82540EM — Networki ng Sili con
3.2.2 Arbitration Signals
Parity. The Parity signal is issued to implement even parity across AD[31:0] and C/
BE[#3:0]. PAR is stable and valid one clock after the address phase. During data
phases, PAR is stable and valid one clock after either IRDY# is asserted on a write
transaction or TRDY# is asserted aft er a read transaction. Once P AR is valid, it remains
valid until one clock after the completion of the current data phase.
When the 82540EM controller is a bus master, it drives PAR for address and write data
phases, and as a slave device, drives PAR for read data phases.
FRAME# STS C ycle Frame. The Fra me sig na l i s dr iven by the 82540EM device to indicate the
beginning and length of an access and indicate the beginning of a bus transaction.
While FRAME# is asserted, data transfers continue. FRAME# is de-asserted when the
transaction is in the final data phase.
Initiator Ready. Initiator Ready indicates the ability of the 82540EM controller (as bus
master device) to complete the current data phase of the transaction. IRDY# is used in
conjunction with the Target Ready signal (TRDY#). The data phase is completed on any
clock when both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted.
During the write cycle, IRDY# indicates that valid data is present on AD[31:0]. For a
read cycle, it indicates the master is ready to accept data. W ait cycles are inserted until
both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted together. The 82540EM controller drives IRDY#
when acting as a master and samples it when acting as a slave.
Target Ready. The Tar get Ready signal indicates the ability of the 82540EM controller
(as a selected device) to complete the current dat a phase of the transaction. TRDY# is
used in conjunction with the Initiator Ready signal (IRDY#). A data phase is completed
on any clock when both TRDY# and IRDY# are sampled asserted.
During a read cycle, TRDY# indicates that valid data is present on AD[31:0]. For a write
cycle, it indicates the target is ready to accept data. Wait cyc les are inserted until both
IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted together. The 82540EM device drives TRDY# when
acting as a slave and samples it when acting as a master.
Stop. The Stop signal indicates the current target is requesting the master to stop the
current transaction. As a slave, the 82540EM controller drives STOP# to request the
bus master to stop the transaction. As a master, the 82540EM controller receives
STOP# from the slave to stop the current transaction.
IDSEL# I Initia lization De v ice Select . The Initialization Device Select signal is used by the
82540EM as a chip select signal during configuration read and write transactions.
Device Select. When the Device Select signal is actively driven by the 82540EM, it
signals notifies the bus master that it has decoded its addres s as the target of the
current access. As an input, DEVSEL# indicates whether any device on the bus has
been selected.
VIO. T he VIO signal is a voltage reference for the PCI interface (3.3 V or 5 V PCI
signaling environment). It is used as the clamping voltage.
Note: An external resistor is required between the voltage reference and the VIO pin.
The target resistor value is 100 K Ω
Symbol Type Name and Function
REQ# TS Request Bus. The Request Bus signal is used to request control of the bus from the
arbiter. This signal is point-to-point.
GNT# I Grant Bus. The Grant Bus signal notifies the 82540EM that bus access has been
granted. This is a point-to-point signal.
LOCK# I Lock Bus. The Lock Bus signal is asserted by an initiator to require sole access to a
target memory device during two or more separate transfers. The 82540EM device
does not implement bus locking.
Symbol Type Name and Function