Safety Input Device Hookup Options
The operation of all dual-channel hookup options is concurrent, meaning that input channel 1 and input channel 2 must be in the same
state in both the STOP and RUN condition, but with no simultaneity (timing) requirement between the channels.
The dual-channel hookup configuration is able to detect certain failures and faults, such as short circuits, that could result in a loss of
the safety function. Once such a failure or fault is detected, the Safety Module will turn OFF (open) its safety outputs until the problem is
fixed. This circuit can meet ISO 13849-1 Category 2, 3, or 4 requirements, depending on the safety rating and the installation of the
safety input device. This circuit can detect a short circuit between channels or to another source of power, at a minimum, when the device
is actuated.
A single device with redundant outputs that can fail in such a manner to lose the safety function, such as a single safety interlocking
switch, can typically meet only a Category 2. See below for means to eliminate or minimize the possibility of failures and faults that could
result in the loss of the safety function(s).
The single-channel hookup configuration cannot detect short circuits to secondary sources of +24V dc or detect the loss of the switch-
ing function of the safety input device (that is, it is not redundant) and thus this circuit typically can meet only ISO 13849-1 Category 2.
It is recommended that in all circumstances the installation of the Safety Module and its associated safety input devices are installed to
eliminate or minimize the possibility of failures and faults that could result in the loss of the safety function(s). Methods to eliminate or
minimize the possibility of these failures include, but are not limited to:
• Physically separating interconnecting control wires from each other and from secondary sources of power.
• Routing interconnecting control wires in separate conduit, runs, or channels.
• Locating all elements (modules, switches, and devices under control) within one control panel, adjacent to each other, and directly
connected with short wires.
• Properly installing multi-conductor cabling and multiple wires through strain-relief fittings. (Over-tightening of a strain-relief can cause
short circuits at that point.)
• Using positive-opening components as described by IEC 60947-5-1 that are installed and mounted in a positive mode.
• Periodically checking the functional integrity / safety function and training operators, maintenance personnel, and others associated
with the operation of the machine to recognize and immediately correct such failures.
If you have any questions about your intended use, please contact a Banner applications engineer.
Connection of Multiple Switches
Connect the poles of multiple switches, such as E-Stop switches, as shown in
the following hookup figures. The switches are shown in the "armed" position
with both contacts closed. Multiple switches connected to one Safety Module
must be series connected (see the warning, Multiple Switching Devices).
WARNING: Multiple Safety Devices
When two or more safety devices are used,
each device must be individually actuated,
causing a STOP or open-contact condition,
then reset/rearmed and the Safety Module
reset (if using manual reset mode). This al-
lows the monitoring circuits to check each de-
vice and its wiring to detect faults. Failure to
test each device individually in this man-
ner could result in undetected faults and
create an unsafe condition which could re-
sult in serious injury or death.
S12S22S11 S21
E-Stop E-Stop
Figure 2. Series connection of multiple E-stop
NOTE: The minimum amount of time for the Module to detect a STOP condition is 15 milliseconds. This "recovery time" (OFF state) is
required for the internal integrity tests to complete, allowing a reliable reset to occur. A lockout may occur if the Module is cycled too
quickly. To clear the lockout, the inputs must be re-cycled, meeting the minimum recovery time requirements.
ES-UA-5A and ES-VA-5A E-Stop Safety Modules
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