First Edition June 22, 1998 LCD Module Specification Approved by Production Div. Checked by Quality Assurance Div. Checked by Design Engineering Div. Prepared by Production Div. Final Revision ******* Type No. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. General Specifications .............................................................................2 Electrical Specifications...........................................................................3 Optical Specifications ..............................................................................5 I/O Terminal.............................................................................................7 Test............................................................................................................9 Appearance Standards............................................................................10 Code System of Production Lot ..........................................................13 Type Number .........................................................................................13 Applying Precautions .............................................................................13 Handling Precautions .............................................................................14 Revision History Rev. Date DMC24227 Page (AA) No.98-0161 Comment OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 1/14 1.General Specif ications Operating Temp. min. 0 max. 50 Storage Temp. min. -20 max. 70 Display Format 24 characters x 2 lines Display Fonts 5 x 8 dots Viewing Area 93.5 (W) x 15.8 (H) mm Outline Dimensions 118.0 (W) x 36.0 (H) x (11.0) (D) mm Weight 45g max. LCD Type FRD-7126 ( TN / Clear-mode / reflective ) Viewing Angle 6:00 Backlight None Drawings Dimensional Outline DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 ( 1 character ) OPTREX UE-30372A OPTREX CORPORATION Page 2/14 2.Electrical Specif ications 2.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings VSS=0V Parameter Supply Voltage Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units VCC-VSS -0.3 7.0 V VCC-VEE 0 13.0 V VI -0.3 VCC+0.3 V (Logic) Supply Voltage (LCD Drive) Input Voltage 2.2.DC Characteristics Ta=25, VSS=0V Parameter Supply Voltage Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units VCC-VSS 4.5 5.5 V (Logic) Supply Voltage VCC-VEE Shown in 3.1 V (LCD Drive) High Level VIH VCC=5.0V10% 2.2 VCC V VIL VCC=5.0V10% 0 0.6 V VOH IOH=-0.205mA 2.4 VCC V VOL IOL=1.2mA 0 0.4 V ICC VCC-VSS=5.0V 2.0 5.0 mA Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage Supply Current DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 3/14 2.3.AC Characteristics VCC=5.0V10% Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units Enable Cycle Time tCYC Fig.1, 2 500 ns Enable Pulse Width PWEH Fig.1, 2 230 ns Enable Rise/Fall Time tEr, tEf tAS tAH tDSW tDHW tDDR tDHR Fig.1, 2 20 ns Fig.1, 2 40 ns Fig.1, 2 10 ns Fig.1 80 ns Fig.1 10 ns Fig.2 160 ns Fig.2 5 ns Address Setup Time Address Hold Time Write Data Setup Time Write Data Hold Time Read Data Delay Time Read Data Hold Time RS VIH VIH VIL VIL tAS R/W tAH VIL VIL PWEH tEr tEf VIH E VIH VIL VIL tDSW VIH VIL DB0DB7 VIL tDHW VIH VIL Valid Data tCYC Fig.1 RS Write Operation Timing VIH VIH VIL VIL tAS R/W tAH VIH VIH PWEH tEr E tEf VIH VIH VIL VIL tDDR tDHR VOH VOL DB0DB7 VIL Valid Data VOH VOL tCYC Fig.2 DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 Read Operation Timing OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 4/14 3.Optical Specif ications 3.1.LCD Driving Voltage Parameter Symbol Recommended LCD Driving Voltage Note 1 : VCC-VEE Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Ta= 0 5.0 V Ta=25 4.0 4.3 4.6 V Note 1 Ta=50 3.6 V Voltage (Applied actual waveform to LCD Module) for the best contrast. The range of minimum and maximum shows tolerance of the operating voltage. The specified contrast ratio and response time are not guaranteed over the entire range. 3.2.Optical Characteristics Ta=25, 1/16 Duty, 1/5 Bias, VD=4.3V (Note 4), = 10, =270 Parameter Contrast Ratio Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. CR = 20, =270 10 Note 1 Viewing Angle Response Units Shown in 3.3 Rise Note 2 TON 160 240 ms Time Decay Note 3 TOFF 90 180 ms Note 1 : Contrast ratio is definded as follows. CR = LOFF / LON LON : Luminance of the ON segments LOFF : Luminance of the OFF segments Note 2 : The time that the luminance level reaches 90% of the saturation level from 0% when ON signal is applied. Note 3 : The time that the luminance level reaches 10% of the saturation level from 100% when OFF signal is applied. Note 4 : Definition of Driving Voltage VD Assuming that the typical driving waveforms shown below are applied to the LCD Panel at 1/A Duty - 1/B Bias ( A : Duty Number, B : Bias Number ). Driving voltage VD is definded as follows. VD = (Vth1+Vth2) / 2 Vth1 : The voltage VO-P that should provide 50% of the saturation level in the luminance at the segment which the ON signal is applied to. Vth2 : The voltage VO-P that should provide 50% of the saturation level in the luminance at the segment which the OFF signal is applied to. VO-P ( B-2 )xVO-P / B 1 / ( fFxA ) 1 / fF ON SIGNAL DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OFF SIGNAL OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 5/14 3.3.Definition of Viewing Angle and Optimum Viewing Area Point shows the point where contrast ratio is measured. : = 20, =270 Driving condition : 1/16 Duty, 1/5 Bias, VD=4.3V, fF=70Hz 90 45 135 10 20 30 40 50 180 90 (= 0 180 225 0 315 270 270 Area shows typ. CR2 3.4.System Block Diagram Temperature Chamber Rotation Table (,) Photometer #1980A WB LCD Optical Fiber Control Unit & Computer Waveform Generator Halogen bulb DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 6/14 4.I/O Terminal 4.1.Pin Assignment No. Symbol Level Function 1 VSS Power Supply (0V, GND) 2 VCC Power Supply for Logic 3 VEE Power Supply for LCD Drive 4 RS H/L Register Select Signal 5 R/W H/L Read/Write Select Signal 6 E HL Enable Signal (No pull-up Resister) 7 DB0 H/L Data Bus Line / Non-connection at 4-bit operation 8 DB1 H/L Data Bus Line / Non-connection at 4-bit operation 9 DB2 H/L Data Bus Line / Non-connection at 4-bit operation 10 DB3 H/L Data Bus Line / Non-connection at 4-bit operation 11 DB4 H/L Data Bus Line 12 DB5 H/L Data Bus Line 13 DB6 H/L Data Bus Line 14 DB7 H/L Data Bus Line H : Read L : Write 4.2.Example of Power Supply It is recommended to apply a potentiometer for the contrast adjust due to the tolerance of the driving voltage and its temperature dependence. VCC (+Voltage) VCC VR MODULE VSS VSS (0V) VEE VR=1020K DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 7/14 4.3.Block Diagram COM 16 8 DB7 24 characters x 2 lines DB0 E Control LSI SEG 40 SEG 80 HD44780 R/W LCDP or equivalent 4 RS Column Driver LC7930N x 2 or equivalent VCC VSS Bias Circuit To LSI VEE DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 8/14 5.Test No change on display and in operation under the following test condition. No. Parameter Conditions Notes 1 High Temperature Operating 502, 96hrs (operation state) 2 Low Temperature Operating 02, 96hrs (operation state) 3 3 High Temperature Storage 702, 96hrs 4 4 Low Temperature Storage -202, 96hrs 3, 4 5 Damp Proof Test 402, 9095%RH, 96hrs 3, 4 6 Vibration Test Total fixed amplitude : 1.5mm 5 Vibration Frequency : 1055Hz One cycle 60 seconds to 3 directions of X, Y, Z for each 15 minutes 7 Shock Test To be measured after dropping from 60cm high on the concrete surface in packing state. F E G B D C A 60cm Concrete Surface Dropping method corner dropping A corner : once Edge dropping B,C,D edge : once Face dropping E,F,G face : once Note 1 : Unless otherwise specified, tests will be conducted under the following condition. Temperature : 205 Humidity : 655% Note 2 : Unless otherwise specified, tests will be not conducted under functioning state. Note 3 : No dew condensation to be observed. Note 4 : The function test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the normal temperature and humidity after removed from the test chamber. Note 5 : Vibration test will be conducted to the product itself without putting it in a container. DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 9/14 6.Appearance Standards 6.1.Inspection conditions The LCD shall be inspected under 40W white fluorescent light. The distance between the eyes and the sample shall be more than 30cm. All directions for inspecting the sample should be within 45against perpendicular line. 45 6.2.Definition of applicable Zones A Zone Bezel Flame B Zone C Zone A Zone : Active display area B Zone : Area from outside of "A Zone" to validity viewing area C Zone : Rest parts A Zone + B Zone = Validity viewing area DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 10/14 6.3.Standards No. 1 Parameter Criteria Black and (1) Round Shape White Spots, Foreign Substances Zone Acceptable Number Dimension (mm) A B C D 0.1 * * * 0.1 D 0.2 5 5 * 0.2 D 0.3 0 1 * 0.3 D 0 0 * D = ( Long + Short ) / 2 * : Disregard (2) Line Shape Zone X(mm) Acceptable Number Y(mm) A B C 0.02W * * * 2.0L 0.03W 3 3 * 1.0L 0.04W 1 2 * 1.0L 0.05W 0 2 * 0.05W X : Length Y : Width In the same way (1) * : Disregard Total defects shall not exceed 5. 2 Air Bubbles (between glass Zone & polarizer) Dimension (mm) Acceptable Number A B C * * * 0.15 D 0.3 2 3 * 0.3 D 0.5 1 2 * 0.5 D 1.0 0 1 * D 0.15 * : Disregard Total defects shall not exceed 3. DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 11/14 No. 3 Parameter Criteria The Shape of Dot (1) Dot Shape (with Dent) 0.15 As per the sketch of left hand. (2) Dot Shape (with Projection) Should not be connected to next dot. (3) Pin Hole X (X+Y) / 20.2mm Y (Less than 0.1mm is no counted.) Total defects shall not exceed 5. 4 Polarizer Scratches Not to be conspicuous defects. 5 Polarizer Dirts If the stains are removed easily from LCDP surface, the module is not defective. 6 Color Variation DMC24227 (AA) Not to be conspicuous defects. No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 12/14 7.Code System of Production Lot The production lot of module is specified as follows. Factory Number (Numeral) Factory Code (Alphabet) Production Week (15) Production Month (19, X, Y, Z) Production Year (Lower 2 digits) 8.Type Number The type number of module is specified on the back of module as follows. Etching or Printing 9.Applying Precautions Please contact us when questions and/or new problems not specified in this specifications arise. DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 13/14 10.Handling Precautions Optrex Products are designed for use in ordinary electronic devices such as business machines, telecommunications equipment, measurement devices and etc.. Optrex Products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in any application in which the failure of the product could result in a situation where personal injury or death may occur. These applications include, but are not limited to, life-sustaining equipment, nuclear control devices, aerospace equipment, devices related to hazardous or flammable materials, etc. (If Buyer intends to purchase or use the Optrex Products for such unintended or unauthorized applications, Buyer must secure prior written consent to such use by a responsible officer of Optrex Corporation.) Should Buyer purchase or use Optrex Products for any such unintended or unauthorized application (without such consent), Buyer shall indemnify and hold Optrex and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages and expenses, and reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Optrex was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. 1) LCD may be broken because it is made of glass. 2) Polarizer is a soft material and can easily be scratched. 3) Please avoid static electricity. Please be sure to ground human body and electric appliances during work. It is preferable to use conductive mat on table and wear cotton clothes or conduction processed fiber. Synthetic fiber is not recommended. Please slowly peel off protective film, because static electricity may be charged. 4) If it is necessary to store LCD modules for a long time, please comply with the following procedures. If storage condition is not satisfactory, display (especially polarizer) may be deteriorated or soldering I/O terminals may become difficult (some oxide is generated at I/O terminals plating). Store as delivered by Optrex If you store as unpacked, put in anti-static bag, seal its opening and store where it is not subjected to direct sunshine nor fluorescent lamp. Store at temperature 0 to +35 and at low humidity. Please refer to our specification sheets for storage temperature range and humidity condition. 5) The module does not contain excess current limiter. Please design the limiter to cut excess current in your power supply circuit. 6) Liquid crystal may be leaked when display is broken. Never taste it. If your hands or clothes touch it, please immediately wash using soap. 7) The connection between the bezel and VSS (GND) is not specified in the module. (Some module do not maintain connection between them.) Please consult OPTREX to specify the connection. Optrex shall not be responsible for any infringement of industrial property rights of third parties in any country arising out of the application or use of Optrex Products, except which directly concern the structure or production of such products. DMC24227 (AA) No.98-0161 OPTREX OPTREX CORPORATION Page 14/14