ÒZNRâÓ Surge Absorbers, SMD Mold
nPerformance Characteristics
To meet the
specified value.
0 to Ð0.05 %/¡C
ÆVCmA/VCmA <±10 %
ÆVCmA/VCmA <±10 %
Standard Test
Varistor Voltage
Maximum Allowable
Clamping Voltage
Rated Power
Maximum Energy
Peak Current
Temperature Coefficient
of Varistor Voltage
Impulse Life (I)
Impulse Life (II)
Test Methods
Electrical measurements (initial/after tests) shall be conducted at
temperature of 5 to 35 ¡C, relative humidity of maximum 85 %
The voltage between two terminals with the specified measuring
current CmA DC applied is called Vc or VCmA. The measurement
shall be made as fast as possible to avoid heat affection.
The recommended maximum sinusoidal wave voltage (rms) or
the maximum DC voltage that can be applied continuously.
The maximum voltage between two terminals with the specified
impulse current (8/20 µs).
The maximum power that can be applied within the specified
ambient temperature.
Maximum energy at less than ±10 % of varistor voltage change
when the standard impulse (2 ms) is applied one time.
Maximum current at less than ±10 % of varistor voltage change
when impulse current (8/20 µs) is applied two times continuously
with the interval of 5 minutes.
VCmA at 85 ¡C Ð VCmA at 25 ¡C ´1´ 100(%/¡C)
VCmA at 25 ¡C 60
The change of Vc shall be measured after the specified impulse
is applied 10000 times continuously with the interval of 10
seconds at room temperature.
The change of Vc shall be measured after the specified impulse
is applied 100000 times continuously with the interval of 10
seconds at room temperature.
Type Part Number Waveform Current
ERZVF1M220 to ERZVF1M680 8/20 µs 8 A
VF1MERZVF1M820 to ERZVF1M271 8/20 µs 40 A
ERZVF1M331 to ERZVF1M471 8/20 µs 30 A
ERZVF1T820 to ERZVF1T271 8/20 µs 20 A
ERZCF 1MK220 to ERZCF 1MK680
2 ms 0.5 A
ERZCF 1MK820 to ERZCF 1MK471
8/20 µs 20 A
ERZSF 1MK220 to ERZSF 1MK680
8/20 µs 18 A
ERZSF 1MK820 to ERZSF 1MK271
8/20 µs 50 A
ERZSF 1MK331 to ERZSF 1MK471
8/20 µs 40 A
Type Part Number Waveform Current
ERZVF1M220 to ERZVF1M680 8/20 µs 5 A
VF1MERZVF1M820 to ERZVF1M271 8/20 µs 25 A
ERZVF1M331 to ERZVF1M471 8/20 µs 20 A
ERZVF1T820 to ERZVF1T271 8/20 µs 14 A
ERZCF 1MK220 to ERZCF 1MK680
2 ms 0.45 A
ERZCF 1MK820 to ERZCF 1MK471
8/20 µs 14 A
ERZSF 1MK220 to ERZSF 1MK680
8/20 µs 12 A
ERZSF 1MK820 to ERZSF 1MK271
8/20 µs 35 A
ERZSF 1MK331 to ERZSF 1MK471
8/20 µs 28 A