EEPROM Programming
6175 Nancy Ridge Drive, San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 455-0660, Fax (858) 455-0770
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
Table of Contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..... 5
Applications Support…………………………………………………………………. 5
FCC Labeling Requirement………………………………………………………….. 5
Hardware Section……………………………………………………………………… 6
Programming Kit Contents & Requirements………………………………………… 7
10-Wire Interface Cable Configuration……………….……………………………… 8
EE Programming Kit Setup………………………………………………………….. 8
Software Section………………………………………………………………………. 10
Software Installation Instructions…………………………………………………..... 11
Software Operation Instructions……………………………………………………... 11
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
© Copyright 2002 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by electronic, mechanical or any other means
without prior written permission of Peregrine Semiconductor Corp.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp., the Peregrine logotype, and UTSi are registered
trademarks of Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. PE3341/42 is a trademark of Peregrine
Semiconductor Corp.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. reserves the right to make improvements to the
hardware, firmware or software described in this manual at any time and without notice.
While the accompanying material has been carefully reviewed to insure the most
accurate information possible, the data are not warranted for absolute accuracy or
completeness and are subject to change without notification.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. Life Support Policy
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. products are not intended for use in life-critical
situations, or as critical components in life-support devices or systems.
Life-support devices or systems are defined as devices or systems that are intended for
surgical implant into the body, or that support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform
when used in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer, might
result in injury to the user.
FCC Compliance Statement
This device is intended for use only in a research and development environment. It has
not been tested for compliance with FCC regulations regarding interference with radio
frequency energy. It might cause harmful interference with radio communications. The
user assumes responsibility for any interference caused by this device.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
This EEPROM Programming board is specifically designed to program the EEPROM of
2.7 GHz Integer-N EEPROM PLLs PE3341/2. Using the hardware and software
provided in the Programming Kit, EEPROM mode programming can be achieved.
Applications Support
If you have a problem with your Programming Kit, software, or if you have applications
questions call (858) 455-0660 and ask for applications support.
You may also contact us by fax or e-mail:
Fax: (858) 455-0770
FCC Labeling Requirement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
Programming Kit Contents & Requirements
The Programming Kit includes all of the specific software and hardware required to
program the EEPROM of the PE3341/2. Included in the Programming Kit are:
1 PE3341/2 EEPROM programming Board (P/N: 101/0121~01A)
10 PE3341 or PE3342 2.7 GHz Integer-N EEPROM PLL
1 1 CD-ROM or two floppy disks with programming software included
2 Jumpers
1 10-Wire Interface Cable
1 2-Wire Power Supply Cable
1 4- Wire Power Supply Cable
In order to program the part using EEPROM programming mode the Programming Kit
software will need to be installed on a computer with the following minimum
PC Compatible with Windows™ ’95/98/2000
Parallel Port
HTML Browser to access CD contents
CAUTION: The EEPROM programming circuit contains components that might be
damaged by exposure to voltages in excess of the specified voltage, including voltages
produced by electrostatic discharges. Handle the board in accordance with procedures
for handling static-sensitive components. Avoid applying excessive voltages to the power
supply terminals or signal inputs or outputs.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
10-Wire Interface Cable Configuration
Table 1 shows the 10-wire interface cable configuration.
Table 1. 10-Wire interface cable configuration.
Pin No. of DB-25 socket Pin No. of 10-Wire connector
8 Yellow 1 EE_WRT, yellow
7 Brown 2 E_WR, brown
6 Blue 3 EE_DEL, blue
5 Orange 4 EE_PROG (EELOAD), orange
9 Violet 5 EE_SEL, violet
10 Gray 6 DOUT, gray
2 Red 7 S_CLK, red
3 White 8 S_DATA, white
4 Black 9 S_WR, black
18 Green 10 GND, green
EE Programming Kit Setup
1. As shown in Figure 1, verify a jumper is placed on the connector J4 between VPP
Pin 2 (VPP, the center pin) and Pin 1 (pin at left).
2. Verify a jumper is placed on the connector J2.
3. Verify all switches of SW1 if installed are in “OFF” position.
4. Connect your computer’s printer port to J1 on the programming board via a 10-wire
interface cable.
5. Connect power supply cables to the EEPROM programming board as shown in
Figure 1. Verify all supplies are turned off prior to connecting to programming board.
Î With 2-wire power supply cable, connect the +3 V supply to J3 (J3-1 +3 and J3-3
Î With 4-wire power supply cable, connect the +13 V supply to J6-4 (red connector),
the -9 V supply to J6-1 (black connector), and the ground to J6-2 & -3 (green
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
J6-4 +13V
J6-3 & -2
F6-1 -9V
J1, 10-Wire interface
cable connector
If installed
All swithches
of SW1 "Off"
J3-1 +3V
J3-3 GND
J4 Jumper from
center to left
J2 Jumpered
Figure 1. PE3341/2 EEPROM programming board default jumper & switch settings
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
Software Installation Instructions
In order to setup the Programming Software on your computer:
1. Start Microsoft WindowsTM ‘95/98/2000.
2. If the software comes with a CD, insert the CD to CDROM drive. Otherwise, insert the
floppy disk 1 to the floppy disk drive. Search the “setup.exe” file.
3. Double-click the “setup.exe” file and follow the on-screen instructions to finish
Software Operation Instructions
With the EE Programming kit set up completed as described in the previous section, the
follow steps are for programming of the EEPROM register.
Step 1: Start the “Peregrine EE PLL Control Software” program. Figure 2 shows one
example of the screen.
Step 2: Verify the “EEPROM Register” is displayed in the drop down menu in the middle
Step 3: Enter reference frequency (crystal frequency) value in MHz into the Ref Freq box
(marked by red dot at left)
Step 4: Set reference counter (R counter) to the desired value by entering it into the R
Register box in the middle left side (marked by yellow dot at left). Note that the
numbers in the orange boxes are computed values and cannot be directly typed
Step 5: Verify “frequency step” (which is also called phase detector frequency) is at the
desired value.
Step 6: Set the VCO frequency to the appropriate value by typing it into the “Out Freq
(MHz)” box. Once the frequency value is entered into the box, the corresponded
M and A register values are displayed in the “M Register” and “A Register”
Boxes, respectively. Instead of entering the frequency value into the “Out Freq
(MHz)” box, the frequency can also be changed by entering M register and A
register values into the “M Register” and “A Register” boxes directly.
Step 7: Turn on all power supplies (+3, +12.5 and -9 V) with no part in the IC holder.
Step 8: Place carefully one PE3341/2 IC in the IC holder.
Step 9: Click the “SEND DATA” button to send data to the PLL.
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
Î Light blue number boxes identify user defined program states and can be modified
by utilizing the arrows next to the boxes or clicking into the box and typing the
appropriate value. Either clicking on the light blue switches or typing the counter
variable into the text box can program the registers.
Î Programming of the secondary or EEPROM register is selected by the light blue pull
down box. Note: EEPROM register is the default selection. Do not change it.
Î The prescaler disable and the enhancement mode enable functions are currently
Î Data is sent to the evaluation board by clicking the dark blue “SEND DATA” button.
Figure 2. Example of EEPROM Programming Software Screen.
Step 10: The program will automatically read back the R, M and A Register values and
display them in the bottom section. If the EEPROM is programmed successfully,
a message “Device Programmed Successfully!” with a green button will display in
the bottom section as shown in Fig. 2. Otherwise, if any of the read back values
is different from the programmed value, a message “Device Programming
Failed!” with a red button will display as shown in Fig. 3. This feature can be
Peregrine Semiconductor Corportation Doc. 79/0089~00A
used to read back the R, M and A Register values of a previous programmed
part. To do this, just complete Steps 7 and 8 and then click the “READ DATA”
button in the right bottom corner. The “READ DATA” function will read back and
display the R, M and A Register values of a previous programmed part without
showing other message.
Step 11: Remove the programmed IC from the IC holder with a pair of tweezers or other
sucking device with insulated handles.
Step 12: To program additional parts, repeat the steps 8 to 11. Do not recycle any power
supply while a PE3341/2 IC is in the IC holder. If doing so, the transit created by
turning power supply on or off could erase or re-program the EEPROM content.
A solution is being working on.
Step 13: To exit the program, click the “QUIT” button.
Figure 3. Example of EEPROM Programming Software Screen when the programming is