ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UMA 5mmL, Standard, For General Purposes UMT Standard series with 5mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Specifications Wide Temperature UMV Long Life UMF Low Impedance UMA Item Bi-polarized UMP Performance Characteristics - 40 to +85C Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range 4 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 470F Rated Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3( A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 4 0.35 Figures in ( 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 0.24 (0.30) 0.20 (0.24) 0.16 (0.20) 0.14 (0.18) 0.12 (0.16) 0.10 (0.13) UMR. ) are for Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 50 2 3 35 2 3 25 2 4 16 2 4 10 3 6 6.3 4 8 4 7 15 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Radial Lead Type Within 20% of the initial capacitance value (UMR & 3 product : Within 25%) 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 25V 10 F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 UMA 1 E 1 0 0 M DD D Code 3 4 to 8 2 -- Configuration P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. 2 Size code ( 3 : P0.3 ) 1 Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (10F) Rated voltage (25V) L+1MAX. 15 MIN 4 MIN Series name (mm) Type D 3 4 5 6.3 8 P 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 d 0.4 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 1 Configuration D s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 3 CD 4 to 8 DD 2 In case at 3 units, put 2 as size code. Dimensions Cap.(F) 4 0G V Code 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 6.3 0.8 0.8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 0J 19 28 33 56 96 145 185 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 6.3 0.8 0.8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 1A 15 28(21) 37 45 70(68) 110(90) 170 0.5 0.5 6.3 0.8 0.8 5 5 5 5 5 16 1C 33 41 52(43) 80(76) 135 0.3 0.4 0.5 6.3 6.3 0.8 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 1E 10 23(18) 37 49(43) 58 92(86) 0.3 0.4 0.5 6.3 6.3 0.8 0.8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35 1V 10 16(12) 27 42 52 70(62) 110 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 6.3 0.8 0.8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 1H 4 5(3 5) 8.4(8.0) 0.4 5 13(10) 0.4 5 17 0.5 5 20 6.3 5 33 0.8 5 52(48) 0.8 5 71 8.4 15(10) 18 29 46 62(52) 80 Case size D L (mm) Size 3 5 is available for capacitors marked. " "/ Size 5 5 is available for capacitors marked. " " Size 6.3 5 is available for capacitors marked. " " In such a case, M R will be put at 2nd and 3rd digit of type numbering system. Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz ( ) = 3 units and UMR. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 10 kHz or more 1.50 170 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UMP 5mmL, Bi-Polarized Bi-polarized series with 5mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UMP Bi-polarized UMA Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 0.1 to 47F Rated Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.05CV or 10 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 6.3 0.24 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 10 0.20 16 0.17 25 0.17 35 0.15 50 0.15 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 25C / Z+20C Z- 40C / Z+20C Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C with the polarity inverted every 250 hours. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Radial Lead Type Sleeve (Sleeve P.E.T.) (P.E.T.) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 10V 33 F) d 1 d 2 3 1 24 35 46 57 8 6 79 10 8 11 10 9 11 UMU PM 1P A 13 A 3 0 DD D 3 M 3 0D M Configuration Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) (20%) Capacitance tolerance P0.5 P0.5 D+0.5 MAX D+0.5 MAX 50 2 3 35 2 3 25 2 4 16 2 4 10 3 6 6.3 4 8 Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Rated capacitance (33F) (33F) Rated capacitance (mm) L+1MAX L+1MAX 15 MIN 15 MIN4 MIN D 4 D 54 6.35 P 1.5P 2.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 d 0.45 d 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 4 MIN (mm) Rated voltage Rated (10V) voltage (10V) 6.3 Series name Series name 2.5 0.45 Type Configuration Configuration Pb-free leadwire Pb-free leadwire D sleeve DPb-free PET Pb-free PET sleeve 4 to 6.3 4 to 6.3 DD DD Dimensions V Cap.(F) 0.10 0.22 0.33 0.47 10.1 2.20 3.30 4.70 100.1 220.1 330.1 470.1 Code 0R1 R22 R33 R47 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 0.5 5 6.3 5 6.3 5 16 1C 10 1A 6.3 0J 28 37 45 0.4 5 6.3 5 6.3 5 17 33 41 0.4 0.5 6.3 6.3 5 5 5 5 35 1V 25 1E 12 23 37 49 0.5 5 0.5 5 6.3 5 12 16 27 0.4 0.5 0.5 6.3 5 5 5 5 8.4 16 18 29 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 6.3 50 1H 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Case size D L (mm) 1.0 2.0 2.8 4.0 8.4 13 17 20 Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 10 kHz or more 1.50 171 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H Type ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UMT 5mmL, Wide Temperature Range Wide temperature range of - 55 to +105C, with 5mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UMV UMT Long life High Temperature UMA Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Voltage Range 4 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 100F Rated Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 4 0.37 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.28 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.16 35 50 Figures in ( ) are for 3 product. 0.13 (0.14) 0.12 (0.14) Measurement frequency : 120Hz The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Endurance 50 2 3 35 2 3 25 2 3 16 2 4 10 3 5 6.3 3 8 4 6 12 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature < 16V) Within 25% of the initial capacitance value ( 3mm unit,and = > 25V) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value ( = Capacitance change 200% or less than the initial specified value tan Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 10F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 UMT 1 E 1 0 0 MDD Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 d P0.5 P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. D+0.5 MAX. 1 d ( 3 : P0.3) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D 2 2 4 to 6.3 Code -- Size code D 3 2 Configuration 1 2 4 to 6.3 -- Size code Capacitance tolerance (20%) 11 12 UMT 1 E 1 0 0 MDD Configuration 1 Rated capacitance (10F) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated voltage (25V) Rated capacitance (10F) Series name Rated voltage (25V) Type Series name ( 3 : P0.3) (mm) D L+1MAX. 15 MIN L+1MAX. 15 MIN 3 4 5 6.3 P 1.0 1.5 2.0(mm)2.5 D d 3 0.404 0.455 0.45 6.3 0.45 P 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 d 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.45 4 MIN 4 MIN 1 Configuration D 1 Configuration 3 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Code 3 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve Type CD leadwire D4 to 6.3 Pb-free DD Pb-free PET sleeve 2 For 3mm unit, place 3 CD size code of 2 to 12th digit. 4 to 6.3 Dimensions Cap.(F) 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 4 0G V Code 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 DD 2 For 3mm unit, place size code of 2 to 12th digit. 4 5 5 6.3 5 5 5 5 6.3 0J 22 30 36 60 4 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 5 10 1A 22 30 36 60 5 5 5 5 6.3 5 16 1C 4 5 6.3 6.3 27 35 46 5 5 5 5 25 1E 18 (14) 30 40 50 4 5 6.3 6.3 5 5 5 5 35 1V 13 (10) 23 38 48 3 4 4 5 6.3 5 5 5 5 5 7.5 11 (9) 15 25 48 4 4 4 5 6.3 50 1H 5 6.2(5.9) 5 11 (9) 14 5 19 5 30 5 Case size D L (mm) Size 3 5 is available for capacitors marked " " Figures in ( ) are for 3 product. Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 10 kHz or more 1.50 172 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UMF 5mmL, Low Impedance Low impedance over wide temperature range of - 55 to +105C, with 5mm height. Suited for DC-DC converters where smaller case size and lower impedance are required. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UMF Low Impedance UMT Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 35V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 100F Rated Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 6.3 0.22 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 10 0.20 16 0.18 25 0.14 35 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 55C / Z+20C The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Endurance Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storig the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 10 F) 1 2 3 1 4 5 2 3 6 7 4 5 8 6 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 UMF 1 E 1 0 0 M DD UMF 1 E 1 0 0 M DD d D+0.5 MAX P0.5 d Configuration Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (10F) Rated capacitance (10F) Rated voltage (25V) Rated voltage (25V) Series name Series name Type Type P0.5 Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) D+0.5 MAX 35 2 3 25 2 3 16 2 3 10 2 4 6.3 2 4 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio (mm) 15 MIN L+1MAX 4 MIN 15 MIN L+1MAX 4 MIN D P d 4 5 6.3 D 2.0 4 5 1.5 2.5 P 1.5 2.0 0.45 0.45 0.45 d 0.45 0.45 (mm) 6.3 2.5 0.45 Configuration Configuration Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free Pb-free PET sleeve leadwire D Pb-free 4 to 6.3 DD PET sleeve 4 to 6.3 DD Dimensions 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) 1 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 100 Code 010 1R5 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 100 150 220 330 470 680 101 4 5 5 6.3 6.3 5 5 5 5 5 5.0 2.6 2.6 1.3 1.3 10 1A 50 80 80 115 115 5 5 5 5 6.3 5 2.6 2.6 1.3 16 1C 4 5 5 6.3 6.3 80 80 115 50 Hz 0.35 120 Hz 0.50 300 Hz 0.64 5.0 2.6 2.6 1.3 1.3 50 80 80 115 115 4 4 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5.0 5.0 2.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 50 50 80 115 115 115 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6.3 6.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35 1V 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.6 2.6 1.3 1.3 Case size Impedance D L (mm) 1 kHz 0.83 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 115 115 Rated ripple Max. Impedance ( ) at 20C 100kHz Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 100kHz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 5 5 5 5 5 25 1E 10 kHz or more 1.00 173 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UMV 5mmL, Long Life Assurance Extended load life of 5000 hours at +105C, with 5mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). USV Smaller UMV Long Life UMT UMF Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 4 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 100F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 4 0.37 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.28 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.16 35 0.13 50 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 4 8 14 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 6.3 4 10 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 5000 hours at 105C. Endurance 10 3 7 16 2 5 25 2 3 Capacitance change tan Leakage current 35 2 3 50 2 3 Within 30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with silver color letter on dark brown sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 10F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 1 d d 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 10 11 Configuration Configuration P0.5 P0.5 +0.5 MAX. +0.5 MAX. DD UM MV V 11 E E 11 00 00 M M F FD D U L+1MAX. L+1MAX. 15 MIN 15 MIN 4 MIN 4 MIN Capacitance tolerance (20%) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (10F) Rated capacitance (10F) Rated voltage (25V) Rated voltage (25V) (mm) (mm) 4 5 6.3 4 5 6.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 D D P P d d Series name Series name Type Type Configuration Configuration Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free Pb-free leadwire PET sleeve D Pb-free PET sleeve FD 4 to 6.3 4 to 6.3 FD Dimensions Cap.(F) 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 4 0G V Code 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 4 5 5 6.3 5 5 5 5 6.3 0J 22 30 36 60 4 5 5 6.3 5 5 5 5 10 1A 22 30 36 60 5 5 5 5 6.3 5 16 1C 27 35 46 4 5 6.3 6.3 5 5 5 5 25 1E 18 30 40 50 4 5 6.3 6.3 5 5 5 5 35 1V 13 23 38 48 4 5 5 5 6.3 5 50 1H 15 25 42 4 4 4 5 6.3 5 5 5 5 5 Case size D L (mm) 06.2 11.0 14.0 19.0 30.0 Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 10 kHz or more 1.50 174 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS USA 7mmL, For General Purposes Standard miniature series with 7mm height. USR 7mmL, High CV Smaller (USR) Higher CV series with 7mm height. UST Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). High Temperature USA USP Bi-polarized Smaller USR Specifications Item Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current USA USR - 40 to +85C - 40 to +85C 6.3 to 50V 4 to 50V 1 to 220F 1 to 470F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 ( A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio Z- 25C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 4 0.35 6.3 0.24 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 4 6 12 6.3 4 8 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Endurance 10 3 6 16 2 4 35 2 3 50 2 3 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Type numbering system (Example : USA : 10V 33F) Radial Lead Type 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U S A 11 A2 33 3 4 0 5M 6D 7D d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 8 9 10 11 US A 1 A 3 3 0 M DD Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) P0.5 D D+0.5MAX P0.5 +0.5MAX d L+1MAX L+1MAX 15MIN 15MIN 4MIN D P d 4 5 6.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 D 0.45 4 0.45 5 0.45 Capacitance tolerance (2 8 3.5 6.3 0.5 Rated voltage (10V) 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.45 0.45 0.45 Rated capacitance (3 Series name (mm) Type 8 3.5 0.5 Configuration D 4 to 8 Configuration DD D Dimensions TypeS Code eries 1 010 2.2 2R2 3.3 3R3 4.7 4R7 10 100 22 220 33 330 47 470 100 101 220 221 330 331 470 471 4 (0G) USR 4 7 33 4 7 39 5 7 65 6.3 7 110 8 7 165 8 7 240 6.3 (0J) USA USR 4 7 34 5 7 42 5 7 50 6.3 7 77 8 7 130 10 (1A) USA USR 4 7 34 4 7 40 4 7 48 5 7 78 6.3 7 120 8 7 180 5 7 38 5 7 47 6.3 7 59 8 7 96 4 7 35 4 7 43 5 7 59 6.3 7 87 8 7 145 16 (1C) USA USR 4 7 28 5 7 44 6.3 7 57 6.3 7 68 8 7 107 4 7 28 4 7 39 5 7 55 5 7 65 6.3 7 98 8 7 150 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve DD 25 (1E) USA USR 5 7 33 6.3 7 51 6.3 7 63 8 7 78 4 7 28 5 7 48 5 7 58 6.3 7 71 8 7 115 35 (1V) USA USR 4 7 24 5 7 36 6.3 7 57 8 7 72 4 7 24 4 7 31 5 7 52 6.3 7 65 8 7 85 50 (1H) USA USR 4 7 10 4 7 19 4 7 24 5 7 29 6.3 7 44 8 7 65 4 7 10 4 7 19 4 7 24 4 7 28 5 7 38 6.3 7 58 8 7 75 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 10 kHz or more 1.50 175 Rated voltage (1 Series n T Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 4 to 8 V(Code) Configuratio Rated capacitance (33F) (mm) 4MIN P d Cap.(F) 25 2 4 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS USP 7mmL, Bi-Polarized Bi-polarized series with 7mm height. Extended capacitance range by an addition of 8 product. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). USP USA Bi-polarized Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 0.1 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.05CV or 10 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.24 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.16 35 0.14 50 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120 Hz Stability at Low Temperature The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C with the polarity inverted every 250 hours. Endurance 50 2 3 35 2 3 25 2 4 16 2 4 10 3 6 6.3 4 8 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Z- 40C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Type numbering system (Example : 10V 33F) Radial Lead Type 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 D 11 D U2 S3 P4 15 A6 37 38 09 M US P 1 A 3 3 0 M DD 1 d d L+1MAX L+1MAX 15MIN 15MIN Capacitance (20%) Ratedtolerance capacitance (33F) Rated capacitance (33F) Rated voltage (10V) (mm) 4MIN D 4MIN P0.5 P0.5 D+0.5MAX D+0.5MAX Configuration Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) 4 5 Rated voltage (10V) Series name 6.3 (mm)8 Series name Type D P 4 1.5 5 2.06.3 2.5 8 3.5 P d 1.50.452.00.452.50.453.5 0.5 d 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.5 Type Configuration Configuration D D4 to 8 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET DD sleeve 4 to 8 DD Dimensions 0.1 0.22 0.33 0.47 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 Code 0R1 R22 R33 R47 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 0.5 6.3 0.8 0.8 7 7 7 7 16 1C 10 1A 6.3 0J V Cap.( F) 42 58 95 140 0.4 0.5 6.3 6.3 0.8 7 7 7 7 7 24 40 56 67 110 0. 0.4 0.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 0.5 6.3 6.3 0.8 0.8 7 7 7 7 7 21 35 53 73 87 0.4 0.5 6.3 0.8 0.8 7 7 7 7 7 16 22 37 62 76 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 6.3 0.8 0.8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Case size D L (mm) 1.0 2.3 3.5 5.0 10 14 20 27 44 65 Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 18 30 51 63 75 125 50 1H 35 1V 25 1E 10 kHz or more 1.50 176 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UST 7mmL, Wide Temperature Range Wide temperature range of - 55 to +105C, with 7mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UST High Temperature USA Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.24 10 0.21 16 0.18 25 0.15 35 0.13 50 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120 Hz Stability at Low Temperature 6.3 3 6 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Z- 40C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) 10 2 5 50 2 3 35 2 3 25 2 3 Within 25% of the initial capacitance value (16Vor less) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value (25Vor more) 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Endurance 16 2 4 tan Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Type numbering system (Example : 10V 33F) Radial Lead Type d Sleeve (P.E.T.) d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U D D 1 S 2 T 3 1 4 A 5 3 6 3 7 0 8 M 9 10 11 US T 1 A 3 3 0 M D D Configuration P0.5 P0.5 D+0.5MAX D+0.5MAX Sleeve (P.E.T.) L+1MAX 15MIN L+1MAX Rated capacitance (33F) Capacitance tolerance (20%) voltage(33F) (10V) RatedRated capacitance (mm) 4MIN 15MIN Capacitance tolerance (20%) Configuration 4MIN D 4 5 6.3 P D d P 1.5 4 0.45 1.5 2.0 5 0.45 2.0 2.5 6.3 0.45 2.5 3.5 8 0.5 3.5 d 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.5 8 Series (10V) name Rated voltage (mm) Type Series name Configuration Pb-free PET sleeve Dimensions 4 to 8 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) Code 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 4 5 5 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 7 10 1A 34 42 50 77 130 5 5 6.3 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 DD 16 1C 38 47 59 96 140 4 5 6.3 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 7 25 1E 29 44 57 68 107 5 6.3 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 35 1V 33 51 63 78 4 5 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 50 1H 24 36 57 72 4 7 4 7 4 7 5 7 6.3 7 8 7 Case size D L (mm) 10 19 24 29 44 65 Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient Type Pb-free leadwire D Configuration Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free leadwire 4 toD 8 DD Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 10 kHz or more 1.50 177 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS USV 7mmL, Long Life Assurance Extended load life of 5000 hours at +105C, with 7mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UST USV Long Life Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3( A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz, Temperature : 20C Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.24 10 0.21 16 0.18 25 0.15 35 0.13 50 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Z- 40C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Stability at Low Temperature Within 30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 5000 hours at 105C. Endurance 50 2 3 35 2 3 25 2 3 16 2 4 10 3 6 6.3 4 8 After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with silver color letter on dark brown sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Type numbering system (Example: 10V 33F) Radial Lead Type d Sleeve (P.E.T.) d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9 10 11 U1 S2 V3 14 A5 36 37 08 M F D US V 1 A 3 3 0 M F D D P0.5P0.5 0.5 MAX. 0.5 D MAX. Sleeve (P.E.T.) L+ 1MAX. L+ 1MAX. 15MIN 4MIN 15MIN 4MIN Configuration Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (33F) RatedRated capacitance voltage(33F) (10V) (mm) D 4 5 6.3 4 2.0 5 2.5 6.3 PD 1.5 Pd 0.45 1.5 0.45 2.0 0.45 2.5 d 0.45 0.45 0.45 (mm) 8 Rated voltage (10V) Series name 8 3.5 3.5 0.5 0.5 Series name Type Type Configuration Pb-free leadwire Configuration D Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free leadwire FD sleeve Pb-free PET 4 toD8 Dimensions 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 FD 4 to 8 Code 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 4 5 5 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 7 10 1A 34 42 50 77 130 5 5 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 16 1C 38 47 59 96 4 5 6.3 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 7 25 1E 29 44 57 68 107 5 6.3 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 35 1V 33 51 63 78 4 5 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 50 1H 24 36 57 72 4 7 4 7 4 7 5 7 6.3 7 8 7 10 19 24 29 44 65 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 10 kHz or more 1.50 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 178 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS USF 7mmL, Low Impedance Low impedance over wide temperature range of - 55 to +105C, with 7mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). USF Low Impedance UST Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 35V Rated Capacitance Range 6.8 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3( A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz, Temperature : 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.18 10 0.16 16 0.14 25 0.12 35 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Z- 55C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Stability at Low Temperature Capacitance change tan Leakage current The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Endurance 35 2 3 25 2 3 16 2 3 10 2 3 6.3 2 3 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Type numbering system (Example : 10V 33F) Radial Lead Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U S F 1 A 3 3 0 M DD Sleeve (P.E.T.) d Configuration Rated capacitance (33F) P0.5 D+0.5MAX Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated voltage (10V) Series name 15MIN L+1MAX (mm) 4MIN D P d 4 1.5 0.45 5 2.0 0.45 6.3 2.5 0.45 Type 8 3.5 0.5 Configuration Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve D 4 to 8 DD Dimensions 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 100 150 220 Code 6R8 100 150 220 330 470 680 101 151 221 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.7 1.7 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 10 1A 110 110 160 160 200 200 4 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 16 1C 3.3 1.7 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 70 110 160 160 200 200 4 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 25 1E 3.3 1.7 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 70 110 160 160 200 200 4 5 5 6.3 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 35 1V 3.3 1.7 1.7 0.8 0.5 0.5 70 110 110 160 200 200 4 5 6.3 6.3 8 7 7 7 7 7 Case size D L (mm) 3.3 1.7 0.8 0.8 0.5 70 110 160 160 200 Impedance Rated ripple Max. Impedance ( ) at 20C 100kHz Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 100kHz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.35 120 Hz 0.50 300 Hz 0.64 1 kHz 0.83 10 kHz or more 1.00 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 179 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVK Miniature Sized UVY High Temperature One rank smaller case sizes than UVR. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UVK Smaller UVR Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C (6.3V to 400V), -25C to +85C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 33000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current 6.3 to 100V After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. 160 to 450V After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV <= 1000 1 0.1CV+40A or less After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV>1000 :1 0.04CV+100 (A) or less Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 tan (MAX.) 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 50 0.12 63 0.10 100 0.08 160 to 250 350 to 450 0.20 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio Z- 25C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 6.3 5 12 35 2 4 25 2 5 16 3 8 10 4 10 50 to 100 160 to 200 250 to 350 2 3 4 3 4 8 400 6 10 450 15 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330F) Radial Lead Type Sleeve (Sleeve P.E.T.) (P.E.T.) d 1 d 2 3 1 24 35 46 57 8 6 10 11 79 8 9 10 11 Configuration Configuration P0.5 MAX D+ P0.5 MAX D+ U VU K V 1K A 13 A3 1 M 1E M D ED 3 3 Capacitance tolerance (20%) (20%) Capacitance tolerance Rated capacitance (330F)(330F) Rated capacitance Pressure Pressure relief vent relief vent L+ ( 6.3up) ( 6.3up) Rated voltage (10V) (10V) Rated voltage MAX L+ MAX 15MIN 15MIN4MIN Series name Series name 4MIN (mm) D 5D 6.35 86.3 108 12.5 10 16 12.5 18 16 20 18 20 22 Type (mm) P 2.0P 2.5 2.0 3.5 2.5 5.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 5.0 25 22 7.5 7.5 10.0 7.5 10.0 10.0 12.5 10.0 d 0.5d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 25 12.5 Configuration Configuration D 5 leadwire Pb-free leadwire DPb-free Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free PET sleeve 5 6.3 6.3 8 * 10 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 12.5 to 18 (L 20) 1.5 (L 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 (L 20) 2.0 20 to 2520 to 25 DD DD ED PD HD RD ED PD HD RD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 180 CAT.8100H Type ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVK Dimensions Cap.( F) Code 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 68 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 15000 22000 33000 Cap.( F) 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 680 101 221 331 471 102 222 332 472 682 103 153 223 333 Code 0.47 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 68 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 20 11.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 540 890 1190 1550 1920 2350 2550 3200 3500 5 6.3 6.3 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 22 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 18 22 25 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 25 35.5 50 50 11 11 11 12.5 16 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 50 30 40 45 70 130 180 200 270 340 550 760 1000 1350 2400 2900 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 18 18 25 25 1E 16 1C 220 290 350 650 990 1450 1800 2250 2550 2880 3400 4500 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 16 16 16 18 22 25 11 11 11.5 12.5 20 25 25 25 35.5 40 40 50 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 22 200 2D 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 16 20 20 25 25 35.5 40 40 160 2C 100 2A V R47 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 680 101 221 331 471 102 222 332 10 1A 6.3 0J V 80 11.5 12.5 130 180 16 210 20 350 20 430 25 31.5 580 35.5 800 1200 40 1900 50 260 320 440 700 1000 1700 2100 2250 2710 3100 3800 4800 5 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 16 16 16 18 22 25 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 25 25 25 35.5 40 50 50 35 1V 180 280 390 550 860 1550 1980 2200 2600 2800 3800 4500 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 16 16 16 18 22 25 6.3 6.3 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 18 20 22 40 11 50 11 12.5 100 150 20 200 20 270 20 380 25 440 25 35.5 680 40 1000 50 1400 130 160 210 350 490 650 1150 1800 2100 2500 2800 3700 4300 63 1J 28 35 40 60 95 125 155 210 260 430 590 760 1350 1980 2500 2900 3500 4000 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 12.5 16 18 20 22 25 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 16 20 20 25 35.5 40 50 50 100 140 170 220 280 490 710 900 1300 2300 2700 3400 3900 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple 350 2V 250 2E 15 22 33 40 50 80 150 200 270 350 450 700 950 1300 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 31.5 35.5 40 50 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 18 20 22 25 50 1H 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 31.5 35.5 40 50 50 6.3 8 8 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 22 25 30 11 43 11.5 55 11.5 90 12.5 150 20 240 25 300 25 400 25 35.5 520 760 50 50 1000 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 12.5 16 16 16 18 22 400 2G 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 25 25 25 31.5 35.5 50 450 2W 12 20 38 48 60 90 200 240 280 340 440 650 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 18 18 25 11.5 12.5 12.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 50 28 40 46 80 140 180 220 260 280 350 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 Cap.( F) Frequency 2.2 to 68000 100 to 47000 1000 to 33000 0.47 to 22000 330 to 10000 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.80 0.90 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1.25 1.10 1 kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 1.40 1.13 181 10kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 1.60 1.15 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVR Miniature Sized UVZ High Temperature Standard series for entertainment electronics. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UVR Smaller UVK Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C (6.3V to 400V), -25 to +85C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 33000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 to 100V After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. 160 to 450V After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, < CV = 1000 :1 0.1CV+40A or less After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV > 1000 :1 0.04CV+100 (A) or less Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) 35 6.3 10 16 25 tan (MAX.) 0.14 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 50 0.12 63 0.10 100 0.08 160 to 315 350 to 450 0.20 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio Z- 25C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 6.3 5 12 10 4 10 16 3 8 35 2 4 25 2 5 50 2 3 63 2 3 100 2 3 160 to 200 250 to 350 3 4 4 8 400 6 10 450 15 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330F) 1 d 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P0.5 P0.5 MAX D+ Pressure relief vent Pressure ( 6.3up) relief vent ( 6.3up) 4 2 U2 V3 R4 15 A6 37 38 1 9 M10 E11D12 UVR 1 A 3 3 1 MED 1 d D+ MAX Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) D Capacitance change tan Leakage current L+ L+ MAX MAX 15MIN 15MIN 5 4MIN 4MIN (mm) 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 20 22 (mm) 25 D 4 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 D P 4 1.5 5 2.0 6.32.5 8 3.5 105.0 12.5 5.0 167.5 187.5 2010.0 2210.0 2512.5 P 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 P d 1.5 0.45 2.00.5 2.50.5 3.50.6 5.00.6 5.00.6 7.50.8 7.50.8 10.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 12.5 1.0 d 0.45 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 d 0.45 0.5 0.50.5 0.50.5 0.60.5 0.60.5 0.60.5 0.80.5 0.80.5 1.00.5 1.01.0 1.01.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 (L 20) 1.5 (L (L20)20) 1.52.0 (L 20) 2.0 (mm) 20 22 25 10.0 10.0 12.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Configuration Configuration Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free leadwire D4 DD6 Pb-free PET sleeve 4 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 * 10 812.5 * 10to 18 12.520toto1825 20 to 25 (L 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Size code Size code Configuration Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (330F) Rated capacitance (330F) Rated voltage (10V) Rated voltage (10V) Series name Series name Type Type DD6 DD DDED EDPD PDHD HDRD RD Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 182 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVR Dimensions Cap.( F) V Code 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 1J 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 2200 222 10 20 1000 10 20 1100 12.5 20 1300 12.5 25 1550 16 25 3300 332 10 20 1190 12.5 20 1450 12.5 25 1700 16 25 1980 16 35.5 2280 4700 472 12.5 20 1550 12.5 25 1800 16 25 2100 16 31.5 2450 6800 682 12.5 25 1920 16 25 2250 16 35.5 2650 10000 103 16 25 2350 16 35.5 2700 15000 153 16 35.5 2850 18 35.5 3100 18 22 22 25 20 25 22 25 22000 223 33000 333 Cap.( F) 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 V Code 0.47 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 R47 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 47 470 100 220 101 221 330 331 470 471 1000 102 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 40 30 50 40 3350 3200 3900 3800 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12.5 40 30 50 40 65 85 100 145 240 290 350 650 3700 3300 4500 4800 18 20 20 25 22 25 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 16 35.5 31 40 30 50 40 25 50 50 75 90 110 160 260 370 440 790 2950 3000 3400 3300 4200 4000 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 10 10 10 18 20 20 25 22 25 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 12.5 20 35.5 31 40 30 50 40 25 50 35 55 80 95 115 190 330 440 550 960 2900 2700 3000 2900 3800 3600 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 10 10 10 12.5 18 20 20 25 22 25 11 40 11 60 11 90 11 105 11 130 11 210 12.5 385 12.5 490 16 650 20 1150 1800 35.5 31 40 30 50 40 25 50 2700 3000 2900 3700 3600 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 28 35 40 60 95 125 155 260 430 590 760 1350 5 5 6.3 6.3 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 35.5 2100 18 35.5 2300 18 22 20 25 22 25 20 25 22 25 35.5 30 40 30 50 40 25 50 2500 2450 2900 2900 3500 3300 40 30 50 40 2700 2600 3400 3200 25 50 3900 315 350 400 450 2E 2F 2V 2G 2W 12.5 25 16 35.5 40 30 40 30 50 270 12.5 20 430 800 940 900 1410 1290 1900 16 31.5 18 35.5 20 25 22 25 40 30 50 40 15 22 33 40 55 95 170 230 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 12.5 12.5 270 12.5 25 530 810 1130 1090 1490 1550 15 11 22 11 33 11 11.5 46 11.5 55 105 16 190 20 230 20 16 31.5 20 22 22 25 300 520 40 30 50 30 740 820 1170 970 25 50 1600 2900 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple 4800 250 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 20 20 25 50 30 40 45 75 130 180 230 370 620 760 1000 1380 2400 2400 4500 2D 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 20 25 25 25 40 50 40 4300 200 15 22 33 40 50 80 155 205 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 18 22 25 4000 2C 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 16 20 2A 65 11 100 11 140 11 170 11 12.5 300 490 16 710 20 900 20 25 1300 160 12.5 20 18 22 22 25 25 65 80 95 135 200 270 320 540 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 100 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 11 11.5 12.5 12.5 20 20 25 22 33 55 65 115 190 275 340 16 25 18 35.5 560 22 50 25 30 850 770 25 50 1250 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 22 11 11.5 38 12.5 55 12.5 65 115 20 200 25 275 25 16 35.5 380 18 22 22 25 40 30 50 40 590 570 850 890 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 11.5 25 12.5 45 12.5 55 70 16 130 20 240 25 31.5 300 16 35.5 370 20 40 25 30 550 530 25 50 750 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 18 22 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 35.5 40 30 22 40 23 35 45 55 90 165 230 300 290 350 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Size 4 11 is available for capacitors marked " " In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system " " Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 Cap.( F) Frequency 2.2 to 47000 100 to 47000 1000 to 33000 0.47 to 22000 330 to 10000 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.80 0.90 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1.25 1.10 1 kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 1.40 1.13 183 10kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 1.60 1.15 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVC Ultra-Miniature-Sized for adapters. UVY One rank smaller case sizes than UVY. Swited for adapter circuit. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Smaller UVC Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range - 40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 400V Rated Capacitance Range 4.7 to 18F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, I = 0.04CV+100 (A) or less Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Measurement frequency : 120Hz, at 20C 400 0.25 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) 400 6 10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 2000 hours at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Radial Lead Type 8 1 L+ DP 4 5 6 17 28 3 9 410 511 6 7 MAX 15MIN (mm) D 8 10 P 3.5 5.0 d 0.6 0.6 8 9 10 11 Config Configuration Configuration Capacitance toleran Capacitance tolerance (20%) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacita Rated capacitance (15F) Rated capacitance (15F) Rated voltage (400V) Rated voltag Rated voltage (400V) Ser Series name Series name Type Type P 0.5 P 0.5 P0.5 + 15MIN L MAX MAX 4MIN 15MIN 4MIN 4MIN Configuration Configuration Pb-free leadwire Configuration Pb-free leadwireD D Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free leadwire 8 * 10 PD 8D* 10 Pb-free PETPD sleeve (L =11.5) 1.5 (L 12.5) 2.0 8 * 10 PD sPlease refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Dimensions V Cap.(F) 3 Pressure relief vent L+ (mm) 10 8 3.5 105.0 P d 3.50.6 5.00.6 d 0.6 0.6 (L =11.5) 1.5 12.5) (L (L =11.5) 1.52.0 (L 12.5) 2.0 2 9M 102P11 GD 1 5 0 M P D U2 V3 C4 25 G6 17U58V0 C UVC 2 G 1 5 0 MPD 1 D+0.5MAX (mm) D d d d D+0.5MAX D+0.5MAX Pressure relief vent Pressure relief vent Within 25% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 400V 15F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Capacitance change tan Leakage current Code 4.7 5.6 8.2 10 12 15 4R7 5R6 8R2 100 120 150 18 180 8 8 8 10 8 10 10 400 2G 11.5 11.5 16 12.5 20 16 20 Case size D L (mm) Cap.(F) Frequency 4.7 to 8.2 10 to 18 70 70 85 100 120 150 200 50Hz 0.65 0.80 120Hz 1.00 1.00 500Hz 1.20 1.20 1 kHz 1.30 1.30 10kHz or more 1.50 1.50 Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 196 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS TVX Standard, For General Purposes - Axial Lead Type (02 type) (Through 100V only) Axial lead type of standard series for general purposes. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C (6.3 to 250V), -25 to +85C (315 to 450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 10000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 In case of CV 1000 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, not more than 0.1CV+40 (A) . In case of CV > 1000 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, not more than 0.04CV+100 (A) . After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A) , whichever is greater. Leakage current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A) , whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Rated voltage (V) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan 6.3 0.24 (MAX.) 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 63 to 100 160 to 315 350 to 450 0.08 0.20 0.25 For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z-25C / Z+20C Impedance rat io ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 6.3 4 10 10 3 8 16 2 6 25 2 4 35 to 100 160 to 250 315 * 350 400 * 450 2 4 6 15 3 12 -- -- Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the characteristic requirements at right. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Marking Printed with white color letter on purple blue sleeve. Axial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330F) 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sealing rubber packing Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sealing rubber packing L+ L+ 35MIN 35 MIN ( 10up) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 T1 V2 X3 14 A5 36 37 18 M9 A D T V X 1 A 3 3 1 MAD Pressure relief vent ( 10up) relief vent Pressure d +0.5MAX +0.5MAX D D d MAX Rated capacitance (330F) Rated voltage (10V) Rated voltage (10V) Series name 35MIN MAX Series name Type 35 MIN Configuration Configuration Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET 5 toD8 AD sleeve (mm) ( D < 10) 1 D 5 to 13 16 to 18 ( D d 0.6 0.8 10) 2 Configuration Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (330F) to 18 8 105 to 10 to 18 Type AD CD CD Please refer to page 22 about the taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 184 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS TVX (02 type) Dimensions 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) Code 0.47 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 R47 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 222 332 472 682 103 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 13 13 16 16 16 12 16 16 16 21 26 26 31.5 31.5 41.5 110 200 250 330 600 1020 1200 1500 1840 2260 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 10 13 13 16 160 2C 12 16 16 16 20 26 26 31.5 41.5 V Cap.(F) Code 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 10 1A 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 13 13 16 16 18 13 23 33 39 60 120 170 230 430 12 16 16 16 21 26 31.5 31.5 41.5 41 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 13 13 13 16 16 1C 5 6.3 8 8 8 10 13 16 16 18 130 210 300 350 640 1090 1390 1730 1930 2350 200 2D 12 16 16 16 21 26 26 31.5 41.5 25 1E 12 16 16 16 20 26 31.5 31.5 41.5 41 13 23 33 39 70 140 170 230 430 85 160 260 320 430 770 1180 1620 1840 2310 6.3 8 8 8 10 13 13 16 16 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 13 16 16 18 250 2E 16 16 16 20 21 26 31.5 31.5 41.5 35 1V 12 80 12 100 16 170 16 280 20 380 26 510 26 900 31.5 1480 41.5 1710 41 2170 14 27 33 45 70 140 190 260 430 6.3 8 8 8 10 13 16 16 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 13 16 16 315 2F 16 16 20 20 26 31.5 31.5 31.5 12 70 12 90 16 120 16 210 20 340 21 460 26 610 31.5 1060 31.5 1580 41.5 2050 14 27 36 45 80 150 210 260 6.3 8 8 10 13 13 16 16 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 13 16 18 350 2V 16 16 20 21 26 31.5 31.5 41.5 50 1H 12 5 12 10 12 23 12 28 12 34 12 50 12 85 16 110 16 130 16 220 21 410 26 560 26 730 31.5 1260 41 1920 12 24 32 46 85 140 190 260 63 1J 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 13 13 16 8 8 10 10 13 16 16 18 12 55 12 90 16 120 16 160 20 260 26 480 26 650 31.5 840 31.5 1330 400 2G 16 20 21 21 26 31.5 41.5 41 14 28 38 46 85 150 210 290 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 8 10 13 13 16 8 10 10 10 13 16 18 100 2A 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 20 26 26 31.5 31.5 450 2W 16 21 21 26 26 31.5 41 10 18 28 34 40 60 120 150 190 340 560 750 970 14 31 38 50 85 150 230 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V Cap.(F) Frequency 0.47 to 47 6.3 to 100 100 to 470 1000 to 10000 160 to 450 1 to 100 120 Hz 300 Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 1.00 1.35 1.57 2.00 1.00 1.23 1.34 1.50 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.60 185 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVY Wide Temperature Range UVZ Smaller One rank smaller case sizes than UVZ. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UVY High Temperature UVK Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range - 55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V), - 40 to +105C (160 to 400V), - 25 to +105C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 33000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, < 1000 : I =0.1CV+40 (A) or less CV = 160 to 450 After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV > 1000 : I =0.04CV+100 (A) or less For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) 10 16 25 35 6.3 tan MAX.) 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 50 0.12 63 0.10 100 0.08 160 to 250 350 to 450 0.20 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio Z- 25C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 6.3 5 10 35 to 50 63 to 100 160 to 200 250 to 350 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 8 25 2 4 16 3 6 10 4 8 Capacitance change tan Leakage current 400 6 10 450 15 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 D+ P 0.5 MAX UV Y 1 A 3 3 1 MED Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (330F) Pressure relief vent ( 6.3up) Rated voltage (10V) L+ 15MIN MAX 4MIN Series name Type (mm) D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 20 22 25 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0 12.5 d Configuration D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 DD 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 ED PD HD RD (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 20 to 25 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 186 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVY Dimensions V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 2.2 Code 2R2 3.3 4.7 Cap.(F) 63 1J 5 11 20 3R3 5 11 25 4R7 5 11 30 10 100 5 11 46 22 220 5 11 68 5 11 71 33 330 5 11 90 6.3 11 100 47 470 5 11 93 6.3 11 115 6.3 11 120 68 680 6.3 11 110 6.3 11 150 8 11.5 155 100 101 11 150 8 11.5 190 8 11.5 200 220 221 5 11 155 6.3 11 330 331 6.3 11 210 6.3 470 471 6.3 11 250 1000 102 8 2200 222 3300 4700 5 11 125 6.3 190 6.3 11 200 8 11.5 250 10 12.5 300 10 16 335 11 225 8 11.5 275 10 12.5 350 10 16 410 10 20 510 8 11.5 315 10 12.5 380 10 16 460 10 20 540 12.5 20 640 25 950 16 25 11.5 390 10 12.5 460 10 12.5 500 10 16 610 12.5 20 810 12.5 10 16 635 10 16 705 10 20 710 12.5 25 1090 16 25 1260 16 31.5 1410 18 35.5 1650 332 10 20 840 12.5 20 1000 12.5 25 1170 16 25 1400 16 31.5 1500 18 35.5 1770 20 40 1950 472 12.5 20 1090 12.5 25 1260 16 25 1500 16 25 1570 16 35.5 1780 20 40 2100 22 50 2450 6800 682 12.5 25 1350 16 25 1570 16 25 1600 16 35.5 1850 18 40 2000 22 50 2500 25 50 2800 10000 103 16 25 1650 16 31.5 1820 16 35.5 1930 18 40 2000 22 50 2650 25 50 2850 15000 153 16 31.5 1820 16 35.5 2050 18 40 2210 22 50 2750 25 50 3100 22000 223 18 35.5 2280 18 40 2420 22 40 2710 25 50 3250 33000 333 20 40 2500 22 50 3210 25 50 3450 Cap.(F) 0.47 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple V 100 160 200 250 350 400 Code R47 2A 2C 2E 2V 6.3 2D 11 11 6.3 2G 11 6.3 1 010 6.3 11 16 2.2 2R2 5 11 21 6.3 11 25 3.3 3R3 5 11 29 6.3 11 30 6.3 11 4.7 4R7 5 11 32 6.3 11 35 6.3 10 100 5 11 50 8 11.5 41 8 11.5 57 22 220 6.3 11 93 10 12.5 92 10 16 105 33 330 8 11.5 130 10 16 125 10 20 47 470 8 11.5 140 10 20 150 12.5 20 68 680 10 12.5 190 12.5 20 250 12.5 100 101 10 16 240 12.5 25 310 220 221 12.5 20 390 16 31.5 330 331 12.5 25 540 18 35.5 930 450 2W 8.5 11 14 6.3 11 21 8 11.5 27 8 11.5 20 28 8 11.5 30 8 11.5 34 10 12.5 28 11 35 8 11.5 39 10 12.5 42 10 12.5 32 10 12.5 71 10 12.5 64 10 16 64 10 20 56 10 20 105 12.5 20 105 12.5 25 140 12.5 25 100 140 10 20 140 12.5 25 170 16 25 170 16 25 125 195 12.5 20 190 16 25 210 16 25 200 16 31.5 155 25 250 16 25 270 16 25 285 16 31.5 240 18 35.5 185 16 25 320 16 25 310 18 35.5 370 18 35.5 310 18 40 200 410 16 35.5 500 18 35.5 485 22 50 540 22 50 460 25 50 250 570 18 40 675 20 40 710 25 50 710 22 40 925 22 50 1000 470 471 16 25 715 18 40 855 1000 102 18 35.5 960 25 50 1350 2200 222 22 50 1750 3300 332 25 50 2070 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 Cap.(F) Frequency 2.2 to 680 100 to 470 1000 to 33000 0.47 to 220 330 to 1000 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.80 0.90 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1.25 1.10 1 kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 1.40 1.13 187 10 kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 1.60 1.15 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVZ Wide Temperature Range (Through 100V only) Small case sizes as same as UVR, but operating over wide temperature range of - 55 to +105C. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPS UPJ UVZ High Rippie Current High Reliability Smaller High Temperature UVY UVR Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V) , -40 to +105C (160 to 400V), -25 to +105C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 33000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV < = 1000 : I = 0.1CV+40 (A) or less After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV > 1000 : I = 0.04CV+100 (A) or less For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 tan (MAX.) 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 160 to 450 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 50 0.12 63 0.10 100 0.08 160 to 315 350 to 450 0.20 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 6.3 5 10 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 10 4 8 16 3 6 25 2 4 35 2 3 50 2 3 63 2 3 100 2 3 160 to 200 250 to 350 3 4 4 8 450 15 -- 400 6 10 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 UV Z 1 A 3 3 1 MED D+ P 0.5 MAX Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (330F) Rated voltage (10V) Series name Pressure relief vent (6.3up) L+ 15MIN MAX Type 4MIN Configuration (mm) Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 20 22 25 D P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0 12.5 5 DD d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 20 to 25 ED PD HD RD (L 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 188 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVZ Dimensions Cap.(F) 2.2 V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 Code 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 5 1H 11.5 20 5 11.5 25 5 2R2 3.3 3R3 4.7 4R7 10 100 22 220 5 11.5 45 5 11.5 33 330 5 11.5 55 5 47 470 5 11.5 65 100 101 5 11.5 220 221 5 11.5 330 331 6.3 11.5 470 471 6.3 1000 102 2200 222 3300 4700 5 11.5 25 5 11.5 28 5 11.5 30 5 11.5 35 5 11.5 36 5 11.5 41 5 11.5 46 45 5 11.5 54 5 11.5 58 5 11.5 61 5 11.5 68 11.5 58 5 11.5 65 5 11.5 68 5 11.5 75 5 11.5 90 5 11.5 68 5 11.5 79 5 11.5 83 5 11.5 93 6.3 11.5 115 95 5 11.5 105 5 11.5 115 6.3 11.5 140 6.3 11.5 150 8 11.5 190 145 6.3 11.5 175 6.3 11.5 190 8 11.5 240 10 12.5 275 10 12.5 300 195 6.3 11.5 210 8 11.5 265 10 12.5 315 10 12.5 350 10 16.5 410 11.5 230 6.3 11.5 250 8 11.5 315 10 12.5 380 10 16.5 460 12.5 20.5 530 8 11.5 390 10 12.5 460 10 16.5 560 10 20.5 680 12.5 20.5 810 12.5 25.5 950 10 20.5 710 10 20.5 760 12.5 20.5 920 12.5 25.5 1090 16 25.5 1260 16 35.5 1470 332 10 20.5 840 12.5 20.5 1000 12.5 25.5 1170 16 25.5 1400 16 35.5 1610 18 35.5 1770 472 12.5 20.5 1090 12.5 25.5 1260 16 25.5 1480 16 31.5 1710 18 35.5 1910 20 40.5 2100 6800 682 12.5 25.5 1350 16 25.5 1570 16 35.5 1780 18 35.5 2040 20 40.5 2150 22 50.5 2500 10000 103 16 25.5 1650 16 35.5 1890 18 35.5 2060 20 40.5 2150 22 50.5 2650 25 50.5 2850 15000 153 16 35.5 2010 18 35.5 2180 20 40.5 2430 22 50.5 2750 25 50.5 3100 22000 223 18 40.5 2350 20 40.5 2650 22 50.5 3000 25 50.5 3250 33000 333 22 50.5 2800 22 50.5 3250 25 50.5 3450 V Cap.(F) 0.47 Code Case size D L (mm) 63 100 160 200 250 315 350 400 450 1J 2A 2D 11.5 2V 2G 2W 11 6.3 2E 11.5 2F 6.3 2C 11.5 10 R47 11 6.3 16 6.3 Rated ripple 11.5 16 6.3 11.5 15 6.3 11.5 15 6.3 11.5 15 8 11.5 17 8 11.5 13 11.5 25 6.3 11.5 23 8 11.5 26 8 11.5 26 10 12.5 30 10 12.5 23 11.5 25 6.3 30 6.3 11.5 30 8 11.5 32 10 12.5 38 10 12.5 38 10 12.5 38 10 16.5 31 6.3 11.5 34 8 11.5 39 8 11.5 39 10 12.5 45 10 12.5 45 10 16.5 50 10 20.5 40 65 10 16.5 74 10 20.5 80 10 20.5 80 12.5 20.5 90 12.5 20.5 65 1 010 6.3 11.5 2.2 2R2 5 11.5 21 6.3 11.5 3.3 3R3 5 11.5 29 6.3 4.7 4R7 5 11.5 32 10 100 5 11.5 46 6.3 11.5 54 8 11.5 41 10 12.5 22 220 5 11.5 71 6.3 11.5 93 10 16.5 100 10 33 330 6.3 11.5 100 8 11.5 130 10 20.5 47 470 6.3 11.5 120 10 12.5 165 12.5 20.5 145 12.5 195 12.5 20.5 120 12.5 20.5 160 12.5 20.5 195 12.5 100 101 10 12.5 215 10 20.5 265 12.5 25.5 215 16 220 221 10 16.5 335 12.5 25.5 440 16 35.5 570 18 330 331 10 20.5 510 12.5 25.5 540 18 40.5 750 20 470 471 12.5 20.5 640 16 25.5 715 22 40.5 900 22 1000 102 16 25.5 930 18 40.5 985 25 50.5 1310 2200 222 18 35.5 1650 22 50.5 1750 3300 332 20 40.5 1950 25 50.5 2070 4700 472 22 50.5 2450 6800 682 25 50.5 2800 20.5 130 12.5 20.5 160 16 25.5 115 16 25.5 165 16 25.5 115 25.5 195 16 25.5 195 16 31.5 215 16 35.5 165 25.5 210 31.5 365 16 25.5 230 16 35.5 270 16 35.5 270 18 40.5 185 18 35.5 395 18 40.5 420 20 40.5 450 22 40.5 270 22 50.5 620 22 50.5 620 25 50.5 660 25 50.5 760 31.5 375 35.5 575 16 40.5 705 50.5 840 22 40.5 600 50.5 730 25 50.5 870 20 20.5 115 12.5 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 Cap. (F) Frequency 2.2 to 47 100 to 470 1000 to 33000 0.47 to 220 330 to 1000 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.80 0.90 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1.25 1.10 1 kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 1.40 1.13 189 10 kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 1.60 1.15 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS URS Compact & Low-profile Sized Compact & low profile case size. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). URZ High Temperature URS Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 400V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 10000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.28 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.16 35 0.14 50 0.12 160 to 400 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, I = 0.04CV+100 (A) or less Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 63 0.10 100 0.08 160 0.20 200 0.20 250 0.20 400 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 6.3 5 12 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 10 4 10 35 2 4 25 2 5 16 3 8 50 2 3 63 2 3 Capacitance change tan Leakage current 100 2 3 160 3 4 200 3 4 250 3 6 400 6 10 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 URS 1 A 3 3 1 MPD Capacitance tolerance (20%) P 0.5 D+0.5 MAX Size code Configuration Rated capacitance (330F) Rated voltage (10V) Pressure relief vent ( 8up) Series name L+ 15MIN MAX Type 4MIN Configuration D (mm) D P d 5 2.0 0.5 6.3 2.5 0.5 8 3.5 0.6 10 5.0 0.6 12.5 5.0 0.6 16 7.5 0.8 18 7.5 0.8 20 10.0 1.0 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 * 6.3 DD 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 20 PD HD RD ( D 20) 1.5 ( D 20) 2.0 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 190 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS URS Dimensions V Cap.(F) 2.2 Code 2R2 3.3 3R3 4.7 4R7 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 5 1H 9 26 5 9 35 10 100 22 220 5 9 35 5 9 33 330 5 9 55 5 9 5 9 30 5 9 35 5 9 40 65 5 9 40 5 9 50 5 9 55 5 9 55 5 9 70 5 9 75 5 9 95 5 9 90 75 5 9 85 5 9 95 5 9 100 6.3 9 120 47 470 5 9 75 5 9 90 5 9 100 5 9 110 6.3 9 130 6.3 9 140 100 101 5 9 125 5 9 135 6.3 9 160 6.3 9 180 8 9 220 10 9 240 220 221 6.3 9 200 6.3 9 220 8 9 290 10 9 310 10 9 340 10 12.5 420 330 331 6.3 9 250 8 9 300 10 9 360 10 9 380 10 12.5 480 12.5 12.5 530 470 471 8 9 330 8 9 360 10 9 410 10 12.5 530 12.5 12.5 590 16 15 750 1000 102 10 9 510 10 12.5 620 12.5 12.5 720 12.5 15 830 16 15 1010 18 20 1160 2200 222 12.5 15 890 12.5 15 960 16 15 1160 18 15 1360 18 20 1560 20 25 1750 3300 332 16 15 1200 16 15 1300 18 15 1460 18 20 1720 20 25 2000 4700 472 16 15 1410 18 15 1550 18 20 1770 18 25 2050 6800 682 18 15 1660 18 20 1850 18 25 2170 10000 103 18 20 2020 18 25 2350 V Cap.(F) 1 Code 010 Case size D L (mm) 63 100 160 200 250 400 1J 2A 2C 2D 2E 2G 5 9 17 2.2 2R2 5 9 26 3.3 3R3 5 9 35 4.7 4R7 6.3 9 45 10 100 5 9.51 60 6.3 9 70 22 220 6.3 9.51 100 8 9 130 33 330 8 9.51 140 10 9 180 47 470 8 9.51 170 10 12.5 230 68 680 100 101 150 151 220 Rated ripple 16 15 140 .16 15 280 s 18 15 280 .16 15 350 s 18 15 350 18 20 350 16 15 420 15 420 . 18 20 420 18 25 420 s 18 s 18 15 490 18 20 490 .18 20 490 20 25 490 .18 25 590 10 9.51 250 12.5 15 370 18 20 590 18 25 590 18 25 710 .18 25 710 221 12.5 12.5 490 16 15 620 .20 25 770 330 331 12.5 15.5 710 18 15 760 470 471 16 15.5 900 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Size 16 Size 20 Size 20 Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 400 Cap.(F) Frequency 1 to 47 100 to 470 1000 to 10000 10 to 220 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.80 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 s 20 is available for capacitors marked " " 15 is available for capacitors marked " " 20 is available for capacitors marked " " In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1.25 1 kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 1.40 191 10kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 1.60 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS URZ Compact & Low-Profile Sized, Wide Temperature Range Very small case sizes same as URS, but operating over wide temperature range of - 55 (- 40) to +105C. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). (Through 100V only) URZ High Temperature URS Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V) , -40 to +105C (160 to 400V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 400V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 10000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. 160 to 400 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, I = 0.04CV+100 (A) or less For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.28 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.16 35 0.14 50 0.12 63 0.10 100 0.08 160 0.20 200 0.20 250 0.20 400 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 6.3 5 10 10 4 8 35 2 3 25 2 4 16 3 6 50 2 3 63 2 3 100 2 3 160 3 4 200 3 4 250 3 6 400 6 10 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 330F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 UR Z 1 A 3 3 1 MPD 12 Size code Capacitance tolerance (20%) P 0.5 D+0.5 MAX Configuration Rated capacitance (330F) Rated voltage (10V) Pressure relief vent ( 8up) Series name L+ 15MIN MAX Type 4MIN Configuration (mm) ( D < 20) 1.5 ( D 20) 2.0 D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 20 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 5 * 6.3 DD d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 20 PD HD RD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 192 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS URZ Dimensions V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 2.2 Code 2R2 3.3 3R3 4.7 4R7 Cap.(F) 18 9 25 5 9 20 5 9 25 5 9 30 9 30 5 9 35 5 9 40 5 9 46 40 5 9 50 5 9 55 5 9 60 5 9 65 9 55 5 9 60 5 9 70 5 9 75 6.3 9 85 9 65 5 9 70 5 9 80 6.3 9 95 6.3 9 100 9 95 6.3 9... 115 6.3 9... 130 8 9 155 10 9 170 9 155 8 9.. 205 10 9.. 220 10 9 235 10 12.5 290 9 210 10 9.. 240 10 9.. 270 10 12.5 340 12.5 12.5 370 9 275 10 9.. 290 ...10 12.5 370 12.5 12.5 420 16 15 540 10 12.5 450 .12.5 12.5. 520 12.5 15... 590 16 15 720 18 20 830 12.5 15 690 16 15 830 18 15 970 18 20 1110 20 25 1250 860 16 15 940 18 15 1050 18 20 1220 20 25 1430 1010 18 15 1120 18 20 1260 18 25 1470 18 25 1560 100 22 220 5 9 25 5 9 33 330 5 9 40 5 47 470 5 9 55 5 100 101 5 9 90 5 220 221 6.3 9 145 6.3 330 331 6.3 9 180 8 470 471 8 9 235 8 1000 102 10 9 370 2200 222 12.5 15 635 3300 332 16 15 4700 472 16 15 6800 682 18 15 1200 18 20 1330 10000 103 18 20 1450 18 25 1700 Cap.(F) Code 010 1 9 5 10 V 5 5 Case size D L (mm) 63 100 160 200 250 400 1J 2A 2C 2D 2E 2G 5 9 12 2.2 2R2 5 9 17 3.3 3R3 5 9 25 4.7 4R7 6.3 9 32 10 100 5 9.51 42 6.3 9 50 22 220 6.3 9.51 71 8 9 93 33 330 8 9.51 100 10 9 130 47 470 8 9.51 120 10 12.5 165 68 680 100 101 150 151 220 Rated ripple 16 15 100 .16 15 200 s 18 15 200 .16 15 250 s 18 15 250 18 20 250 16 15 300 15 300 . 18 20 300 18 25 300 s 18 s 18 15 350 18 20 350 .18 20 350 20 25 350 .18 25 420 10 9.51 215 12.5 15 265 18 20 420 18 25 420 18 25 510 .18 25 510 221 12.5 12.5 335 16 15 440 .20 25 550 330 331 12.5 15.5 510 18 15 540 470 471 16 15.5 640 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Size Size Size Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 400 Cap.(F) Frequency 1 to 47 100 to 470 1000 to 10000 010 to 220 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.80 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1.25 1 kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 1.40 193 10kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 1.60 16 20 20 20 is available for capacitors marked " 15 is available for capacitors marked " 20 is available for capacitors marked " In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. CAT.8100H s "" " ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS URY 12.5mmL Wide Temperature Range 12.5mmL height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V), -40 to +105C (160 to 400V), -25 to +105C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 6.8 to 4700F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or4 (A), whichever is greater. After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.28 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.16 35 0.14 160 to 450 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, I = 0.04CV+100 (A) or less Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 50 0.12 63 0.10 100 0.08 160 to 350 400 to 450 0.20 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio Z- 25C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 6.3 5 10 10 4 8 16 3 6 25 2 4 35 to 50 63 to 100 160 to 200 250 to 350 2 3 4 2 3 4 8 3 400 6 10 450 15 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 105C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Capacitance change tan Leakage current Type numbering system (Example : 10V 2200F) s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 194 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS URY Dimensions 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) 330 470 680 1000 2200 3300 4700 Code 331 471 681 102 222 332 472 12.5 12.5 18 12.5 25 12.5 10 22 33 47 68 100 220 330 470 Code 100 220 330 470 680 101 221 331 471 12.5 12.5 18 12.5 22 12.5 6.8 10 22 33 Code 6R8 100 220 330 16 12.5 18 12.5 25 12.5 18 12.5 22 12.5 16 1C 820 1030 12.5 12.5 25 12.5 400 550 610 12.5 12.5 22 12.5 16 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 520 1000 12.5 12.5 18 12.5 25 12.5 230 400 65 150 200 35 1V 500 770 12.5 12.5 18 12.5 22 12.5 420 610 810 50 1H 12.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 200 2D 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 130 210 280 360 450 2W 12.5 12.5 16 12.5 25 12.5 38 47 85 12.5 16 20 25 12.5 16 18 25 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 450 540 700 1170 Case size 160 2C 400 2G 75 90 140 25 1E D L (mm) 100 2A 350 2V V Cap.(F) 580 730 1200 63 1J V Cap.(F) 10 1A 250 2E 110 170 230 310 16 12.5 18 12.5 22 12.5 130 170 190 12.5 16 20 25 315 2F 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Rated ripple 70 85 120 160 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 Cap.(F) Frequency 100 to 680 1000 to 4700 6.8 to 100 50Hz 0.80 0.85 0.80 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.23 1.10 1.25 1 kHz 1.34 1.13 1.40 195 10kHz or more 1.50 1.15 1.60 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVP Bi-Polarized Standard bi-polarized series for entertainment electronics. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UEP Wide Temperature UVP Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 6800F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 5 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Tangent of loss angle (tan ) For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Rated voltage (V) 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 6.3 tan (MAX.) 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.26 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 6.3 4 10 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 10 3 8 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C with the polarity inverted every 250 hours. Endurance Marking Radial Lead Type d 1 d 2 31 42 53 64 75 86 97 10 8 11 9 10 11 U V PU 1 VA P 41 7 A 04 M 7 D 0 D M DD Configuration Configuration P0.5 P0.5 D+0.5 MAX D+0.5 MAX (6.3up) (6.3up) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 10V 47F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Pressure relief vent L+ Capacitance change tan Leakage current 100 2 3 After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Shelf Life Pressure relief vent 63 2 3 50 2 4 35 2 4 25 2 5 16 2 6 Capacitance tolerancetolerance ( 20%) ( 20%) Capacitance Rated capacitance (47F) (47F) Rated capacitance Rated voltage Rated(10V) voltage (10V) MAX L+ MAX 15MIN 4MIN 15MIN Series name Series name 4MIN Type (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L < 20) 1.5D (L > (L > = 20) 2.0 = 20) 2.0 P d 5D 6.35 86.3 10 8 12.5 10 16 12.5 1816 2.0P 2.5 2.0 3.5 2.5 5.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 5.0 7.5 7.5 0.5d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.8 (mm) Configuration Configuration 18 7.5 0.8 D 5 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free PET sleeve 5 6.3 6.3 8 * 10 8 * 10 12.5 to 1812.5 to 18 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. DD DD ED PD HD ED PD HD Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 197 CAT.8100H Type ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UVP Dimensions V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 1J 100 Cap. (F) Code 1 010 5 11 17 5 11 21 2.2 2R2 5 11 25 6.3 11 34 3.3 3R3 5 11 27 5 11 28 6.3 11 39 4.7 4R7 6.3 11 47 10 100 22 220 33 330 5 11 47 470 5 11 100 101 6.3 11 220 221 330 470 5 11 34 5 11 34 6.3 11 34 6.3 11 52 6.3 11 57 5 11 42 5 11 42 5 11 43 5 11 57 6.3 11 65 6.3 11 73 5 11 57 64 5 11 64 5 11 70 6.3 11 80 8 11.5 76 5 11 76 6.3 11 95 6.3 11 95 8 11.5 125 6.3 11 125 8 11.5 160 215 10 12.5 275 10 16 305 12.5 20 410 12.5 25 8 11.5 8 11.5 160 2A 10 16 8 11.5 89 8 11.5 100 8 11.5 105 120 10 12.5 150 230 10 20 95 135 10 12.5 135 12.5 20 220 10 16 180 12.5 20 240 265 12.5 20 320 16 25 425 480 16 25 575 18 35.5 720 215 331 8 11.5 265 10 16 345 10 16 375 12.5 20 450 12.5 20 505 16 25 650 16 31.5 655 471 10 12.5 370 10 16 410 10 20 485 12.5 20 540 12.5 25 655 16 31.5 835 18 35.5 965 1000 102 10 20 650 12.5 20 855 950 2200 222 12.5 25 1160 16 25 1280 16 31.5 1510 3300 332 1570 16 31.5 1690 18 35.5 1980 4700 472 16 31.5 2020 18 35.5 2160 6800 682 18 35.5 2600 16 25 16 25 71 10 16 8 11.5 720 12.5 25 8 11.5 16 31.5 1140 18 35.5 1620 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50 Hz 120 Hz 300 Hz 1 kHz 1 to 47 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.57 2.00 0100 to 4700 0.80 1.00 1.23 1.34 1.50 1000 to 6800 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 Cap.(F) 10 kHz or more 198 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UEP Bi-Polarized, Wide Temperature Range Bi-polarized series for operations over wide temperature range of - 55C to +105C. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UEP Wide Temperature UVP Specifications Item Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Performance Characteristics -55 to +105C 6.3 to 100V 1 to 6800F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 5 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz, Temperature : 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.24 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.20 35 0.16 50 0.14 63 0.12 100 0.10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 6.3 4 10 16 2 6 10 3 8 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C with the polarity inverted every 250 hours. Endurance 25 2 4 63 2 3 50 2 3 35 2 3 Capacitance change tan Leakage current 100 2 3 Within 25% of the initial capacitance value (6.3to16V) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value (25to100V) 150% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 47F) s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Dimensions V Code Cap. (F) 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 6.3 0J 10 1A 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 5 11 220 5 11 5 11 330 46 5 11 5 11 470 54 101 6.3 11 90 6.3 11 8 11.5 150 8 11.5 221 8 11.5 185 10 16 331 471 10 12.5 260 10 16 102 10 20 460 12.5 20 222 12.5 25 820 16 25 332 16 25 1110 16 31.5 472 16 31.5 1430 18 35.5 682 18 35.5 1830 16 1C 25 1E 5 11 5 11 34 30 5 11 42 55 40 6.3 11 5 11 45 56 49 6.3 11 54 6.3 11 67 67 6.3 11 8 11.5 110 8 11.5 110 90 150 10 12.5 195 10 16 215 240 10 16 320 265 12.5 20 290 10 20 380 345 12.5 20 510 12.5 25 670 605 16 25 910 16 31.5 1070 18 35.5 1140 1200 18 35.5 1400 1520 Frequency 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 16 20 20 25 31.5 25 30 51 72 86 160 290 350 465 805 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 10 12.5 16 16 50 1H 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 20 25 25 31.5 63 1J 12 18 5 11 22 22 6.3 11 37 6.3 11 8 11.5 63 10 12.5 77 10 16 105 190 12.5 20 16 25 340 16 31.5 460 18 35.5 590 20 31 40 68 98 130 225 405 535 680 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 10 12.5 12.5 16 18 100 2A 11 11 11 11 11.5 16 20 20 25 35.5 15 20 25 30 50 97 140 170 300 510 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current 50 Hz 120Hz 300 Hz 1 kHz 1 to 47 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.57 2.00 0100 to 4700 0.80 1.00 1.23 1.34 1.50 1000 to 6800 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 Cap.(F) 35 1V Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 10 kHz or more 199 CAT.8100H UPM Low Impedance, High Reliability High reliability withstanding 5000 hour load life at +105C (3000/2000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below). Capacitance ranges available based on the numerical values in E12 series under JIS. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. (Through 100V only) UPM Smaller UPW Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance - 55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V), -40 to +105C (160 to 400V), -25 to +105C (450V) 6.3 to 450V 1 to 15000F 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated Voltage (V) 6.3 to 100 Leakage Current For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.22 Rated Voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 10 0.19 16 0.16 6.3 * 10 -- -- 4 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance Z- 40C / Z+20C ratio (MAX.) Z- 55C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 25 0.14 16 -- -- 3 Shelf Life Marking Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 35 0.12 50 0.10 315 * 350 -- 8 -- 250 -- 6 -- 400 -- 10 -- 120Hz Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 150% or less than the initial specified value tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 10 8 11 12 9 10 11 12 U PM 1 E 4 7 1 M PD U PM 1 E 4 7 1 M PD d Sleeve (P.E.T.) Size code d Size code Configuration Configuration Capacitance tolerance ( 20%) Capacitance tolerance ( 20%) Rated capacitance F) Rated capacitance(470 (470F) P 0.5 P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. D+0.5 MAX. 450 15 -- -- Type numbering system (Example : 25V 470F) Radial Lead Type Sleeve (P.E.T.) 63 to 100 160 to 350 400 * 450 0.08 0.20 0.25 25 * 35 50 to 100 160 * 200 -- -- -- -- -- 4 -- 3 2 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 5000 hours (2000 hours for D=5 and 6.3, 3000 hours for D=8) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the characteristic requirements listed at right. Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Endurance 160 to 450 < 1000 : I = 0.1CV+40 (A) max. CV = CV > 1000 : I = 0.04CV+100 (A) max. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. Leakage current Type Type Code Code SmallDia Dia Small Low Profile Profile Low 6 6 Rated voltage(25V) (25V) Rated voltage Seriesname name Series Pressure relief vent Pressure relief vent MAX. L+(6.3up) (6.3up) Type 15MIN MAX. L+ MIN Type 4MIN 4MIN 15 Configuration Configuration D (mm) (D < 10) 1.5 (D > = 10) 2.0 D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 5 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 In case 0.6 L >0.6 0.612.50.8 0.8lead dia. d = 0.8mm. 25 for the dia. unit, DD ED ED PD PD HD HD 6.3 6.3 8 * 10 8 * 1012.5 to 18 12.5 to 18 (mm) D Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free Pb-free PET sleeve leadwire 5 Pb-free PET sleeve DD Frequency coefficient of Rated voltage rated ripple current Rated voltage Frequency coefficient 15000 Frequency coefficient 10000 In case L > 25 for the 12.5 dia. unit, lead dia. d = 0.8mm. 15000 6800 10000 4700 68003300 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. 47002200 33001500 22001000 1500 680 470 1000 6.3 to 100V 680 (10kHz to 200kHz=1) 470 330 220 150 330 100 Cap.(F) 6.3 to 100V 220 68 (10kHz to 200kHz=1) 150 47 Cap.(F) 10) 1.5 10) 2.0 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 100 33 68 22 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 47 15 10 33 2.2 0 120Hz 0.5 0.6 300Hz 0.7 0.8 1kHz0.9 22 Frequency coefficient Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 15 160 to 450V Dimension table in next page. 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.60 10 0.68 200 1.0 0.47 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Frequency coefficient CAT.8100H 0.9 1.0 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPM Dimensions Cap.(F) Cod e 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 6800 8200 10000 12000 15000 Cap.(F) 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 272 332 392 472 562 682 822 103 123 153 Cod e V(Code) Size code 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 10 (1A) 6.3 (0J) V(Code) Size code -- 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 6 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 35.5 40 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 18 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 -- 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 16 18 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 -- 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 -- 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 40 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 80 (1K) 6 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 -- 12.5 12.5 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 25 31.5 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 35.5 40 -- 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 40 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 40 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 100 (2A) 6 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 D L (mm) 35 (1V) -- 6 25 (1E) 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 31.5 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 35.5 40 63 (1J) 6 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 35.5 40 40 50 (1H) -- 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 10 31.5 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 35.5 18 40 16 (1C) 12.5 12.5 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 31.5 -- 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 10 31.5 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 35.5 18 40 6 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 Dimension table for 160 to 450V products are shown in 206 page. 201 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPM Dimensions V(Code) 6.3 (0J) Size co de Cap.(F) Item Co de 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 6800 8200 10000 12000 15000 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 272 332 392 472 562 682 822 103 123 153 -- Case size D L (mm) 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 10 31.5 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 35.5 18 40 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.85 0.65 0.49 0.39 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.085 0.075 0.065 0.055 0.050 0.043 0.038 0.034 0.031 0.028 0.026 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.019 0.018 6 Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 1.70 1.30 0.98 0.78 0.60 0.48 0.40 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.086 0.076 0.068 0.062 0.056 0.052 0.048 0.044 0.040 0.038 0.036 150 175 225 250 285 370 405 445 550 595 730 795 950 1060 1260 1370 1470 1700 1710 1980 2230 2460 2510 2770 3110 3050 3300 99 115 155 175 205 275 310 345 440 485 605 675 820 930 1130 1230 1320 1530 1530 1780 2000 2210 2250 2490 2790 2740 2970 V(Code) de Cap.(F) 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 6800 8200 10000 Co de 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 272 332 392 472 562 682 822 103 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 18 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.095 0.085 0.075 0.065 0.055 0.049 0.044 0.039 0.036 0.032 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.023 Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 0.28 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.098 0.088 0.078 0.072 0.064 0.060 0.054 0.050 0.046 635 670 825 840 890 950 1020 1270 1340 1500 1600 1770 1920 1980 2350 2600 2720 505 545 685 715 770 835 915 1140 1200 1350 1440 1590 1720 1780 2110 2340 2440 10 (1A) Size co Item Case size D L (mm) -- Case size D L (mm) 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 40 Impedance ( )MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.80 0.65 0.55 0.44 0.35 0.29 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.085 0.070 0.060 0.050 0.045 0.039 0.034 0.030 0.026 0.024 0.023 0.021 0.020 0.019 0.017 6 Rated ripple (mArms) to 105C / 120Hz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 200kHz 1.60 1.30 1.10 0.88 0.70 0.58 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.090 0.078 0.068 0.060 0.052 0.048 0.046 0.042 0.040 0.038 0.034 155 175 210 235 265 290 370 405 460 550 595 730 795 985 1060 1260 1450 1470 1710 1980 2230 2460 2420 2610 2770 3110 3300 97 110 135 160 185 205 270 300 350 430 475 595 660 835 915 1120 1300 1320 1530 1780 2000 2210 2170 2340 2490 2790 2970 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.090 0.080 0.065 0.060 0.050 0.044 0.039 0.035 0.031 0.028 0.026 0.024 0.022 0.021 Rated ripple (mArms) to 105C / 120Hz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 200kHz 0.30 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.088 0.078 0.070 0.062 0.056 0.052 0.048 0.044 0.042 0635 0670 0700 0825 0920 1040 1060 1330 1420 1600 1740 1850 2050 2350 2440 2720 3050 490 535 570 685 780 900 930 1190 1270 1440 1560 1660 1840 2110 2190 2440 2740 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 202 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPM Dimensions 16 (1C) V(Code) Size Code Item Cap.(F) Co de 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 6800 8200 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 272 332 392 472 562 682 822 Case size D L (mm) 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 35.5 18 40 -- Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.80 0.65 0.50 0.42 0.35 0.29 0.23 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.090 0.075 0.065 0.055 0.047 0.041 0.036 0.032 0.028 0.025 0.023 0.022 0.020 0.019 0.018 0.017 Cap.(F) 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 Co de 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 272 332 392 472 to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 1.60 1.30 1.00 0.84 0.70 0.58 0.46 0.40 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.094 0.082 0.072 0.064 0.056 0.050 0.046 0.044 0.040 0.038 0.036 0.034 155 175 220 240 265 290 375 405 460 550 595 730 770 950 1060 1260 1410 1430 1700 1880 2010 2230 2460 2510 2770 3110 3050 3300 92 105 135 155 175 195 260 285 335 410 455 570 615 775 880 1070 1220 1250 1530 1690 1800 2000 2210 2250 2490 2790 2740 2970 Case size D L (mm) .010 .010 .010 .010 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16.0 16.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 25.0 20.0 25.0 31.5 35.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.090 0.080 0.070 0.060 0.055 0.046 0.041 0.037 0.033 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.023 0.022 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.092 0.082 0.074 0.066 0.060 0.054 0.050 0.046 0.044 Rated ripple (mArms) to 105C /10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 635 670 730 825 920 985 1060 1270 1390 1560 1700 1800 2190 2090 2350 2720 2620 470 510 570 660 750 820 900 1100 1220 1400 1530 1620 1970 1880 2110 2440 2350 25 (1E) V(Code) Size Code Item 6 Rated ripple (mArms) -- Case size D L (mm) 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 40 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.80 0.65 0.55 0.44 0.36 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.095 0.085 0.070 0.065 0.055 0.046 0.041 0.036 0.032 0.029 0.026 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.019 0.018 6 Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 1.60 1.30 1.10 0.88 0.72 0.60 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.28 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.092 0.082 0.072 0.064 0.058 0.052 0.048 0.044 0.040 0.038 0.036 155 175 210 235 260 285 370 405 460 550 625 750 795 985 1060 1260 1420 1440 1700 1760 1980 2230 2460 2510 2770 3110 3300 88 100 125 140 160 180 245 275 320 390 455 560 610 770 845 1030 1180 1220 1470 1550 1780 2000 2210 2250 2490 2790 2970 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.095 0.080 0.070 0.060 0.055 0.049 0.043 0.039 0.034 0.031 0.028 0.025 0.023 0.021 Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 0.30 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.098 0.086 0.078 0.068 0.062 0.056 0.050 0.046 0.042 635 670 700 825 920 985 1060 1270 1340 1520 1600 1770 2190 2050 2350 2720 3050 450 485 525 630 720 785 860 1050 1140 1310 1400 1590 1970 1840 2110 2440 2740 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 203 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPM Dimensions V(Code) Size co de Cap.(F) Item Co de 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 272 332 35(1V) 35 (1V) -- Case size D L (mm) 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 40 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.75 0.60 0.49 0.41 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.085 0.070 0.060 0.055 0.046 0.041 0.036 0.032 0.029 0.026 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.018 0.017 Cap.(F) 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 Co de 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 6 Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHzto to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 200kHz 1.50 1.20 0.98 0.82 0.68 0.56 0.48 0.38 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.092 0.082 0.072 0.064 0.058 0.052 0.048 0.044 0.040 0.036 0.034 160 180 225 245 270 295 370 415 460 550 595 730 795 985 1060 1260 1450 1430 1700 1760 1980 2230 2460 2510 2770 3110 3300 85 99 125 140 160 180 230 265 305 370 415 520 580 735 810 980 1160 1170 1410 1490 1710 1960 2210 2250 2490 2790 2970 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.090 0.080 0.065 0.060 0.055 0.048 0.042 0.038 0.034 0.031 0.028 0.025 0.023 0.021 Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHztoto -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 200kHz 0.30 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.096 0.084 0.076 0.068 0.062 0.056 0.050 0.046 0.042 635 680 700 825 920 1020 1060 1270 1360 1540 1620 1770 2190 2050 2350 2720 3050 425 475 500 600 690 780 825 1010 1110 1280 1380 1530 1920 1840 2110 2440 2740 50 (1H) V(Code) Size co de Item -- -- Case size D L (mm) 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 10 31.5 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 35.5 18 40 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 5.00 3.30 2.20 1.80 1.40 1.20 0.93 0.80 0.65 0.53 0.43 0.36 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.085 0.075 0.065 0.055 0.048 0.044 0.040 0.036 0.033 0.030 0.028 0.026 0.025 0.024 6 Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 10.0 6.60 4.40 3.60 2.80 2.40 1.86 1.60 1.30 1.06 0.86 0.72 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.096 0.088 0.080 0.072 0.066 0.060 0.056 0.052 0.050 0.048 54 66 81 91 115 125 145 165 195 215 240 260 330 360 415 505 620 755 820 945 1150 1200 1300 1440 1500 1720 1900 2120 2150 2320 2650 2620 2790 27 33 40 45 57 62 72 79 100 115 135 150 195 220 260 320 410 510 570 670 840 900 995 1120 1200 1410 1580 1800 1860 2040 2380 2350 2510 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.095 0.080 0.070 0.060 0.055 0.046 0.044 0.040 0.036 0.033 0.031 0.029 Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 0.36 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.092 0.088 0.080 0.072 0.066 0.062 0.058 530 580 755 785 845 920 1120 1210 1270 1470 1550 1630 1810 2020 2140 2340 340 385 510 545 605 670 840 925 990 1170 1270 1350 1540 1750 1880 2100 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 204 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPM Dimensions 63 (1J) V(Code) Size co de Cap.(F) Item Co de 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 -- Cap.(F) 4.7 6.8 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 Co de 4R7 6R8 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 Case size Rated ripple (mArms) Impedance ( ) MAX. D L to 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz (mm) 200kHz 105C / 120Hz ...10 ...10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 ...18 ...18 12.5 12.5 16 15... 15... 15... 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.095 0.080 0.070 0.060 0.050 0.047 0.042 0.039 0.035 0.032 0.029 0.46 0.38 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.094 0.084 0.78 0.070 0.064 0.058 450 495 580 695 750 845 1050 1120 1290 1410 1500 1700 1730 1940 2110 2280 275 310 375 460 510 590 750 820 965 1080 1170 1360 1410 1610 1790 1970 80 (1K) V(Code) Size co de Item 6 Case size Rated ripple (mArms) Impedance ( ) MAX. D L to 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz (mm) 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 67 135 2.12 1.06 ..5 11 72 145 1.86 0.93 ..5 11 92 185 1.46 0.73 6.3 11. 100 195 1.26 0.63 6.3 11. 110 215 1.04 0.52 6.3 11. 130 240 0.86 0.43 6.3 11. 170 305 0.70 0.35 6.3 15. 190 330 0.60 0.30 6.3 15. 215 365 0.50 0.25 .....8 11.5 275 450 0.42 0.21 ..8 15 315 500 0.34 0.17 ..8 15 385 600 0.30 0.15 ..8 20 495 750 0.24 0.12 10 20 555 820 0.20 0.10 10 20 665 950 0.18 0.090 10 25 790 1110 0.15 0.075 ...10 31.5 835 1140 0.13 0.065 12.5 20... 1000 1340 0.11 0.055 12.5 25... 1090 1420 0.098 0.049 12.5 25... 1260 1620 0.086 0.043 12.5 31.5 1420 1780 0.078 0.039 12.5 35.5 1590 1950 0.070 0.035 12.5 40... 1700 2050 0.064 0.032 ...16 31.5 1890 2220 0.058 0.029 ...16 35.5 2050 2370 0.054 0.027 16 40 2210 2510 0.050 0.025 18 40 6 -- Case size D L (mm) 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 25 31.5 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 35.5 40 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 4.20 2.60 1.70 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.77 0.63 0.53 0.46 0.39 0.34 0.28 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.088 0.078 0.069 0.062 0.055 0.049 0.044 Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz to 200kHz 11.00 7.00 4.60 3.80 3.20 2.70 2.10 1.70 1.40 1.20 1.10 0.92 0.76 0.68 0.57 0.49 0.41 0.35 0.32 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.12 105C / 120Hz 26 34 43 48 52 78 95 115 150 170 215 295 355 395 525 585 665 735 845 945 1100 1250 1430 1640 1830 1910 2050 53 68 87 96 104 150 180 220 275 300 360 490 570 620 795 870 955 1040 1160 1270 1450 1610 1790 2000 2200 2250 2370 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 31.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.49 0.42 0.36 0.31 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.099 0.089 0.080 0.072 0.065 Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz to 105C / 120Hz 200kHz 1.30 1.10 0.97 0.84 0.73 0.62 0.54 0.47 0.41 0.35 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.22 0.19 0.18 380 410 500 520 560 605 663 699 766 881 1240 1440 1450 1650 1750 1850 215 245 305 325 355 400 445 470 545 645 920 1100 1120 1320 1430 1540 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 205 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPM Dimensions 100 (2A) V(Code) Size co de Cap.(F) 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 Co Item de -- Case size D L (mm) 6 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 43 18.0 105C / 120Hz Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 21 5 11 6.60 3R3 5 11 4.10 54 27 4R7 6.3 11 2.80 7.60 68 34 6R8 6.3 11 1.90 5.10 83 41 100 6.3 11 1.20 3.20 104 52 120 6.3 11 1.00 2.70 150 75 150 6.3 15 0.81 2.20 180 90 180 6.3 15 0.67 1.80 220 110 220 8 11.5 0.55 1.50 275 145 270 8 15 0.47 1.30 300 160 10 12.5 0.50 1.40 380 205 330 8 15 0.38 1.00 360 200 10 12.5 0.42 1.10 410 230 390 8 20 0.33 0.89 490 280 10 16 0.36 0.97 500 285 470 10 20 0.28 0.76 570 340 12.5 15 0.31 0.84 520 310 560 10 20 0.24 0.65 620 375 12.5 15 0.27 0.73 560 340 680 10 25 0.21 0.57 795 500 12.5 15 0.23 0.62 605 380 820 10 31.5 0.18 0.49 870 555 16 15 0.19 0.51 681 435 101 10 31.5 0.15 0.41 955 635 16 15 0.17 0.46 719 475 121 12.5 25 0.13 0.35 1040 700 16 15 0.14 0.38 793 535 151 12.5 25 0.11 0.30 1120 780 18 15 0.12 0.32 917 640 181 12.5 31.5 0.098 0.26 1270 900 16 20 0.11 0.30 1240 880 221 12.5 35.5 0.087 0.23 1450 1050 16 25 0.093 0.25 1440 1050 271 12.5 40 0.072 0.19 1610 1200 18 20 0.080 0.22 1450 1080 331 16 31.5 0.062 0.17 1790 1370 18 25 0.070 0.19 1650 1260 391 16 35.5 0.053 0.14 2000 1550 18 31.5 0.062 0.17 1850 1430 471 16 40 0.047 0.13 2200 1760 18 35.5 0.056 0.15 1970 1570 561 18 35.5 0.041 0.11 2250 1840 681 18 40 0.036 0.097 2300 1910 2R2 11.0 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. V(Code) Cap.(F) 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 Code 160 200 250 315 350 400 2C 2D 2E 2F 2V 2G 450 010 8 11.5 19 8 11.5 19 8 11.5 19 8 11.5 19 10 12.5 21 10 12.5 17 10 2W 16 17 2R2 8 11.5 30 8 11.5 30 10 12.5 32 10 12.5 32 10 16 34 10 16 28 10 20 28 3R3 10 12.5 50 10 12.5 50 10 16 52 10 16 52 10 20 54 10 20 47 12.5 20 48 4R7 10 12.5 57 10 16 60 10 16 60 10 20 65 10 20 65 12.5 20 55 12.5 25 55 100 10 16 90 10 20 95 12.5 20 98 12.5 20 98 12.5 25 100 12.5 25 85 16 25 220 12.5 20 140 12.5 25 145 16 25 150 16 25 150 16 25 150 16 31.5 130 16 35.5 135 330 12.5 25 175 16 25 180 16 25 180 16 31.5 185 16 35.5 190 18 35.5 170 18 40 170 470 16 25 220 16 25 220 16 31.5 225 18 35.5 235 18 40 240 101 16 35.5 330 18 40 345 18 40 345 Case size D L (mm) 90 1 1 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz 206 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPW Miniature Sized, Low lmpedance, High Reliability For Switching Power Supplies Smaller case size and lower impedance than UPM. Low impedance and high reliability withstanding 2000 hours to 8000 hours. Capacitance ranges available based on the numerical values in E12 series under JIS. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPM AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. Smaller UPA Specifications UPW Low Impedance UTT Long Life Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V), -40 to + 105C (160 to 400V), -25 to +105C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 15000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current Leakage current 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. 160 to 450 CV <= 1000 : I = 0.1CV+40 (A) max. CV > 1000 : I = 0.04CV+100 (A) max. For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.22 10 0.19 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 6.3 * 10 -- -- 3 16 * 25 -- -- 3 35 * 50 -- -- 3 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 50 0.10 63 0.09 100 0.08 160 to 250 315 * 350 400 * 450 0.15 0.20 0.25 250 3 6 -- 315 * 350 4 8 -- 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Z- 40C / Z+20C (MAX.) Z- 55C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 8000 hours (2000 hours for D=4, 5 and 6.3, 3000 hours for D=8, 5000 hours for D=10, 7000 hours for D=12.5) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance 63 * 100 160 * 200 -- 3 -- 4 3 -- 400 6 10 -- 450 15 -- -- Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value tan Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 680F) d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size code P0.5 D+ MAX. U PW 1 A 6 8 1 MP D Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) 15MIN L+ MAX. 4MIN Rated capacitance (680F) Rated voltage (10V) Pressure relief vent 6.3up (No pressure relief vent for 7mmL products) Series name Type (mm) (L = 7) 1.0 (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 D P d 4 1.5 0.45 0.5 5 2.0 6.3 2.5 0.5 0.5 (0.45) (0.45) 0.5 0.5 Configuration 8 3.5 10 5.0 12.5 5.0 16 7.5 18 7.5 20 22 25 10.0 10.0 12.5 D 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 4*5 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 20 to 25 : Applied to L>25 products ( ): Applied to 7mmL products Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve DD ED (7mm L : DD) PD HD RD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 2.2 to 56000 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.80 1.00 68 to 330. 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 1.00 390 to 1000. 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.90 1.00 .1200 to 150000 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 0.47 to 22000 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.60 330 to 4700. 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 Cap. (F) Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 207 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPW Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code Case size D L (mm) 6.3 (0J) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 22 220 5 11 0.60 1.20 180 27 270 33 330 4 5 5 7 11 7 2.00 0.60 0.95 5.00 1.20 2.40 65 180 120 39 390 47 470 56 68 560 680 5 5 5 4 11 7 7 11 0.60 0.95 0.95 1.30 1.20 2.40 2.40 2.60 180 120 120 120 82 820 100 101 5 11 0.60 1.20 180 120 121 150 151 6.3 6.3 5 7 11 15 0.45 0.25 0.50 1.20 0.50 1.00 200 290 235 180 181 220 221 330 331 470 560 Case size D L (mm) 10 (1A) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 4 11 7 0.60 2.00 1.20 5.00 180 65 5 5 5 5 4 11 7 7 11 11 0.60 0.95 0.95 0.60 1.30 1.20 2.40 2.40 1.20 2.60 180 120 120 180 120 5 6.3 5 5 11 7 11 15 0.60 0.45 0.60 0.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.00 180 200 180 235 6.3 11 0.25 0.50 290 6.3 6.3 6.3 11 11 15 0.25 0.25 0.23 0.50 0.50 0.46 290 290 430 8 11.5 0.117 0.234 555 8 11.5 0.117 0.234 555 10 12.5 8 15 0.090 0.085 0.180 0.170 760 730 6.3 11 0.25 0.50 290 471 561 6.3 6.3 8 8 11 15 11.5 11.5 0.25 0.23 0.117 0.117 0.50 0.46 0.234 0.234 290 430 555 555 680 681 10 12.5 0.090 0.180 755 820 821 8 10 15 12.5 0.085 0.090 0.170 0.180 730 755 1000 102 10 12.5 0.090 0.180 755 10 8 16 20 0.068 0.065 0.136 0.130 1050 995 1200 122 8 10 20 16 0.065 0.068 0.130 0.136 995 1050 10 20 0.052 0.104 1220 0.052 0.045 0.038 0.035 0.030 0.030 0.025 0.022 0.029 0.104 0.090 0.076 0.070 0.060 0.060 0.050 0.044 0.058 1220 1440 1655 1815 1945 1950 2310 2510 2210 1500 152 2200 222 2700 10 20 0.052 0.104 1220 272 12.5 10 10 20 25 31.5 0.038 0.045 0.035 0.076 0.090 0.070 1655 1440 1815 3300 332 12.5 20 0.038 0.076 1655 3900 392 12.5 25 0.030 0.060 1945 4700 472 5600 562 6800 682 16 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 25 31.5 35.5 20 25 20 0.022 0.025 0.022 0.029 0.022 0.028 0.044 0.050 0.044 0.058 0.044 0.056 2555 2310 2510 2210 2560 2490 8200 822 16 31.5 0.018 0.036 3010 10000 103 12000 15000 123 153 16 18 18 18 31.5 25 31.5 35.5 0.016 0.020 0.016 0.015 0.032 0.040 0.032 0.030 3150 2740 3635 3680 10 20 10 25 12.5 20 10 31.5 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 16 20 16 25 0.022 0.044 2555 16 18 16 18 16 18 25 20 31.5 25 35.5 31.5 0.022 0.028 0.018 0.020 0.016 0.016 0.044 0.056 0.036 0.040 0.032 0.032 2560 2490 3010 2740 3150 3635 18 35.5 0.015 0.030 3680 18 40 0.014 0.028 3800 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 208 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPW Dimensions V(Code) Item Cap. (F) Code Case size D L (mm) 16 (1C) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 00004.7 4R7 00010 100 5 11 0.60 1.20 180 00015 150 00022 220 00027 270 00033 330 4 5 5 5 5 6.3 7 11 7 7 11 7 2.00 0.60 0.95 0.95 0.60 0.45 5.00 1.20 2.40 2.40 1.20 1.20 65 180 120 120 180 200 00039 390 4 00047 470 00056 560 00082 00100 00120 00150 00180 00220 11 1.30 2.60 120 820 101 121 151 181 221 5 5 6.3 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 11 11 7 15 11 11 11 15 11.5 0.60 0.60 0.45 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.23 0.117 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.46 0.234 180 180 200 235 290 290 290 430 555 00330 331 8 11.5 0.117 0.234 555 00470 471 10 8 12.5 15 0.090 0.085 0.180 0.170 760 730 00560 561 00680 681 00820 821 10 8 10 16 20 20 0.068 0.065 0.052 0.136 0.130 0.104 1050 995 1220 01000 102 10 20 0.052 0.104 1220 01200 122 01500 152 10 12.5 10 25 20 31.5 0.045 0.038 0.035 0.090 0.076 0.070 1440 1655 1815 01800 182 02200 222 12.5 25 0.030 0.060 1945 02700 272 03300 332 03900 392 04700 472 05600 562 06800 08200 10000 682 822 103 12.5 16 16 12.5 16 18 16 18 16 18 18 18 18 31.5 20 25 35.5 25 20 31.5 25 35.5 31.5 35.5 35.5 40 0.025 0.029 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.028 0.018 0.020 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.050 0.058 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.056 0.036 0.040 0.032 0.032 0.030 0.030 0.028 2310 2210 2555 2510 2560 2490 3010 2740 3150 3635 3680 3680 3800 Case size D L (mm) 25 (1E) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 5 4 11 11 7 0.60 0.60 2.00 1.20 1.20 5.00 180 180 65 5 5 4 11 7 11 0.60 0.95 1.30 1.20 2.40 2.60 180 120 120 5 11 0.60 1.20 180 5 6.3 5 11 7 11 0.60 0.45 0.60 1.20 1.20 1.20 180 200 180 5 15 0.50 1.00 235 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 11 11 15 11.5 0.25 0.25 0.23 0.117 0.50 0.50 0.46 0.234 290 290 430 555 8 10 8 10 8 10 11.5 12.5 15 16 20 20 0.117 0.090 0.085 0.068 0.065 0.052 0.234 0.180 0.170 0.136 0.130 0.104 555 760 730 1050 995 1220 10 20 0.052 0.104 1220 10 12.5 10 25 20 31.5 0.045 0.038 0.035 0.090 0.076 0.070 1440 1660 1815 16 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 12.5 25 25 31.5 20 25 20 35.5 0.022 0.030 0.025 0.029 0.022 0.028 0.022 0.044 0.060 0.050 0.058 0.044 0.056 0.044 2555 1950 2310 2210 2555 2490 2510 16 25 0.022 0.044 2555 16 18 16 18 31.5 25 35.5 31.5 0.018 0.020 0.016 0.016 0.036 0.040 0.032 0.032 3010 2740 3150 3635 18 35.5 0.015 0.030 3680 18 40 0.014 0.028 3800 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 209 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPW Dimensions V(Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 0002.2 0003.3 0004.7 0006.8 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 0010 100 0012 0018 0022 120 180 220 0027 270 0033 0039 0047 56 0082 0100 330 390 470 560 820 101 0120 121 0150 151 0180 181 0220 221 0270 271 0330 331 0390 0470 0560 391 471 561 0680 681 0820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 1800 182 2200 222 2700 272 3300 4700 332 472 Case size D L (mm) 35 (1V) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 6.3 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 11 7 11 7 7 11 11 11 7 11 15 11 11 15 11.5 0.60 2.00 0.60 0.95 0.95 1.30 0.60 0.60 0.45 0.60 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.23 0.117 1.20 5.00 1.20 2.40 2.40 2.60 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.46 0.234 180 65 180 120 120 120 180 180 200 180 235 290 290 430 555 8 11.5 0.117 0.234 555 10 8 12.5 15 0.090 0.085 0.180 0.170 760 730 10 8 10 10 10 12.5 10 16 20 20 20 25 20 31.5 0.068 0.065 0.052 0.052 0.045 0.038 0.035 0.136 0.130 0.104 0.104 0.090 0.076 0.070 1050 995 1220 1220 1440 1660 1815 12.5 12.5 16 16 12.5 16 18 16 18 16 18 18 18 25 31.5 20 25 35.5 25 20 31.5 25 35.5 31.5 35.5 40 0.030 0.025 0.029 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.028 0.018 0.020 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.060 0.050 0.058 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.056 0.036 0.040 0.032 0.032 0.030 0.028 1950 2310 2210 2555 2510 2555 2490 3010 2740 3150 3635 3680 3800 Case size D L (mm) 50 (1H ) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 5 5 11 11 11 3.00 2.60 2.30 6.00 5.20 4.60 55 65 90 5 4 11 11 1.40 2.50 2.80 5.00 120 90 5 5 11 11 1.30 1.20 2.60 2.40 155 170 5 15 0.90 1.80 215 6.3 11 0.43 0.86 300 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 12.5 18 16 16 18 16 16 11 15 11.5 11.5 15 12.5 12.5 20 16 16 20 25 20 31.5 20 20 25 25 20 35.5 20 25 31.5 25 31.5 35.5 0.43 0.40 0.234 0.234 0.155 0.162 0.162 0.120 0.119 0.119 0.090 0.082 0.090 0.060 0.063 0.060 0.050 0.050 0.048 0.034 0.042 0.034 0.028 0.029 0.028 0.025 0.86 0.80 0.468 0.468 0.310 0.324 0.324 0.240 0.238 0.238 0.180 0.164 0.180 0.120 0.126 0.120 0.100 0.100 0.096 0.068 0.084 0.068 0.056 0.058 0.056 0.050 300 360 485 485 635 620 615 860 850 850 1030 1200 1030 1610 1480 1500 1832 1840 1840 2290 2420 2235 2700 2610 2700 2790 18 31.5 0.025 0.050 3000 18 35.5 0.023 0.046 3100 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 210 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPW Dimensions V(Code) Item Co de Cap.(F) 0002.2 0003.3 0004.7 2R2 3R3 4R7 0006.8 6R8 0010 0012 0015 0018 0022 Case size D L (mm) 63 (1J) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 100 120 150 180 220 00.5 00.5 4 00.5 0.05 06.3 0.05 06.3 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 11 4.70 2.50 3.50 2.10 2.00 1.20 1.30 0.71 9.40 5.00 7.00 4.20 4.00 2.40 2.60 1.42 68 95 80 110 145 160 200 250 0033 330 06.3 11 0.71 1.42 250 0039 390 06.3 15 0.70 1.40 330 0047 470 8 11.5 0.342 0.684 405 0068 0082 680 820 8 11.5 0.342 0.684 405 0100 101 0120 0150 121 151 0180 181 0220 221 0270 0330 271 331 0390 391 0470 471 0.10 8 0.10 0.10 0.10 12.5 0.10 10 0.16 12.5 12.5 18 12.5 12.5 16 12.5 15 16 16 20 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 25 31.5 20 0.256 0.230 0.194 0.194 0.147 0.150 0.147 0.130 0.090 0.085 0.070 0.086 0.070 0.055 0.059 0.512 0.460 0.388 0.388 0.294 0.300 0.294 0.260 0.180 0.170 0.140 0.172 0.140 0.110 0.118 540 535 600 660 890 1020 885 1050 1410 1290 1720 1690 1720 2090 1770 0560 561 0.16 12.5 18 0.16 18 0.16 16 0.18 0.18 0.18 25 35.5 20 31.5 25 31.5 35.5 31.5 35.5 40 0.050 0.047 0.055 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.036 0.032 0.030 0.028 0.100 0.094 0.110 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.072 0.064 0.060 0.056 2160 2270 2290 2670 2590 2770 2770 2950 3100 3200 0680 681 0820 821 1000 102 1200 1500 2200.00 122 152 222 100 (2A) Impedance ( ) MAX. Case size D L (mm) 00.5 00.5 00.5 11 11 11 00.5 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 44 58 74 9.80 6.60 4.60 19.6 13.2 9.20 11 3.50 7.00 95 06.3 11 1.80 3.60 130 0.08 06.3 0.08 0.10 8 11.5 15 11.5 12.5 15 0.83 0.80 0.68 0.46 0.45 1.66 1.60 1.36 0.92 0.90 180 200 230 320 360 0.10 8 0.10 0.10 16 20 20 25 0.37 0.37 0.30 0.25 0.74 0.74 0.60 0.50 420 420 490 540 12.5 20 0.18 0.36 580 12.5 12.5 16 0.16 18 25 31.5 20 25 20 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.10 0.11 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.20 0.22 710 790 750 890 850 0.16 25 0.090 0.18 1080 0.18 25 0.083 0.166 1260 16 0. 31.5 0.076 0.152 1310 0.18 31.5 0.068 0.136 1370 0.16 35.5 0.064 0.128 1410 0.18 40 0.047 0.094 1520 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. V (Code) 160 200 250 315 350 400 450 Code 2C 2E 2F 2V 2G 2W 12 6.3 11 12 R47 6.3 11 12 6.3 2D 11 1 010 6.3 11 17 6.3 11 17 6.3 11 2.2 2R2 6.3 11 25 6.3 11 25 8 11.5 3.3 3R3 8 11.5 36 8 11.5 36 10 4.7 4R7 8 11.5 43 10 12.5 50 10 100 10 12.5 70 10 16 22 220 10 20 130 10 33 330 12.5 20 180 47 470 12.5 25 220 100 101 16 25 330 220 221 35.5 500 330 331 20 40 470 471 22 50 Cap. (F) 0.47 s18 8 11.5 11 8 11.5 11 17 8 11.5 16 10 12.5 17 10 12.5 16 10 12.5 18 29 10 12.5 28 10 16 31 10 16 27 10 20 29 12.5 42 10 12.5 34 10 16 38 10 20 36 12.5 20 41 10 12.5 50 10 16 45 10 20 49 10 20 43 12.5 20 49 80 10 20 88 10 20 72 12.5 20 82 12.5 25 72 16 25 20 140 12.5 25 155 12.5 25 120 16 25 130 16 25 110 25 190 12.5 25 190 16 25 155 16 160 16 25 220 16 35.5 190 170 20 40 175 31.5 335 25 35.5 230 16 16 18 31.5 35.5 140 12.5 31.5 35.5 31.5 35.5 115 12.5 16 18 340 18 40 285 20 40 290 50 350 25 50 350 18 40 515 20 40 525 22 50 540 25 50 550 900 22 40 1100 22 50 1150 1200 22 50 1310 25 50 1350 s s18 200 s18 22 s Case size D L (mm) 75 145 1 1 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Size 20 31 is available for capacitors marked " " Size 20 35 is available for capacitors marked " " In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. s 211 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UTT Miniature Sized, Low Impedance, High Reliability For Switching Power Supplies Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-23C Smaller case size and Long Life product. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPW UTT Long Life Specifications ltem Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 470F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is less than 0.03CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 10 0.28 6.3 0.30 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 16 0.24 25 0.18 35 0.16 50 0.14 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 6.3 5 10 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 5000 hours at 105C. Endurance 25 3 6 16 3 8 10 4 10 35 3 4 50 3 4 Capacitance change Within 30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than the initial specified value tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Shelf Life Marking Printed with white color letter on dark blown sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 100F) d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. U T T 1 E 1 0 1 M PD Configuration Capacitance tolerance ( 20%) Rated capacitance (100F) L+ MAX. Pressure relief vent (8up) 15MIN Rated voltage (25V) 4MIN Series name Type Configuration D (mm) (L = 7) 1.0 (L 9) 1.5 D 4 5 6.3 8 P 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 d 0.45 0.5 0.45 (0.45) Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 4 to 6.3 DD 8 PD 0.6 ( ) : Applied to 7mmL products s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 212 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UTT Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 10 100 22 220 33 330 6.3 (0J) Case size D L (mm) 4 7 Impedance ( ) MAX. 10 (1A) Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 7.4 Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. 16 (1C) Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 46 5 7 4.0 Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 4 7 7.4 46 5 7 4.0 74 74 47 470 5 7 4.0 74 6.3 7 2.1 120 100 101 6.3 7 2.1 120 6.3 9 1.1 163 150 151 220 221 6.3 9 1.1 163 330 331 8 9 0.68 470 471 8 9 0.68 V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 6.3 9 1.1 163 8 9 0.68 230 8 9 0.68 230 8 9 0.68 230 230 8 9 0.68 230 230 8 11.5 0.40 298 25 (1E) Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. 35 (1V) Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. 50 (1H) Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 1 010 4 7 30 23 2.2 2R2 4 7 23 26 3.3 3R3 4 7 20 29 4.7 4R7 4 7 7.4 37 5 7 14 37 10 100 5 7 4.0 74 6.3 7 4.4 84 22 220 5 7 4.0 74 6.3 7 2.1 120 6.3 9 2.4 112 33 330 6.3 7 2.1 120 6.3 9 1.1 163 47 470 6.3 9 1.1 163 6.3 9 1.1 163 8 9 1.4 162 100 101 8 9 0.68 230 150 151 220 221 8 11.5 0.40 298 330 331 8 11.5 0.40 298 Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Cap. (F) Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90 1.00 10 to 47 0.30 0.40 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.00 100 to 470 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1 to 4.7 213 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPA Miniature Sized, Low lmpedance, High Reliability For Switching Power Supplies Lower impedance than UPW. Smaller case size and high ripple current. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPA Low Impedance UPW Specifications Performance Characteristics ltem Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 35V Rated Capacitance Range 180 to 10000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. 6.3 10 16 25 35 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 Rated voltage (V) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan (MAX.) 120Hz 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-55C / Z+20C 3 3 3 3 3 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 5000 hours (3000 hours for D=8, 4000 hours for D=10) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance 120Hz Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial capacitance value (6.3V, 10V : 30%) tan 200% or less than the initial specified value (6.3V, 10V : 300%) Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Shelf Life Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 470F) 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U PA 1 A 4 7 1 M P D d Size code Capacitance tolerance ( 20%) P0.5 D+ 0.5MAX. Configuration Rated capacitance (470F) Rated voltage (10V) L+ MAX. 15 MIN Series name 4 MIN Pressure relief vent Type Configuration D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 8 10 12.5 to 18 PD HD (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 D 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 180 to 330 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 1.00 390 to 1000 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.90 1.00 1200 to 10000 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 Cap. (F) Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 214 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPA Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Co de Case size D L (mm) 6.3 (0J) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz - 10C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 105C / 100kHz 330 390 470 560 331 391 471 561 8 11.5 0.090 0.180 0630 680 681 8 11.5 0.090 0.180 0630 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 1800 182 2200 222 2700 15 0.062 0.124 0860 10 12.5 0.063 0.126 0900 10 10 8 10 10 12.5 16 20 16 20 0.063 0.049 0.044 0.049 0.035 0.126 0.098 0.088 0.098 0.070 0900 1240 1220 1240 1490 8 Case size D L (mm) 8 8 11.5 11.5 10 (1A) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 0.090 0.090 -10C / 100kHz 0.180 0.180 Rated ripple (mArms) 105C / 100kHz 0630 0630 8 10 8 10 10 8 10 15 12.5 20 12.5 16 20 16 0.062 0.063 0.044 0.063 0.049 0.044 0.049 0.124 0.126 0.088 0.126 0.098 0.088 0.098 0860 0900 1220 0900 1240 1220 1240 10 20 0.035 0.070 1490 20 25 25 20 20 0.035 0.033 0.033 0.029 0.029 0.070 0.066 0.066 0.058 0.058 1490 1680 1680 1890 1890 272 10 10 10 20 25 25 0.035 0.033 0.033 0.070 0.066 0.066 1490 1680 1680 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 3300 332 12.5 20 0.029 0.058 1890 12.5 25 0.022 0.044 2280 3900 392 12.5 25 0.022 0.044 2280 4700 472 12.5 25 0.022 0.044 2280 12.5 12.5 16 25 31.5 20 0.022 0.018 0.026 0.044 0.036 0.052 2280 2720 2330 5600 562 2940 16 16 18 25 31.5 25 0.019 0.017 0.018 0.038 0.034 0.036 2760 2810 2850 10000 103 2720 2330 2940 2760 2640 2810 0.032 822 0.036 0.052 0.032 0.038 0.050 0.034 0.016 8200 0.018 0.026 0.016 0.019 0.025 0.017 35.5 682 31.5 20 35.5 25 20 31.5 12.5 6800 12.5 16 12.5 16 18 16 25 0.018 0.036 2850 18 V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Co de Case size D L (mm) 25 (1E) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz - 10C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 105C / 100kHz 180 181 270 271 8 11.5 0.090 0.180 0630 330 331 8 11.5 0.090 0.180 0630 390 391 8 15 0.062 0.124 0860 470 471 560 561 680 820 681 821 1000 102 1200 122 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 15 12.5 20 16 16 20 25 20 20 0.062 0.063 0.044 0.049 0.049 0.035 0.033 0.029 0.029 0.124 0.126 0.088 0.098 0.098 0.070 0.066 0.058 0.058 0860 0900 1220 1240 1240 1490 1680 1890 1890 1500 152 1800 182 12.5 25 0.022 0.044 2280 2200 222 12.5 16 31.5 20 0.018 0.026 0.036 0.052 2720 2330 2700 272 12.5 35.5 0.016 0.032 2940 25 20 25 0.019 0.025 0.018 0.038 0.050 0.036 2760 2640 2850 3300 332 4700 472 16 18 18 Case size D L (mm) 35 (1V) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 8 8 10 11.5 11.5 12.5 0.090 0.090 0.063 0.180 0.180 0.126 0630 0630 0900 8 10 8 10 15 12.5 20 16 0.062 0.063 0.044 0.049 0.124 0.126 0.088 0.098 0860 0900 1220 1240 10 16 0.049 0.098 1240 10 20 0.035 0.070 1490 10 20 0.035 0.070 1490 10 25 0.033 0.066 1680 20 25 25 31.5 20 35.5 25 20 31.5 25 25 0.029 0.022 0.022 0.018 0.026 0.016 0.019 0.025 0.017 0.018 0.018 0.058 0.044 0.044 0.036 0.052 0.032 0.038 0.050 0.035 0.036 0.036 1890 2280 2280 2720 2330 2940 2760 2640 2810 2850 2850 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 12.5 16 18 16 18 18 Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 8 8 10 11.5 15 12.5 0.090 0.062 0.063 0.180 0.124 0.126 0630 0860 0900 8 10 20 16 0.044 0.049 0.088 0.098 1220 1240 10 20 0.035 0.070 1490 10 12.5 25 20 0.033 0.029 0.066 0.058 1680 1890 12.5 20 0.029 0.058 1890 12.5 12.5 16 12.5 16 16 18 16 18 25 31.5 20 35.5 20 25 20 31.5 25 0.022 0.018 0.026 0.016 0.026 0.019 0.025 0.017 0.018 0.044 0.036 0.052 0.032 0.052 0.038 0.050 0.035 0.036 2280 2720 2330 2940 2330 2760 2640 2810 2850 18 31.5 0.016 0.032 2910 215 Case size D L (mm) 16 (1C) Impedance ( ) MAX. : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHV High Ripple Low Impedance Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-23C Lower impedance at high frequency range. Smaller case size and high ripple current. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UHD Smaller UHW UHV Long Life Specifications Performance Characteristics ltem Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 35V Rated Capacitance Range 47 to 8200F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Rated voltage (V) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan (MAX.) 6.3 10 16 25 35 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 120Hz 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) 6.3 10 16 25 35 Z-25C / Z+20C 2 2 2 2 2 Z-40C / Z+20C 3 3 3 3 3 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 6000 hours (5000 hours for D=5 and 6.3) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance 120Hz Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial capacitance value (6.3V 10V : 30%) tan 200% or less than the initial specified value Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 150F) d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. U HV 1 E 1 5 1 M E D Pressure relief vent (6.3up) L+ MAX. 15MIN 4MIN (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Configuration D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 DD 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 * 16 ED PD HD Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 216 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHV Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 6.3 (0J) Case size D L (mm) 10 (1A) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 100 101 150 151 220 221 5 11 0.23 0.76 330 331 6.3 11 0.10 470 471 6.3 11 0.10 Case size D L (mm) 16 (1C) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 11 0.23 0.76 360 5 11 0.23 0.76 360 6.3 11 0.10 0.33 450 360 6.3 11 0.10 0.33 450 6.3 11 0.10 0.33 550 0.33 460 6.3 11 0.10 0.33 550 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 830 0.33 550 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 820 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 990 10 12.5 0.043 0.133 1360 680 681 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 900 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 990 8 15 0.046 0.143 1330 820 821 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 990 10 12.5 0.043 0.133 1250 10 16 0.030 0.095 1650 10 12.5 0.043 0.133 1360 10 16 0.030 0.095 1815 8 15 0.046 0.143 1330 8 20 0.031 0.105 1550 10 16 0.030 0.095 1650 10 20 0.019 0.057 1930 10 16 0.030 0.095 1815 8 20 0.031 0.105 1550 10 20 0.019 0.057 2160 1000 102 10 12.5 0.043 0.133 1250 10 12.5 0.043 0.133 1360 8 15 0.046 0.143 1330 1200 122 1500 152 8 20 0.031 0.105 1550 1800 182 10 16 0.030 0.095 1815 10 20 0.019 0.057 2160 10 25 0.017 0.051 2475 2200 222 10 20 0.019 0.057 2160 10 25 0.017 0.051 2475 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2725 2700 272 10 25 0.017 0.051 2475 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2475 12.5 25 0.014 0.036 3190 12.5 31.5 0.012 0.031 3795 20 0.014 0.036 3575 12.5 35.5 0.011 0.029 3925 25 0.012 0.033 3990 3300 332 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2500 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2725 3900 392 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2725 12.5 25 0.014 0.036 3190 12.5 31.5 0.012 0.031 3795 20 0.014 0.036 3575 35.5 0.011 0.029 3925 25 0.012 0.033 3990 4700 472 12.5 25 0.014 0.036 3190 5600 562 12.5 31.5 0.012 0.031 3795 6800 682 12.5 8200 822 35.5 0.011 0.029 3925 16 20 0.014 0.036 3575 16 25 0.012 0.033 3990 V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 16 12.5 16 25 (1E) Case size D L (mm) (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 11 0.23 0.76 360 360 6.3 11 0.10 0.33 450 0.33 450 6.3 11 0.10 0.33 550 0.10 0.33 550 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 820 11.5 0.059 0.181 810 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 990 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 900 8 15 0.046 0.143 1330 331 8 11.5 0.059 0.181 990 10 12.5 0.043 0.133 1360 391 8 15 0.046 0.143 1330 8 20 0.031 0.105 1550 470 471 10 12.5 0.043 0.133 1360 10 16 0.030 0.095 1815 560 561 8 20 0.031 0.105 1550 10 20 0.019 0.057 2160 680 681 10 16 0.030 0.095 1815 10 25 0.017 0.051 2475 820 821 10 20 0.019 0.057 2160 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2725 1000 102 10 25 0.017 0.051 2475 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2920 1200 122 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2475 12.5 25 0.014 0.036 3190 12.5 31.5 0.012 0.031 3795 20 0.014 0.036 3575 35.5 0.011 0.029 3925 25 0.012 0.033 3990 470 68 680 5 11 0.23 0.76 100 101 6.3 11 0.10 150 151 6.3 11 220 221 8 270 271 330 390 1500 152 12.5 20 0.016 0.041 2725 1800 182 12.5 25 0.014 0.036 3190 12.5 31.5 0.012 0.031 3795 20 0.014 0.036 3575 35.5 0.011 0.029 3925 25 0.012 0.033 3990 2200 222 2700 272 12.5 3300 332 16 16 16 35 (1V) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple 47 16 16 12.5 16 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Cap. (F) Frequency 47 to 150 220 to 560 680 to 1800 2200 to 3900 4700 to 8200 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.85 0.75 0.85 0.87 0.90 0.95 0.90 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 217 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHD High Ripple Low Impedance Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-23C Lower impedance at high frequency range. Smaller case size and high ripple current. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UHD Smaller UHV Specifications Performance Characteristics ltem Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 22 to 6800F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Rated voltage (V) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan (MAX.) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 120Hz 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 Z-25C / Z+20C 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z-40C / Z+20C 3 3 3 3 3 3 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 5000 hours (2000 hours for D=5 and 6.3, 3000 hours for D=8, 4000 hours for D=10), at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Radial Lead Type Capacitance change tan Leakage current 120Hz Within 25% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 10V 3300F) 1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U HD 1 A 3 3 2 M H D P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. Sleeve (P.E.T.) Pressure relief vent (6.3up) L+ MAX. 15MIN 4MIN Configuration (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 DD 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 *16 ED PD HD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 218 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHD Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 6.3 (0J) Case size D L (mm) 100 101 150 151 220 221 330 331 470 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 8 1000 102 10 10 (1A) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 11 0.30 1.0 250 6.3 11 0.13 0.41 405 11.5 0.072 0.22 760 Case size D L (mm) 11 0.30 1.0 250 6.3 11 0.13 0.41 405 11.5 0.072 0.22 760 8 10 15 0.056 0.17 995 12.5 0.053 0.16 1030 8 20 0.041 0.13 1250 10 16 0.038 0.12 1430 Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 8 8 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz 15 0.056 0.17 995 12.5 0.053 0.16 1030 8 20 0.041 0.13 1250 10 16 0.038 0.12 1430 10 20 0.023 0.069 1820 1200 122 1500 152 10 20 0.023 0.069 1820 10 25 0.022 0.066 2150 2200 222 10 25 0.022 0.066 2150 12.5 20 0.021 0.053 2360 3300 332 12.5 20 0.021 0.053 2360 12.5 25 0.018 0.045 2770 12.5 31.5 0.016 0.041 3290 20 0.018 0.045 3140 35.5 0.015 0.039 3400 25 0.016 0.043 3460 3900 392 12.5 25 0.018 0.045 2770 4700 472 12.5 31.5 0.016 0.041 3290 12.5 35.5 0.015 0.039 3400 16 20 0.018 0.045 3140 16 25 0.016 0.043 3460 5600 562 6800 682 V (Code) Item Cap. (F) Code 47 470 56 560 100 101 120 121 220 221 330 331 470 471 680 681 Impedance ( ) MAX. Case size D L (mm) 20C / 100kHz 5 11 0.30 1.0 250 6.3 11 0.13 0.41 405 8 Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 11.5 0.072 0.22 760 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 11 0.30 1.0 250 6.3 11 0.13 0.41 405 8 11.5 0.072 0.22 760 8 15 0.056 0.17 995 12.5 0.053 0.16 1030 10 15 0.056 0.17 995 8 20 0.041 0.13 1250 0.053 0.16 1030 10 16 0.038 0.12 1430 8 20 0.041 0.13 1250 10 16 0.038 0.12 1430 10 20 0.023 0.069 1820 10 25 0.022 0.066 2150 12.5 20 0.021 0.053 2360 12.5 25 0.018 0.045 2770 12.5 31.5 0.016 0.041 3290 20 0.018 0.045 3140 35.5 0.015 0.039 3400 25 0.016 0.043 3460 102 10 20 0.023 0.069 1820 1200 122 10 25 0.022 0.066 2150 1500 152 12.5 20 0.021 0.053 2360 222 Case size D L (mm) 12.5 8 10 821 2200 16 25 (1E) 820 182 12.5 16 (1C) 1000 1800 16 16 12.5 25 0.018 0.045 2770 12.5 31.5 0.016 0.041 3290 20 0.018 0.045 3140 35.5 0.015 0.039 3400 25 0.016 0.043 3460 2700 272 3300 332 12.5 3900 392 16 16 12.5 16 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 219 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHD Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 35 (1V) Case size D L (mm) 50 (1H) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 22 220 33 330 5 11 0.30 1.0 250 6.3 11 0.13 0.41 405 Impedance ( ) MAX. Case size D L (mm) 20C / 100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 5 11 0.34 1.18 238 56 560 11 0.14 0.50 385 100 101 8 11.5 0.074 0.22 724 120 121 8 15 0.061 0.18 950 150 151 12.5 0.061 0.18 979 180 181 8 20 0.046 0.14 1190 220 221 10 16 0.042 0.12 1370 270 271 330 331 470 471 560 680 8 11.5 0.072 0.22 760 6.3 10 15 0.056 0.17 995 12.5 0.053 0.16 1030 8 20 0.041 0.13 1250 10 20 0.030 0.090 1580 10 16 0.038 0.12 1430 10 25 0.028 0.085 1870 10 20 0.023 0.069 1820 12.5 20 0.027 0.068 2050 561 10 25 0.022 0.066 2150 12.5 25 0.023 0.059 2410 681 12.5 20 0.021 0.053 2360 12.5 31.5 0.021 0.052 2860 12.5 35.5 0.019 0.051 2960 16 20 0.023 0.059 2730 16 25 0.021 0.056 3010 820 821 1000 102 8 10 12.5 25 0.018 0.045 2770 12.5 31.5 0.016 0.041 3290 1200 122 1500 152 12.5 1800 182 16 16 20 0.018 0.045 3140 35.5 0.015 0.039 3400 25 0.016 0.043 3460 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 22 to 33 0.45 0.55 0.75 0.90 1.00 47 to 330 0.60 0.70 0.85 0.95 1.00 470 to 1000 0.65 0.75 0.90 0.98 1.00 1200 to 6800 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.00 1.00 Cap. (F) 220 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Miniature Sized, Low Impedance, High Reliability Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-23C Low impedance and high reliability withstanding 4000 hours to 10000 hours. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UHE UHD Long Life Specifications Performance Characteristics ltem Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 2.2 to 18000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Rated voltage (V) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan (MAX.) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 120Hz 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 20C 120Hz For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 Z-25C / Z+20C 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z-40C / Z+20C 8 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 The following specifications shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied at 105C , the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. D< = 6.3 D = 8 , 10 6.3 to 10WV 4000 hours 6000 hours 8000 hours 16 to 100WV 5000 hours 7000 hours 10000 hours Case size Rated voltage (V) Endurance D> = 12.5 Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial capacitance value tan 200% or less than the initial specified value Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 1000F) d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U HE 1 A 1 0 2 M PD P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. Size code Configuration Capacitance tolerance ( 20%) L+ 15MIN MAX. Rated capacitance (1000F) 4MIN Rated voltage (10V) Pressurerelief vent (6.3up) Series name (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Type Configuration D In case L > 25 for the 12.5 dia. unit, lead dia. d = 0.8mm s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 2.2 to 33 0.45 0.55 0.70 0.90 1.00 39 to 330 0.60 0.70 0.85 0.95 1.00 390 to 1000 0.65 0.75 0.90 0.98 1.00 1200 to 18000 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.00 1.00 Cap. (F) Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 DD 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 ED PD HD Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 221 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 100 101 150 151 220 221 330 331 470 471 680 681 6.3 (0J) Case size D x L (mm) 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 10 (1A) Rated ripple Impedance () MAX. (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 0.58 0.22 0.13 2.3 0.87 0.52 640 10 x 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 1000 102 8 x 15 0.087 0.35 840 1500 152 5 x 11 0.58 2.3 210 6.3 x 11 0.22 0.87 340 8 x 11.5 0.13 0.52 640 8 x 15 0.087 0.35 840 10 x 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 8 x 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 x 16 0.060 0.24 1210 10 x 20 0.046 0.18 1400 10 x 25 0.042 0.17 1650 12.5 x 15 0.049 0.16 1450 340 821 122 8 x 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 x 16 0.060 0.24 1210 10 x 20 0.046 0.18 1400 1800 182 12.5 x 15 0.049 0.16 1450 2200 222 10 x 25 0.042 0.17 1650 10 x 31.5 2700 272 3300 332 3900 392 4700 5600 6800 8200 10000 12000 472 562 682 822 103 123 Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Impedance () MAX. 210 820 1200 Case size D x L (mm) 0.031 0.12 1910 12.5 x 20 0.035 0.12 1900 16 x 15 0.042 0.12 1940 18 x 15 0.043 0.11 2210 10 x 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 16 x 15 0.042 0.12 1940 12.5 x 20 0.035 0.12 1900 12.5 x 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 x 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 x 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 18 x 15 0.043 0.11 2210 16 x 20 0.027 0.078 2530 12.5 x 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 12.5 x 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 12.5 x 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 12.5 x 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 x 20 0.027 0.078 2530 16 x 25 0.021 0.060 2930 18 x 20 0.026 0.067 2860 16 x 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 18 x 25 0.019 0.049 3140 16 x 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 12.5 x 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 x 25 0.021 0.060 2930 18 x 20 0.026 0.067 2860 16 x 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 18 x 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 16 x 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 16 x 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 x 25 0.019 0.049 3140 18 x 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 16 x 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 x 40 18 x 31.5 0.015 0.040 0.012 4170 0.032 4280 15000 153 18 x 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 18000 183 18 x 40 0.012 0.032 4280 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 222 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 47 470 56 560 100 101 120 121 220 221 330 331 470 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 471 681 16 (1C) Case size D x L (mm) 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 25 (1E) Rated ripple Impedance () MAX. (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 0.58 0.22 0.13 2.3 0.87 0.52 122 152 272 332 392 472 562 5 x 11 0.58 2.3 210 6.3 x 11 0.22 0.87 340 8 x 11.5 0.13 0.52 640 8 x 15 0.087 0.35 840 10 x 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 340 640 8 x 15 0.087 0.35 840 8 x 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 x 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 10 x 16 0.06 0.24 1210 8 x 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 x 20 0.046 0.18 1400 10 x 16 0.060 0.24 1210 12.5 x 15 0.049 0.16 1450 10 x 25 0.042 0.17 1650 10 x 20 0.046 0.18 1400 10 x 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 12.5 x 15 0.049 0.16 1450 12.5 x 20 0.035 0.12 1900 16 x 15 0.042 0.12 1940 18 x 15 0.043 0.11 2210 12.5 x 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 x 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 16 x 20 0.027 0.078 2530 10 x 25 0.042 0.17 1650 10 x 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 12.5 x 20 0.035 0.12 1900 16 x 15 0.042 0.12 1940 182 222 Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Impedance () MAX. 210 821 102 Case size D x L (mm) 12.5 x 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 x 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 18 x 15 0.043 0.11 2210 18 x 20 0.026 0.067 2860 12.5 x 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 12.5 x 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 x 20 0.027 0.078 2530 16 x 25 0.021 0.060 2930 12.5 x 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 16 x 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 18 x 25 0.019 0.049 3140 16 x 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 12.5 x 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 x 25 0.021 0.060 2930 16 x 20 0.026 0.067 2860 18 x 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 16 x 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 16 x 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 x 25 0.019 0.049 3140 18 x 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 16 x 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 18 x 31.5 4170 0.012 4280 0.040 18 x 40 0.032 0.015 6800 682 16 x 40 0.013 0.038 4080 8200 822 18 x 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 10000 103 18 x 40 0.012 0.032 4280 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 223 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 35 (1V) Case size D x L (mm) 50 (1H) Rated ripple Impedance () MAX. (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Case size D x L (mm) Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Impedance () MAX. 2.2 2R2 5 x 11 2.5 3.3 3R3 5 x 11 2.2 8.8 53 4.7 4R7 5 x 11 1.9 7.6 88 10 100 5 x 11 1.5 6 100 22 220 5 x 11 0.70 2.8 180 33 330 210 6.3 x 11 0.30 1.2 295 0.30 1.2 295 5 x 11 0.58 2.3 47 470 6.3 x 11 0.22 0.87 250 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 0.22 0.87 340 6.3 x 11 0.13 0.52 640 10 43 0.30 1.2 295 8 x 11.5 0.17 0.68 555 121 8 x 15 0.12 0.48 730 150 151 10 x 12.5 0.12 0.48 760 180 181 8 x 20 0.091 0.36 910 10 x 16 0.084 0.34 1050 10 x 20 0.060 0.24 1220 12.5 x 15 0.061 0.20 1260 10 x 25 0.055 0.22 1440 10 x 20 0.060 0.24 1220 10 x 31.5 0.043 0.17 1690 0.045 0.15 1660 56 560 100 101 120 220 221 270 271 330 470 331 471 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 0.13 0.52 640 8 x 15 0.087 0.35 840 10 x 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 8 x 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 x 16 0.060 0.24 1210 10 x 20 0.046 0.18 1400 12.5 x 15 0.049 0.16 12.5 x 20 1450 560 561 10 x 25 0.042 0.17 1650 10 x 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 680 681 12.5 x 20 0.035 0.12 1900 16 x 15 0.042 0.12 1940 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 1800 182 2200 222 2700 272 3300 332 3900 392 16 x 15 0.055 0.17 1690 12.5 x 25 0.034 0.11 1950 18 x 15 0.054 0.15 1930 12.5 x 31.5 0.030 0.10 2310 12.5 x 35.5 0.025 0.083 2510 16 x 20 0.034 0.10 2210 12.5 x 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 x 40 0.021 0.069 2920 18 x 15 0.043 0.11 2210 16 x 25 0.025 0.075 2555 18 x 20 0.036 0.097 2490 0.022 0.066 3010 12.5 x 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 16 x 31.5 16 x 20 0.027 0.078 2530 18 x 25 0.026 0.070 2740 12.5 x 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 16 x 35.5 0.019 0.057 3150 12.5 x 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 x 25 0.021 0.060 2930 16 x 40 0.016 0.048 3710 18 x 20 0.026 0.067 2860 18 x 31.5 0.021 0.057 3635 16 x 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 18 x 25 0.019 0.049 3140 18 x 35.5 0.017 0.046 3680 16 x 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 18 x 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 18 x 40 0.014 0.038 3800 16 x 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 x 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 18 x 40 0.012 0.032 4280 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 224 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) Code 6.8 6R8 15 150 27 270 33 330 39 390 47 470 56 560 68 680 82 820 100 120 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 121 151 180 181 330 390 470 2.3 9.3 62 221 271 331 391 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 Case size D x L (mm) Rated ripple (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz Impedance () MAX. 5 x 11 2.3 9.3 62 6.3 x 11 1.2 5.0 126 8 x 11.5 0.63 2.8 260 1.2 5.0 126 8 x 15 0.45 2.1 335 8 x 11.5 0.63 2.8 260 10 x 12.5 0.43 1.8 325 8 x 11.5 0.63 2.8 260 8 x 20 0.33 1.6 408 10 x 16 0.31 1.5 400 8 x 15 0.45 2.1 335 10 x 20 0.21 0.94 518 10 x 12.5 0.43 1.8 325 12.5 x 15 0.23 1.1 527 10 x 25 0.20 0.84 595 12.5 x 20 0.20 0.84 740 8 x 20 0.33 1.6 408 10 x 16 0.31 1.5 400 10 x 20 0.21 0.94 518 12.5 x 15 0.23 1.1 527 10 x 25 0.20 0.84 595 0.15 0.71 740 12.5 x 20 0.16 0.64 765 16 x 15 0.14 0.66 895 12.5 x 25 0.12 0.45 875 0.50 1030 10 x 31.5 270 100 (2A) Rated ripple Impedance () MAX. (mArms) 20C / 100kHz -10C / 100kHz 105C / 100kHz 101 150 220 63 (1J) Case size D x L (mm) 18 x 15 0.12 0.15 0.71 740 12.5 x 20 0.16 0.64 765 16 x 15 0.14 0.66 895 12.5 x 25 0.12 0.45 875 10 x 31.5 18 x 15 0.12 0.50 1030 12.5 x 31.5 0.10 0.42 1010 16 x 20 0.091 0.38 1130 12.5 x 35.5 0.083 0.35 1140 16 x 25 0.073 0.27 1350 12.5 x 40 0.071 0.30 1280 18 x 20 0.080 0.30 1300 16 x 31.5 0.054 0.20 1650 18 x 25 0.057 0.21 1560 12.5 x 31.5 0.10 0.42 1010 16 x 35.5 0.045 0.17 1900 16 x 20 0.091 0.38 1130 18 x 31.5 0.047 0.17 1720 12.5 x 35.5 0.083 0.35 1140 16 x 25 0.073 0.27 16 x 40 0.040 1350 0.15 2130 12.5 x 40 0.071 0.30 1280 18 x 20 0.080 0.30 18 x 35.5 0.040 1300 0.15 1890 16 x 31.5 0.054 0.20 1650 18 x 25 0.057 0.21 18 x 40 0.036 1560 0.13 2470 16 x 35.5 0.045 0.17 1900 18 x 31.5 0.047 0.17 1720 16 x 40 0.040 0.15 2130 18 x 35.5 0.040 0.15 1890 18 x 40 0.036 0.13 2470 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 225 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHW Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, High Reliability Lower impedance at high frequency range. Smaller case size and high ripple current. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UHE Smaller UHW UHV Long Life Specifications Performance Characteristics ltem Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 8.2 to 15000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV (A) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 120Hz 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 20C 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan (MAX.) For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 Z-25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio < Z-40C / D = 6.3 ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z+20C >= 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 The following specifications shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied at 105C , the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. 6.3V D< = 6.3 6000 hours 8000 hours 9000 hours D> = 10 10000 hours 10 to 50V 7000 hours 9000 hours 10000 hours 10000 hours 63 to 100V 8000 hours 10000 hours 11000 hours 12000 hours Case size Rated voltage (V) Endurance 8x11.5 8x15 , 8x20 Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial capacitance value6.3V 10V 30% tan 200% or less than the initial specified value Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 16V 2200F) Pressure relief vent (6.3up) (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Configuration D In case L > 25 for the 12.5 dia. unit, lead dia. d = 0.8mm s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Cap. (F) Frequency 8.2 to 33 39 to 180 220 to 560 680 to 1800 2200 to 3900 4700 to 15000 120Hz 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.85 1kHz 0.70 0.75 0.85 0.87 0.90 0.95 10kHz 0.90 0.90 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.98 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 DD 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 ED PD HD 10kHz or more 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 226 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHW Dimensions V (Code) Cap.(F) Co Item de 6.3 (0J) Case size DxL (mm) 150 220 330 470 560 680 820 1000 151 221 331 471 561 681 821 102 1200 122 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 152 182 222 272 332 392 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 4700 472 5600 562 6800 682 8200 10000 12000 15000 822 103 123 153 20 /100kHz Cap.(F) Co de 68 120 150 180 270 330 390 470 560 680 680 121 151 181 271 331 391 471 561 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 1800 -10 /100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 5 x 11 0.47 1.50 450 6.3 x 11 0.20 0.66 700 Case size DxL (mm) 5 x 11 20 /100kHz -10 /100kHz 0.47 1.50 Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 450 6.3 x 11 0.20 0.66 700 0.10 0.36 1200 8 x 15 10 x 12.5 8 x 20 10 x 16 10 x 16 10 x 20 10 x 25 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 0.054 0.048 0.038 0.030 0.030 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.015 0.012 0.015 0.011 0.013 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.090 0.090 0.060 0.051 0.051 0.051 0.045 0.036 0.045 0.033 0.039 1600 1700 1960 2000 2000 2500 2900 2600 2600 3200 3795 3575 4120 3810 16 x 25 0.013 0.039 3810 16 x 31.5 16 x 31.5 16 x 35.5 0.011 0.011 0.010 0.033 0.033 0.030 4000 4000 4200 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 8 x 15 0.10 0.054 0.36 0.17 1200 1600 10 x 12.5 0.048 0.15 1700 x 20 x 16 x 20 x 20 x 25 x 20 0.038 0.030 0.020 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.12 0.090 0.060 0.060 0.051 0.051 1960 2000 2500 2500 2900 2600 12.5 x 25 0.015 0.045 3200 12.5 x 31.5 0.012 0.015 0.011 0.015 0.013 0.013 0.011 0.010 0.036 0.045 0.033 0.045 0.039 0.039 0.033 0.030 3795 3200 3795 3575 3810 3810 4000 4200 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 20 16 x 25 16 x 25 16 x 31.5 16 x 35.5 Impedance ( ) MAX. 16 (1C) V (Code) Item 10 (1A) Impedance ( ) MAX. Case size DxL (mm) 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 15 10 x 12.5 25 (1E) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20 /100kHz 0.47 0.20 -10 /100kHz 1.50 0.66 Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz Case size DxL (mm) 5 x 11 20 /100kHz -10 /100kHz 0.47 1.50 Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 450 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 0.20 0.20 0.66 0.66 700 700 8 x 11.5 8 x 15 10 x 12.5 8 x 20 10 x 16 10 x 20 10 x 16 0.10 0.054 0.048 0.038 0.030 0.020 0.030 0.36 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.090 0.060 0.090 1200 1600 1700 1960 2000 2500 2000 10 x 20 0.020 0.060 2500 10 x 25 0.017 0.051 2900 0.017 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.012 0.015 0.011 0.013 0.051 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.036 0.045 0.033 0.039 2600 3200 3200 3575 3795 3576 4120 3810 16 x 25 0.013 0.039 3810 16 x 31.5 0.011 0.033 4000 16 x 35.5 0.010 0.030 4200 Impedance ( ) MAX. 450 700 152 182 8 x 20 10 x 16 8 x 20 10 x 16 10 x 20 10 x 16 10 x 20 10 x 25 0.10 0.054 0.048 0.038 0.030 0.038 0.030 0.020 0.030 0.020 0.017 0.36 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.090 0.12 0.090 0.060 0.090 0.060 0.051 1200 1600 1700 1960 2000 1960 2000 2500 2000 2500 2900 2200 222 12.5 x 20 0.017 0.051 2600 2700 272 12.5 x 25 0.015 0.045 3200 3300 332 3900 392 4700 472 5600 6800 8200 562 682 822 12.5 x 25 16x 20 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 16 x 25 16 x 31.5 16 x 35.5 0.015 0.015 0.012 0.015 0.011 0.013 0.013 0.011 0.010 0.045 0.045 0.036 0.045 0.033 0.039 0.039 0.033 0.030 3200 3575 3795 3575 4120 3810 3810 4000 4200 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 12.5 16 12.5 16 x 20 x 25 x 25 x 20 x 31.5 x 20 x 35.5 x 25 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 227 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHW Dimensions 35 (1V) V (Code) Cap.(F) Co Item de Case size DxL (mm) 50 (1H) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20 /100kHz -10 /100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 27 47 56 100 120 150 180 270 470 560 101 121 151 181 5 x 11 0.47 1.50 450 6.3 x 11 0.20 0.66 700 8 x 11.5 0.10 0.36 1200 220 221 8 x 15 0.054 0.17 1600 270 271 8 x 15 330 331 390 391 0.054 0.048 0.048 0.038 0.030 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.090 1600 1700 1700 1960 2000 470 471 0.030 0.090 2000 560 561 680 681 820 821 x 20 x 25 x 20 x 25 x 20 0.020 0.017 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.060 0.051 0.060 0.051 0.051 2500 2900 2500 2900 2600 1000 102 12.5 x 20 0.017 0.051 2600 1200 122 12.5 x 25 0.015 0.045 3200 1500 152 16 x 20 0.015 0.045 3575 1800 182 2200 222 x 31.5 x 25 x 35.5 x 25 0.012 0.013 0.011 0.013 0.036 0.039 0.033 0.039 3795 3810 4120 3810 2700 3300 3900 272 332 392 16 x 31.5 16 x 35.5 0.011 0.010 0.033 0.030 4000 4200 10 10 8 10 x 12.5 x 12.5 x 20 x 16 10 x 16 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 12.5 16 Case size DxL (mm) 5 x 11 Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 450 20 /100kHz -10 /100kHz 0.47 1.50 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.054 0.048 0.048 0.042 0.038 0.030 0.030 0.028 0.030 0.028 0.027 0.027 0.66 0.36 0.36 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.126 0.12 0.090 0.090 0.084 0.090 0.084 0.081 0.081 700 1200 1200 1600 1700 1700 1650 1960 2060 2060 2420 2060 2420 2300 2300 12.5 x 25 0.023 0.069 2800 12.5 16 12.5 16 16 12.5 16 x 25 x 20 x 31.5 x 25 x 25 x 35.5 x 25 0.023 0.023 0.020 0.021 0.021 0.019 0.021 0.069 0.069 0.060 0.063 0.063 0.057 0.063 2800 3070 3500 3270 3270 3810 3270 16 x 31.5 0.019 0.057 3430 16 x 31.5 0.019 0.057 3430 16 x 35.5 0.018 0.054 3600 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 8 x 15 10 x 12.5 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 x 12.5 x 16 x 20 x 20 x 20 x 25 x 20 x 25 x 20 x 20 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 228 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHW Dimensions V (Code) Cap.(F) Co Item de 12 18 27 39 47 68 82 100 120 180 270 390 470 680 820 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 561 680 681 820 821 1000 102 1200 122 1500 152 1800 182 2200 222 63 (1J) Case size DxL (mm) 80 (1K) Impedance ( ) MAX. 20 /100kHz -10 /100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 1.20 5.40 310 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 8 x 15 8 x 15 10 x 12.5 8 x 20 10 x 12.5 8 x 20 10 x 16 0.46 0.46 0.29 0.29 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.115 2.10 2.10 1.30 1.30 0.90 0.90 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.47 500 500 950 950 1230 1230 1280 1580 1280 1580 1200 10 x 20 0.088 0.34 1570 0.072 0.063 0.065 0.28 0.18 0.18 1990 2050 1990 5 x 11 10 x 25 10 x 31.5 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 0.049 0.14 2460 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 18 x 20 12.5 x 40 16 x 25 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 16 x 35.5 18 x 31.5 16 x 40 18 x 35.5 18 x 40 0.044 0.050 0.038 0.047 0.033 0.040 0.025 0.038 0.023 0.024 0.021 0.022 0.020 0.13 0.15 0.11 0.14 0.095 0.12 0.072 0.11 0.066 0.069 0.060 0.063 0.057 2760 2380 3040 2460 3100 2890 2930 2930 3100 3100 3510 3510 3860 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20 /100kHz -10 /100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 310 1.20 5.40 6.3 x 11 0.46 2.10 500 8 x 11.5 8 x 15 10 x 12.5 8 x 20 0.29 0.20 0.17 0.16 1.30 0.90 0.66 0.66 950 1230 1280 1580 10 x 16 0.115 0.47 1040 0.088 0.115 0.072 0.063 0.065 0.34 0.47 0.28 0.18 0.18 1430 1430 1620 1750 1750 12.5 x 25 0.049 0.14 2210 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 18 x 20 12.5 x 40 16 x 25 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 0.044 0.050 0.038 0.047 0.033 0.040 0.033 0.038 0.13 0.15 0.11 0.14 0.095 0.12 0.095 0.11 2400 1950 2600 2270 2860 2430 2640 2500 16 x 35.5 0.030 0.086 2860 16 x 40 18 x 31.5 0.028 0.031 0.081 0.090 3510 2860 18 x 35.5 0.028 0.081 3510 18 x 40 0.027 0.076 3860 10 12.5 10 10 12.5 x 20 x 15 x 25 x 31.5 x 20 100 (2A) V (Code) Case size Item Co DxL de Cap.(F) (mm) 5 x 11 8.2 8R2 18 180 6.3 x 11 33 330 8 x 11.5 47 470 8 x 15 56 560 10 x 12.5 68 680 8 x 20 82 820 10 x 16 10 x 20 100 101 12.5 x 15 120 121 10 x 25 180 181 12.5 x 20 220 221 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 31.5 270 271 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 390 391 16 x 25 18 x 20 12.5 x 40 470 471 18 x 25 560 561 16 x 31.5 16 x 35.5 680 681 18 x 31.5 16 x 40 820 821 18 x 35.5 18 x 40 1000 102 Case size DxL (mm) 5 x 11 Impedance ( ) MAX. 20 /100kHz -10 /100kHz 1.20 0.46 0.29 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.115 0.088 0.115 0.072 0.065 0.049 0.044 0.050 0.038 0.040 0.047 0.033 0.038 0.033 0.030 0.031 0.028 0.028 0.027 5.40 2.10 1.30 0.90 0.66 0.66 0.47 0.34 0.47 0.28 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.095 0.11 0.095 0.086 0.090 0.081 0.081 0.076 Rated ripple (mArms) 105 /100kHz 310 500 950 1230 1280 1580 1040 1430 1430 1620 1750 2210 2400 1950 2600 2430 2270 2860 2500 2640 2860 2860 3510 3510 3860 229 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPJ Low Impedance, For Switching Power Supplies Low impedance and high reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at +105C (3000 / 2000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below). Capacitance ranges available based on the numerical values in E12 series under JIS. Ideally suited for use of switching power supplies. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPJ Smaller Specifications UPS Item Performance Characteristics -55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V), -40 to +105C (160 to 400V), -25 to +105C (450V) 6.3 to 450V 1 to 15000F 20% at 120Hz, 20C Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage (V) Leakage Current Leakage current 6.3 to 100 160 to 450 CV < = 1000 : I = 0.1CV+40 (A) max. CV > 1000 : I = 0.04CV+100 (A) max. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. 120Hz, 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.22 Rated Voltage (V) tan MAX.) 10 0.19 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 63 to 100 160 to 350 400 s 450 0.08 0.20 0.25 For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Z-25C / Z+20C Impedance Z-40C / Z+20C ratio (MAX.) Z-55C / Z+20C 25 s 35 -- -- 3 16 -- -- 3 6.3 s 10 -- -- 4 50 to 100 160 s 200 -- -- -- 4 2 -- 250 -- 6 -- 120Hz 450 15 -- -- 400 -- 10 -- 315 s 350 -- 8 -- Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 5000 hours (2000 hours for D=5 and 6.3, 3000 hours for D=8) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed at right. Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 150% or less than the initial specified value tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 470F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 D+0.5 MAX. d (6.3up) MAX. 1 d tinned CP wire 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P 0.5 Configuration 11 12 U P J 1 E 4 7 1 M HH 6 (6.3UP) 4MIN L+ MAX Series name 12.5~18 15MIN 4MIN Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current (D < 8) 1.0 (D 8) 1.5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 Code 6 Type DD ED PD HD HH Frequency coefficient 15000 15000 10000 10000 6800 6800 4700 4700 18 for the 12.5 7.5 dia. unit, lead dia. d=0.8mm. 5.0In case 5.0L >257.5 0.6 5 Frequency coefficient Rated voltage (mm) 5 Type Type Rated voltage D Pb-free leadwire Case D size codePET sleeve Pb-free Rated D voltage (25V) Small Dia6.3 Code Capacitance tolerance(20%) Low Profile 5 DH Rated Capacitance(470F) 8 10 Series name 6.3 EH . Rated voltage(25V) 12.5 to 18 8 10 PH P0.5 15MIN 6 Size code Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Configuration Pressure relief vent Code Small Dia Low Profile Rated capacitance (470F) D+0.5 MAX L+ 3 U P J 1 E 4 7 1 M PD Sleeve(P.V.C) Pressure relief vent 2 3300 3300 2200 2200 1500 0.8 1500 1000 In case L >25 for the 12.5 dia. unit, lead dia. d=0.8mm. 1000680 470 680 330 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. 6.3 to 100V 470220 (10kHz to 330150 200kHz = 1) 6.3 to 100V Cap.(F) 220100 (10kHz to 200kHz=1) Cap.(F) 150 68 47 100 33 120Hz 68 22 300Hz 1kHz 47 15 33 10 120Hz 2.2 22 0 15 0.5 300Hz 0.6 0.7 0.8 Frequency coefficient 1kHz 0.9 1.0 10 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next pages. 160 to 450V 231 50Hz 0.68 0.80 0.47 0 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 1.00 1.25 1.40 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Frequency coefficient 10kHz or more 1.60 CAT.8100H 0.9 1.0 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPJ Dimensions Cap. (F) 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 6800 8200 10000 12000 15000 Cap. (F) 0002.2 0003.3 0004.7 0006.8 0010 0012 0015 0018 0022 0027 0033 0039 0047 0056 0068 82 0100 0120 0150 0180 0220 0270 0330 0390 0470 0560 0680 0820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 V (Code) Size code Code 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 272 332 392 472 562 682 822 103 123 153 V (Code) Siz Code e code 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 182 222 6.3 (0J) -- 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 35.5 40 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 18 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 -- 6 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 40 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 25 (1E) -- 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 31.5 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 35.5 40 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16 12.5 15 12.5 15 12.5 15 16 15 16 15 18 15 16 20 16 20 16 25 18 20 18 25 18 31.5 18 35.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 35 (1V) -- 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 40 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 40 6 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 D L (mm) 50 (1H) -- 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 20 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 10 31.5 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 35.5 18 40 16 (1C) 10 (1A) -- 6 63 (1J) -- 6 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 80 (1K) -- 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 40 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 100 (2A) 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 11.5 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 25 31.5 31.5 35.5 40 31.5 35.5 40 35.5 40 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 31.5 -- 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 15 6.3 15 8 11.5 8 15 8 15 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 25 10 31.5 10 31.5 12.5 25 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 12.5 35.5 12.5 40 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 35.5 18 40 6 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 12.5 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 31.5 35.5 D L (mm) In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Dimension table for 160 to 450V products are shown in 237 page. 232 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPJ Dimensions 6.3 (0J) V (Code) Size co de Item Co Cap. (F) de 100 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 -- Case size D L (mm) 5 Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. 6 Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 3.50 150 99 Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 11 1.40 5 11 1.10 2.80 175 115 6.3 11 0.78 2.10 225 155 6.3 11 0.60 1.50 250 175 221 6.3 11 0.48 1.20 285 205 270 271 6.3 15 0.39 1.00 370 275 330 331 6.3 15 0.32 0.80 405 310 390 391 8 11.5 0.27 0.68 445 345 470 471 8 15 0.22 0.55 550 435 10 12.5 0.23 0.58 575 455 560 561 8 15 0.19 0.48 595 480 10 12.5 0.21 0.53 600 485 680 681 8 20 0.16 0.40 730 605 10 16 0.18 0.45 700 580 820 821 8 20 0.13 0.33 795 670 10 16 0.15 0.38 750 635 1000 102 10 20 0.12 0.30 950 820 12.5 15 0.13 0.33 890 765 1200 122 10 20 0.10 0.25 1020 895 12.5 15 0.12 0.30 950 835 1500 152 10 25 0.084 0.21 1220 1090 12.5 15 0.10 0.25 1020 915 1800 182 10 31.5 0.078 0.20 1370 1230 16 15 0.084 0.21 1270 1140 2200 222 10 31.5 0.066 0.17 1470 1320 16 15 0.078 0.20 1340 1200 2700 272 12.5 25 0.051 0.14 1590 1430 18 15 0.072 0.18 1500 1350 3300 332 12.5 25 0.045 0.11 1710 1530 18 15 0.065 0.16 1600 1440 3900 392 12.5 31.5 0.037 0.093 1910 1710 16 20 0.056 0.14 1720 1540 4700 472 12.5 35.5 0.034 0.085 2100 1890 18 20 0.050 0.13 1920 1720 5600 562 12.5 40 0.031 0.078 2270 2040 18 20 0.047 0.12 1980 1780 6800 682 16 31.5 0.029 0.073 2370 2130 18 25 0.039 0.098 2210 1980 8200 822 16 35.5 0.027 0.068 2550 2290 18 31.5 0.031 0.078 2390 2150 10000 103 16 40 0.025 0.063 2750 2470 18 31.5 0.028 0.070 2490 2240 12000 123 18 35.5 0.023 0.058 2820 2530 15000 153 18 40 0.022 0.055 2960 2660 10 (1A) V (Code) Size co de Item Co de Cap.(F) 68 680 -- Case size D L (mm) 5 Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz 11 1.30 ) MAX. 6 Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 3.30 155 97 110 2.80 175 Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 82 820 5 11 1.10 100 101 6.3 11 0.84 2.10 210 135 120 121 6.3 11 0.72 1.80 235 160 150 151 6.3 11 0.55 1.40 265 185 180 181 6.3 11 0.46 1.20 290 205 220 221 6.3 15 0.38 0.95 370 270 270 271 6.3 15 0.31 0.78 405 300 330 331 8 11.5 0.26 0.65 460 350 390 391 8 15 0.22 0.55 550 430 10 12.5 0.24 0.60 555 430 470 471 8 15 0.19 0.48 595 475 10 12.5 0.21 0.53 600 475 560 561 8 20 0.16 0.40 730 590 10 16 0.18 0.45 700 565 680 681 8 20 0.13 0.33 795 660 10 16 0.14 0.35 770 635 820 821 10 20 0.11 0.28 985 835 12.5 15 0.13 0.33 920 780 1000 102 10 20 0.096 0.24 1060 915 12.5 15 0.10 0.25 1040 895 1200 122 10 25 0.078 0.20 1280 1120 12.5 15 0.096 0.24 1060 930 1500 152 10 31.5 0.072 0.18 1440 1290 16 15 0.078 0.20 1330 1190 1800 182 12.5 20 0.057 0.14 1470 1320 16 15 0.072 0.18 1420 1270 2200 222 12.5 25 0.045 0.11 1710 1530 18 15 0.060 0.15 1600 1440 2700 272 12.5 31.5 0.036 0.090 1940 1740 16 20 0.051 0.13 1740 1560 3300 332 12.5 35.5 0.032 0.080 2180 1960 16 20 0.045 0.11 1850 1660 3900 392 12.5 40 0.030 0.075 2360 2120 18 20 0.041 0.10 2050 1840 4700 472 16 31.5 0.028 0.070 2420 2170 18 25 0.035 0.088 2250 2020 5600 562 16 35.5 0.026 0.065 2610 2340 18 25 0.033 0.083 2340 2100 6800 682 16 35.5 0.024 0.060 2680 2410 18 31.5 0.027 0.068 2540 2280 8200 822 16 40 0.023 0.058 2820 2530 18 35.5 0.025 0.063 2690 2420 10000 103 18 40 0.021 0.053 3040 2730 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 233 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPJ Dimensions 16 (1C) V (Code) Size co de Item Co de Cap. (F) 47 470 56 560 68 680 82 820 100 6 -- Case size D L (mm) 5 Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz 200kHz 3.30 155 105C / 120Hz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz to 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 92 11 1.30 5 11 1.10 2.80 175 105 6.3 11 0.78 2.00 220 135 6.3 11 0.66 1.70 240 155 101 6.3 11 0.55 1.40 265 175 120 121 6.3 11 0.45 1.10 290 195 150 151 6.3 15 0.37 0.93 375 260 180 181 6.3 15 0.31 0.78 405 285 220 221 8 11.5 0.26 0.65 460 335 270 271 8 15 0.22 0.55 550 410 10 12.5 0.22 0.55 575 430 330 331 8 15 0.18 0.45 595 455 10 12.5 0.18 0.45 625 480 390 391 8 20 0.16 0.40 730 570 10 16 0.16 0.40 730 570 470 471 8 20 0.14 0.35 770 615 10 16 0.14 0.35 770 615 560 561 10 20 0.12 0.30 950 770 12.5 15 0.13 0.33 920 745 680 681 10 20 0.10 0.25 1020 845 12.5 15 0.11 0.28 985 815 820 821 10 25 0.084 0.21 1220 1030 12.5 15 0.096 0.24 1060 895 1000 102 10 31.5 0.072 0.18 1410 1210 16 15 0.084 0.21 1270 1090 1200 122 12.5 20 0.060 0.15 1430 1250 16 15 0.072 0.18 1390 1220 1500 152 12.5 25 0.048 0.12 1660 1490 18 15 0.066 0.17 1560 1400 1800 182 12.5 31.5 0.039 0.10 1880 1690 16 20 0.054 0.14 1700 1530 2200 222 12.5 31.5 0.034 0.085 2010 1800 16 20 0.048 0.12 1800 1620 2700 272 12.5 35.5 0.031 0.078 2220 1990 16 25 0.040 0.10 2010 1800 3300 332 12.5 40 0.028 0.070 2410 2160 18 20 0.039 0.10 2090 1880 3900 392 16 31.5 0.027 0.068 2470 2220 18 25 0.034 0.085 2290 2060 4700 472 16 35.5 0.025 0.063 2680 2410 18 31.5 0.028 0.070 2490 2240 5600 562 16 40 0.024 0.060 2820 2530 18 35.5 0.027 0.068 2620 2350 6800 682 18 35.5 0.022 0.055 2900 2610 8200 822 18 40 0.021 0.053 3040 2730 25 (1E) V (Code) Size co de Co Item de Cap. (F) 33 330 39 47 -- Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. 6 Rated ripple (mArms) to - 10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz 200kHz 3.30 155 105C / 120Hz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 5 11 1.30 88 390 5 11 1.10 2.80 175 100 470 6.3 11 0.84 2.10 210 125 56 560 6.3 11 0.72 1.80 235 140 68 680 6.3 11 0.57 1.40 260 160 82 820 6.3 11 0.47 1.20 285 180 100 101 6.3 15 0.39 0.98 370 245 120 121 6.3 15 0.32 0.80 405 275 150 151 8 11.5 0.26 0.65 460 320 180 181 8 15 0.22 0.55 550 390 10 12.5 0.24 0.60 555 395 220 221 8 15 0.18 0.45 625 455 10 12.5 0.21 0.53 600 435 270 271 8 20 0.15 0.38 750 560 10 16 0.18 0.45 700 525 330 331 8 20 0.13 0.33 795 610 10 16 0.15 0.38 750 575 390 391 10 20 0.11 0.28 985 770 12.5 15 0.13 0.33 920 720 470 471 10 20 0.10 0.25 1020 810 12.5 15 0.11 0.28 985 785 560 561 10 25 0.084 0.21 1220 990 12.5 15 0.10 0.25 1060 860 680 681 10 31.5 0.072 0.18 1420 1180 16 15 0.084 0.21 1270 1050 820 821 12.5 20 0.059 0.15 1430 1210 16 15 0.079 0.20 1340 1130 1000 102 12.5 25 0.048 0.12 1660 1430 18 15 0.066 0.17 1520 1310 1200 122 12.5 25 0.043 0.11 1760 1550 18 15 0.061 0.15 1600 1400 1500 152 12.5 31.5 0.035 0.088 1980 1780 16 20 0.050 0.13 1770 1590 1800 182 12.5 35.5 0.032 0.080 2180 1960 16 25 0.041 0.10 1980 1780 2200 222 12.5 40 0.029 0.073 2360 2120 18 20 0.040 0.10 2050 1840 2700 272 16 31.5 0.027 0.068 2470 2220 18 25 0.034 0.085 2290 2060 3300 332 16 35.5 0.025 0.063 2680 2410 18 31.5 0.029 0.073 2490 2240 3900 392 16 40 0.023 0.058 2820 2530 18 35.5 0.026 0.065 2690 2420 4700 472 18 40 0.022 0.055 2960 2660 In case of low profile type, will 6 be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 234 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPJ Dimensions 35 (1V) V (Code) Size co de Item Co de Cap. (F) 22 220 27 33 -- Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. 6 Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 3.30 160 105C / 120Hz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 5 11 1.30 270 5 11 1.00 2.50 180 99 330 6.3 11 0.78 2.00 225 125 39 390 6.3 11 0.66 1.70 245 140 47 470 6.3 11 0.54 1.40 270 160 56 560 6.3 11 0.45 1.10 295 180 68 680 6.3 15 0.37 0.93 370 230 82 820 6.3 15 0.31 0.78 415 265 100 101 8 11.5 0.26 0.65 460 305 120 121 8 15 0.22 0.55 550 370 10 12.5 0.24 0.60 555 375 150 151 8 15 0.18 0.45 595 415 10 12.5 0.20 0.50 625 435 180 181 8 20 0.16 0.40 730 520 10 16 0.18 0.45 700 500 220 221 8 20 0.13 0.33 795 580 10 16 0.14 0.35 770 560 270 271 10 20 0.11 0.28 985 735 12.5 15 0.13 0.33 920 690 330 331 10 20 0.096 0.24 1060 810 12.5 15 0.10 0.25 1020 780 390 391 10 25 0.084 0.21 1220 955 12.5 15 0.096 0.24 1060 825 470 471 10 31.5 0.072 0.18 1420 1130 16 15 0.084 0.21 1270 1010 560 561 12.5 20 0.059 0.15 1430 1160 16 15 0.075 0.19 1360 1100 680 681 12.5 25 0.048 0.12 1660 1370 18 15 0.066 0.17 1540 1270 820 821 12.5 25 0.042 0.11 1760 1490 18 15 0.060 0.15 1620 1370 1000 102 12.5 31.5 0.035 0.088 1980 1710 16 20 0.050 0.13 1770 1530 1200 122 12.5 35.5 0.031 0.078 2180 1920 16 25 0.041 0.10 1980 1740 1500 152 12.5 40 0.029 0.073 2360 2120 18 20 0.040 0.10 2050 1840 1800 182 16 31.5 0.027 0.068 2470 2220 18 25 0.034 0.085 2290 2060 2200 222 16 35.5 0.024 0.060 2680 2410 18 31.5 0.028 0.070 2490 2240 2700 272 16 40 0.022 0.055 2900 2610 18 35.5 0.026 0.065 2690 2420 3300 332 18 40 0.021 0.053 3040 2730 V (Code) Size code Cap. (F) Co Item de 85 50 (1H) -- Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 2R2 18.00 6.50 2.2 5 11 3R3 12.00 4.60 3.3 5 11 4R7 7.80 3.10 4.7 5 11 6R8 6.30 2.50 6.8 5 11 100 5.00 2.00 10 5 11 120 4.30 1.70 12 5 11 150 3.30 1.30 15 5 11 180 2.80 1.10 18 5 11 220 2.30 0.91 22 6.3 11 270 1.90 0.74 27 6.3 11 330 1.50 0.60 33 6.3 11 390 1.30 0.50 39 6.3 11 470 1.10 0.42 47 6.3 15 560 0.88 0.35 56 6.3 15 680 0.70 0.28 68 8 11.5 820 0.55 0.22 82 8 15 101 0.45 0.18 100 8 20 121 0.40 0.16 120 8 20 151 0.33 0.13 150 10 20 181 0.28 0.11 180 10 20 221 0.25 0.098 220 10 25 271 0.21 0.085 270 10 31.5 331 0.18 0.072 330 10 31.5 391 0.13 0.053 390 12.5 25 471 0.12 0.048 470 12.5 25 561 0.10 0.040 560 12.5 31.5 681 0.090 0.036 680 12.5 35.5 821 0.083 0.033 820 12.5 40 102 0.075 0.030 1000 16 31.5 122 0.070 0.028 1200 16 35.5 152 0.065 0.026 1500 16 40 182 0.063 0.025 1800 18 35.5 222 0.060 0.024 2200 18 40 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 105C / 120Hz 54 66 81 91 115 125 145 155 195 215 240 260 330 360 410 500 620 670 820 890 1040 1200 1300 1440 1500 1680 1850 2010 2120 2260 2410 2460 2560 27 33 40 45 57 62 72 79 100 115 135 150 195 220 255 320 410 455 570 635 760 900 995 1120 1190 1360 1530 1700 1830 1990 2170 2210 2300 235 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 16 16 18 18 18 18 12.5 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 31.5 31.5 6 Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz 0.23 0.21 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.091 0.078 0.072 0.060 0.053 0.048 0.043 0.036 0.031 0.029 ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 0.58 0.53 0.43 0.35 0.31 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.090 0.078 0.073 510 580 640 785 845 920 1120 1210 1270 1470 1550 1630 1810 2000 2140 2220 105C / 120Hz 330 385 435 545 605 670 840 925 990 1170 1260 1350 1530 1730 1880 1990 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPJ Dimensions 63 (1J) V (Code) Size co de Item Co de Cap. (F) 10 100 12 15 -- Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. 6 Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to - 10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 4.00 135 105C / 120Hz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) -10C / 100kHz 105C / 10kHz to 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 5 11 1.60 120 5 11 1.40 3.50 145 150 6.3 11 1.10 2.80 185 92 18 180 6.3 11 0.95 2.40 195 100 22 220 6.3 11 0.78 2.00 215 110 27 270 6.3 11 0.64 1.60 240 130 33 330 6.3 15 0.52 1.30 305 170 39 390 6.3 15 0.45 1.10 330 190 47 470 8 11.5 0.37 0.93 365 215 56 560 8 15 0.31 0.78 450 275 10 12.5 0.34 0.85 450 275 68 680 8 15 0.26 0.65 500 315 10 12.5 0.28 0.70 495 310 82 820 8 20 0.22 0.55 600 385 10 16 0.24 0.60 580 375 100 101 10 20 0.18 0.45 750 495 12.5 15 0.20 0.50 695 460 120 121 10 20 0.15 0.38 820 555 12.5 15 0.18 0.45 750 510 150 151 10 25 0.13 0.33 950 665 12.5 15 0.14 0.35 845 590 180 181 10 31.5 0.11 0.28 1110 790 16 15 0.12 0.30 1050 750 220 221 12.5 20 0.094 0.24 1140 835 16 15 0.10 0.25 1120 820 270 271 12.5 25 0.081 0.20 1340 1000 18 15 0.088 0.22 1290 965 330 331 12.5 25 0.072 0.18 1420 1090 18 15 0.078 0.20 1410 1080 390 391 12.5 31.5 0.059 0.15 1620 1260 16 20 0.070 0.18 1500 1170 470 471 12.5 35.5 0.052 0.13 1780 1420 16 25 0.063 0.16 1700 1350 560 561 12.5 40 0.047 0.12 1950 1580 18 20 0.058 0.15 1730 1400 680 681 16 31.5 0.043 0.11 2050 1700 18 25 0.051 0.13 1940 1610 820 821 16 35.5 0.040 0.10 2220 1880 18 31.5 0.043 0.12 2110 1780 1000 102 16 40 0.037 0.093 2370 2050 18 35.5 0.040 0.10 2280 1970 1200 122 18 40 0.034 0.085 2510 2210 Co de Cap. (F) 4.7 4R7 6.8 72 80 (1K) V (Code) Size co de Item 67 -- Case size D L (mm) 5 Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz 11 4.20 ) MAX. 6 Rated ripple (mArms) - 10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz to 200kHz 53 11.00 105C / 120Hz Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) to -10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 26 6R8 5 11 2.60 7.00 68 34 10 100 6.3 11 1.70 4.60 87 43 12 120 6.3 11 1.40 3.80 96 48 15 150 6.3 11 1.20 3.20 104 52 18 180 6.3 11 1.00 2.70 114 58 22 220 6.3 15 0.77 2.10 135 71 27 270 6.3 15 0.63 1.70 149 80 33 330 8 11.5 0.53 1.40 234 132 39 390 8 15 0.46 1.20 272 156 10 12.5 0.49 1.30 271 155 47 470 8 15 0.39 1.10 295 175 10 12.5 0.42 1.10 293 174 56 560 8 20 0.34 0.92 347 208 10 16 0.36 0.97 337 202 68 680 10 20 0.28 0.76 426 264 12.5 15 0.31 0.84 402 249 82 820 10 20 0.25 0.68 447 284 12.5 15 0.27 0.73 430 273 100 101 10 25 0.21 0.57 526 347 12.5 15 0.23 0.62 466 308 120 121 10 31.5 0.18 0.49 606 406 16 15 0.20 0.54 663 444 150 151 10 31.5 0.15 0.41 663 459 16 15 0.18 0.47 699 484 180 181 12.5 25 0.13 0.35 734 520 16 15 0.15 0.41 766 543 220 221 12.5 31.5 0.12 0.32 816 595 18 15 0.13 0.35 881 643 270 271 12.5 31.5 0.10 0.27 894 667 16 20 0.11 0.30 995 742 330 331 12.5 35.5 0.088 0.24 1000 767 16 25 0.099 0.27 1140 874 390 391 12.5 40 0.078 0.21 1060 822 18 20 0.089 0.24 1170 908 470 471 16 31.5 0.069 0.19 1450 1150 18 25 0.080 0.22 1330 1060 560 561 16 35.5 0.062 0.17 1600 1300 18 31.5 0.072 0.19 1490 1210 680 681 16 40 0.055 0.15 1770 1470 18 31.5 0.065 0.18 1560 1300 820 821 18 35.5 0.049 0.13 1890 1590 1000 102 18 40 0.044 0.12 2080 1790 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 236 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPJ Dimensions 100 (2A) V (Code) Size co de Co Item de Cap. (F) 2.2 2R2 3.3 4.7 6.8 -- Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. 6 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple (mArms) 10kHz to -10C / 100kHz 105C / 200kHz 43 18.0 105C / 120Hz Impedance ( 20C / 100kHz ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) to - 10C / 100kHz 105C /10kHz 200kHz 105C / 120Hz 21 5 11 6.60 3R3 5 11 4.10 54 27 4R7 6.3 11 2.80 7.60 68 34 6R8 6.3 11 1.90 5.10 83 41 10 100 6.3 11 1.20 3.20 104 52 12 120 6.3 11 1.00 2.70 114 57 15 150 6.3 15 0.81 2.20 131 65 18 180 6.3 15 0.67 1.80 155 80 22 220 8 11.5 0.55 1.50 230 122 27 270 8 15 0.47 1.30 269 146 10 12.5 0.50 1.40 268 145 33 330 8 15 0.38 1.00 299 169 10 12.5 0.42 1.10 293 166 39 390 8 20 0.33 0.89 352 202 10 16 0.36 0.97 337 193 47 470 10 20 0.28 0.76 423 252 12.5 15 0.31 0.84 402 239 56 560 10 20 0.24 0.65 456 274 12.5 15 0.27 0.73 430 258 68 680 10 25 0.21 0.57 526 326 12.5 15 0.23 0.62 466 289 82 820 10 31.5 0.18 0.49 606 386 16 15 0.19 0.51 681 433 100 101 10 31.5 0.15 0.41 663 438 16 15 0.17 0.46 719 475 120 121 12.5 25 0.13 0.35 774 519 16 15 0.14 0.38 793 531 150 151 12.5 25 0.11 0.30 798 553 18 15 0.12 0.32 917 635 180 181 12.5 31.5 0.098 0.26 904 641 16 20 0.11 0.30 995 706 220 221 12.5 35.5 0.087 0.23 1000 730 16 25 0.093 0.25 1170 854 270 271 12.5 40 0.072 0.19 1130 843 18 20 0.080 0.22 1230 918 330 331 16 31.5 0.062 0.17 1520 1160 18 25 0.070 0.19 1420 1080 390 391 16 35.5 0.053 0.14 1730 1340 18 31.5 0.062 0.17 1600 1240 470 471 16 40 0.047 0.13 1920 1530 18 35.5 0.056 0.15 1770 1410 560 561 18 35.5 0.041 0.11 2070 1680 680 681 18 40 0.036 0.097 2300 1910 11.0 In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. V Cap. (F) Code 160 200 250 315 350 400 2C 2D 2E 2F 2V 2G 450 2W 1 010 8 11.5 19 8 11.5 19 8 11.5 19 8 11.5 19 10 12.5 21 10 12.5 17 10 16 17 2.2 2R2 8 11.5 30 8 11.5 30 10 12.5 32 10 12.5 32 10 16 34 10 16 28 10 20 28 3.3 3R3 10 12.5 50 10 12.5 50 10 16 52 10 16 52 10 20 54 10 20 47 12.5 20 48 4.7 4R7 10 12.5 57 10 16 60 10 16 60 10 20 65 10 20 65 12.5 20 55 12.5 25 55 10 100 10 16 90 10 20 95 12.5 20 98 12.5 20 98 12.5 25 100 12.5 25 85 16 25 22 220 12.5 20 140 12.5 25 145 16 25 150 16 25 150 16 25 150 16 31.5 130 16 35.5 135 33 330 12.5 25 175 16 25 180 16 25 180 16 31.5 185 16 35.5 190 18 35.5 170 18 40 170 47 470 16 25 220 16 25 220 16 31.5 225 18 35.5 235 18 40 240 100 101 16 35.5 330 18 40 345 18 40 345 Case size 90 1 1 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz 237 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPS Miniature Sized, Low Impedance, For Switching Power Supplies (Through 100V only) Wide temperature range type, miniature sized. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPJ Smaller UPS Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C (6.3 to 100V), -40 to +105C (160 to 400V), -25 to +105C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 15000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated voltage (V) Leakage Current Leakage current 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A) , whichever is greater. 160 to 450 CV <= 1000 : I= 0.1CV+40 (A)max. CV > 1000 : I= 0.04CV+100 (A)max. For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.24 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 6.3 * 10 -- -- 5 16 * 25 -- -- 4 35 * 50 -- -- 3 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 50 0.10 63 0.09 100 0.08 160 to 250 315 * 350 400 * 450 0.15 0.20 0.25 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Z- 40C / Z+20C (MAX.) Z- 55C / Z+20C Stability at Low Temperature 63 * 100 160 * 200 2 3 3 4 -- -- 250 3 6 -- 315 * 350 4 8 -- 400 6 10 -- 450 15 -- -- Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours (2000 hours for D= 5 to 10) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Radial Lead Type Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 25V 470F) d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U P S 1 E 4 7 1 MPD 12 Size code D+ P0.5 MAX. Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (470F) Rated voltage (25V) Series name Pressure relief vent L+ (6.3up) 15MIN MAX. 4MIN Type (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 20 22 25 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0 12.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 Configuration Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve D s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. 5 DD 6.3 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 20 to 25 ED PD HD RD Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 6.3 to 100 . 160 to 450 Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 2.2 to 4700 -- 0.17 0.40 0.65 1.00 100 to 220. 0.30 0.50 0.65 0.80 1.00 330 to 680. 0.57 0.71 0.82 0.90 1.00 1000 to 15000 0.75 0.87 0.96 0.98 1.00 0.47 to 2200 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.60 330 to 470. 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 Cap.(F) Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next pages. 238 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPS Dimensions D L (mm) 6.3 (0J) V (Code) de 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 150 220 330 470 680 1000 1500 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 15000 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 151 221 331 471 681 102 152 222 332 472 682 103 153 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 12.5 20 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 de 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 151 221 331 471 681 102 152 222 332 472 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 V Cap.(F) 0.47 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 25 (1E) 160 160 160 160 250 250 250 410 600 600 1000 1250 1250 1900 1900 2350 2700 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.28 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.075 0.057 0.038 0.033 0.030 0.027 160 160 160 160 250 250 410 410 600 800 1000 1250 1550 1900 2350 2700 3300 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.28 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.075 0.057 0.038 0.033 0.030 0.027 160 160 160 160 250 250 410 410 600 800 1000 1250 1550 1900 2350 2700 3300 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 16 18 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 63 (1J) 50 (1H) 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.28 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.075 0.038 0.038 0.033 0.030 0.027 160 160 160 160 160 250 410 410 600 800 1000 1250 1900 1900 2350 2700 3300 100 (2A) Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. (mArms) (mArms) (mArms) (mArms) D L D L D L D L 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Item Co 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 150 220 330 470 680 1000 1500 2200 3300 4700 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.28 0.19 0.19 0.11 0.075 0.075 0.038 0.038 0.033 0.030 35 (1V) V (Code) Cap. (F) 16 (1C) Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. (mArms) (mArms) (mArms) (mArms) D L D L D L D L 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Item Co Cap. (F) 10 (1A) 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.28 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.075 0.057 0.038 0.033 0.030 0.027 160 160 160 160 250 410 410 600 800 1000 1250 1550 1900 2350 2700 3300 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 4.50 3.90 3.50 2.10 1.80 0.65 0.65 0.36 0.26 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.058 0.040 0.035 55 65 90 120 150 250 250 340 490 650 810 1100 1200 1600 2000 2300 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 4.70 2.10 0.98 0.71 0.65 0.31 0.25 0.20 0.12 0.081 0.058 0.049 0.038 0.032 68 110 180 220 310 390 440 700 980 1200 1300 1380 1750 2120 5 5 5 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 9.80 6.60 4.60 1.80 0.68 0.46 0.37 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.090 0.076 0.064 0.047 44 58 74 130 230 320 420 580 710 890 1080 1310 1410 1520 160 200 250 315 350 400 450 2C 2D 2E 2F 2V 2G 2W Code R47 6.3 11 12 6.3 11 12 6.3 11 12 8 11.5 11 8 11.5 11 010 6.3 11 17 6.3 11 17 6.3 11 17 8 11.5 16 10 12.5 17 10 12.5 16 10 12.5 18 2R2 6.3 11 25 6.3 11 25 8 11.5 29 10 12.5 28 10 16 31 10 16 27 10 20 29 3R3 8 11.5 36 8 11.5 36 10 12.5 42 10 12.5 34 10 16 38 10 20 36 12.5 20 41 4R7 8 11.5 43 10 12.5 50 10 12.5 50 10 16 45 10 20 49 10 20 43 12.5 20 49 100 10 12.5 70 10 16 80 10 20 88 10 20 72 12.5 20 82 12.5 25 72 16 25 220 10 20 130 10 20 140 12.5 25 155 12.5 25 120 16 25 130 16 25 110 16 31.5 115 330 12.5 20 180 12.5 25 190 12.5 25 190 16 25 155 16 31.5 160 16 31.5 140 s18 35.5 145 470 12.5 25 220 12.5 25 220 16 25 230 16 35.5 190 s18 35.5 200 s18 35.5 170 20 40 175 101 16 25 330 16 31.5 335 s18 35.5 340 18 40 285 20 40 290 22 50 350 25 50 350 221 s18 35.5 500 18 40 515 20 40 525 22 50 540 25 50 550 331 20 40 900 22 40 1100 22 50 1150 471 22 50 1200 22 50 1310 25 50 1350 75 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms ) at 105C 120Hz Size 20 31 is available for capacitors marked " s " Size 20 35 is available for capacitors marked " " In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 239 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPV Miniature Sized, Low Impedance, High Reliability Miniature sized low impedance series withstanding 5000 hours load life at +105C. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPJ 231 Long Life UPV Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1.5 to 390F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 6.3 0.22 10 0.19 Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 55C / Z+20C 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 6.3 5 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 5000 hours at 105C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed at right. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. 10 5 16 4 25 3 35 3 50 2 Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 150% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 25V 47F) Radial Lead Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U P V 1 E 4 7 0 MGD Sleeve (P.E.T.) d Configuration Rated capacitance (47F) P0.5 D+0.5 MAX. Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated voltage (25V) Series name Pressure relief vent (6.3up ) Type L+1.5 MAX. 15MIN (mm) 4MIN D 5 6.3 8 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Configuration D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 FD 6.3 ,8 GD s &REQUENCY COEFFICIENT OF rated ripple current 390 220 150 (10kHz to 200kHz=1) 100 68 Cap.(F) 47 33 22 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 15 10 1.5 0 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Frequency coefficient Dimension table in next page. 240 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPV Dimensions 6.3 (0J) V(Code) Item Co Cap.(F) de 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 391 Item Cap.(F) 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10..... 12..... 15..... 18..... 22..... 27..... 33..... 39..... 47..... 56..... 68..... 82..... 100....... de 1R5 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 16 (1C) 25 (1E) Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. (mArms) (mArms) (mArms) (mArms) D L D L D L D L (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 ...8 ...8 ...8 11 11 11... 11... 11... 11.5 11.5 11.5 1.50 1.10 0.83 0.66 0.51 0.41 0.34 0.29 150 175 225 250 285 370 405 445 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 ...8 ...8 ...8 11 11 11... 11... 11... 11... 11.5 11.5 11.5 1.40 1.10 0.94 0.75 0.60 0.49 0.41 0.34 0.27 155 175 210 235 265 290 370 405 460 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 ...8 ...8 ...8 11 11 11... 11... 11... 11... 11.5 11.5 11.5 1.40 1.10 0.85 0.71 0.60 0.49 0.39 0.34 0.27 155 175 220 240 265 290 375 405 460 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 ...8 ...8 ...8 11 11 11... 11... 11... 11... 11.5 11.5 11.5 1.40 1.10 0.94 0.75 0.61 0.51 0.41 0.34 0.27 155 175 210 235 260 285 370 405 460 50 (1H) 35 (1V) V(Code) Co 10 (1A) Case size Impedance Rated ripple Case size Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. ( ) MAX. (mArms) (mArms) D L D L (mm) (mm) 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 20C/100kHz 105C/100kHz 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 ...8 ...8 ...8 11 11 11... 11... 11... 11... 11.5 11.5 11.5 1.30 1.00 0.83 0.70 0.58 0.48 0.41 0.32 0.27 160 180 225 245 270 295 370 415 460 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 ...8 ...8 ...8 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11... 11... 11... 11... 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.0.... 7.00 4.60 3.10 2.50 2.00 1.70 1.30 1.10 0.91 0.74 0.60 0.50 0.42 0.35 0.28 241 ..45 ..54 ..66 ..81 ..91 115 125 145 155 195 215 240 260 330 360 410 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPT Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, Long Life High ripple current. Suited for ballast application. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UCA 250 UPT Long Life Smaller UPZ 244 Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -25 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 200 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 15 to 820F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.06CV+10 (A) Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 200 0.12 220 0.12 250 0.12 400 0.15 420 0.20 450 0.20 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 25C / Z+20C 200 220 250 400 420 450 3 3 3 8 8 8 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 5000 hours at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Type numbering system (Example : 250V 220F) Radial Lead Type 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U P T 2 E 2 2 1 M HD T d Size code Capacitance tolerance (20%) D+ P0.5 MAX. Configuration Rated capacitance (220F) Rated voltage (250V) Series name Pressure relief vent L+ MAX. 15 MIN Type 4 MIN Configuration D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 10 PD 12.5 to 18 20 to 25 HD RD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 242 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPT Dimensions V Cap Code 200 220 250 400 420 450 2D 2P 2E 2G W6 2W 15 150 18 180 22 220 0.21 27 270 12.5 x 25 0.24 33 330 12.5 x 31.5 39 390 12.5 x 31.5 47 470 56 560 68 680 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 10 x 31.5 10 x 31.5 0.22 12.5 x 31.5 0.25 0.29 12.5 x 31.5 0.27 12.5 x 35.5 0.28 0.32 12.5 x 35.5 0.31 12.5 x 40 0.32 12.5 x 40 0.37 12.5 x 40 0.42 10 x 31.5 12.5 x 25 0.35 0.41 12.5 x 31.5 0.48 12.5 x 31.5 0.53 12.5 x 35.5 0.62 12.5 x 40 12.5 x 25 0.34 12.5 x 31.5 0.36 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 0.43 0.49 0.58 16 x 31.5 0.70 0.39 0.67 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 16 x 31.5 0.40 0.46 0.53 0.62 16 x 35.5 0.72 18 x 31.5 0.72 16 x 31.5 0.76 16 x 35.5 0.77 16 x 40 0.83 18 x 31.5 0.81 18 x 31.5 0.77 18 x 35.5 0.83 16 x 35.5 0.88 16 x 40 0.88 18 x 40 0.95 18 x 31.5 0.87 18 x 35.5 0.88 18 x 35.5 1.01 18 x 40 1.01 18 x 40 1.13 22 x 40 1.15 470 471 22 x 40 1.20 561 821 12.5 x 31.5 0.24 12.5 x 35.5 391 820 0.20 12.5 x 31.5 0.31 331 681 12.5 x 25 0.27 390 680 0.18 12.5 x 25 330 560 12.5 x 25 0.29 10 x 31.5 10 x 31.5 22 x 50 1.50 25 x 40 1.50 25 x 50 1.60 22 x 50 1.50 25 x 40 1.50 25 x 50 1.60 22 x 40 1.05 22 x 50 1.45 25 x 40 1.45 25 x 50 1.55 16 x 31.5 16 x 31.5 0.46 0.50 16 x 35.5 0.58 18 x 31.5 0.58 16 x 40 0.66 18 x 35.5 0.67 18 x 40 0.77 22 x 40 0.15 0.17 10 x 31.5 0.85 22 x 50 1.30 25 x 40 1.30 25 x 50 1.40 0.36 16 x 31.5 0.38 16 x 31.5 0.43 16 x 35.5 0.44 16 x 35.5 0.51 16 x 40 0.49 18 x 31.5 0.51 18 x 31.5 0.48 16 x 40 0.57 18 x 31.5 0.57 18 x 35.5 0.55 18 x 35.5 0.61 18 x 40 0.65 18 x 40 0.66 22 x 40 0.77 22 x 40 0.80 22 x 50 0.92 25 x 40 0.92 25 x 50 1.10 22 x 50 0.95 25 x 40 0.95 25 x 50 1.20 Case size D x L(mm) : Rated ripple current (Arms) at 105C 120Hz : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more Coefficient 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.60 243 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPZ High Voltage, Miniature-sized UPT High ripple current. Load life of 2000 hours at 105C. Suited for ballast applications. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Smaller UPZ Smaller UPH Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -25 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 200 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 18 to 470F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.04CV+100 (A). Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 200 0.12 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 250 0.15 400 0.15 420 0.20 450 0.20 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-25C / Z+20C 200 3 250 3 400 8 420 8 450 8 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 2000 hours at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Type numbering system (Example : 200V 220F) Radial Lead Type d 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size code P0.5 D0.5 MAX. U P Z 2 D 2 2 1 M HD T Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) (mm) Pressure relief vent L+ 2.0 MAX. 15MIN 4MIN Rated capacitance (220F) D 10 12.5 16 18 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 Rated voltage (200V) d 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 Series name Type Pencil - shaped Type Configuration Size code D 10 d Sleeve (P.E.T.) Pressure relief vent 9 PD ND HD NY P0.5 D0.5 MAX. 12.5 to 18 Blank, 6 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve L+ 2.0 MAX. 15MIN 4MIN (mm) D 10 12.5 P 5.0 5.0 d 0.6 0.6 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 244 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPZ Dimensions Cap.(F) V 200 400 420 Code 2D 2G W6 18 180 22 220 27 270 33 330 39 390 47 470 12.5 31.5 56 560 68 680 82 .010 31.5 101 120 121 150 151 12.5 31.5 620 180 181 12.5 35.5 700 220 221 12.5 40.0 800 270 271 .016 31.5 870 .016 35.5 1010 .018 31.5 1010 .016 40.0 1130 .018 35.5 1120 .018 40.0 1270 330 331 390 391 470 471 180 200 12.5 31.5 280 12.5 31.5 310 12.5 35.5 320 370 12.5 35.5 360 12.5 40.0 380 12.5 35.5 420 12.5 40.0 430 .016 31.5 440 12.5 40.0 480 .016 31.5 510 .016 35.5 490 .016 40.0 550 .018 31.5 550 .018 35.5 650 .018 40.0 740 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple 240 400 100 2W .010 31.5 .010 31.5 .010 31.5 820 450 .016 31.5 580 .016 35.5 670 .018 31.5 670 .016 40.0 770 .018 35.5 770 .018 40.0 880 .016 35.5 570 .016 40.0 610 .018 31.5 610 .018 35.5 660 .018 40.0 710 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Pencil-shaped Type Cap.(F) V 200 250 400 450 Code 2D 2E 2G 2W .010 40.0 360 .010 50.0 450 12.5 50 730 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple 33 330 47 470 .010 40.0 435 56 560 .010 50.0 520 12.5 50 770 82 820 100 101 120 121 .010 40.0 680 150 151 .010 50.0 830 220 221 270 271 610 .010 40.0 740 .010 50.0 1140 12.5 50 12.5 50 1265 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz : In this case, 9 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 60Hz 120Hz 500Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 200250 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.40 400 to 450 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.50 245 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UPH High Voltage, Miniature-sized High ripple current. Load life of 2000 hours at 105C. Suited for ballast applications. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UPZ Smaller UPH Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -25 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 400 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 27 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.04CV+100 (A). Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 400 0.15 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 420 0.20 450 0.20 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-25C / Z+20C 400 8 420 8 450 8 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 2000 hours at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Type numbering system (Example : 400V 220F) Radial Lead Type d 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size code P0.5 D0.5 MAX. U PH 2 G 2 2 1 M HD T Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) (mm) L+ 2.0 MAX. Pressure relief vent 15MIN 4MIN Rated capacitance (220F) D 10 12.5 16 18 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 Rated voltage (400V) d 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 Series name Type s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Configuration Dimensions 400 2G V Cap Code 27 33 47 56 68 82 100 270 330 470 560 680 820 101 120 121 150 151 180 181 220 221 420 W6 450 2W x 330 x 320 x x x x 470 540 620 710 x 460 x 800 690 780 800 x x x x x x 920 890 1060 x 1200 x 920 x 1040 D 10 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 12.5 to 18 HD PD x 300 x x x x x x x 430 490 560 640 730 820 800 Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current x 970 Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 500Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more x 1090 Rated ripple Coefficient 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.50 Case size D x L (mm) Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 246 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCP High Voltage, Miniature sized, Long Life Assurance High ripple current. Load life of 10000 hours at 105C. Suited for ballast applications. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UCS Smaller UCP Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -25 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 400 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 27 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than I=0.04CV+100 (A). Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 400 0.24 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 420 0.24 450 0.24 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio (MAX.) Z-25C / Z+20C 400 8 420 8 450 8 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 10000 hours at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Type numbering system (Example : 400V 220F) Radial Lead Type d 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size code P0.5 D0.5 MAX. U CP 2 G 2 2 1 M HD T Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) (mm) L+ 2.0 MAX. Pressure relief vent 15MIN 4MIN Rated capacitance (220F) D 10 12.5 16 18 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 Rated voltage (400V) d 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 Series name Type s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Configuration Dimensions 400 2G V Cap Code 27 33 47 56 68 82 100 270 330 470 560 680 820 101 120 121 420 W6 450 2W x 330 x 320 x x x x 470 540 620 710 x 460 x 800 x x x 690 780 800 920 890 1060 1200 150 151 180 181 x x x 220 221 x D 10 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 12.5 to 18 HD PD x 300 x x x x x x x 430 490 560 640 730 820 800 Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 500Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more Coefficient 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.50 x 920 x 970 x 1040 x 1090 Rated ripple Case size D x L (mm) Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 247 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS ULD Miniature sized, Long Life Assurance Long Life product withstanding load life of 10000 to 20000 hours at +105C. Suited for the power supply for LED lighting. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UCY UHE ULD Long Life Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -25 to +105C(10 to 100V, 450V), -40 to +105C(160 to 400V) Rated Voltage Range 10 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 330F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C 10 to 100 Rated Voltage(V) Leakage Current 160 to 450 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV 1000 : I=0.1CV+40(A) or less After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, CV>1000: I=0.04CV+100(A) or less After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3(A), whichever is greater. ---- Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 10 0.45 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 16 0.35 25 0.3 35 0.22 50 0.19 10 8 ---- 16 6 ---- 25* 35 4 ---- 50 to 100 3 ---- 63 0.17 100 0.15 160 to 450 0.24 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-25C / Z+20C Z-40C / Z+20C ---- Capacitance change tan Leakage current 450 6 ---- 400 6 10 10 to 100 Rated Voltage(V) Endurance 160 to 250 3 8 160 to 450 The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 20000 hours (12000 hours for 6.3x11L, 8x9L 10x9L, 15000 hours 8x11.5L, 10x12.5L) at 105C, the peakvoltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 10000 hours at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Within 25%(10V to 100V) 30%(160V to 450V) of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Type numbering system (Example : 400V 6.8F) Radial Lead Type d 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size code P0.5 D0.5 MAX. U L D 2 G 6 R 8 M PD T Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (6.8F) Pressure relief vent L+ (6.3up ) MAX. 15MIN Rated voltage (400V) 4MIN Series name Type (mm) D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Configuration D 5 6.3 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 8 s 10 12.5 to 18 PD HD DD ED s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. s Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. s Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 248 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS ULD Dimensions Cap V 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 Code 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 1J 2A 1 010 5 11 25 2.2 2R2 5 11 35 3.3 3R3 5 11 70 4.7 4R7 5 11 80 5 11 6.8 6R8 5 11 80 5 11 70 10 100 5 11 90 5 11 80 6.3 11 150 22 220 33 330 47 470 100 101 150 151 220 221 270 271 330 331 5 11 130 6.3 11 210 8 11.5 5 11 135 6.3 11 170 5 11 130 5 11 130 6.3 11 190 6.3 11 170 6.3 11 210 6.3 11 190 5 11 130 5 11 130 6.3 11 210 6.3 11 210 6.3 11 210 8 11.5 330 8 11.5 330 8 11.5 8 11.5 330 8 11.5 Frequency 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 0.42 0.60 0.80 1.00 22 to 33 F 0.55 0.75 0.90 1.00 47 to 330 F 0.70 0.85 0.95 1.00 330 V 160 200 250 400 Code 2C 2D 2E 2G 450 2W 1 010 6.3 x 11 24 1.2 1R2 8x9 28 1.5 1R5 6.3 x 11 29 8x9 30 1.8 1R8 2R2 2.7 2R7 3.3 3R3 3.9 3R9 4.7 4R7 5.6 5R6 6.8 6R8 8.2 8R2 10 100 12 120 15 150 18 180 22 220 27 270 240 : Rated ripple (mArms) at 105C 100kHz 120Hz 2.2 230 330 1 to 10 F Cap 8 11.5 8 11.5 70 270 Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Cap.( F) Case size D x L (mm) 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 8x9 52 55 70 8x9 33 6.3 x 11 36 8 x 11.5 40 8x9 33 8 x 11.5 43 8 x 11.5 47 6.3 x 11 42 95 10 x 12.5 121 10 x 9 48 10 x 12.5 57 10 x 12.5 61 49 8x9 53 6.3 x 11 50 8 x 11.5 62 10 x 12.5 64 10 x 16 58 8x9 56 8x9 62 8 x 11.5 68 10 x 16 85 10 x 16 62 8x9 66 10 x 9 76 10 x 16 88 10 x 20 88 8 x 11.5 80 10 x 12.5 90 10 x 20 92 88 10 x 12.5 97 12.5 x 20 140 12.5 x 25 240 16 x 20 292 92 10 x 9 10 x 12.5 10 x 16 10 x 16 42 33 6.3 x 11 10 x 9 8 x 11.5 36 6.3 x 11 Case size D x L (mm) 10 x 16 113 149 158 129 16 x 20 305 16 x 25 392 33 330 18 x 20 312 47 470 18 x 25 480 68 680 18 x 31.5 520 : Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Cap.(F) 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 1 to 5.6F 1.00 1.60 1.80 2.00 6.8 to 18F 1.00 1.50 1.70 1.90 22 to 68F 1.00 1.40 1.60 1.80 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 249 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCA Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, Long Life High ripple current and Long Life product withstanding load life of 12000 hours(10000 hours for D=10) at +105C. Suited for ballast application. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UCA UPT Long Life Smaller UCS Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -25 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 160 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 6.8 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.04CV+100 (A) Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 160 0.15 200 0.15 250 0.15 350 0.20 400 0.20 450 0.20 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-25C / Z+20C 160 3 200 3 250 3 350 6 400 6 450 6 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 12000 hours (10000 hours for D=10) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 250V 100F) Radial Lead Type 1 d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U CA 2 E 1 0 1 M HD T Size code Capacitance tolerance (20%) P0.5 D+0.5MAX. Configuration Rated capacitance (100F) Rated voltage (250V) Series name Pressure relief vent L + 1.5MAX. 15 MIN Type 4 MIN Configuration D (mm) D 10 12.5 16 18 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 10 PD 12.5 to 18 HD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 250 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCA Dimensions Cap. (F) 6.8 V 160 200 250 350 400 450 Code 2C 2D 2E 2V 2G 2W 6R8 10 x 16 220 10 x 16 220 10 x 20 150 10 100 10 x 16 250 10 x 16 250 10 x 20 300 10 x 20 280 10 x 20 280 12.5 x 20 320 22 220 10 x 20 500 10 x 20 500 12.5 x 20 600 12.5 x 20 350 12.5 x 20 430 16 x 25 560 16 x 20 600 18 x 20 560 16 x 25 640 16 x 31.5 700 18 x 20 640 18 x 25 700 18 x 31.5 900 33 47 68 100 150 220 330 470 680 101 151 221 10 x 20 12.5 x 20 565 12.5 x 20 725 600 12.5 x 20 780 12.5 x 20 630 16 x 20 600 12.5 x 25 720 16 x 25 700 16 x 31.5 840 16 x 20 750 18 x 20 750 18 x 25 840 18 x 31.5 1000 12.5 x 25 950 12.5 x 25 950 16 x 25 1000 16 x 31.5 1100 16 x 20 970 16 x 20 970 18 x 20 920 18 x 25 875 16 x 25 1280 16 x 25 1280 16 x 31.5 1400 18 x 20 1180 18 x 20 1180 18 x 25 1345 16 x 31.5 1360 16 x 31.5 1360 18 x 25 1360 18 x 31.5 1500 18 x 25 1360 16 x 31.5 1400 18 x 25 1400 18 x 31.5 1700 Case size D x L (mm) : Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 100kHz : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more Coefficient 0.40 0.50 0.80 0.90 1.00 251 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCS Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, High Reliability UCA High ripple current and Long Life product withstanding load life of 8000 to 10000 hours at +105C. Suited for ballast application. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Smaller UCS Smaller UCP UCY Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C (160 to 400V) , -25 to +105C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 160 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 6.8 to 330F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.04CV+100 (A) Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 160 0.20 200 0.20 250 0.20 350 0.24 400 0.24 450 0.24 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-25C / Z+20C Z-40C / Z+20C 160 3 6 400 5 6 350 5 6 250 3 6 200 3 6 450 6 -- Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 10000 hours (8000 hours for D=10 16L, 10 20L) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Type numbering system (Example : 250V 100F) Radial Lead Type d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U CS 2 E 1 0 1 M HD T P0.5 D+0.5MAX. Size code 2 Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (100F) Pressure relief vent L + 1.5MAX. 15 MIN Rated voltage (250V) 4 MIN Series name Type Pencil - shaped Type Configuration Size code d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 Blank, 6 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 9 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 10 PD ND 12.5 to 18 HD NY P0.5 D0.5 MAX. D L+ 2.0 MAX. Pressure relief vent 15MIN 4MIN (mm) D 10 12.5 16 18 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 252 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCS Dimensions Cap 6.8 V 160 200 250 Code 2C 2D 2E 350 2V 6R8 10 100 15 150 22 220 33 47 470 68 680 82 820 100 101 10 x 20 750 12.5 x 20 1180 12.5 x 20 1275 12.5 x 25 1420 16 x 20 1420 500 10x 20 650 10 x 20 320 10 x 20 500 10 x 20 330 10 x 16 320 10 x 16 650 12.5 x 20 980 12.5 x 20 1300 10 x 20 10 x 20 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 20 16 x 20 350 500 800 980 1300 16 x 20 900 1080 16 x 25 1400 18 x 20 1375 18 x 25 1530 16 x 20 1420 16 x 25 1530 18 x 25 1575 16 x 25 1890 18 x 25 1940 220 221 16 x 25 2370 18 x 25 2365 18 x 31.5 3130 330 331 V 18 x 31.5 160 3130 18 x 35.5 200 3220 6.8 16 x 20 650 1380 1890 2C 350 16 x 20 16 x 20 Code 10 x 20 1380 151 Cap 280 12.5 x 20 2D 250 350 2E 2V 10 x 16 280 320 10 x 16 320 10 x 20 350 10 x 20 350 10 x 20 500 10 x 20 500 10 x 20 500 12.5 x 20 650 Pencil-shaped 33 330 Type10 x 20 650 10x 20 650 12.5 x 20 800 16 x 20 900 15 150 22 220 200 V Cap.(F) 47 68 82 27 Code 470 750 10 x 20 270 12.5 x 202E 980 330 39 680 12.5 390 x 20 1180 12.5 x 20 1300 16 x 20 1300 56 560 12.5 680 x 20 1275 16 x 20 1380 16 x 20 1380 16 x 20 1420 1260 .010 40.0 16 x 25 .010 50.0 68 820 220 180 221 330 270 331 271 50 3130 18 x 31.5 12.5 150 980 82 100 120 150 101 151 1420 .010 40.0 1420 .010 40.0 1890 .010 50.0 2370 1360 16 x 25 1890 1660 18 x 25 2365 10 x 20 280 10 x 20 350 12.5 x 20 450 12.5 x 20 550 12.5 x 25 600 12.5 x 20 760 16 x 20 730 16 x 25 980 18 x 20 980 18 x 25 1200 18 x 31.5 1575 16 x 20 900 16 x 25 1180 18 x 20 1180 18 x 25 1470 18 x 25 1525 1220 1530 1360 18 x 25 400 450 : Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 100kHz 2G 2W : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 10 x 20 280 10 x 16 280 10 x 20 350 12.5 x 20 450 12.5 x 20 550 12.5 x 25 600 12.5 x 20 760 16 x 20 730 16 x 20 900 16 x 25 980 18 x 20 450 980 16 x 25 1180 18 x 20 2W 18 x 25 1180.010 40.0 1200 580 18 x800 25 .010 40.0 18 x 31.5 1470.010 50.0 720 1575 820 1040 18 x 25 152512.5 50 1340 400 33 820 x 25 12.5 101 16 x 20 121 16 x 20 151 16 x 25 181 100 250 2D 12.5 x 20 280 Case size 10 x 16 100 2W 10 x 16 D x L (mm) 6R8 10 450 2G 10 x 16 16 x 20 150 Dimensions 400 16 x 20 16 x 25 .010 18 x 20 .010 18 x 25 2G 1080 1400 40.0 1375 50.0 1530 12.5 50 18 x 25 1575 1400 1940 x 31.5 12.518 50 2530 3220 18 x 35.5 3130 2070 CaseCase size size L (mm) D D x L (mm) current (mArms) at 105C 100kHz : RatedRated rippleripple current (mArms) at 105C 100kHz thisbecase, will be putofattype 12th digit of type : In this case,: 9Inwill put at6 12th digit numbering system. numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more Coefficient 0.40 0.50 0.80 0.90 1.00 253 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCY Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, High Reliability High ripple current and Long Life product withstanding load life of 10000 to 12000 hours at +105C. Suited for ballast application. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UCS Smaller ULD UCY Long Life Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C (160 to 400V), -25 to +105C (420 to 500V) Rated Voltage Range 160 to 500V Rated Capacitance Range 6.8 to 680F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.04CV+100 (A) Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 160 0.20 200 0.20 250 0.20 350 0.24 400 0.24 420 0.24 450 0.24 500 0.24 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Z-25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z-40C / Z+20C 160 3 6 200 3 6 250 3 6 500 6 -- 450 6 -- 420 6 -- 400 5 6 350 5 6 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 12000 hours (10000 hours for 20L or less, 500V) at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 250V 100F) Radial Lead Type 1 d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U CY 2 E 1 0 1 M HD T Size code Capacitance tolerance (20%) P0.5 D+0.5MAX. Configuration Rated capacitance (100F) Rated voltage (250V) Series name Pressure relief vent L + 1.5 MAX. 15 MIN Type 4 MIN Configuration D (mm) D 10 12.5 16 18 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 10 PD 12.5 to 18 HD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 254 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCY Dimensions Cap V 160 200 250 350 400 420 450 Code 2C 2D 2E 2V 2G W6 2W 160 140 150 175 10 x 16 10 x 20 10 x 20 105 135 150 10 x 16 10 x 20 10 x 20 105 135 150 10 x 20 180 10 x 20 180 10 x 25 185 10 x 25 185 10 x 20 215 10 x 25 235 10 x 31.5 215 10 x 31.5 12.5 x 20 215 255 10 x 25 10 x 20 12.5 x 20 10 x 31.5 10 x 25 255 215 325 305 255 10 x 31.5 275 12.5 x 20 285 12.5 x 25 300 360 12.5 x 25 340 12.5 x 25 340 6R8 100 120 10 x 16 15 150 18 180 220 10 x 16 225 10 x 16 225 27 270 10 x 16 235 10 x 20 255 33 330 10 x 20 305 39 390 10 x 16 10 x 16 260 295 380 12.5 x 25 385 12.5 x 31.5 400 12.5 x 31.5 400 16 x 31.5 350 385 12.5 x 31.5 430 16 x 35.5 380 12.5 x 25 510 440 540 505 500 480 16 x 40 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 18 x 20 385 460 440 525 350 455 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 18 x 20 12.5 x 40 18 x 25 12.5 x 25 450 465 385 520 510 590 630 585 600 720 640 735 16 x 20 345 16 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 25 16 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 18 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 18 x 20 12.5 x 40 16 x 25 18 x 25 16 x 25 500 18 x 31.5 440 12.5 x 40 570 18 x 35.5 480 18 x 40 525 16 x 31.5 10 x 20 325 10 x 25 10 x 20 360 12.5 x 20 490 10 x 31.5 10 x 25 12.5 x 20 405 345 490 380 10 x 25 415 12.5 x 20 515 10 x 25 455 10 x 31.5 485 12.5 x 25 615 68 680 12.5 x 20 590 12.5 x 20 650 16 x 20 650 534 455 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 20 645 645 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 25 715 615 12.5 x 20 640 16 x 20 690 16 x 20 690 12.5 x 20 645 12.5 x 25 16 x 20 16 x 20 695 710 775 12.5 x 31.5 810 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 18 x 20 18 x 25 715 785 845 785 890 815 970 12.5 x 40 990 150 151 180 181 220 221 270 271 330 331 390 391 470 471 560 680 561 681 12.5 x 25 760 240 280 280 280 310 310 450 10 x 20 121 16 x 20 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 18 x 20 12.5 x 40 16 x 25 16 x 20 560 120 220 240 12.5 x 20 56 101 220 16 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 400 375 100 12.5 x 25 305 10 x 20 820 160 10 x 20 470 82 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 20 47 10 x 31.5 10 x 25 2H 10 x 16 10 x 16 10 x 20 6.8 10 12 22 500 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 25 16 x 20 16 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 18 x 20 18 x 25 12.5 x 40 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 16 x 40 16 x 35.5 18 x 31.5 905 760 945 1000 905 1050 1200 1050 1185 1105 1235 1300 1510 1445 1730 1510 1695 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 18 x 20 12.5 x 40 16 x 25 18 x 20 16 x 31.5 12.5 x 40 965 945 910 1090 1035 910 1230 1090 18 x 25 1185 18 x 31.5 1160 16 x 35.5 18 x 31.5 16 x 40 18 x 31.5 18 x 40 1400 1410 1595 1560 1780 18 x 35.5 16 x 40 18 x 46 18 x 40 18 x 35.5 16 x 40 18 x 40 18 x 46 1920 1730 2130 2300 18 x 40 18 x 46 12.5 x 31.5 590 16 x 20 565 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 25 18 x 20 16 x 31.5 12.5 x 40 16 x 25 18 x 25 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 16 x 35.5 695 700 690 740 785 700 765 825 790 925 18 x 31.5 940 18 x 35.5 1080 16 x 40 1000 18 x 40 1205 18 x 46 1300 16 x 31.5 585 18 x 25 560 16 x 35.5 660 16 x 31.5 645 18 x 25 615 805 16 x 35.5 725 16 x 40 750 18 x 25 765 18 x 31.5 730 18 x 31.5 730 16 x 35.5 18 x 31.5 18 x 31.5 16 x 40 850 875 940 950 16 x 40 18 x 35.5 18 x 40 825 835 930 18 x 35.5 835 18 x 40 930 18 x 35.5 960 18 x 46 945 18 x 46 945 18 x 40 1030 18 x 46 1110 16 x 31.5 1110 18 x 25 1050 16 x 40 1295 16 x 35.5 1220 1450 1350 1600 1530 18 x 35.5 1690 1850 1900 Case size D x L (mm) : Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more Coefficient 0.80 1.00 1.60 1.80 2.00 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 9 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 255 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBT High Temperature Range, For +125C Use Highly dependable reliability withstanding load life of 2000 to 10000 hours at +125C. Suited for automobile electronics where heavy duty services are indispensable. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UBW High Temperature UBT Specifications UBY Higher Capacitance Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -40 to +125C (10 to 250V), -25 to +125C (350 to 450V) Rated Voltage Range 10 to 450V Rated Capacitance Range 4.7 to 4700F 20% at 120Hz, 20C Capacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage (V) 10 to 100 160 to 450 CV < 1000 : I = 0.1CV+40 (A) max. After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage = Leakage current current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. CV > 1000 : I = 0.04CV+100 (A) max. Leakage Current Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 63 0.10 80 0.08 100 0.08 160 to 250 350 to 450 120Hz, 20C 0.20 0.24 For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. 120Hz Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 10 3 4 16 2 4 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for less than 50V ( D = > 12.5 : 8 : 2000 hours, D = 10 : 5000 hours, D = 10000 hours), 63 to 100V ( D = 8 : 2000 hours, D = > 12.5 : 5000 hours), more than 10 : 3000 hours, D = 160V (2000 hours) at 125C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance 25 2 4 35 2 4 50 2 4 63 2 4 80 2 4 100 2 4 160 to 250 350 to 450 3 6 6 - Within 30% of the initial capacitance value (10 to 100V) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value (160 to 450V) Capacitance change 300% or less than the initial specified value (10 to 100V) 200% or less than the initial specified value (160 to 450V) tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 125C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Shelf Life Printed with white color letter on blue sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 220F) Sleeve (P.E.T) or Sleeve (polyolefin) 1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P0.5 D+ MAX. UB T 1 A 2 2 1 MPD 8 Pressure relief vent L + 2 MAX. 15 MIN 4 MIN polyolefin sleeve product is also available upon request. Configuration Standard type (mm) D 8 10 12.5 16 18 D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve Semi-standard type Pb-free leadwire Pb-free Polyolefin sleeve 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 8 ,10 PD8 PD P 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 12.5 to 18 HD8 HD d 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 256 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBT Dimensions 10 (1A) V (Code) Item Co Cap.. (F) 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 de Case size D L (mm) Item Co 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 8 x 11.5 221 10 x 12.5 331 10 x 12.5 471 10 x 20 102 222 12.5 x 25 16 x 25 332 16 x 31.5 472 de 0.26 0.15 0.10 0.057 0.033 0.024 0.020 Case size D L (mm) Case size D L (mm) Case size D L (mm) 0.32 0.15 0.10 0.075 0.042 0.024 0.020 0.018 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 16 10 x 20 12.5 x 25 16 x 31.5 18 x 31.5 340 620 680 945 1490 2300 2710 3270 80 (1K) Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 100 220 8 11.5 330 8 11.5 470 10 12.5 101 10 16 221 12.5 20 331 12.5 25 471 12.5 31.5 25 (1E) Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 20 16 x 25 16 x 31.5 18 x 31.5 340 620 680 1100 1750 2300 2710 63 (1J) V(Code) Cap.. (F) 16 (1C) 2.00 1.50 0.59 0.41 0.16 0.12 0.097 130 150 530 690 1050 1290 1460 Case size D L (mm) 1.50 0.80 0.80 0.39 0.18 0.16 0.11 Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 0.13 0.10 0.075 0.057 0.033 0.020 0.017 500 680 945 1100 1750 2710 3310 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 12.5 16 18 12.5 16 20 20 25 35.5 50 (1H) Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 0.15 0.094 0.075 0.058 0.031 0.025 620 790 950 1330 2010 2790 Case size D L (mm) 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 20 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 16 x 31.5 Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 1.15 0.75 0.50 0.45 0.35 0.18 0.098 0.070 0.055 0.031 85 180 250 300 440 555 930 1330 1650 2430 100 (2A) Case size D L (mm) Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 20 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 16 25 35 (1V) 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 16 25 16 31.5 150 480 480 790 1240 1390 1500 Impedance Rated ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 1.50 0.80 0.80 0.55 0.25 0.11 0.079 150 480 480 630 990 1500 1790 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 125C 100kHz Impedance ( ) MAX. at 20C 100kHz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V Frequency CV 1000 > CV 1000 CV 10 to 100 V(Code) 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 0.50 0.64 0.83 1.00 0.67 0.79 0.91 1.00 160 (2C) Case size D L (mm) Item Cap. Code 4.7 10 22 33 47 68 100 150 120Hz 4R7 100 220 330 470 680 101 151 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 200 (2D) Rated ripple (mArms) 20 25 20 25 25 31.5 115 154 187 245 329 434 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 250 (2E) Rated ripple (mArms) 178 126 157 204 250 329 20 25 20 25 20 25 Case size D L (mm) 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 350 (2V) Rated ripple (mArms) 178 128 171 225 292 Case size D L (mm) 10 20 10 25 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 400 (2G) Rated ripple (mArms) 153 185 139 189 243 Case size D L (mm) 10 20 10 25 12.5 31.5 16 25 16 31.5 450 (2W) Rated ripple (mArms) 153 186 142 189 243 Case size D L (mm) 10 25 12.5 20 16 25 16 31.5 Rated ripple (mArms) 158 186 154 203 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 125C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 160 to 450 Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 4.7 to 330 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.80 .47 to 150 0.80 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.50 Cap. (F) 257 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBW High Temperature Range, For +135C Use UBX Highly dependable reliability withstanding load life of 1000 to 3000 hours at +135C. Suited for automobile electronics where heavy duty services are indispensable. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. High Temperature UBW UBY High Ripple Current High Ripple Current UBT Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -55 to +135C Rated Voltage Range 10 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 4.7 to 4700F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 63 0.10 80 0.08 100 0.08 120Hz, 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. 120Hz 10 3 4 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 16 2 4 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours (1000 hours for D=8, 2000 hours for D=10) at 135C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance 25 2 4 35 2 4 50 2 4 63 2 4 80 2 4 100 2 4 Within 30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 135C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Shelf Life Printed with white color letter on blue sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 220F) 1 Sleeve (polyolefin) Sleeve (polyolefin) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U BW 1 A 2 2 1 MP D U BW 1 A 2 2 1 MP D P0.5 P0.5 + MAX. D+DMAX. d d Pressure relief vent Pressure relief vent L + 2 MAX. L + 2 MAX. 15 MIN 15 MIN 4 MIN 4 MIN Configuration Configuration Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free Polyolefin sleeve Pb-free leadwire D Pb-free Polyolefin sleeve 8 ,10 PD 8 ,10 PD 12.5 * 16 HD 12.5 * 16 HD (mm) (mm) 16 16 1.0 D D 8 8 0.8 10 10 0.8 12.5 12.5 1.0 P P d d 0.8 3.5 3.5 0.6 0.8 5.0 5.0 0.6 1.0 5.0 5.0 0.6 1.0 7.5 7.5 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 258 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBW Dimensions 10 (1A) V (Code) Item Co Cap.. (F) 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 de 101 221 331 471 102 222 332 472 Case size D L (mm) 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 Item Cap.. (F) 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 de 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 340 620 680 1100 1750 2300 2710 0.26 0.15 0.10 0.057 0.033 0.024 0.020 Case size D L (mm) 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 16 25 16 31.5 Case size D L (mm) 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 12.5 20 20 25 31.5 25 (1E) Rated Impedance ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 0.32 0.15 0.10 0.075 0.042 0.024 0.020 340 620 680 945 1490 2300 2710 Case size D L (mm) 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 25 16 31.5 63 (1J) 50 (1H) V(Code) Co 16 (1C) Rated Impedance ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 35 (1V) Rated Impedance ripple ( ) MAX. (mArms) 0.13 0.10 0.075 0.057 0.033 0.020 500 680 945 1100 1750 2710 Case size D L (mm) 10 10 10 12.5 16 12.5 16 20 20 25 80 (1K) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 0.15 0.094 0.075 0.058 0.031 620 790 950 1330 2010 100 (2A) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 1.15 0.75 0.50 0.45 0.35 0.18 0.098 0.070 0.055 0.031 85 180 250 300 440 555 930 1330 1650 2430 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 16 31.5 2.00 1.50 0.59 0.41 0.16 0.12 0.097 0.055 130 150 530 690 1050 1290 1460 1900 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 20 12.5 25 12.5 31.5 16 25 1.50 0.80 0.80 0.39 0.18 0.16 0.11 150 480 480 790 1240 1390 1500 Case size D L (mm) Impedance ( ) MAX. Rated ripple (mArms) 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 16 25 16 31.5 1.50 0.80 0.80 0.55 0.25 0.11 0.079 150 480 480 630 990 1500 1790 Rated ripple current (mArms) at 135C 100kHz Impedance ( ) MAX. at 20C 100kHz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 10 to 100 CV Frequency 1000 > CV 1000 CV 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 0.50 0.64 0.83 1.00 0.67 0.79 0.91 1.00 259 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBY High Temperature Range, For +125C or 135C Use Higher capacitance and higher ripple current than UBT and UBW. Ideal for automobile control ciucuits such as electric power steering and direct injection engine drive. Compliant to the RoHS directive(2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UBT UBW UBY Higher Capacitance Higher ripple current UXY Vibration Resistance Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -40 to +135C Rated Voltage Range 25 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 160 to 12000F Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV (A) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 63 0.10 80 0.08 100 0.08 120Hz, 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 50 2 4 80 2 4 63 2 4 100 2 4 25 to 50V 63 to 100V - The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours at 125C or 135C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours at 125C or 2000 hours at 135C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Marking 35 2 4 Rated voltage (V) Endurance Shelf Life 25 2 4 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Within 30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than tha initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 125C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Black print on the case top. The UBY series places emphasis on high ripple current, as a result the lifetime calculation is different than other series. Please contact Nichicon for details. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 12000F) Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 260 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBY Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) 25(1E) Case size DxL (mm) Code ESR MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz 35(1V) Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz Case size DxL (mm) ESR MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz 1300 132 12.5 x 20 0.042 0.48 2760 1690 1800 182 12.5 x 25 0.033 0.30 3480 2010 2000 202 2200 222 2700 272 3000 302 3300 332 3600 362 3900 392 4300 432 4700 5100 5600 562 6200 622 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 0.042 0.48 2760 1690 12.5 x 31.5 0.028 0.24 4490 2900 16 x 20 0.031 0.27 3040 1860 12.5 x 35.5 0.025 0.21 5140 3190 18 x 20 0.030 0.22 3250 1870 2010 16 x 25 0.026 0.22 4260 2870 12.5 x 40 0.024 0.19 5810 3470 0.023 0.18 5480 3400 0.025 0.19 4500 2900 3630 0.033 0.30 3480 16 x 20 0.031 0.27 3040 1860 12.5 x 31.5 0.028 0.24 4490 2900 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 18 x 20 0.030 0.22 3250 1870 472 16 x 25 0.026 0.22 4260 2870 16 x 35.5 0.020 0.14 6070 512 12.5 x 40 0.024 0.19 5810 3470 18 x 31.5 0.022 0.16 5600 3470 16 x 40 0.019 0.12 6810 3930 18 x 35.5 0.019 0.12 6280 3750 18 x 40 0.018 0.10 7070 4080 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 0.023 0.18 5480 3400 0.025 0.19 4500 2900 7500 752 16 x 35.5 0.020 0.14 6070 3630 8200 822 18 x 31.5 0.022 0.16 5600 3470 3930 9100 912 16 x 40 0.019 0.12 6810 10000 103 18 x 35.5 0.019 0.12 6280 3750 12000 123 18 x 40 0.018 0.10 7070 4080 V (Code) Item Cap.(F) 50 (1H) Case size DxL (mm) Code ESR MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz 63 (1J) Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz Case size DxL (mm) ESR MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz 390 391 12.5 x 20 0.074 0.56 1640 1420 560 561 12.5 x 25 0.054 0.39 2520 2050 620 621 750 751 820 821 950 951 1000 102 16 x 20 1100 112 1300 132 1600 162 1700 172 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 0.056 0.044 0.52 0.35 2400 3350 1470 0.30 3110 2630 0.34 2140 1910 2970 12.5 x 35.5 0.038 0.25 3760 18 x 20 0.048 0.26 2350 2100 1870 16 x 25 0.038 0.23 2940 2680 12.5 x 40 0.30 2960 12.5 x 31.5 0.037 0.26 4220 2520 12.5 x 35.5 0.033 0.23 4810 2780 16 x 25 0.033 0.22 4040 2500 18 x 20 0.038 0.20 3130 2110 12.5 x 40 0.032 0.20 5240 3020 0.029 0.19 5130 2960 0.032 0.19 4230 2530 1800 182 2000 202 2200 222 16 x 35.5 0.025 0.14 5480 3160 18 x 31.5 0.025 0.16 5240 3020 16 x 40 0.022 0.13 5930 3420 18 x 25 0.042 0.053 2260 0.039 16 x 31.5 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 20 2400 242 2500 252 2700 272 3000 302 18 x 35.5 0.022 0.12 5870 3390 3600 362 18 x 40 0.020 0.10 6420 3700 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 0.031 0.22 4610 3260 0.034 0.20 3860 3050 0.035 0.19 3080 2810 16 x 35.5 0.027 0.15 4590 3420 18 x 31.5 0.028 0.15 4080 3220 16 x 40 0.025 0.14 5190 3670 18 x 35.5 0.023 0.12 5220 3690 18 x 40 0.021 0.11 5660 3820 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 261 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBY Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) 80 (1K) Case size DxL (mm) Code ESR MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz 100 (2A) Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz Case size DxL (mm) ESR MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz 160 161 12.5 x 20 0.074 0.56 1640 1420 220 221 12.5 x 25 0.054 0.39 2520 2050 270 271 300 301 360 361 390 391 430 431 470 12.5 x 20 0.074 0.56 1640 1420 12.5 x 25 0.054 0.39 2520 2050 471 16 x 20 0.053 0.34 2140 1910 12.5 x 31.5 0.042 0.30 3110 2630 510 511 560 561 620 621 680 750 16 x 20 0.053 0.34 2140 1910 12.5 x 31.5 0.042 0.30 3110 2630 2970 12.5 x 35.5 0.038 0.25 3760 18 x 20 0.048 0.26 2350 2100 16 x 25 0.038 0.23 2940 2680 12.5 x 40 0.031 0.22 4610 3260 16 x 31.5 0.034 0.20 3860 3050 18 x 25 0.035 0.19 3080 2810 16 x 35.5 0.027 0.15 4590 3420 3220 12.5 x 35.5 0.038 0.25 3760 18 x 20 0.048 0.26 2350 2100 681 16 x 25 0.038 0.23 2940 2680 18 x 31.5 0.028 0.15 4080 751 12.5 x 40 0.031 0.22 4610 3260 16 x 40 0.025 0.14 5190 3670 0.034 0.20 3860 3050 18 x 35.5 0.023 0.12 5220 3690 0.035 0.19 3080 2810 18 x 40 0.021 0.11 5660 3820 16 x 35.5 0.027 0.15 4590 3420 3220 820 821 950 951 1000 102 1100 112 1300 132 1600 162 16 x 31.5 18 x 25 2970 18 x 31.5 0.028 0.15 4080 16 x 40 0.025 0.14 5190 3670 18 x 35.5 0.023 0.12 5220 3690 18 x 40 0.021 0.11 5660 3820 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 0.40 0.75 0.90 1.00 620 0.50 0.85 0.94 1.00 680 to 2000 0.60 0.87 0.95 1.00 2200 to 4300 0.75 0.90 0.95 1.00 4700 to 12000 0.85 0.95 0.98 1.00 Cap. (F) 160 220 to 262 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UXY Miniature Sized, Vibration Resistance For +125C or 135C Use (125C / 135C 3000hour) Anti-vibration structuring than UBY. Suited for automobile electronics where heavy duty services are indispensable. Compliant to the RoHS directive(2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UXY Vibration Resistance UBY Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -40 to +135C Rated Voltage Range 25 to 35V Rated Capacitance Range 5000 to 11000F Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV (A) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 25 0.14 35 0.12 120Hz, 20C For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 25 2 4 35 2 4 The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours at 125C or 135C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 30% of the initial capacitance value 300% or less than tha initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 125C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Shelf Life The specifications listed below shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after subjected to vibration conditions at room temperature(15 to 35C). Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 5% of the initial capacitance value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Vibration conditions Vibration Vibration frequency range Amplitude or acceleration Sweep rate Vibration direction and time Fixed 10 to 2000Hz Total amplitude either 1.5mm or 392m/s2(40G) whichever is looser 0.5 octaves/minute X,Y,Z in each direction for two hours, totalling six hours Fixed product and lead lines on stationary object (please inquire for more details) Black print on the case top. Marking The UXY series places emphasis on high ripple current, as a result the lifetime calculation is different than other series. Please contact Nichicon for details. Radial Lead Type nichicon 7800 XY 25V H1701 Type numbering system (Example : 25V 7800F) Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 263 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UXY Dimensions V (Code) Item Cap.(F) 25(1E) Case size DxL (mm) Code ESR ( ) MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz 7800 782 18 x31.5 0.023 0.19 5380 3330 11000 113 18 x40 0.019 0.13 6800 3900 V (Code) Item Cap.(F) 35(1V) Case size DxL (mm) Code ESR ( ) MAX. 20/100kHz -40/100kHz Rated ripple (mArms) 125 /100kHz 135 /100kHz 5000 502 18 x31.5 0.023 0.19 5380 3330 7300 732 18 x40 0.019 0.13 6800 3900 Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Cap. (F) Frequency 5000 to 11000 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 0.85 0.95 0.98 1.00 264 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBX High Temperature Range, For +150C Use Laminated case series. Suited for automobile electronics where heavy duty services are indispensable. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UBX Values marked with an in the dimension table are scheduled to be discontinued and are not recommended for new designs. High Temperature UBW Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -55 to +150C (10 to 100V), -40 to +150C (160 * 200V), -25 to +150C (350 * 400V) Rated Voltage Range 10 to 400V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 4700F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Rated Voltage (V) Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Stability at Low Temperature 10 to 100 160 to 400 CV < After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage 1000 : I = 0.1CV+40 (A) max. = Leakage current current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. CV > 1000 : I = 0.04CV+100 (A) max. 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 Rated voltage (V) 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 tan (MAX.) For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. 10 3 4 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 16 2 4 25 2 4 35 2 4 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 2000 hours (1000 hours for D=10 and 12.5) at 150C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Endurance 50 2 4 63 2 4 120Hz 20C 160 * 200 350 * 400 0.20 0.24 120Hz 80 100 160 * 200 350 * 400 2 2 3 6 6 4 4 Within 30% of the initial capacitance value (10 to 100V) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value (160 to 400V) 300% or less than the initial specified value (10 to 100V) 200% or less than the initial specified value(160 to 400V) Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Black print on the case top. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 3300F) 1 Series d Rated Voltage 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Code D 10 PL 12.5 to 18 HL Configuration P0.5 3300 BX 10V H1001 nichicon Trade mark Laminated case D+0.5 MAX. Rated Capacitance 2 UB X 1 A 3 3 2 MH L Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (3300F) Rated voltage (10V) Lot No. Pressure relief vent 15MIN L+1.5MAX. Series name 4MIN Type (mm) D P d 10 5.0 0.6 12.5 5.0 0.6 16 7.5 0.8 18 7.5 0.8 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 265 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UBX Dimensions 10 1A V (Code) Cap. (F) Code 16 1C 25 1E 35 1V 1 010 10 12.5 35 2.2 2R2 10 12.5 50 3.3 3R3 10 12.5 60 4.7 4R7 10 12.5 85 10 100 10 12.5 175 22 220 10 12.5 200 33 330 10 12.5 225 47 470 10 12.5 250 100 101 220 221 330 331 10 470 471 10 1000 102 12.5 25 2200 222 16 3300 332 4700 472 10 10 16 300 12.5 12.5 250 10 20 400 20 500 12.5 25 600 16 300 10 20 400 12.5 25 600 16 25 20 400 12.5 20 600 16 25 800 16 31.5 1000 800 16 31.5 1000 18 40 1300 600 16 25 31.5 1000 18 35.5 1200 18 35.5 1200 18 40 1300 18 40 1300 800 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated Ripple (mA rms) at 150C 100kHz 50 1H V (Code) Cap. (F) Code 63 1J 80 1K 100 2A 22 220 10 12.5 390 33 330 10 12.5 420 10 16 510 47 470 10 16 550 10 20 640 56 560 10 12.5 430 10 20 690 10 20 640 68 680 10 16 560 10 20 690 12.5 20 760 100 101 10 12.5 380 10 20 710 12.5 20 820 12.5 25 220 221 10 20 640 12.5 25 1040 16 25 1250 16 31.5 1380 330 331 12.5 20 770 12.5 31.5 1170 16 31.5 1480 18 31.5 1430 470 471 12.5 25 960 16 25 1280 18 31.5 1530 560 561 12.5 31.5 1080 16 31.5 1520 680 681 16 25 1190 16 35.5 1520 Case size 1000 102 16 31.5 1420 Rated ripple D L (mm) Rated ripple current (mArms) at 150C 100kHz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V Frequency CV 10 to 100 Cap. (F) 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 0.50 0.64 0.83 1.00 0.67 0.79 0.91 1.00 1000 > CV 1000 CV V (Code) 160 200 350 Code 2C 2D 2V 4.7 4R7 6.8 6R8 20 88 83 12.5 20 120 12.5 25 105 12.5 25 130 12.5 25 105 12.5 110 10 16 130 160 10 20 170 12.5 20 230 12.5 20 210 12.5 20 250 12.5 25 250 560 12.5 25 270 16 20 270 68 680 16 20 290 16 25 290 100 101 16 25 300 330 47 470 56 Case size D L (mm) 160 to 400 Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz or more 4.7 to 330 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.80 .47 to 100 0.80 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.50 Cap. (F) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 150C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current V 83 12.5 16 33 20 110 10 220 10 20 10 150 22 77 10 12.5 15 16 83 10 10 2G 10 12.5 110 100 400 10 12.5 10 950 266 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UKL Low Leakage Current Standard low leakage current series. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UVR 182 UKL Low Leakage Current Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C ( -40 to +105C product is also available upon request, but product rated at up to 50V less than or equal to 10 12.5 Lmm) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 1.5 to 10000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% (M), 10% (K) at 120Hz 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's (for case size 10 12.5 or smaller) or 2 minutes' (for case size 10 leakage current is not more than 0.002CV or 0.2 (A) whichever is greater. Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan Rated voltage (V) Less than 10 12.5 (MAX.) 10 16 or more 6.3 0.18 0.21 10 0.15 0.17 35 0.08 0.12 25 0.08 0.12 16 0.12 0.14 16 or larger) application of rated voltage at 20C, 50 0.08 0.10 63 0.07 0.08 100 0.07 0.08 120Hz, 20C 50 1.5 2 (3) 63 1.5 2 (3) 100 1.5 2 (3) 120Hz For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio Z- 25C / Z+20C ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C stability at Low Temperature 6.3 3 (4) 5 (8) 10 2 (3) 4 (6) 25 1.5 2 (4) 16 2 3 (4) 35 1.5 2 (3) Values in ( ) applicable to 10 16 or larger case size. Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C, or 1000 hours at 105C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Capacitance change Within 15% of the initial capacitance value (6.3V : Within 20%) 150% or less than the initial specified value tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 47F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 d P0.5 P0.5 Pressure relief vent (6.3up ) L+ L+ MAX. MAX. 15 MIN 15 MIN 4 MIN 4 MIN 1 Configuration (mm) D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 D8 D8 P 1.0 2.0 D 2.5 5 3.5 6.35.0 8 5.0 107.5 12.57.5 16 (10 x 12.5 or smaller) d 1.5 0.5 P 0.5 2.00.6 2.50.6 3.5 0.6 5.00.8 5.0 0.8 7.5 (10 x 16 or or greater) 7.5 0.5 0.8 d 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 (mm) 18 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Pb-free leadwire 1 Configuration D Pb-free PET sleeve 5 D 6.3 5 8 * 10 6.3 12.5 to 18 8 * 10 12.5 to 18 2 Configuration 1 2 Capacitance tolerance (M : 20%, K : 10%)1 Configuration Capacitance tolerance Rated capacitance (47F) (M : 20%, K : 10%) Rated voltage Rated capacitance (10V) (47F) Series name Rated voltage (10V) Type Series name 2 In case 105C unit is required Type Pressure relief vent (6.3up ) 11 12 13 14 U1 K2 L3 14 A5 46 77 08 M9 D10 D11 A12 N13 A14 UK L 1 A 4 7 0 M DD A N A D+0.5MAX. D+0.5MAX. 1 2 In case 105C unit is required Pb-free DD leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve ED DD PD ED HD PD HD Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 1.5 to 68 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.57 2.00 100 to 680 0.80 1.00 1.23 1.34 1.50 1000 to 10000 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 Cap.(F) Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 267 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UKL Dimensions 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 100 150 220 330 470 680 1000 1500 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 Code 4R7 6R8 100 150 220 330 470 680 101 151 221 331 471 681 102 152 222 332 472 682 103 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 18 V Cap.(F) 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 100 150 220 330 470 680 1000 1500 2200 Code 1R5 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 100 150 220 330 470 680 101 151 221 331 471 681 102 152 222 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 12.5 16 20 25 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 10 1A 390 480 650 910 1060 1270 1500 1760 1900 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 35.5 16 1C 110 150 180 250 310 400 530 600 810 1020 1200 1420 1650 1890 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 25 35.5 35.5 35 50 63 1V 1H 1J 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 25 35.5 35.5 85 110 140 190 230 300 400 440 550 680 840 1100 1390 1580 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 20 25 25 31.5 40 16 23 40 45 55 70 95 110 165 190 250 320 420 490 600 760 910 1140 1480 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 25 1E 55 70 85 100 140 160 230 280 370 420 550 730 910 1150 1300 1550 1820 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 16 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 45 55 70 85 100 140 170 230 280 370 400 490 660 810 1010 1270 1440 1720 100 59 75 100 115 170 200 270 330 450 550 710 850 1050 1330 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 2A 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 Case size D L (mm) 23 28 45 50 65 90 110 136 180 220 290 370 470 580 730 910 Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Rated ripple current (mArms) of 105C product : 70 percent value of rated ripple of 85C product at 105C 120Hz 268 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UAQ Wide Temperature Range, Permissible Abnormal Voltage Improved safety feature for abnormally excessive voltage. High ripple current product. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UAQ Smaller UAS Specifications Item Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Performance Characteristics -40 to +105C 200 * 400V 10 to 220F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is 0.04CV+100 (A) or less. 200 0.15 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 400 0.15 Measurement frequency:120Hz at 20C Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 200 3 6 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 400 8 10 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the Within 20% of the initial capacitance value Capacitance change capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated 200% or less than the initial specified value tan ripple current is applied for 2000 hours at 105C, the peak Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Endurance Shelf Life The pressure relief vent will operate in normal conditions, with no dangerous conditons such as flames, ignitions or dispersion of pieces of the capacitor and / or case. Test conditions voltage (V) Safety Performance Test Voltage 300VDC and 375VDC 500VDC and 600VDC Limited DC current 4A 2A 200 400 Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 200V 100F) Sleeve (P.E.T. ) d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U AQ 2 D 1 0 1 MHD P0.5 D+ MAX. Size code Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (100F) (mm) Pressure relief vent D 10 12.5 16 L+ MAX. 15MIN 18 Rated voltage (200V) 22 Series name 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 4MIN P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 Type 10 Configuration d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. (D 18) 2.0 (D >18) 3.0 Dimensions V(Code) Cap.(F) Code 010 100 022 220 033 330 047 470 056 560 068 680 082 820 100 101 150 151 180 181 220 221 D 10 12.5 10 20 120 10 25 160 0.10 31.5 195 12.5 20.0 160 12.5 20.0 195 12.5 25.0 210 12.5 25.0 250 12.5 31.5 285 12.5 35.5 335 200 (2D) 16 16 20 285 16 25 335 0.16 31.5 435 0.16 35.5 495 Frequency 50, 60Hz 0.80 120Hz 1.00 300Hz 1.25 1kHz 1.40 10kHz or more 1.60 10 PD 12.5 to 18 22 HD RD 400 (2G) 18 18 20 335 18 25 435 18 31.5 495 0.18 35.5 575 22 22 20 435 22 25 495 12.5 12.5 20.0 100 12.5 31.5 145 12.5 40.0 195 16 16 20 145 16 25 195 0.16 35.5 280 0.16 35.5 320 16 40 350 18 22 18 20 195 18 25 280 18 31.5 320 18 35.5 350 18 40 420 22 20 280 22 25 320 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz : In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : For further low profile product, 3 will be put at 12th digit. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Coefficient Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve D In case L>25 for 12.5 (D) case sizes, lead diameter 0.8 (d) will be applied. 269 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UAS Wide Temperature Range, Miniature Type Permissible Abnormal Voltage UAQ Improved safety feature for abnormally excessive voltage. High ripple current product. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Smaller UAS Specifications Performance Characteristics -40 to +105C 200V, 400V 4.7 to 330F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is 0.04CV+100 (A) or less. Item Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current 200 0.15 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 400 0.15 Measurement frequency:120Hz at 20C 200 3 6 Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 400 8 10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied for 2000 hours at 105C, the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. Shelf Life After leaving capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current The pressure relief vent will operate in normal conditions, with no dangerous conditons such as flames, ignitions or dispersion of pieces of the capacitor and / or case. Test conditions voltage (V) Safety Performance Test Voltage 300VDC and 375VDC 500VDC and 600VDC Limited DC current 4A (5A : 330F) 200 400 2A (4A : 100F or more) Printed with white color letter on dark brown sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 200V 220F) 1 d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U AS 2 D 2 2 1 MHD P 0.5 D+0.5 MAX. Size code Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (220F) L+ 2.0MAX. 15MIN 4MIN Rated voltage (200V) (mm) Pressure relief vent D 10 12.5 16 18 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Series name Type Configuration In case L>25 for 12.5 (D) case sizes, lead diameter 0.8 (d) will be applied. Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve D s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. 10 PD 12.5 to 18 HD Dimensions 200 (2D) V Cap.(F) 4.7 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 Code D 4R7 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 101 121 151 181 221 271 331 10 12.5 400 (2G) 16 18 10 9 Frequency 50, 60Hz 0.80 120Hz 1.00 12.5 10 20 160 10 25 195 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 20 20 25 25 31.5 195 210 320 360 430 300Hz 1.25 1kHz 1.40 16 165 200 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 430 16 25 16 31.5 460 600 18 18 18 18 18 20 25 31.5 35.5 40 460 600 710 890 910 18 60 12.5 20 12.5 25 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 225 255 290 340 385 435 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 255 280 320 360 430 490 540 Case size Rated D L (mm) ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz : In case of low profile type, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Coefficient 10 10kHz or more 1.60 270 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UKA For High Grade Audio Equipment, Wide Temperature Range. 105C high quality capacitors for audio equipment. Selected materials to create superior acoustic sound. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UKA High Grade UKT Specifications Item Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Performance Characteristics - 55 to +105C 6.3 to 50V 22 to 22000 F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A), whichever is greater. After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Rated voltage (V) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.30 10 0.26 16 0.22 25 0.18 35 0.16 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20 C 50 0.14 For capacitors with more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature tan 6.3 5 10 Z-25C / Z+20C Z-40C / Z+20C (MAX.) 10 4 8 16 3 6 25 2 4 35 2 3 50 2 3 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 105C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with black color letter on pearl blue sleeve. Capacitance Change tan Leakage current Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 16V 1000F) d Sleeve (P.E.T.) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 D+ Rated capacitance (1000F) L+ Pressure relief vent (6.3up) Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) P 0.5 MAX. UK A 1 C 1 0 2 M PD 15MIN MAX. Rated voltage (16V) 4MIN Series name (mm) 5 2.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 D P d 6.3 2.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 8 3.5 0.6 0.5 1.5 10 5.0 0.6 0.5 1.5 12.5(25L or smaller) 12.5(31.5L or greater) 5.0 5.0 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 16 7.5 0.8 0.5 1.5 18 7.5 0.8 0.5 1.5 Type D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 6.3 8 *10 12.5 to 18 DD ED PD HD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Dimensions Cap (F) 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 15000 22000 V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 Code 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 222 332 472 682 103 153 223 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 20 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 16 x 35.5 18 x 40 45 55 65 95 160 195 270 420 710 910 1120 1360 1650 2010 2350 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 16 x 35.5 18 x 40 45 58 68 105 175 240 280 500 810 1050 1300 1570 1890 2400 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 31.5 18 x 35.5 54 65 79 115 190 265 315 560 920 1270 1480 1780 2060 Frequency 22 to 47 100 to 470 1000 to 22000 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 58 68 83 140 240 290 380 680 1200 1400 1710 2040 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 40 16 x 35.5 18 x 35.5 61 75 93 150 260 350 460 860 1260 1610 1910 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 35.5 18 x 35.5 68 90 115 190 300 410 530 1040 1470 1770 Case size D x L(mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Cap.(F) 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 31.5 18 x 35.5 10kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 271 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UKZ Premium Grade Type, For Audio Equipment Premium grade "nichicon MUSE" acoustic series. Ideally suited for first class audio equipment where qualitative and quantitative comfortableness is required. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UKZ High Grade UFG Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 25 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 10 to 1000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is 0.01CV or less. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 25 0.12 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 50 0.08 100 0.07 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 25 2 4 Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 25C / Z+20C Z- 40C / Z+20C 50 2 3 100 2 3 The specifications listed at right shall be met Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial capacitance value when the capacitors are restored to 20C after 150% or less than the initial specified value tan the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage Current 85C. After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with gold color letter on black sleeve. Endurance Shelf Life Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 100F) (P.E.T.) SleeveSleeve (P.E.T.) 0.8 tinned 0.8 tinned coppercopper wire wire 1 10 2 1 3 2 43 5 4 65 7 6 8 7 98 109 11 11 Pressure Pressure relief vent relief vent Configuration Configuration P 0.5 P 0.5 D+0.5MAX. D+0.5MAX. U KU ZK 1Z E1 1E 01 10 M1 PMMP M Capacitance tolerance Capacitance tolerance (20%) (20%) DCodeCode D 8 * 10 8 * 10PM PM capacitance (100F) RatedRated capacitance (100F) 18 HM 12.5 to12.5 18 to HM L+1.5MAX. L+1.5MAX. 15MIN 15 MIN voltage RatedRated voltage (25V)(25V) MIN 4MIN 4 SeriesSeries namename (mm) (mm) D P Type Type D8 810 10 12.5 12.5 16 1618 18 P3.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Dimensions Cap.(F) 10 22 33 47 1000 2200 3300 4700 100000 25 1E V Code 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 25 35.5 50 1H 8 10 10 12.5 16 16 16 18 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 31.5 35.5 40 D L (mm) 100 2A 8 11.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 272 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UFG High Grade Standard Type, For Audio Equipment "Fine Gold" MUSE acoustic series suited for high grade audio equipment, using state of the art etching techniques. Rich sound in the bass register and clearer high end, most suited for AV equipment like DVD. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UKZ UFG High Grade UFW High Grade Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current -40 to +85C 6.3 to 100V 1 to 10000F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A) , whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 For capacitance of more than 1000F add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 Z- 25C / Z+20C 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z- 40C / Z+20C 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 85C. Endurance Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial measurement for units of not more than 16V or 6.3 Within 15% of the initial measurement for units of not less than 25V or above 6.3 tan 150% or less than the initial specified value Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with black color letter on gold sleeve. Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 47F) 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U F G 1 A 4 7 0 M DM d P 0.5 D+0.5 MAX. Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) D Rated capacitance (47F) 5 6.3 Rated voltage (10V) Pressure relief vent ( 6.3up) Series name L+ MAX. 15MIN Code DM EM 8 * 10 PM 12.5 to 18 HM Type 4MIN (mm) D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 273 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UFG Dimensions V Code Cap.(F) 6.3 0J 10 1A 16 1C 25 1E 35 1V 50 1H 1 010 05 11 2.2 2R2 05 11 18 3.3 3R3 05 11 22 4.7 4R7 05 11 27 10 100 05 11 39 22 220 65 33 330 47 470 100 101 220 221 330 331 470 471 0.10 12.5 1000 102 10 20 2200 222 12.5 250. 3300 332 16 25 4700 472 0.16 31.5 6800 682 0.18 35.5 10000 103 18 40 2100 50 6.3 11. 60 6.3 11. 05 11 57 6.3 11. 70 6.3 11. 75 0.08 11.5 93 60 6.3 11. 74 6.3 11. 85 00.8 11.5 101 0.08 11.5 111 6.3 11. 99 00.8 11.5 128 0.08 11.5 140 0.10 12.5 176 10 16 215 0.08 11.5 170 0.10 12.5 226 10 16 260 10 20 320 12.5 200. 390 0.10 12.5 247 10 16 309 10 20 351 12.5 200. 446 12.5 200. 488 270 10 16 330 10 20 406 12.5 20.0 476 12.5 250. 590 16 25 650 485 12.5 200. 601 12.5 250. 723 16 25 854 16 25 1060 0.16 31.5 1143 867 16 25 1047 16 25 1290 0.16 35.5 1570 0.18 35.5 1840 1135 0.16 31.5 1520 0.16 35.5 1720 18 40 1794 1431 0.16 35.5 1840 0.18 35.5 2140 1810 18 40 2049 05 11 63 1J V Code Cap.(F) 05 11 9.0 80 1K 100 2A 1 010 05 11 15 2.2 2R2 05 11 22 3.3 3R3 05 11 27 4.7 4R7 05 11 36 10 100 6.3 11. 50 6.3 11. 055 0.08 11.5 65 22 220 0.08 11.5 85 11.8 11.5 100 0.10 12.5 110 33 330 0.08 11.5 105 0.10 12.5 130 10 16 150 47 470 0.10 12.5 140 10 16 170 10 20 190 100 101 10 20 255 12.5 20.0 270 12.5 200 300 220 221 12.5 200. 420 12.5 25.0 490 16 25 549 330 331 12.5 250. 541 .016 31.5 650 0.16 31.5 734 470 471 16 25 840 .016 35.5 920 0.18 35.5 980 1000 102 0.18 35.5 1400 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 1 to 47 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.57 2.00 100 to 470 0.80 1.00 1.23 1.34 1.50 1000 to 10000 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 Cap.(F) 274 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UKT For General Audio Equipment, Wide Temperature Range. UKA High Sound Quality 105C standard for audio equipment. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UKT High Sound Quality UVZ Specifications Performance Characteristics Item -55 to +105C 6.3 to 50V 2.2 to 33000F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 4 (A) , whichever is greater. After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A) , whichever is greater. Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.30 10 0.26 16 0.22 25 0.18 35 0.16 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 50 0.14 For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F Z- 40C / Z+20C The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Endurance 25 2 4 16 3 6 10 4 8 6.3 5 10 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Stability at Low Temperature Capacitance change tan Leakage current 35 2 3 50 2 3 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C tor 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with black color letter on pearl blue sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 16V 1000F) 11 22 33 dd Sleeve Sleeve(P.E.T.) (P.E.T.) 44 55 66 77 88 99 10 10 11 11 D++ D L+ L+ Pressure Pressure relief reliefvent vent (6.3up) (6.3up) MIN 15 15MIN MAX. MAX. Rated Ratedcapacitance capacitance(1000F) (1000F) Rated Ratedvoltage voltage(16V) (16V) Series Seriesname name MIN 44MIN Type Type (mm) (mm) D D PP d d 55 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 6.3 6.3 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 88 3.5 3.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 15000 22000 33000 12.5(25L 12.5(25Lororsmaller) smaller) 12.5(31.5L 12.5(31.5Lororgreater) greater) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 16 16 7.5 7.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 18 18 20 20 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 222 332 472 682 103 153 223 333 10 1A 6.3 0J V code Cap.(F) 10 10 5.0 5.0 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 22 22 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 Configuration Configuration 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 20 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 16x 35.5 18x 40 22x 50 45 55 65 95 160 195 270 420 710 910 1120 1360 1650 2010 2350 2800 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 35.5 12.5 x 40 16 x 35.5 18 x 40 22 x 40 25 x 50 16 1C 45 58 68 105 175 240 280 500 810 1050 1300 1570 1890 2400 2650 2880 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 31.5 18 x 35.5 20 x 40 22 x 50 Frequency 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 DD 55 6.3 6.3 88* *10 10 12.5 12.5toto18 18 20 to 20 to25 25 25 1E 35 54 65 79 115 190 265 315 560 920 1270 1480 1780 2060 2430 3000 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 12.5 x 35.5 16 x 31.5 18 x 35.5 20 x 40 22 x 50 Pb-free Pb-freeleadwire leadwire Pb-free Pb-freePET PETsleeve sleeve DD DD ED ED PD PD HD HD RD RD 35 1V 25 36 58 68 83 140 240 290 380 680 1200 1400 1710 2040 2150 2750 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 25 12.5 x 40 16 x 35.5 18 x 35.5 20 x 40 22 x 50 28 41 61 75 93 150 260 350 460 860 1260 1610 1910 2150 2650 50 1H 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 5 x 11 6.3 x 11 8 x 11.5 10 x 12.5 10 x 16 12.5 x 20 12.5 x 31.5 16 x 35.5 18 x 35.5 20 x 40 22 x 50 20 25 30 46 68 90 115 190 300 410 530 1040 1470 1770 2100 2500 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current 2.2 to 47 100 to 470 1000 to 33000 25 25 12.5 12.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Dimensions Cap.(F) Configuration Configuration Capacitance Capacitancetolerance tolerance(20%) (20%) 0.5 PP0.5 MAX. MAX. UU KK TT 11 CC 11 00 22 M M PP DD 10kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 275 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UKW Standard, For Audio Equipment Realization of a harmonious balance of sound quality, made possible by the development of new electrolyte. Most suited for AV equipment like DVD. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UKW High Sound Quality UFW Specifications Item Performance Characteristics -40 to +85C 6.3 to 100V 2.2 to 33000F 20% at 120Hz, 20C Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03 CV or 4 (A) , whichever is greater. After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01 CV or 3 (A) , whichever is greater. Leakage Current Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.28 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.16 35 0.14 50 0.12 63 0.10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 100 0.08 For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Measurement frequency : 120Hz 6.3 5 12 Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C Sleeve (P.E.T.) 10 4 10 16 3 8 d 25 2 5 35 2 4 50 2 3 63 2 3 100 2 3 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Shelf Life After sroring the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with gold color letter on black sleeve. Sleeve (P.E.T.) Type numbering system (Example : 10V 1000F) L+ 15MIN MAX. D+ D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 L+ 15MIN MAX. 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 15000 22000 33000 4 5 6 6.3 8 3.5 0.6 0.5 10 5.0 0.6 0.5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 22 Frequency 2.2 to 47 100 to 470 1000 to 33000 8 9 10 11 18 7.5 0.8 0.5 20 10 1.0 0.5 Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (1000F) Rated voltage (10V) Series name Type 12.5 16 0J 5.0 7.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.5 18 7.5 0.8 0.5 20 10 1.0 0.5 22 10 1.0 1.0 (mm) 10 25 1A 12.5 1.0 1.0 16 1C 25 1E 35 1V 4R7< 20) 1.5 (D (D 100 20) 2.0 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 222 332 472 682 103 153 223 333 7 (mm) 22 25 10 12.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11 11 11.5 20 20 20 25 25 35.5 40 50 265 310 530 980 1170 1350 1600 2000 2550 3200 3900 5 6.3 6.3 6.3 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 20 22 11 11 11 11 12.5 20 20 25 25 35.5 35.5 40 50 145 5 11 230 6.3 11 8 11.5 270 8 11.5 330 10 16 630 1050 12.5 20 1420 12.5 25 16 25 1800 16 35.5 2150 18 35.5 2500 20 40 2720 22 50 3700 25 50 4500 155 250 360 420 770 1250 1700 2100 2500 2640 3400 4200 4800 5 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 18 20 22 25 11 11 11.5 12.5 12.5 20 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 50 50 D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 6.3 8 *10 12.5 to 18 20 to 25 DD ED PD HD RD 50Hz 0.75 0.80 0.85 120Hz 1.00 1.00 1.00 300Hz 1.35 1.23 1.10 1kHz 1.57 1.34 1.13 5 11 115 5 11 185 6.3 11 10 12.5 320 10 12.5 420 10 16 530 950 12.5 20 16 25 1550 16 35.5 1950 18 35.5 2360 20 40 2590 22 50 3000 25 50 3800 4500 105 120 200 370 470 630 1100 1800 2220 2490 3000 3700 4300 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 18 20 22 25 50 1H 63 1J 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 35.5 35.5 40 50 50 23 35 40 5 11 65 5 11 95 120 6.3 11 150 6.3 11 10 12.5 250 10 16 410 10 20 570 760 12.5 20 16 25 1300 18 35.5 2090 20 40 2360 22 50 2900 25 50 3500 4000 100 2A 70 100 140 165 300 470 650 880 1300 2200 2700 3400 3500 5 5 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 18 22 25 11 11 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 20 25 25 25 40 50 50 30 40 45 75 120 160 210 350 600 750 1000 1370 2400 2900 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Cap.(F) 3 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. V D 5 Code 6.3 P 2.0 2.5 2.2 d 0.5 2R2 0.5 0.5 3.3 0.5 3R3 2 U KW 1 A 1 0 2 M PD (D < 20) 1.5 (D 20) 2.0 4MIN Dimensions Cap. (F) 16 7.5 0.8 0.5 1 4MIN MAX. d P 0.5 Pressure relief vent (6.3up) Radial Lead Type Pressure relief vent (6.3up) Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value D+ MAX. P 0.5 Capacitance change tan Leakage current Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz 10kHz or more 2.00 1.50 1.15 276 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UFW Standard, For Audio Equipment Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UKW High Sound Quality UFG High Grade UFW Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance -40 to +85C 6.3 to 100V 2.2 to 33000F 20% at 120Hz, 20C After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03 CV or 4 (A) , whichever is greater. After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01 CV or 3 (A) , whichever is greater. Leakage Current Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.28 10 0.24 16 0.20 25 0.16 35 0.14 50 0.12 63 0.10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 100 0.08 For capacitance of more than 1000F, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000F. Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Z- 25C / Z+20C Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z+20C 6.3 5 12 10 4 10 16 3 8 25 2 5 35 2 4 50 2 3 63 2 3 100 2 3 Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 2000 hours at 85C. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with black color letter on Gold sleeve. Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 1000F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) d d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P P0.50.5 + MAX. DMAX. D+ U FW 1 A 1 0 2 M PD Pressure relief vent Pressure (relief 6.3up) vent ( 6.3up) Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (1000F) L+ L+ D D P P d d 15MIN 15MIN MAX. MAX. 5 5 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6.3 6.3 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 8 8 3.5 3.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 10 10 5.0 5.0 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 Rated voltage (10V) 4MIN 4MIN 12.5 12.5 5.0 5.0 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 16 16 7.5 7.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 Series name 18 18 7.5 7.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 20 20 10 10 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 22 22 10 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Type (mm) (mm) 25 Configuration 25 12.5 12.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (D < 20) 1.5 (D < 20) 20) 2.0 1.5 (D (D 20) 2.0 D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 DD 6.3 8 *10 12.5 to 18 ED PD HD 20 to 25 RD s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 277 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UFW Dimensions Cap.(F) V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 Code 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 1J 2.2 2R2 5 11 3.3 3R3 5 11 4.7 4R7 10 100 22 220 33 330 47 470 100 101 220 221 330 331 6.3 11 265 6.3 11 5 11 145 5 11 155 6.3 11 230 6.3 11 6.3 11 270 310 6.3 11 330 530 10 12.5 630 980 2A 23 5 11 30 35 5 11 40 5 11 40 5 11 45 5 11 65 5 11 70 6.3 11 75 6.3 11 120 5 11 95 5 11 100 5 11 105 5 11 120 6.3 11 140 8 11.5 160 6.3 11 5 11 115 5 11 120 150 6.3 11 165 10 12.5 210 6.3 11 185 6.3 11 200 8 11.5 250 10 12.5 300 10 20 350 250 8 11.5 320 10 12.5 370 10 12.5 410 10 16 470 12.5 25 600 8 11.5 360 10 12.5 420 10 12.5 470 10 16 570 10 20 650 12.5 25 750 8 11.5 420 10 12.5 530 10 16 630 12.5 20 770 10 20 950 12.5 20 1100 12.5 25 470 471 1000 102 2200 222 10 20 10 20 1050 12.5 20 1250 12.5 25 1550 16 25 1800 3300 332 10 20 1170 12.5 20 1420 12.5 25 1700 16 25 1950 16 35.5 2220 4700 472 12.5 20 1350 12.5 25 1800 16 25 2100 16 31.5 2360 6800 682 12.5 25 1600 16 25 2150 16 35.5 2500 10000 103 16 25 2000 16 35.5 2500 18 35.5 2640 15000 153 16 35.5 2550 18 35.5 2720 20 40 22000 223 18 40 3200 20 40 3700 22 50 33000 333 22 50 3900 22 50 4500 25 50 4800 8 11.5 100 10 16 880 16 25 1000 1300 18 40 1370 16 35.5 2090 18 35.5 2200 22 50 2400 18 35.5 2360 20 40 2700 25 50 2900 18 35.5 2490 20 40 2900 22 50 3400 18 35.5 2590 20 40 3000 22 50 3500 25 50 3500 20 40 3000 22 50 3700 25 50 4000 3400 22 50 3800 25 50 4300 4200 25 50 4500 760 12.5 20 1300 16 25 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 2.2 to 47 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.57 2.00 100 to 470 0.80 1.00 1.23 1.34 1.50 1000 to 33000 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.13 1.15 Cap.(F) 278 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS USW 7mmL, For Audio Equipment Acoustic series, with 7mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). USW Smaller UMW Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 220F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A) , whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 6.3 0.24 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz 6.3 4 8 Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio Z- 25C / Z + 20C Stability at Low Temperature ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 40C / Z + 20C 10 3 6 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 85C. Endurance 16 2 4 25 2 4 35 2 3 50 2 3 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Capacitance change tan Leakage current After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with black color letter on gold sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Type numbering system (Example : 10V 33F) Radial Lead Type 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U SW 1 A 3 3 0 M DD d P 0.5 D+0.5 MAX. Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (33F) Rated voltage (10V) L+1MAX. 15MIN Series name 4MIN (mm) D 4 5 6.3 P 1.5 2.0 2.5 d 0.45 0.45 0.45 Type Configuration D Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 4 to 6.3 DD Dimensions 6.3 0J V Cap.(F) 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 Code 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 4 4 4 5 6.3 7 7 7 7 7 10 1A 34 40 48 78 120 4 7 4 7 5 7 6.3 7 16 1C 35 43 59 87 4 4 5 5 6.3 7 7 7 7 7 25 1E 28 39 55 65 98 4 5 5 6.3 7 7 7 7 35 1V 28 48 58 71 4 4 5 6.3 7 7 7 7 24 31 52 65 4 4 4 4 5 6.3 50 1H 7 7 7 7 7 7 Case size D L (mm) 10 19 24 28 38 58 Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more Coefficient 0.70 1.00 1.17 1.36 1.50 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 279 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UMW 5mmL, For General Audio Equipment Acoustic series, with 5mm height. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). USW Smaller UMW Specifications Performance Characteristics Item Category Temperature Range -40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 4 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 470F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A) , whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C 4 0.35 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.24 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.14 35 0.12 50 0.10 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 25C / Z+20C Z- 40C / Z+20C The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 85C. Endurance Capacitance change tan Leakage current 35 2 3 50 2 3 Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Printed with black color letter on gold sleeve. Shelf Life Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 25V 10F) 1 d Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U 1M W 1 E 1 0 0 MDD U MW 1 E 1 0 0 M D D d P 0.5 P 0.5 D+0.5 MAX. D+0.5 MAX. Sleeve (P.E.T.) L+1MAX. L+1MAX. 15MIN Configuration 4MIN D 4 5 6.3 8 (mm) P D 1.5 4 2.0 5 2.56.3 2.5 8 d P 0.451.50.452.00.452.5 0.452.5 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Configuration Pb-free leadwire Configuration D 4 to 8 D 4 to 8 Dimensions 4 0G V code 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 4 4 5 6.3 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 0J 28 33 56 96 145 185 4 5 5 6.3 8 8 10 1A 28 37 45 70 110 170 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6.3 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 Pb-free PET sleeve Pb-free leadwire Pb-freeDD PET sleeve DD 16 1C 33 41 52 80 135 4 5 6.3 6.3 8 5 5 5 5 5 25 1E 23 37 49 58 92 4 5 6.3 6.3 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 35 1V 16 27 42 52 70 110 4 4 5 6.3 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 18 29 46 62 80 4 4 4 5 6.3 8 8 50 1H 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8.4 13 17 20 33 52 71 Case size D L Rated (mm) ripple Rated ripple current(mArms) at 85C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) Capacitance tolerance (20%) Rated capacitance (10F) Rated capacitance (10F) Rated voltage (25V) Rated voltage (25V) Series name Series name Type Type (mm) 4MIN 15MIN d Cap.(F) 25 2 4 16 2 4 10 3 6 6.3 4 8 4 7 15 Rated voltage (V) 10 kHz or more 1.50 280 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UUQ Chip Type, For Audio Equipment Wide Temperature Range Chip type acoustic series within the wide temperature range. Applicable to automatic mounting machine fed with carrier tape. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU) AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. UUQ UMW Chip type Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 1000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% (120Hz, 20C) Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03 CV or 4 (A) , whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 6.3 0.30 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 10 0.26 16 0.22 25 0.16 35 0.13 50 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 25C / Z+20C Z- 40C / Z+20C 10 3 5 6.3 4 8 The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 105C. Endurance 50 2 3 35 2 3 25 2 3 16 2 4 Capacitance change tan Leakage current Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 200% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. The capacitors are kept on a hot plate for 30 seconds, Capacitance change Within 10% of the initial capacitance value which is maintained at 250C. The capacitors shall meet tan Less than or equal to the initial specified value the characteristic requirements listed at right when they Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current are removed from the plate and restored to 20C. Shelf Life Resistance to soldering heat Black print on the case top. Marking Chip Type Type numbering system (Example : 6.3V 100F) ( 4 to 6.3) Voltage (j:6.3V) 1 Positive Plastic platform C0.2 B0.2 D0.5 A2 100 j UQ 0.3MAX. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Taping code Size code GB GS Rated capacitance (100F ) Rated voltage (6.3V ) Negative Capacitance code D Configuration 4 to 6.3 810 Capacitance tolerance ( 20%) H L 0.1 0.2 13 14 UUQ 0 J 1 0 1 MC L 1 GB 0.5MAX. Series A0.2 E A0.2 Lot No. Series name Type Plastic platform 0.3MAX. Positive 0.3MAX. B0.2 L0.5 Lot No. C0.2 Capacitance 4 x 5.4 1.8 4.3 4.3 1.0 5.4 0.5 to 0.8 A B C E L H 5 x 5.4 2.1 5.3 5.3 1.3 5.4 0.5 to 0.8 6.3 x 5.4 2.4 6.6 6.6 2.2 5.4 0.5 to 0.8 8 x 6.2 3.3 8.3 8.3 2.3 6.2 0.5 to 0.8 8 x 10 2.9 8.3 8.3 3.1 10 0.8 to 1.1 10 x 10 3.2 10.3 10.3 4.5 10 0.8 to 1.1 Voltage V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 Code j A C E V H A0.2 E A0.2 Series A2 100V UQ Trade mark Plastic platform 0.5MAX. 10L, 10) D0.5 ( 8 Negative Capacitance Voltage (V : 35V ) (mm) DxL H L0.3 Lot No. C0.2 B0.2 A2 100A UQ Trade mark A0.2 E A0.2 Series 0.5MAX. 6.2L) Voltage (A : 10V ) D0.5 ( 8 Positive H Negative Dimension table in next page. 281 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UUQ Dimensions 6.3 0J 1 010 50 1H 4 5.4 2.2 2R2 4 5.4 11 3.3 3R3 4.7 4R7 V Cap.(F) Code 10 1A 16 1C 25 1E 35 1V 6.2 4 5.4 14 4 5.4 13 4 5.4 15 5 5.4 19 30 4 5.4 22 4 5.4 18 5 5.4 23 5 5.4 25 6.3 5.4 22 5 5.4 27 5 5.4 30 6.3 5.4 38 6.3 5.4 42 8 6.2 51 5 5.4 30 5 5.4 35 6.3 5.4 40 6.3 5.4 48 8 6.2 59 8 10 140 6.3 5.4 10 100 22 220 4 5.4 33 330 47 470 5 5.4 36 6.3 5.4 46 50 8 6.2 66 8 10 155 8 10 180 100 101 6.3 5.4 60 6.3 5.4 60 (90) 8 6.2 102 (210) 8 10 155 10 10 300 10 10 220 220 221 8 6.2 102 (210) 8 6.2 102 (210) 8 10 210 (310) 10 10 300 10 10 300 330 331 8 6.2 102 (210) 8 10 210 (310) 8 10 210 (310) 470 471 8 10 210 (310) 8 10 210 (310) 8 10 210 (310) 1000 102 10 10 310 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Size 8 6.2L is available for capacitors marked " ". Size 8 10L is available for capacitors marked " ". Size 10 10L is available for capacitors marked " ". In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 10 kHz or more 1.50 Taping specifications are given in page 23. Recommended land size, soldering by reflow are given in page 18, 19. Please refer to page 3 for the minimum order quantity. 282 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCQ Chip Type, For Audio Equipment Wide Temperature Range Chip type acoustic series within the wide temperature range. Applicable to automatic mounting machine fed with carrier tape. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU) AEC-Q200 compliant. Please contact us for details. Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range -55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range 10 to 35V Rated Capacitance Range 4.7 to 680F Capacitance Tolerance 20% (120Hz, 20C) After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Leakage Current Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) 10 0.26 Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 16 0.22 25 0.16 35 0.13 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Rated voltage (V) Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 25C / Z+20C Z- 40C / Z+20C The specifications listed at right shall be met when Capacitance change Within 30% of the initial capacitance value the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated tan 300% or less than the initial specified value voltage is applied for 2000 hours (1000 hours for Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current 4.5L ) at 105C. After storing the capacitors under no load at 105C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. The capacitors are kept on a hot plate for 30 seconds, Capacitance change Within 10% of the initial capacitance value which is maintained at 250C. The capacitors shall meet Less than or equal to the initial specified value tan the characteristic requirements listed at right when they Less than or equal to the initial specified value Leakage current are removed from the plate and restored to 20C. Endurance Shelf Life Resistance to soldering heat Black print on the case top. Marking Chip Type 4.5L, 5 Type numbering system (Example : 35V 4.7F) 4.5L, 6.3 4.5L) 1 Positive Lot No. Plastic platform Series L Capacitance C0.2 B0.2 D0.5 A2 4.7V CQ 0.3MAX. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 Taping code Size code Configuration Capacitance tolerance (20%) D code 4.5L GB 6.3x5.8L /7.7L GS 810 GS Rated capacitance (4.7F ) H 0.1 0.2 10 11 12 UCQ 1 V 4 R 7 MC L 1 GB 0.5MAX. Voltage (V : 35V ) A0.3 E A0.3 ( 4 35 2 3 25 2 3 16 2 4 10 3 5 Rated voltage (35V ) Negative Series name 5.8L, 6.3 7.7L) Type Plastic platform 10L, 10 Lot No. Plastic platform Series A2 680A CQ Trade mark Positive 10L) Capacitance 0.3MAX. C0.2 B0.2 Voltage (A : 10V ) Negative D0.5 ( 8 (mm) DxL H L0.3 Capacitance C0.2 B0.2 D0.5 A2 100A CQ 0.3MAX. A0.2 E A0.2 Series L0.5 Dimension table in next page. A B C E L H 5 x 4.5 6.3 x 4.5 6.3 x 5.8 6.3 x 7.7 8 x 10 10 x 10 4 x 4.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.9 3.2 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.3 10.3 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.3 10.3 1.0 1.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.1 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.8 7.7 10 10 0.5 to 0.8 0.5 to 0.8 0.5 to 0.8 0.5 to 0.8 0.5 to 0.8 0.8 to 1.1 0.8 to 1.1 Rated voltage 0.5MAX. Lot No. 0.5MAX. Positive Voltage (A : 10V ) V 10 16 25 35 Code A C E V A0.2 E A0.2 ( 6.3 H Negative 283 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UCQ Dimensions 10 1A V Cap.(F) 4.7 Code 16 1C 15 35 1V 4 4.5 4 4.5 15 5 4.5 30 5 4.5 30 5 4.5 30 6.3 4.5 40 6.3 4.5 40 30 6.3 4.5 40 6.3 4.5 40 6.3 5.8 100 4R7 10 100 22 220 5 4.5 33 330 5 4.5 25 1E 4 4.5 15 30 47 470 6.3 4.5 40 6.3 4.5 40 6.3 5.8 100 6.3 7.7 120 100 101 6.3 5.8 100 6.3 5.8 100 6.3 7.7 120 8 10 250 220 221 6.3 7.7 120 8 10 250 8 10 250 10 10 400 330 331 8 10 250 8 10 250 10 10 400 10 10 400 470 471 8 10 250 10 10 400 10 10 400 680 681 10 10 400 Case size D L (mm) Rated ripple Rated ripple current (mArms) at 105C 120Hz Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency Coefficient 50 Hz 0.70 120 Hz 1.00 300 Hz 1.17 1 kHz 1.36 10 kHz or more 1.50 Taping specifications are given in page 23. Recommended land size, soldering by reflow are given in page 18, 19. Please refer to page 3 for the minimum order quantity. 284 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UES Bi-Polarized, For Audio Equipment Bi-polarized "nichicon MUSE" acoustic series. Suited for audio signal circuits. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). UES UFW Bi-polarized Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range - 40 to +85C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 50V Rated Capacitance Range 1 to 1000F Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20C Leakage Current After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20C, leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 3 (A), whichever is greater. Measurement frequency : 120Hz at 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan ) Rated voltage (V) tan (MAX.) 6.3 0.24 10 0.20 16 0.16 25 0.16 35 0.14 50 0.12 Measurement frequency : 120Hz Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) Z- 25C / Z+20C Z- 40C / Z+20C 50 2 4 35 2 4 25 2 4 16 2 4 10 3 6 6.3 4 8 Rated voltage (V) Endurance The specifications listed at right shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20C after the rated voltage is applied for 1000 hours at 85C with the polarity inverted every 250 hours. Shelf Life After storing the capacitors under no load at 85C for 1000 hours and then performing voltage treatment based on JIS C 5101-4 clause 4.1 at 20C, they shall meet the specified values for the endurance characteristics listed above. Marking Printed with black color letter on clear green sleeve. Capacitance change tan Leakage current Radial Lead Type Within 20% of the initial capacitance value 150% or less than the initial specified value Less than or equal to the initial specified value Type numbering system (Example : 10V 47F) Sleeve (P.E.T.) d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P 0.5 D+0.5 MAX. UE S 1 A 4 7 0 MEM Configuration Capacitance tolerance ( 20%) Rated capacitance (47F) (mm) Pressure relief vent (6.3up) D L+ MAX. 15MIN 4MIN 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 d 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Rated voltage (10V) Series name DM 6.3 EM 8 * 10 PM 12.5 * 16 HM Type Dimensions D L (mm) 6.3 0J V 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 Code 5 (D < 8) 1.0 (D 8) 1.5 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Cap.(F) D Code 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 101 221 331 471 102 5 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 20 25 10 1A 5 6.3 6.3 10 10 10 12.5 16 11 11 11 12.5 16 20 20 25 16 1C 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 20 20 25 25 25 1E 5 5 6.3 8 10 10 12.5 12.5 16 16 11 11 11 11.5 12.5 16 25 25 25 31.5 35 1V 5 6.3 8 10 10 10 12.5 16 16 11 11 11.5 12.5 12.5 20 25 25 25 50 1H 5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 285 CAT.8100H ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UDB Bi-Polarized, For Speaker Network Bi-polarized series. Designed specifically for crossover networks in Hi-Fi sound systems. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). A value marked with an in the dimension table is scheduled to be discontinued and is not recommended for new designs. Specifications Radial Lead Type Performance Characteristics -40 to +85C 50V (5 kHz) Allowable Continuous Current (8 - fc) 0.10 or less 0.15 or less Pressure relief vent Pressure relief vent L+ Dimensions Cap. . (F) 1 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 Code 010 1R5 2R2 3R3 4R7 6R8 100 150 220 330 470 680 L+ MAX. 15MIN 4MIN MAX. 15MIN 11.5 11.5 12.5 16 20 20 25 25 25 31.5 35.5 40 Allowable Continuous Current (8 - fc) Frequency (Hz) Rated ripple (mArms) 205 20k 245 13k 320 9k 400 6k 480 4.2k 540 2.9k 600 2k 660 1.3k 740 900 800 600 1020 420 1200 290 4MIN D 8 P 3.5 d 0.8 D 10 P 5.0 d 0.8 1 1 0.5 0.5 D L (mm) 1H (50V) 8 8 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 12.5 16 16 18 22 d d MAX. Value in table or less Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Marking MAX. Leakage Current (After 5 minutes' Leakage current is not more than 0.03CV or 3 application of rated voltage at 20C) (A), whichever is greater. Tangent of loss angle (tan ) (1 kHz) Sleeve (P.E.T.) Sleeve (P.E.T.) 20% at 1kHz D+ Rated Capacitance Tolerance P 0.5 Rated Voltage Range P 0.5 Category Temperature Range D+ Item 8 12.5 3.5 5.0 0.8 0.8 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 10 12.5 16 18 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 (mm) (mm) 16 22 7.5 10.0 0.8 1.0 1.5 2 0.5 1 18 22 7.5 10.0 0.8 1.0 1.5 2 0.5 1 s Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Type numbering system (Example : UDB 50V 10F) 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 7 9 10 8 11 9 10 11 UH DB HM 1 H 0M 0 M HM UDB 1 1 01 0 Capacitance tolerance Capacitance tolerance : DB:M(20%) D M(20%) Rated capacitance (10F) 8 * 10 Rated capacitance (10F) 12.5 to 18 Rated voltage (50V) Rated voltage (50V) Series name22 Series name Type Type Configuration Configuration D Code 8 * 10 PM 12.5 to 18 HM 22 RM Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. 286 CAT.8100H Code PM HM RM