Data Sheet 4 2000-03-09
The following versions are available:
1 AC/DC Transceiver: Tx is AC coupled. Differential 100 W load. Rx has standard PECL
output and is DC coupled.
2 AC/AC TTL Transceiver: Tx and Rx are AC coupled. Tx has differential 100 W load.
Signal Detect is TTL compatible.
3 DC/DC Transceiver: Standard PECL inputs and outputs Tx and Rx are DC coupled.
This version contains an Input Signal Monitor (ISM) which switches off the transceiver
if a continuous low level is applied at Data Input.
4 AC/AC PECL Transceiver: Tx and Rx are AC coupled. Tx has differential 100 W load.
Signal Detect is PECL compatible.
The transmitter contains a laser driver circuit that drives the modulation and bias current
of the laser diode. The currents are controlled by a power control circuit to guarantee
constant output power of the laser over temperature and aging.
The power control uses the output of the monitor PIN diode (mechanically built into the
laser coupling unit) as a controlling signal, to prevent the laser power from exceeding the
operating limits.
Single fault condition is ensured by means of an integrated automatic shutdown circuit
that disables the laser when it detects transmitter failures. A reset is only possible by
turning the power off, and then on again.
The transceiver contains a supervisory circuit to control the power supply. This circuit
generates an internal reset signal whenever the supply voltage drops below the reset
threshold. It keeps the reset signal active for at least 140 milliseconds after the voltage
has risen above the reset threshold. During this time the laser is inactive.
Regulatory Compliance
Feature Standard Comments
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
to the Electrical Pins
Method 3015.4
Class 1 (> 1000 V)
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
to the Duplex SC Receptacle
EN 61000-4-2
IEC 61000-4-2
Discharges of 15 kV with an air
discharge probe on the receptacle
cause no damage.
Radio Frequency
Electromagnetic Field
EN 61000-4-3
IEC 61000-4-3
With a field strength of 10 V/m rms,
noise frequency ranges
from 10 MHz to 1 GHz. No effect
on transceiver performance
between the specification limits.
Electromagnetic Interference
FCC Class B
EN 55022 Class B
Noise frequency range: 30 MHz to
6 GHz; Margins depend on PCB
layout and chassis design