BCW61..., BCX71... PNP Silicon AF Transistors * For AF input stages and driver applications 2 3 * High current gain 1 * Low collector-emitter saturation voltage * Low noise between 30 Hz and 15 kHz * Complementary types: BCW60, BCX70 (NPN) * Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package * Qualified according AEC Q101 Type Marking Pin Configuration BCW61A BAs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 BCW61B BBs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 BCW61C BCs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 BCW61D BDs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 BCX71G BGs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 BCX71H BHs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 BCX71J BJs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 BCX71K BKs 1=B 2=E 3=C SOT23 1 Package 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Collector-emitter voltage VCEO Value V BCW61... 32 BCX71... 45 Collector-base voltage Unit VCBO BCW61... 32 BCX71... 45 5 Emitter-base voltage VEBO Collector current IC 100 Peak collector current, tp 10 ms ICM 200 Peak base current IBM 200 Total power dissipation- Ptot 330 mW Junction temperature Tj 150 - Storage temperature Tstg Thermal Resistance Parameter Symbol Value RthJS 240 mA TS 71 C Junction - soldering point1) -65 ... 150 C Unit K/W 1For calculation of R thJA please refer to Application Note AN077 (Thermal Resistance Calculation) 2 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Values min. typ. max. DC Characteristics Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V(BR)CEO IC = 10 mA, IB = 0 , BCW61... 32 - - IC = 10 mA, IB = 0 , BCX71... 45 - - IC = 10 A, IE = 0 , BCW61... 32 - - IC = 10 A, IE = 0 , BCX71... 45 - - 5 - - Collector-base breakdown voltage Unit V V(BR)CBO Emitter-base breakdown voltage V(BR)EBO IE = 1 A, IC = 0 Collector-base cutoff current A ICBO VCB = 32 V, IE = 0 - - 0.02 VCB = 45 V, IE = 0 - - 0.02 VCB = 32 V, IE = 0 , TA = 150 C, BCW61... - - 20 VCB = 45 V, IE = 0 , TA = 150 C, BCX71... - - 20 - - 20 Emitter-base cutoff current IEBO nA VEB = 4 V, IC = 0 DC current gain1) - hFE IC = 10 A, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. A/G 20 140 - IC = 10 A, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. B/H 30 200 - IC = 10 A, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. C/J 40 300 - IC = 10 A, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. D/K 100 460 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. A/G 120 170 220 IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. B/H 180 250 310 IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. C/J 250 350 460 IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, hFE-grp. D/K 380 500 630 IC = 50 mA, VCE = 1 V, hFE-grp. A/G 60 - - IC = 50 mA, VCE = 1 V, hFE-grp. B/H 80 - - IC = 50 mA, VCE = 1 V, hFE-grp. C/J 100 - - IC = 50 mA, VCE = 1 V, hFE-grp. D/K 110 - - 3 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Values min. typ. Unit max. Characteristics Collector-emitter saturation voltage1) V VCEsat IC = 10 mA, IB = 0.25 mA - 0.12 0.25 IC = 50 mA, IB = 1.25 mA - 0.2 0.55 IC = 10 mA, IB = 0.25 mA - 0.7 0.85 IC = 50 mA, IB = 1.25 mA - 0.83 1.05 IC = 10 A, VCE = 5 V - 0.52 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V 0.55 0.65 0.75 IC = 50 mA, VCE = 1 V - 0.78 - Base emitter saturation voltage1) VBEsat Base-emitter voltage1) 1Pulse VBE(ON) test: t < 300s; D < 2% 4 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... AC Characteristics Transition frequency fT - 250 - MHz Ccb - 1.5 - pF Ceb - 8 - IC = 20 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 100 MHz Collector-base capacitance VCB = 10 V, f = 1 MHz Emitter-base capacitance VEB = 0.5 V, f = 1 MHz Short-circuit input impedance k h11e IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. A/B - 2.7 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. B/H - 3.6 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. C/J - 4.5 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. D/K - 7.5 - Open-circuit reverse voltage transf. ratio 10 -4 h12e IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. A/B - 1.5 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. B/H - 2 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. C/J - 2 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. D/K - 3 - Short-circuit forward current transf. ratio - h21e IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. A/B - 200 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. B/H - 260 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. C/J - 330 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. D/K - 520 - Open-circuit output admittance S h22e IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. A/B - 18 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. B/H - 24 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. C/J - 30 - IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, hFE-grp. D/K - 50 - - 2 - Noise figure F dB IC = 200 A, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz, f = 200 Hz, RS = 2 k, hFE-grp. A/K 5 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... DC current gain hFE = (IC) VCE = 5 V 10 3 h FE Collector-emitter saturation voltage IC = (VCEsat ), hFE = 40 BCW 61/BCX 71 5 EHP00351 100 C BCW 61/BCX 71 10 2 C EHP00349 mA 25 C -50 C 10 2 10 1 5 5 10 1 10 0 5 5 10 0 10 -2 100 C 25 C -50 C 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 -1 mA 10 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 C Collector current IC = (VBE ) IC = (VBEsat), hFE = 40 VCE = 5 V C BCW 61/BCX 71 0.5 V CEsat Base-emitter saturation voltage 10 2 V EHP00348 mA 10 2 BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00350 C mA 100 C 25 C -50 C 10 1 10 1 5 5 10 0 5 10 0 100 C 10 -1 5 25 C -50 C 5 10 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 V 10 -2 1.2 V BE sat 0 0.5 V 1.0 V BE 6 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... Collector cutoff current ICBO = (TA) VCB = VCEmax BCW 61/BCX 71 10 4 nA Transition frequency fT = (IC) VCE = parameter in V, f = 2 GHz 10 3 EHP00352 fT CBO BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00347 MHz 5 10 3 max 10 2 10 2 10 1 5 typ 10 0 10 -1 0 50 100 10 1 10 0 150 C 5 10 1 5 10 2 mA 10 3 C TA Collector-base capacitance Ccb = (VCB) Total power dissipation P tot = (TS) Emitter-base capacitance Ceb = (VEB) 12 360 mW 10 300 9 270 8 240 Ptot CCB(CEB ) pF 7 6 210 180 5 150 CEB 4 120 3 90 2 60 1 0 0 30 CCB 4 8 12 16 V 0 0 22 VCB(VEB) 7 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 C 150 TS 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... h parameter he = (IC) normalized VCE = 5V Permissible Pulse Load Ptotmax/PtotDC = (tp ) 10 3 BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00345 Ptot max 5 Ptot DC D= tp T 10 2 BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00353 tp he T 10 2 D= 0 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 5 10 1 10 1 V CE = 5 V h 11e 5 h 12e 10 0 5 5 h 21e h 22e 10 0 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 s 10 10 0 -1 10 -1 5 10 0 mA C tp h parameter he = (VCE ) normalized IC = 2mA 2.0 BCW 61/BCX 71 he Noise figure F = (VCE) IC = 0.2mA, RS = 2k , f = 1kHz EHP00354 C = 2 mA 20 F BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00355 dB h 11 1.5 15 1.0 10 h 12 h 22 0.5 0 10 1 5 0 10 20 V 0 10 -1 30 VCE 10 0 10 1 V 10 2 VCE 8 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... Noise figure F = (f) Noise figure F = (IC ) VCE = 5V, f = 120Hz VCE = 5V, ZS = ZSopt 20 F BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00356 20 dB F BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00357 dB 15 15 10 10 RS = 1 M 100 k 10 k 500 5 5 1 k 0 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 Noise figure F = (IC ) VCE = 5V, f = 1kHz 20 F 0 10 -3 kHz 10 2 f mA 10 1 10 0 C EHP00358 dB 20 F BCW 61/BCX 71 EHP00359 dB RS = 1 M 15 RS = 1 M 100 k 10 k 100 k 10 10 10 k 500 1k 5 5 1 k 500 0 10 -3 10 -1 Noise figure F = (IC ) VCE = 5V, f = 10kHz BCW 61/BCX 71 15 10 -2 10 -2 10 -1 0 10 -3 mA 10 1 10 0 C 10 -2 10 -1 mA 10 1 10 0 C 9 2011-07-29 Package SOT23 BCW61..., BCX71... 0.4 +0.1 -0.05 1) 2 0.08...0.1 C 0.95 1.3 0.1 1 2.4 0.15 3 0.1 MAX. 10 MAX. B 1 0.1 10 MAX. 2.9 0.1 0.15 MIN. Package Outline A 5 0...8 1.9 0.2 0.25 M B C M A 1) Lead width can be 0.6 max. in dambar area Foot Print 0.8 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.8 1.2 Marking Layout (Example) Manufacturer EH s 2005, June Date code (YM) Pin 1 BCW66 Type code Standard Packing Reel o180 mm = 3.000 Pieces/Reel Reel o330 mm = 10.000 Pieces/Reel 4 0.2 8 2.13 2.65 0.9 Pin 1 1.15 3.15 10 2011-07-29 BCW61..., BCX71... Edition 2009-11-16 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany 2009 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (<www.infineon.com>). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. 11 2011-07-29