GND RF and OC Ground 15 GND RF and DC Ground 16 N/G CSANADIGICS 3-57AWT924S10 GSM900 Test Fixture Turn on sequence: Apply negative voltage (VSS = 4.5V), before applying positive voltage to drains. Set VC to 0.0V for GSM operation. Apply positive voltage (+4.8V) to VDB, VD1, VD2, VD3 pins. Pulse VREF on and adjust for desired output power level. BON = Turn off sequence in reverse order of above Val Yas +4.8v RF In a8 10,000 uf = F&F F GSM operation REF DESCRIPTION SIZE 0603 +h 4a Wireless Products 3-58 CSINNADIGICSDCS PA Test Fixture Schematic VD1 _, Tt DUT /@ \ 1000p LA 220p 4 16 RF_IN = Cc > 53 TT|2 15 f , 3 14 VREF 47Q ; 4 3 4 C 220p i So E Tis 2 rEIVSs 0.01u, ai tL} 6 {T__|7 1 8 Ir 18nH S 220p T 1000p 4.7nH LL 1000p Apply negative voltage (VSS = 4.5V), before applying positive voltage to drains. Set VC to +4.8V for DCS operation. Apply positive voltage (+4.8V) to VDB, VD1, VD2, VD3 pins. Turn on sequence: 1. 2. 3. Apply input power. 4. 5. Pulse VREF on and adjust for desired output power level. Turn off sequence in reverse order of above. Val +4,8v 4,700 uf Vas +4.8y 10,000 uf DCS operation AWTS824S10 = 3 3 8 t REF DESCRIPTION SIZE C1 1000 pf 0603 CIA 220 pF 0603 VE C2 0.01_uf 0603 o3 33._pF 0805 cs 1000_pF 0603 C4A 220 pt 0603 Vss C5 220 pF 0603 7 C6 2.7 pF ATC -45v A ra c? 33_pF 0805 HA ike S. C8 1000 pF 0603 . 1 cg 22 uf Tant = 10 1.5. pF ATC a Be Cn 0.01 uF 0603 Pal = aah) R1 47 ohms 0603 Pul Say CG 3 = u 47 nh LL1608 T L2 18 nh 1008 D1 S0-103 t Qt MMUN2234 +4.8v Vde Tx OM 4,700 uF 4.8 Vole +4,8v > 3-59AWT924S10 Package Outline Drawing Pe nen a nae At GAUGE PLANE ue INCHES | MILLIMETERS | ore NOTES: i] MIN, MAX. MIN. MAX. . CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCHES A | 0.053 | 0.068 | 1.35 1.73 UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 2. DIMENSION "D DOES NOT iNCLUDE MOLD FLASH, A | 0.000 | 0.004! 0.00 | 0.10 | 6 PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS AND GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006 [0.15mm] = Az | 0.052 | 0.064 | 1.32 | 1.63 PER SIDE. 2 B | 0.008 | 0.012 | 0.20 | 0.30 3. DIMENSION "E DOES NOT INCLUDE INTER-LEAD FLASH OR i PROTRUSIONS. INTER-LEAD FLASH AND PROTRUSIONS 9 C | 0.006 | 0.009 | 0.15 | 0.25 | SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.010 [0.25mm] PER SIDE. o D {0.191/0.196| 485 | 4.98 | 2 3 : : | 4. MAXIMUM LEAD TWIST/SKEW TO SE 0.002 [0.05mm] 5 E [9.147 | 0.157 | 3.75 | 3.99 | 3 5. DIMENSION S, 7 AND R" INDICATE EXPOSED e 4 SLUG AREA. 0.025 BSC | 0.63 BSC t H | 0.228 | 0.246 , 5.79 6.25 6. Ai STAND OFF IS MEASURED FROM BOTTOM OF HEAT SLUG 1001400161 0.36 041 TQ THE SEATING PLANE. L 70.016 0.040] 0.41 1.02 LE | 0.036 | 0.049 | 0.91 1.25 a o s io 8 S | 0.070 | 0.100 | 1.78 2.54 5 T R 0.040 | 0.070 | 1.02 | 1.78 | 0.015 REF. 0.38 REF. | 5 a 3-60 CSINNADIGICS