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3. HMC984LP4E registers the data bits, D29:D0, in the next 29 rising edges of SCK (total of 30 data bits).
4. Host places the 7 register address bits, A6:A0, on the next 7 falling edges of SCK (MSB to LSB) while the
HMC984LP4E reads the address bits on the corresponding rising edge of SCK.
5. Host places the 3 chip address bits, CA2:CA0=[110], on the next 3 falling edges of SCK (MSB to LSB). Note
the HMC984LP4E chip address is xed as “4d” or “100b”.
6. SEN goes from low to high after the 40th rising edge of SCK. This completes the WRITE cycle.
7. HMC984LP4E also exports data back on the SDO line. For details see the section on READ operation.
Serial Port READ Operation
The SPI can read from the internal registers in the chip. The data is available on SDO pin. This pin itself is tri-stated
when the device is not being addressed. However, when the device is active and has been addressed by the SPI
master, the HMC984LP4E controls the SDO pin and exports data on this pin during the next SPI cycle.
HMC984LP4E changes the data to the host on the rising edge of SCK and the host reads the data from HMC984LP4E
on the falling edge.
A typical READ cycle is shown in Figure 1. Read cycle is 40 clock cycles long. To specically read a register, the
address of that register must be written to dedicated Reg 00h. This requires two full cycles, one to write the
required address, and a 2nd to retrieve the data. A read cycle can then be initiated as follows;
1. The host asserts SEN (active low Serial Port Enable) followed by a rising edge SCK.
2. HMC984LP4E reads SDI (the MSB) on the 1st rising edge of SCK after SEN.
3. HMC984LP4E registers the data bits in the next 29 rising edges of SCK (total of 30 data bits). The LSBs of
the data bits represent the address of the register that is intended to be read.
4. Host places the 7 register address bits on the next 7 falling edges of SCK (MSB to LSB) while the HMC984LP4E
reads the address bits on the corresponding rising edge of SCK. For a read operation this is “0000000”.
5. Host places the 3 chip address bits [100] on the next 3 falling edges of SCK (MSB to LSB). Note the
HMC984LP4E chip address is xed as “4d” or “100b”.
6. SEN goes from low to high after the 40th rising edge of SCK. This completes the rst portion of the READ
7. The host asserts SEN (active low Serial Port Enable) followed by a rising edge SCK.
8. HMC984LP4E places the 30 data bits, 7 address bits, and 3 chip id bits, on the SDO, on each rising edge of
the SCK, commencing with the rst rising edge beginning with MSB.
9. The host de-asserts SEN (i.e. sets SEN high) after reading the 40 bits from the SDO output. The 40 bits
consists of 30 data bits, 7 address bits, and the 3 chip id bits. This completes the read cycle.
Note that the data sent to the SPI by the host during this portion of the READ operation is stored in the SPI
when SEN is de-asserted. This can potentially change the state of the HMC984LP4E. If this is undesired it
is recommended that during the second phase of the READ operation that Reg 00h is addressed with either
the same address or the address of another register to be read during the next cycle.