NavigatorTM Motion Processor MC2300 Series Technical Specifications for Brushless Servo Motion Control Performance Motion Devices, Inc. 55 Old Bedford Road Lincoln, MA 01773 Revision 1.8, October 2003 NOTICE This document contains proprietary and confidential information of Performance Motion Devices, Inc., and is protected by federal copyright law. The contents of this document may not be disclosed to third parties, translated, copied, or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of PMD. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of PMD. Copyright 1998, 1999 by Performance Motion Devices, Inc. Navigator and C-Motion are trademarks of Performance Motion Devices, Inc Warranty PMD warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with PMD's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent PMD deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Performance Motion Devices, Inc. (PMD) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advises customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. Safety Notice Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage. Products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in life support devices or systems or other critical applications. Inclusion of PMD products in such applications is understood to be fully at the customer's risk. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent procedural hazards. Disclaimer PMD assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. PMD does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of PMD covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such products or services might be or are used. PMD's publication of information regarding any third party's products or services does not constitute PMD's approval, warranty or endorsement thereof. MC2300 Technical Specifications iii MC2300 Technical Specifications iv Related Documents Navigator Motion Processor User's Guide (MC2000UG) How to set up and use all members of the Navigator Motion Processor family. Navigator Motion Processor Programmer's Reference (MC2000PR) Descriptions of all Navigator Motion Processor commands, with coding syntax and examples, listed alphabetically for quick reference. Navigator Motion Processor Technical Specifications Four booklets containing physical and electrical characteristics, timing diagrams, pinouts, and pin descriptions of each series: MC2100 series, for brushed servo motion control (MC2100TS); MC2300 series, for brushless servo motion control (MC2300TS); MC2400 series, for microstepping motion control (MC2400TS); MC2500 series, for stepping motion control (MC2500TS); MC2800 Series, for brushed servo and brushless servo motion control (MC2800TS). Navigator Motion Processor Developer's Kit Manual (DK2000M) How to install and configure the DK2000 developer's kit PC board. MC2300 Technical Specifications v MC2300 Technical Specifications vi Table of Contents Warranty...................................................................................................................................................... iii Safety Notice ................................................................................................................................................ iii Disclaimer..................................................................................................................................................... iii Related Documents....................................................................................................................................... v Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................ vii 1 The Navigator Family ............................................................................................................................... 9 2 Functional Characteristics...................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Configurations, parameters, and performance .............................................................................. 11 2.2 Physical characteristics and mounting dimensions....................................................................... 13 2.2.1 CP chip ................................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.2 I/O chip ................................................................................................................................. 14 2.3 Environmental and electrical ratings ............................................................................................ 15 2.4 System configuration .................................................................................................................... 15 2.5 Peripheral device address mapping............................................................................................... 16 3 Electrical Characteristics........................................................................................................................ 17 3.1 DC characteristics......................................................................................................................... 17 3.2 AC characteristics......................................................................................................................... 17 4 I/O Timing Diagrams .............................................................................................................................. 19 4.1 Clock ............................................................................................................................................ 19 4.2 Quadrature encoder input ............................................................................................................. 19 4.3 Reset ............................................................................................................................................. 19 4.4 Host interface, 8/8 mode............................................................................................................... 20 4.4.1 Instruction write, 8/8 mode................................................................................................... 20 4.4.2 Data write, 8/8 mode ............................................................................................................ 20 4.4.3 Data read, 8/8 mode.............................................................................................................. 21 4.4.4 Status read, 8/8 mode............................................................................................................ 21 4.5 Host interface, 8/16 mode............................................................................................................. 22 4.5.1 Instruction write, 8/16 mode................................................................................................. 22 4.5.2 Data write, 8/16 mode........................................................................................................... 22 4.5.3 Data read, 8/16 mode............................................................................................................ 23 4.5.4 Status read, 8/16 mode.......................................................................................................... 23 4.6 Host interface, 16/16 mode........................................................................................................... 24 4.6.1 Instruction write, 16/16 mode............................................................................................... 24 4.6.2 Data write, 16/16 mode......................................................................................................... 24 4.6.3 Data read, 16/16 mode.......................................................................................................... 25 4.6.4 Status read, 16/16 mode........................................................................................................ 25 4.7 External memory timing ............................................................................................................... 26 4.7.1 External memory read........................................................................................................... 26 4.7.2 External memory write ......................................................................................................... 26 4.8 Peripheral device timing ............................................................................................................... 27 4.8.1 Peripheral device read........................................................................................................... 27 4.8.2 Peripheral device write ......................................................................................................... 27 MC2300 Technical Specifications vii 5 Pinouts and Pin Descriptions.................................................................................................................. 28 5.1 Pinouts for MC2340 ..................................................................................................................... 28 5.2 Pinouts for MC2320 ..................................................................................................................... 29 5.3 Pinouts for MC2310 ..................................................................................................................... 30 5.4 Pin description tables.................................................................................................................... 31 5.4.1 I/O chip ................................................................................................................................. 31 5.4.2 CP chip ................................................................................................................................. 34 6 Application Notes..................................................................................................................................... 38 6.1 Design Tips................................................................................................................................... 38 6.2 ISA Bus Interface ......................................................................................................................... 40 6.3 RS-232 Serial Interface ................................................................................................................ 42 6.4 RS 422/485 Serial Interface.......................................................................................................... 44 6.5 PWM Motor Interface .................................................................................................................. 46 6.6 12-bit Parallel DAC Interface ....................................................................................................... 48 6.7 16-bit Serial DAC Interface.......................................................................................................... 50 6.8 12-bit A/D Interface...................................................................................................................... 52 6.9 16-bit A/D Input ........................................................................................................................... 54 6.10 RAM Interface.............................................................................................................................. 56 6.11 User-defined I/O ........................................................................................................................... 58 MC2300 Technical Specifications viii 1 The Navigator Family # of axes MC2100 Series MC2300 Series MC2400 Series MC2500 Series MC2800 Series 4, 2, or 1 4, 2 or 1 Brushless servo 4, 2 or 1 4, 2, or 1 Stepping Stepping 4 or 2 Brushed servo + brushless servo Brushed servo (single phase) + commutated (6-step sinusoidal) Motor type supported Brushed servo Output format Brushed servo (single phase) Commutated (6-step or sinusoidal) Microstepping Pulse and direction - Motion error detection Axis settled indicator (with encoder) (with encoder) (with encoder) (with encoder) DAC-compatible output Pulse & direction output Index & Home signals Position capture Analog input User-defined I/O External RAM support Multi-chip synchronization (21x3) (23x3) (24x3) MC2140 (4 axes) MC2120 (2 axes) MC2110 (1 axis) DK2100 MC2340 (4 axes) MC2320 (2 axes) MC2310 (1 axis) DK2300 MC2440 (4 axes) MC2420 (2 axes) MC2410 (1 axis) DK2400 Incremental encoder input Parallel word device input Parallel communication Serial communication Diagnostic port S-curve profiling Electronic gearing On-the-fly changes Directional limit switches Programmable bit output Software-invertable signals PID servo control Feedforward (accel & vel) Derivative sampling time Data trace/diagnostics PWM output Chipset part numbers Developer's Kit p/n's: MC2300 Technical Specifications 9 (28x3) MC2540 (4 axes) MC2520 (2 axes) MC2510 (1 axis) DK2500 MC2840 (4 axes) MC2820 (2 axes) DK2800 Introduction This manual describes the operational characteristics of the MC2340, MC2320 and MC2310 Motion Processors from PMD. These devices are members of PMD's second-generation motion processor family, which consists of 14 separate products organized into 5 series. Each of these devices are complete chip-based motion processors. They provide trajectory generation and related motion control functions. Depending on the type of motor controlled they provide servo loop closure, on-board commutation for brushless motors, and high speed pulse and direction outputs. Together these products provide a software-compatible family of dedicated motion processors that can handle a large variety of system configurations. Each of these chips utilize a similar architecture, consisting of a high-speed computation unit, along with an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The computation unit contains special onboard hardware that makes it well suited for the task of motion control. Along with similar hardware architecture these chips also share most software commands, so that software written for one chipset may be re-used with another, even though the type of motor may be different. Each chipset consists of two PQFP (Plastic Quad Flat Pack) ICs: a 100-pin Input/Output (I/O) chip, and a 132-pin Command Processor (CP) chip. The four different series in the Navigator family are designed for a particular type of motor or control scheme. Here is a summary description of each series. Family Summary MC2100 Series (MC2140, MC2120, MC2110) - This series outputs motor commands in either Sign/Magnitude PWM or DAC-compatible format for use with brushed servo motors, or with brushless servo motors having external commutation. MC2300 Series (MC2340, MC2320, MC2310) - This series outputs sinusoidally commutated motor signals appropriate for driving brushless motors. Depending on the motor type, the output is a two-phase or three-phase signal in either PWM or DAC-compatible format. MC2400 Series (MC2440, MC2420, MC2410) - This series provides microstepping signals for stepping motors. Two phased signals per axis are generated in either PWM or DAC-compatible format. MC2500 Series (MC2540, MC2520, MC2510) - These chipsets provide high-speed pulse and direction signals for stepping motor systems. MC2800 Series (MC2840, MC2820) - This series outputs sinusoidally or 6-step commutated motor signals appropriate for driving brushless servo motors as well as PWM or DAC- compatible outputs for driving brushed servo motors. MC2300 Technical Specifications 10 2 Functional Characteristics 2.1 Configurations, parameters, and performance Available configurations Operating modes Communication modes Serial port baud rate range Position range Velocity range Acceleration/deceleration ranges Jerk range Profile modes Electronic gear ratio range Filter modes Filter parameter resolution Position error tracking Motor output modes Commutation rate Maximum encoder rate Parallel encoder word size Parallel encoder read rate Hall sensor inputs Servo loop timing range 4 axes (MC2340), 2 axes (MC2320), or 1 axis (MC2310) Closed loop (motor command is driven from output of servo filter) Open loop (motor command is driven from user-programmed register) 8/8 parallel (8 bit external parallel bus with 8 bit internal command word size) 8/16 parallel (8 bit external parallel bus with 16 bit internal command word size) 16/16 parallel (16 bit external parallel bus with 16 bit internal command word size) Point to point asynchronous serial Multidrop asynchronous serial 1,200 baud to 416,667 baud -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 counts -32,768 to +32,767 counts/sample with a resolution of 1/65,536 counts/sample -32,768 to +32,767 counts/sample2 with a resolution of 1/65,536 counts/sample2 0 to 1/2 counts/sample3, with a resolution of 1/4,294,967,296 counts/sample3 S-curve point-to-point (Velocity, acceleration, jerk, and position parameters) Trapezoidal point-to-point (Velocity, acceleration, deceleration, and position parameters) Velocity-contouring (Velocity, acceleration, and deceleration parameters) Electronic Gear (Encoder or trajectory position of one axis used to drive a second axis. Master and slave axes and gear ratio parameters) -32,768 to +32,767 with a resolution of 1/65,536 (negative and positive direction) Scalable PID + Velocity feedforward + Acceleration feedforward + Bias. Also includes integration limit, settable derivative sampling time, and output motor command limiting 16 bits Motion error window (allows axis to be stopped upon exceeding programmable window) Tracking window (allows flag to be set if axis exceeds a programmable position window) Axis settled (allows flag to be set if axis exceeds a programmable position window for a programmable amount of time after trajectory motion is compete) PWM (10-bit resolution at 20 kHz) DAC (16 bits) 20KHz for MC2310 and MC2320, 10KHz for MC2340 Incremental (up to 5 Mcounts/sec) Parallel-word (up to 160 Mcounts/sec) 16 bits 20 kHz (reads all axes every 50 sec) 3 Hall effect inputs per axis (TTL level signals) 153.6 sec to 32.767 milliseconds MC2300 Technical Specifications 11 Minimum servo loop time 153.6 sec per enabled axis Multi-chip synchronization <10sec difference between master and slave servo cycle MC23x3 chipset only 2 per axis: one for each direction of travel 2 per axis: index and home signals 1 AxisIn signal per axis, 1 AxisOut signal per axis Encoder A, Encoder B, Index, Home, AxisIn, AxisOut, PositiveLimit, NegativeLimit, HallA, HallB, HallC (all individually programmable per axis) 8 10-bit analog inputs 256 16-bit wide user defined I/O 65,536 blocks of 32,768 16 bit words per block. Total accessible memory is 2,147,483,648 16 bit words one-time continuous 4 27 152 Limit switches Position-capture triggers Other digital signals (per axis) Software-invertable signals Analog input User defined discrete I/O RAM/external memory support Trace modes Max. number of trace variables Number of traceable variables Number of host instructions MC2300 Technical Specifications 12 2.2 Physical characteristics and mounting dimensions 2.2.1 CP chip All dimensions are in inches (with millimeters in brackets). Dimension Minimum (inches) D D1 D2 D3 1.070 0.934 1.088 Maximum (inches) 1.090 0.966 1.112 0.800 nominal MC2300 Technical Specifications 13 2.2.2 I/O chip All dimensions are in millimeters. Dimension A A1 A2 b c D D1 E E1 e L ccc theta Minimum (mm) Nominal (mm) 0.25 2.55 0.22 0.13 22.95 19.90 16.95 13.90 0.33 2.80 Maximum (mm) 3.40 0.73 0 23.20 20.00 17.20 14.00 0.65 BSC 0.88 3.05 0.38 0.23 23.45 20.10 17.45 14.01 1.03 0.10 7 MC2300 Technical Specifications 14 2.3 Environmental and electrical ratings All ratings and ranges are for both the I/O and CP chips. Storage Temperature (Ts) -55 C to 150 C Operating Temperature (Ta) Power Dissipation (Pd) 0 C to 70 C* 600 mW (I/O and CP combined) Nominal Clock Frequency (Fclk) 40.0 MHz Supply Voltage limits (Vcc) -0.3V to +7.0V Supply Voltage operating range (Vcc) 4.75V to 5.25V * An industrial version with an operating range of -40C to 85C is also available. Please contact PMD for more information. System configuration The following figure shows the principal control and data paths in an MC2300 system. Host Serial-port host HostCmd Serial port (alternatives) Analog inputs Positive 16-bit data bus Negative CP AxisOut PWM output Home Index I/O B Navigator Motion Processor 20MHz clock Hall sensors (MC2300 only) Navigator Motion Processor System clock (40 MHz) AxisIn ~HostRead HostRdy ~HostWrite Parallel port ~HostSlct HostData0-15 HostIntrpt A 2.4 Limit switches Encoder Motor amplifier D/A converter DAC output External memory Parallel-word input User I/O Serial port configuration Other user devices The CP chip contains the profile generator, which calculates velocity, acceleration, and position values for a trajectory; and the digital servo filter, which stabilizes the motor output signal. The filter produces one of two types of output: * a Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) signal output which passes via the data bus to the I/O chip, where the output signal generator sends it to the motor amplifiers; or MC2300 Technical Specifications 15 * a DAC-compatible value routed via the data bus to the appropriate D/A converter. Axis position information returns to the motion processor through the I/O chip, in the form of encoder feedback, or through the CP chip, in the form of parallel-word feedback. 2.5 Peripheral device address mapping Device addresses on the CP chip's data bus are memory-mapped to the following locations: Address 0200h Device Serial port data Description Contains the configuration data (transmission rate, parity, stop bits, etc) for the asynchronous serial port 0800h Parallel-word encoder Base address for parallel-word feedback devices 1000h User-defined Base address for user-defined I/O devices 2000h RAM page pointer Page pointer to external memory 4000h Motor-output DACs Base address for motor-output D/A converters 8000h I/O chip Base address for I/O chip communications MC2300 Technical Specifications 16 3 Electrical Characteristics 3.1 DC characteristics (Vcc and Ta per operating ratings, Fclk = 40.0 MHz) Symbol Vcc Idd Parameter Supply Voltage Supply Current Vih Vil Vihreset Input Voltages Logic 1 input voltage 2.0 V Logic 0 input voltage -0.3 V Logic 1 voltage for reset pin (reset) 2.2 V Voh Logic 1 Output Voltage Vol Logic 0 Output Voltage Minimum 4.75 V Maximum 5.25 V 120 mA Conditions open outputs Vcc + 0.3 V 0.8 V Vcc + 0.3 V Output Voltages 2.4 V 0.33 V @CP Io = -23 mA @I/O Io = -6 mA @CP Io = 6 mA @I/O Io = 6 mA Other Iout Tri-State output leakage current -5 A 5 A Iin Input current -10 A -10 A 10 A -10 A Cio Input/Output capacitance 15 pF 10 pF Zai Ednl Einl 3.2 Analog Input Analog input source impedance Differential nonlinearity error. -1 Difference between the step width and the ideal value. Integral nonlinearity error. Maximum deviation from the best straight line through the ADC transfer characteristics, excluding the quantization error. @CP 0 < Vout < Vcc @CP @I/O 0 < Vi < Vcc @CP typical @I/O 9k 1.5 LSB +/-1.5 LSB AC characteristics See timing diagrams, Section 4, for Tn numbers. The symbol "~" indicates active low signal. Timing Interval Clock Frequency (Fclk) Clock Pulse Width Clock Period (note 3) Encoder Pulse Width Dwell Time Per State Tn T1 T2 T3 T4 Minimum > 0 MHz 10 nsec 25 nsec 150 nsec 75 nsec MC2300 Technical Specifications 17 Maximum 40 MHz (note 1) Timing Interval Index Setup and Hold (relative to Quad A and Quad B low) ~HostSlct Hold Time ~HostSlct Setup Time HostCmd Setup Time HostCmd Hold Time Read Data Access Time Read Data Hold Time ~HostRead High to HI-Z Time HostRdy Delay Time ~HostWrite Pulse Width Write Data Delay Time Write Data Hold Time Read Recovery Time (note 2) Write Recovery Time (note 2) Read Pulse Width Address Setup Delay Time Data Access Time Data Hold Time Address Setup Delay Time Address Setup to WriteEnable High RAMSlct Low to WriteEnable High Address Hold Time WriteEnable Pulse Width Data Setup Time Data Setup before Write High Time Address Setup Delay Time Data Access Time Data Hold Time Address Setup Delay Time Address Setup to WriteEnable High PeriphSlct Low to WriteEnable High Address Hold Time WriteEnable Pulse Width Data Setup Time Data Setup before Write High Time Read to Write Delay Time Reset Low Pulse Width RAMSlct Low to Strobe Low Strobe High to RAMSlct High WriteEnable Low to Strobe Low Strobe High to WriteEnable High PeriphSlct Low to Strobe Low Strobe High to PeriphSlct High Device Ready/ Outputs Enabled Tn T5 Minimum 0 nsec T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31 T32 T33 T34 T35 T36 T37 T38 T39 T40 T50 T51 T52 T53 T54 T55 T56 T57 0 nsec 0 nsec 0 nsec 0 nsec 100 nsec 70 nsec Maximum 25 nsec 10 nsec 20 nsec 150 nsec 35 nsec 0 nsec 60 nsec 60 nsec 70 nsec 7 nsec 19 nsec 2 nsec 7 nsec 72 nsec 79 nsec 17 nsec 39 nsec 3 nsec 42 nsec 7 nsec 71 nsec 2 nsec 7 nsec 122 nsec 129 nsec 17 nsec 89 nsec 3 nsec 92 nsec 50 nsec 5.0 sec 1 nsec 4 nsec 1 nsec 3 nsec 1 nsec 4 nsec 1 msec Note 1 Performance figures and timing information valid at Fclk = 40.0 MHz only. For timing information and performance parameters at Fclk < 40.0 MHz see section 6.1. Note 2 For 8/8 and 8/16 interface modes only. Note 3 The clock low/high split has an allowable range of 45-55%. MC2300 Technical Specifications 18 4 I/O Timing Diagrams For the values of Tn, please refer to the table in Section 3.2. 4.1 Clock MasterClkIn T1 4.2 T1 T2 Quadrature encoder input T3 T3 Quad A T4 T4 Quad B ~Index T5 T5 Index (= ~QuadA * ~QuadB * ~Index) 4.3 Reset Vcc I/OClk ~RESET T50 MC2300 Technical Specifications 19 T57 4.4 Host interface, 8/8 mode 4.4.1 Instruction write, 8/8 mode T7 T6 ~HostSlct HostCmd T8 T9 T14 ~HostWrite T16 HostData0-7 HostRdy T15 T13 4.4.2 Data write, 8/8 mode T7 T6 see note ~HostSlct T8 T9 see note HostCmd T18 T14 T14 ~HostWrite T16 HostData0-7 HostRdy T16 Low byte High byte T15 T15 T13 Note: If setup and hold times are met, ~HostSlct and HostCmd may be de-asserted at this point. MC2300 Technical Specifications 20 4.4.3 Data read, 8/8 mode T7 T6 see note ~HostSlct T9 see note T8 HostCmd T17 T19 ~HostRead T12 High byte High-Z HostData0-7 T10 High-Z Low byte High-Z T11 HostRdy T13 Note: If setup and hold times are met, ~HostSlct and HostCmd may be de-asserted at this point. 4.4.4 Status read, 8/8 mode T7 T6 T8 T9 ~HostSlct HostCmd T14 ~HostRead T12 HostData0-7 High-Z High-Z T10 T11 MC2300 Technical Specifications 21 4.5 Host interface, 8/16 mode 4.5.1 Instruction write, 8/16 mode T7 T6 see note ~HostSlct T9 T8 HostCmd see note T18 T14 T14 ~HostWrite T16 HostData0-7 T16 High byte HostRdy Low byte T15 T15 T13 Note: If setup and hold times are met, ~HostSlct and HostCmd may be de-asserted at this point. 4.5.2 Data write, 8/16 mode ~HostSlct HostCmd ~HostWrite T7 T6 see note T8 T9 see note T18 T14 T14 T16 HostData0-7 HostRdy T16 High byte Low byte T15 T15 T13 Note: If setup and hold times are met, ~HostSlct and HostCmd may be de-asserted at this point. MC2300 Technical Specifications 22 4.5.3 Data read, 8/16 mode T7 T6 ~HostSlct HostCmd see note T8 T9 see note ~HostRead T19 T12 HostData0-7 High byte High-Z T10 High-Z High-Z Low byte T11 HostRdy T13 Note: If setup and hold times are met, ~HostSlct and HostCmd may be de-asserted at this point. 4.5.4 Status read, 8/16 mode T7 ~HostSlct HostCmd T6 T9 T8 T17 ~HostRead T19 T12 HostData0-7 High-Z High-Z High byte T10 T11 MC2300 Technical Specifications 23 Low byte High-Z 4.6 Host interface, 16/16 mode 4.6.1 Instruction write, 16/16 mode ~HostSlct T7 T6 HostCmd T8 T9 T14 ~HostWrite T16 HostData0-15 HostRdy T15 T13 4.6.2 Data write, 16/16 mode T7 T6 ~HostSlct T9 T8 HostCmd T14 ~HostWrite T16 HostData0-15 HostRdy T15 T13 MC2300 Technical Specifications 24 4.6.3 Data read, 16/16 mode T6 T7 ~HostSlct HostCmd T8 T9 ~HostRead T19 T12 High-Z High-Z HostData0-15 T10 T11 HostRdy T13 4.6.4 Status read, 16/16 mode T7 T6 T8 T9 ~HostSlct HostCmd T19 ~HostRead T12 HostData0-15 High-Z High-Z T10 T11 MC2300 Technical Specifications 25 4.7 External memory timing 4.7.1 External memory read Note: PMD recommends using memory with an access time no greater than 15 nsec. T20 T40 ~RAMSlct Addr0-Addr15 W/~R ~WriteEnbl T21 Data0-Data15 T51 T52 ~Strobe 4.7.2 External memory write ~RAMSlct T23 T24 Addr0-Addr15 T25 T26 R/~W W/~R T29 ~WriteEnbl T28 T27 T27 Data0-Data15 T53 ~Strobe MC2300 Technical Specifications 26 T54 4.8 Peripheral device timing 4.8.1 Peripheral device read T30 T40 ~PeriphSlct Addr0-Addr15 T31 W/~R ~WriteEnbl T31 Data0-Data15 T55 T32 T56 ~Strobe 4.8.2 Peripheral device write ~PeriphSlct T33 T34 Addr0-Addr15 T35 T36 R/~W W/~R T39 ~WriteEnbl T38 T37 T37 Data0-Data15 T53 ~Strobe MC2300 Technical Specifications 27 T54 5 Pinouts and Pin Descriptions 5.1 Pinouts for MC2340 2, 7, 13, 21, 35, 36, 40, 47, 50, 52, 60, 62, 93, 103, 121 16, 17, 40, 65, 66, 67, 90 81 8 92 100 94 77 53 54 52 41 43 50 89 24 5 91 12 10 99 98 1 11 97 95 76 74 73 75 2 3 7 6 38 36 35 32 31 HostCmd HostRdy ~HostRead ~HostWrite ~HostSlct CPIntrpt CPR/~W CPStrobe CPPeriphSlct CPAddr0 CPAddr1 CPAddr15 MasterClkIn CPClk HostMode0 HostMode1 HostData0 HostData1 HostData2 HostData3 HostData4 HostData5 HostData6 HostData7 HostData8 HostData9 HostData10 HostData11 HostData12 HostData13 HostData14 HostData15 CPData0 CPData1 CPData2 CPData3 CPData4 VCC I/O CPData5 CPData6 CPData7 CPData8 CPData9 CPData10 CPData11 CPData12 CPData13 CPData14 CPData15 PWMMag1A PWMMag1B PWMMag1C PWMMag2A PWMMag2B PWMMag2C PWMMag3A PWMMag3B PWMMag3C PWMMag4A PWMMag4B PWMMag4C QuadA1 QuadB1 ~Index1 ~Home1 QuadA2 QuadB2 ~Index2 ~Home2 QuadA3 QuadB3 ~Index3 ~Home3 QuadA4 QuadB4 ~Index4 ~Home4 GND 4, 9, 22, 34, 46, 57, 64, 72, 84, 96 Unassigned 26, 27, 55, 56, 59-61 37 42 39 18 14 71 13 70 15 69 68 21 62 23 85 87 86 20 19 63 79 78 80 47 25 49 82 48 44 93 29 33 51 83 88 30 58 28 45 1 4 6 130 129 41 132 43 44 99 98 53 58 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~WriteEnbl R/~W ~Strobe ~PeriphSlct ~RAMSlct ~Reset W/~R SrlRcv SrlXmt SrlEnable ~HostIntrpt I/OIntrpt I/OClk Addr0 Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Addr4 Addr5 Addr6 Addr7 Addr8 Addr9 Addr10 Addr11 Addr12 Addr13 Addr14 Addr15 Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Data8 Data9 Data10 Data11 Data12 Data13 Data14 Data15 VCC CP AnalogVcc AnalogRefHigh AnalogRefLow AnalogGnd Analog1 Analog2 Analog3 Analog4 Analog5 Analog6 Analog7 Analog8 PosLim1 PosLim2 PosLim3/Synch PosLim4 NegLim1 NegLim2 NegLim3 NegLim4 AxisOut1 AxisOut2 AxisOut3 AxisOut4 AxisIn1 AxisIn2 AxisIn3 AxisIn4 Hall1A Hall1B Hall1C Hall2A Hall2B Hall2C Hall3A Hall3B Hall3C Hall4A Hall4B Hall4C NC/PosLim3 GND 3, 8, 14, 20, 29, 37, 46, 56, 59, 61, 71, 92, 104, 113, 120 Unassigned 5, 30-34, 38, 39, 42, 48, 57, 78-81, 131 MC2300 Technical Specifications 28 84 85 86 87 74 89 75 88 76 83 77 82 63 65 54 49 64 66 55 51 94 95 96 97 72 100 106 67 73 90 91 101 102 105 107 108 109 68 69 70 45 5.2 Pinouts for MC2320 2, 7, 13, 21, 35, 36, 40, 47, 50, 52, 60, 62, 93, 103, 121 16, 17, 40, 65, 66, 67, 90 81 8 92 100 94 77 53 54 52 41 43 50 89 24 5 91 12 10 99 98 1 11 97 95 76 74 73 75 2 3 7 6 38 36 35 32 31 HostCmd HostRdy ~HostRead ~HostWrite ~HostSlct CPIntrpt CPR/~W CPStrobe CPPeriphSlct CPAddr0 CPAddr1 CPAddr15 MasterClkIn CPClk HostMode0 HostMode1 HostData0 HostData1 HostData2 HostData3 HostData4 HostData5 HostData6 HostData7 HostData8 HostData9 HostData10 HostData11 HostData12 HostData13 HostData14 HostData15 CPData0 CPData1 CPData2 CPData3 CPData4 VCC I/O CPData5 CPData6 CPData7 CPData8 CPData9 CPData10 CPData11 CPData12 CPData13 CPData14 CPData15 PWMMag1A PWMMag1B PWMMag1C PWMMag2A PWMMag2B PWMMag2C QuadA1 QuadB1 ~Index1 ~Home1 QuadA2 QuadB2 ~Index2 ~Home2 GND 4, 9, 22, 34, 46, 57, 64, 72, 84, 96 Unassigned 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 45, 51, 55, 56, 58-61, 63, 78-80, 83, 88 37 42 39 18 14 71 13 70 15 69 68 21 62 23 85 87 86 47 25 49 82 48 44 93 29 1 4 6 130 129 41 132 43 44 99 98 53 58 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~WriteEnbl R/~W ~Strobe ~PeriphSlct ~RAMSlct ~Reset W/~R SrlRcv SrlXmt SrlEnable ~HostIntrpt I/OIntrpt I/OClk Addr0 Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Addr4 Addr5 Addr6 Addr7 Addr8 Addr9 Addr10 Addr11 Addr12 Addr13 Addr14 Addr15 Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Data8 Data9 Data10 Data11 Data12 Data13 Data14 Data15 VCC CP AnalogVcc AnalogRefHigh AnalogRefLow AnalogGnd Analog1 Analog2 Analog3 Analog4 Analog5 Analog6 Analog7 Analog8 PosLim1 PosLim2 NegLim1 NegLim2 AxisOut1 AxisOut2 AxisIn1 AxisIn2 Hall1A Hall1B Hall1C Hall2A Hall2B Hall2C NC/Synch GND 3, 8, 14, 20, 29, 37, 46, 56, 59, 61, 71, 92, 104, 113, 120 Unassigned 5, 30-34, 38, 39, 42, 45, 48, 49, 51, 55, 57, 67-70, 78-81, 96, 97, 106-109, 131 MC2300 Technical Specifications 29 84 85 86 87 74 89 75 88 76 83 77 82 63 65 64 66 94 95 72 100 73 90 91 101 102 105 54 5.3 Pinouts for MC2310 2, 7, 13, 21, 35, 36, 40, 47, 50, 52, 60, 62, 93, 103, 121 16, 17, 40, 65, 66, 67, 90 81 8 92 100 94 77 53 54 52 41 43 50 89 24 5 91 12 10 99 98 1 11 97 95 76 74 73 75 2 3 7 6 38 36 35 32 31 HostCmd HostRdy ~HostRead ~HostWrite ~HostSlct CPIntrpt CPR/~W CPStrobe CPPeriphSlct CPAddr0 CPAddr1 CPAddr15 MasterClkIn CPClk HostMode0 HostMode1 HostData0 HostData1 HostData2 HostData3 HostData4 HostData5 HostData6 HostData7 HostData8 HostData9 HostData10 HostData11 HostData12 HostData13 HostData14 HostData15 CPData0 CPData1 CPData2 CPData3 CPData4 VCC CPData5 CPData6 CPData7 CPData8 CPData9 CPData10 CPData11 CPData12 CPData13 CPData14 CPData15 PWMMag1A PWMMag1B PWMMag1C QuadA1 QuadB1 ~Index1 ~Home1 I/O GND 4, 9, 22, 34, 46, 57, 64, 72, 84, 96 Unassigned 19, 20, 26, 27, 28-30, 33, 44, 45, 48, 51, 55, 56, 58-61, 63, 78-80, 83, 85-88, 93 37 42 39 18 14 71 13 70 15 69 68 21 62 23 47 25 49 82 1 4 6 130 129 41 132 43 44 99 98 53 58 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~WriteEnbl R/~W ~Strobe ~PeriphSlct ~RAMSlct ~Reset W/~R SrlRcv SrlXmt SrlEnable ~HostIntrpt I/OIntrpt I/OClk Addr0 Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Addr4 Addr5 Addr6 Addr7 Addr8 Addr9 Addr10 Addr11 Addr12 Addr13 Addr14 Addr15 Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Data8 Data9 Data10 Data11 Data12 Data13 Data14 Data15 VCC AnalogVcc AnalogRefHigh AnalogRefLow AnalogGnd Analog1 Analog2 Analog3 Analog4 Analog5 Analog6 Analog7 Analog8 PosLim1 NegLim1 AxisOut1 AxisIn1 Hall1A Hall1B Hall1C NC/Synch CP GND 3, 8, 14, 20, 29, 37, 46, 56, 59, 61, 71, 92, 104, 113, 120 Unassigned 5, 30-34, 38, 39, 42, 45, 48, 49, 51, 55, 57, 65-70, 78-81, 95, 96, 97, 100-102, 105-109, 131 MC2300 Technical Specifications 30 84 85 86 87 74 89 75 88 76 83 77 82 63 64 94 72 73 90 91 54 5.4 Pin description tables 5.4.1 I/O chip I/O Chip Pin Name and number Direction HostCmd 81 Input HostRdy 8 Output ~HostRead 92 ~HostWrite 100 ~HostSlct 94 Input Input Input CPIntrpt 77 Output CPR/~W 53 Input CPStrobe 54 Input CPPeriphSlct 52 Input CPAddr0 CPAddr1 CPAddr15 41 43 50 Input MasterClkIn 89 Input Description This signal is asserted high to write a host instruction to the Motion Processor, or to read the status of the HostRdy and HostIntrpt signals. It is asserted low to read or write a data word. This signal is used to synchronize communication between the Motion Processor and the host. HostRdy will go low (indicating host port busy) at the end of a read or write operation according to the interface mode in use, as follows: Interface Mode HostRdy goes low 8/8 after the instruction byte is transferred after the second byte of each data word is transferred 8/16 after the second byte of the instruction word after the second byte of each data word is transferred 16/16 after the 16-bit instruction word after each 16-bit data word serial n/a HostRdy will go high, indicating that the host port is ready to transmit, when the last transmission has been processed. All host port communications must be made with HostRdy high (ready). A typical busy-to-ready cycle is 12.5 microseconds. When ~HostRead is low, a data word is read from the Motion Processor. When ~HostWrite is low, a data word is written to the Motion Processor. When ~HostSlct is low, the host port is selected for reading or writing operations. I/O chip to CP chip interrupt. This signal sends an interrupt to the CP chip whenever a host-chipset transmission occurs. It should be connected to CP chip pin 53, I/OIntrpt. This signal is high when the I/O chip is reading data from the I/O chip, and low when it is writing data. It should be connected to CP chip pin 4, R/W. This signal goes low when the data and address become valid during Motion Processor communication with peripheral devices on the data bus, such as external memory or a DAC. It should be connected to CP chip pin 6, Strobe. This signal goes low when a peripheral device on the data bus is being addressed. It should be connected to CP chip pin 130, PeriphSlct. These signals are high when the CP chip is communicating with the I/O chip (as distinguished from any other device on the data bus). They should be connected to CP chip pins 110 (Addr0), 111 (Addr1), and 128 (Addr15). This is the master clock signal for the Motion Processor. It is driven at a nominal 40 MHz MC2300 Technical Specifications 31 I/O Chip Pin Name and number Direction Description This signal provides the clock pulse for the CP chip. Its frequency is half that of MasterClkIn (pin 89), or 20 MHz nominal. It is connected directly to the CP chip I/Oclk signal (pin 58). These two signals determine the host communications mode, as follows: HostMode1 HostMode0 0 0 16/16 parallel (16-bit bus, 16-bit instruction) 0 1 8/8 parallel (8-bit bus, 8-bit instruction) 1 0 8/16 parallel (8-bit bus, 16-bit instruction) 1 1 serial CPClk 24 Output HostMode1 HostMode0 91 5 Input HostData0 HostData1 HostData2 HostData3 HostData4 HostData5 HostData6 HostData7 HostData8 HostData9 HostData10 HostData11 HostData12 HostData13 HostData14 HostData15 CPData0 CPData1 CPData2 CPData3 CPData4 CPData5 CPData6 CPData7 CPData8 CPData9 CPData10 CPData11 CPData12 CPData13 CPData14 CPData15 PWMMag1A PWMMag1B PWMMag1C PWMMag2A PWMMag2B PWMMag2C PWMMag3A PWMMag3B PWMMag3C PWMMag4A PWMMag4B PWMMag4C 12 10 99 98 1 11 97 95 76 74 73 75 2 3 7 6 38 36 35 32 31 37 42 39 18 14 71 13 70 15 69 68 21 62 23 85 87 86 20 19 63 79 78 80 Bi-directional, tri-state These signals transmit data between the host and the Motion Processor through the parallel port. Transmission is mediated by the control signals ~HostSlct, ~HostWrite, ~HostRead and HostCmd. In 16 bit mode all 16 bits are used (HostData0-15). In 8 bit mode only the low-order 8 bits of data are used (HostData0-7). The HostMode0 and HostMode1 signals select the communication mode this port operates in. Bi-directional These signals transmit data between the I/O chip and pins Data0-15 of the CP chip, via the Motion Processor data bus. Output These pins provide the Pulse Width Modulated signals for each phase to the motor. In PWM 50/50 output mode the sign (direction) is encoded within each signal. Refer to the User's Guide for more information. The PWM resolution is 10 bits at a frequency of 20.0 KHz. For MC2340 all pins are valid. For MC2320 only PWMMag1A-C and PWMMag2A-C are valid. For MC2310 only PWMMag1A-C is valid. Invalid or unused pins may be left unconnected. MC2300 Technical Specifications 32 I/O Chip Pin Name and number QuadA1 QuadB1 QuadA2 QuadB2 QuadA3 QuadB3 QuadA4 QuadB4 Direction 47 25 48 44 33 51 30 58 Input Description These pins provide the A and B quadrature signals for the incremental encoder for each axis. When the axis is moving in the positive (forward) direction, signal A leads signal B by 90. The theoretical maximum encoder pulse rate is 5.1 MHz. Actual maximum rate will vary, depending on signal noise. NOTE: Many encoders require a pull-up resistor on each signal to establish a proper high signal. Check your encoder's electrical specifications). For MC2340 all 8 pins are valid. For MC2320 only the first four pins (axes 1 and 2) are valid. WARNING! If a valid axis pin is not used, its signal must be tied high. ~Index1 ~Index2 ~Index3 ~Index4 49 93 83 28 Input Invalid axis pins may be left unconnected. These pins provide the Index quadrature signals for the incremental encoders. A valid index pulse is recognized by the chip set when ~Index, A, and B are all low. For MC2340 all 4 pins are valid. For MC2320 only ~Index1 and ~Index2 are valid. For MC2310 only ~Index1 is valid. WARNING! If a valid axis pin is not used, its signal must be tied high. ~Home1 ~Home2 ~Home3 ~Home4 82 29 88 45 Input Invalid axis pins may be left unconnected. These pins provide the Home signals, general-purpose inputs to the position-capture mechanism. A valid Home signal is recognized by the chipset when ~Homen goes low. These signals are similar to ~Index, but are not gated by the A and B encoder channels. For MC2340 all 4 pins are valid. For MC2320 only ~Home1 and ~Home2 are valid. For MC2310 only ~Home1 is valid. WARNING! If a valid axis pin is not used, its signal must be tied high. Vcc 16, 17, 40, 65, 66, 67, 90 GND 4, 9, 22, 34, 46, 57, 64, 72, 84, 96 unassigned 26, 27, 55, 56, 59-61, Invalid axis pins may be left unconnected. All of these pins must be connected to the I/O chip's digital supply voltage, which should be in the range 4.75 to 5.25 V. I/O chip ground. All of these pins must be connected to the digital power supply return. These pins may be left unconnected (floating). MC2300 Technical Specifications 33 5.4.2 CP chip CP chip Pin Name and number Direction Description When low, this signal enables data to be written to the bus. This signal is high when the CP chip is performing a read, and low when it is performing a write. It should be connected to I/O chip pin 53, CPR/~W. This signal is low when the data and address are valid during CP communications. It should be connected to I/O chip pin 54, CPStrobe. This signal is low when peripheral devices on the data bus are being addressed. It should be connected to I/O chip pin 52, CPPeriphSlct. This signal is low indicates when external memory is being accessed. This is the master reset signal. When brought low, this pin resets the chipset to its initial conditions. This signal is the inverse of R/~W; it is high when R/~W is low, and vice versa. For some decode circuits this is more convenient than R/~W. This pin receives serial data from the asynchronous serial port. ~WriteEnbl R/~W 1 4 output output ~Strobe 6 output ~PeriphSlct 130 output ~RAMSlct ~Reset 129 41 output input W/~R 132 output SrlRcv 43 input NOTE! If this signal is not used, it should be tied high. SrlXmt SrlEnable 44 99 output output ~HostIntrpt I/OIntrpt 98 53 output input Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 Data5 Data6 Data7 Data8 Data9 Data10 Data11 Data12 Data13 Data14 Data15 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Bi-directional This pin transmits serial data to the asynchronous serial port. This pin sets the serial port enable line. SrlEnable is always high for the point-topoint protocol and is high during transmission for the multi-drop protocol. When low, this signal causes an interrupt to be sent to the host processor. This signal interrupts the CP chip when a host I/O transfer is complete. It should be connected to I/O chip pin 77, CPIntrpt. Multi-purpose data lines. These pins comprise the CP chip's external data bus, used for all communications with the I/O chip and peripheral devices such as external memory or DACs. They may also be used for parallel-word input and for user-defined I/O operations. MC2300 Technical Specifications 34 CP chip Pin Name and number Direction Description Addr0 Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Addr4 Addr5 Addr6 Addr7 Addr8 Addr9 Addr10 Addr11 Addr12 Addr13 Addr14 Addr15 I/OClk 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 58 output Multi-purpose Address lines. These pins comprise the CP chip's external address bus, used to select devices for communication over the data bus. Addr0, Addr1, and Addr15 are connected to the corresponding CPAddr pins on the I/O chip, and are used to communicate between the CP and I/O chips. Other address pins may be used for DAC output, parallel word input, or userdefined I/O operations. See the Navigator Motion Processor User's Guide for a complete memory map. input AnalogVcc 84 input AnalogRefHigh 85 input AnalogRefLow 86 input AnalogGND 87 Analog1 Analog2 Analog3 Analog4 Analog5 Analog6 Analog7 Analog8 PosLim1 PosLim2 PosLim4 74 89 75 88 76 83 77 82 63 65 49 This is the CP chip clock signal. It should be connected to I/O chip pin 24, CPClk. CP chip analog power supply voltage. This pin must be connected to the analog input supply voltage, which must be in the range 4.5-5.5 V If the analog input circuitry is not used, this pin may be left unconnected. CP chip analog high voltage reference for A/D input. The allowed range is AnalogRefLow to AnalogVcc. If the analog input circuitry is not used, this pin may be left unconnected. CP chip analog low voltage reference for A/D input. The allowed range is AnalogGND to AnalogRefHigh. If the analog input circuitry is not used, this pin may be left unconnected. CP chip analog input ground. This pin must be connected to the analog input power supply return. If the analog input circuitry is not used, this pin may be left unconnected. These signals provide general-purpose analog voltage levels which are sampled by an internal A/D converter. The A/D resolution is 10 bits. The allowed range is AnalogRefLow to AnalogRefHigh. input input These signals provide inputs from the positive-side (forward) travel limit switches. On power-up or Reset these signals default to active low interpretation, but the interpretation can be set explicitly using the SetSignalSense instruction. For MC2340 all 4 pins are valid. For MC2320 only PosLim1 and PosLim2 are valid. For MC2310 only PosLim1 is valid. WARNING! If a valid axis pin is not used, its signal must be tied high. PosLim2 is an output during device reset and as such any connection to GND or Vcc must be via a series resistor. Invalid axis pins may also be left unconnected. MC2300 Technical Specifications 35 CP chip Pin Name and number PosLim3/ Synch 54 Direction Description input/output On the MC2340 chipset, this pin is the positive-side (forward) travel limit switch for axis#3. On the MC2320 and MC2310 chipsets this pin is not used. On the MC23x3 chipset, this pin is the synchronization signal. In the disabled mode, the pin is configured as an input and is not used. In the master mode, the pin outputs a synchronization pulse that can be used by slave nodes or other devices to synchronize with the internal chip cycle of the master node. In the slave mode, the pin is configured as an input and a pulse on the pin synchronizes the internal chip cycle. WARNING! If a valid axis limit pin is not used, its signal should be tied high. NC/PosLim3 45 input On the MC23x0 chipset, this pin is not used. On the MC2343 chipset, this pin is the positive-side (forward) travel limit switch for axis#3. On the MC2323 and MC2313 chipsets this pin is not used. WARNING! If a valid axis limit pin is not used, its signal should be tied high. NegLim1 NegLim2 NegLim3 NegLim4 64 66 55 51 input These signals provide inputs from the negative-side (reverse) travel limit switches. On power-up or Reset these signals default to active low interpretation, but the interpretation can be set explicitly using the SetSignalSense instruction. For MC2340 all 4 pins are valid. For MC2320 only NegLim1 and NegLim2 are valid. For MC2310 only NegLim1 is valid. WARNING! If a valid axis pin is not used, its signal must be tied high. NegLim1 is an output during device reset and as such any connection to GND or Vcc must be via a series resistor. AxisOut1 AxisOut2 AxisOut3 AxisOut4 94 95 96 97 output AxisIn1 AxisIn2 AxisIn3 AxisIn4 72 100 106 67 input Hall1A Hall1B Hall1C Hall2A Hall2B Hall2C Hall3A Hall3B Hall3C Hall4A Hall4B Hall4C 73 90 91 101 102 105 107 108 109 68 69 70 Input Invalid axis pins may also be left unconnected. Each of these pins can be conditioned to track the state of any bit in the Status registers associated with its axis. For MC2340 all 4 pins are valid. For MC2320 only AxisOut1 and AxisOut2 are valid. For MC2310 only AxisOut1 is valid. Invalid or unused pins may be left unconnected. These are general-purpose programmable inputs. They may be used as a breakpoint input, to stop a motion axis, or to cause an UPDATE to occur. For MC2340 all 4 pins are valid. For MC2320 only AxisIn1 and AxisIn2 are valid. For MC2310 only AxisIn1 is valid. Invalid or unused pins may be left unconnected. Hall sensor inputs. Each set (A, B, and C) of signals encodes 6 valid states as follows: A on, A and B on, B on, B and C on, C on, C and A on. A sensor is defined as being on when its signal is high. Note: These signals should only be connected to Hall sensors that are mounted at a 120 offset. Schemes which provide Hall signals 60 apart will not work. For MC2340 all 12 pins are valid. For MC2320 only the first six pins (axes 1 and 2) are valid. For MC2310 only the first three pins (axis 1) are valid. Invalid or unused pins may be left unconnected. MC2300 Technical Specifications 36 CP chip Pin Name and number Vcc Direction Description 2, 7, 13, 21, 35, 36, 40, CP digital supply voltage. All of these pins must be connected to the supply 47, 50, 52, 60, 62, 93, voltage. Vcc must be in the range 4.75 - 5.25 V. 103, 121 WARNING! Pin 35 must be tied HIGH with a pull-up resistor. A nominal value of 22K Ohms is suggested. GND Unassigned (MC2340) 3, 8, 14, 20, 29, 37, 46, CP ground. All of these pins must be connected to the power supply return. 56, 59, 61, 71, 92, 104, 113, 120 5, 30-34, 38, 39, 42, These signals may be left unconnected (floating). 48, 57, 78-81, 131 MC2300 Technical Specifications 37 6 Application Notes 6.1 Design Tips The following are recommendations for the design of circuits that utilize a PMD Motion Processor. Serial Interface The serial interface is a convenient interface that can be used before host software has been written to communicate through the parallel interface. It is recommended that even if the serial interface is not utilized as a standard communication interface, that the serial receive and transmit signals are brought to test points so that they may be connected during initial board configuration/debugging. This is especially important during the prototype phase. The serial receive line should include a pullup resistor to avoid spurious interrupts when it is not connected to a transceiver. If the serial configuration decode logic is not implemented (see section 6.3) and the serial interface may be used for debugging as mentioned above, the CP data bus should be tied high. This places the serial interface in a default configuration of 9600,n,8,1 after power on or reset. Controlling PWM output during reset When the motion processor is in a reset state (when the reset line is held low) or immediately after a power on, the PWM outputs can be in an unknown state, causing undesirable motor movement. It is recommended that the enable line of any motor amplifier be held in a disabled state by the host processor or some logic circuitry until communication to the motion processor is established. This can be in the form of a delay circuit on the amplifier enable line after power up, or the enable line can be ANDed with the CP reset line. Reducing noise and power consumption To reduce the emission of electrical noise and reduce power consumption (caused by floating inputs), all unused input signals can be tied through a resistor to Vcc or directly to GND. The following CP pins can be tied if not used: 45, 48, 68-70, 73, 90, 91, 101, 102, 105, 107-109, 78-81. Parallel word encoder input When using parallel word input for motor position, it is useful to also decode this information into the User I/O space. This allows the current input value to be read using the chip instruction ReadIO for diagnostic purposes. Using a non standard system clock frequency It is often desirable to share a common clock among several components in a design. In the case of the PMD Motion Processors it is possible to use a clock below the standard value of 40MHz. In this case all system frequencies will be reduced as a fraction of the input clock verses the standard 40MHz clock. The list below shows the affected system parameters:* Serial baud rate MC2300 Technical Specifications 38 * PWM carrier frequency * Timing characteristics as shown in section 3.2 * Cycle time * Commutation rate For example, if an input clock of 34MHz is used with a serial baud rate of 9600 the following timing changes will result:* Serial baud rate decreases to 9600 bps *34/40 = 8160 bps * PWM frequency decreases to 20 KHz *34/40 = 17 KHz * Cycle time per axis increases to 153.6 sec *40/34 = 180.71 sec * Commutation rate for MC2310/MC2320 decreases to 20KHz *34/40 = 17 KHz * Commutation rate for MC2340 decreases to 10KHz *34/40 = 8.5 KHz MC2300 Technical Specifications 39 6.2 ISA Bus Interface A complete, ready-to-use ISA (PC/AT) bus interface circuit has been provided to illustrate Navigator host interfacing, as well as to make it easier for the customer to build a Navigator development system. The interface between the PMD Navigator chipset and the ISA (PC-AT) bus is shown on the following page. Comments on Schematic This interface uses a CPLD and two 74LS245s to buffer the data lines. This interface assumes a base address is assigned in the address space of A9-A0, 300-400 hex. These addresses are generally available for prototyping and other system-specific uses without interfering with system assignments. This interface occupies 16 addresses from XX0 to XXF hex though it does not use all the addresses. Four select lines are provided allowing the base address to be set from 300 to 3F0 hex for the select lines SW1-SW4 equal to 0- F respectively. The address assignments used are as follows, where BADR is the base address, 340 hex for example: Address 340h 342h 344h 348h use read-write data write command -read status write command -read status write reset [Data = don't care] The base address (BADR) is decoded in the 74LS688. It is combined with SA1, SA2, and SA3, (BADR+0,2,4) to form HSELN to select the I/O chip and the 245's. (BADR+2,4) asserts HCMD. Two addresses are used to be compatible with the first generation products, which used BADR+2 to write command and BADR+4 to read status. B+8 and IOW* generate a reset pulse, -RS, for the CP chip. The reset instruction is OR'd with RESET on the bus to initialize the PMD chipset when the PC is reset. MC2300 Technical Specifications 40 MC2300 Technical Specifications 41 6.3 RS-232 Serial Interface The interface between the Navigator chipset and an RS-232 serial port is shown in the following figure. Comments on Schematic S1 and S2 encode the characteristics of the serial port such as baud rate, number of stop bits, parity, etc. The CP will read these switches during initialization, but these parameters may also be set or changed using the SetSerialPort chipset command. The DB9 connector wired as shown can be connected directly to the serial port of a PC without requiring a null modem cable. MC2300 Technical Specifications 42 MC2300 Technical Specifications 43 6.4 RS 422/485 Serial Interface The interface between the Navigator chipset and an RS-422/485 serial port is shown in the following figure. Comments on Schematic Use the included table to determine the jumper setup that matches the chosen configuration. If using RS485, the last CP must have its jumpers set to RS485 LAST. The DB9 connector wiring is for example only. The DB9 should be wired according to the specification that accompanies the connector to which it is attached. For correct operation, logic should be provided that contains the start up serial configuration for the chipset. Refer to the RS232 Serial Interface schematic for an example of the required logic. Note that the RS485 interface cannot be used in point to point mode. It can only be used in a multidrop configuration where the chip SrlEnable line is used to control transmit/receive operation of the serial transceiver. Chips in a multi-drop environment should not be operated at different baud rates. This will result in communication problems. MC2300 Technical Specifications 44 MC2300 Technical Specifications 45 6.5 PWM Motor Interface The following schematic shows a typical interface circuit between the MC2340 and an amplifier used in PWM 50/50 output mode. Comments on Schematic The L6234 from ST MicroElectronics is an integrated package that provides 3 half-bridge amplifiers on a single chip. It can drive up to 2 Amps continuous at 52 Volts. MC2300 Technical Specifications 46 MC2300 Technical Specifications 47 6.6 12-bit Parallel DAC Interface The interface between the MC2340 chip set and 2 quad 12 bit DAC'S is shown in the following figure. Comments on Schematic The 12 data bits are written to the DAC addressed by address bits A0 and A1 in Quad DAC 1, when A2 is 0. The 12 data bits are written to the DAC addressed by address bits A0 and A1 in quad DAC 2, when A2 is 1. In this fashion CP addresses 4000,4002,4004,and 4006 are used for axis 1-4, phase A, and 4001,4003, 4005, and 4007, are used for axis 1-4 phase B. MC2300 Technical Specifications 48 MC2300 Technical Specifications 49 6.7 16-bit Serial DAC Interface The following schematic shows an interface circuit between the MC2340 and a dual 16-bit serial DAC. Comments on Schematic The 16 data bits from the CP chip are latched in the two 74H165 shift registers when the CP writes to address 400x hex, and the address bits A1 and A2 are latched in the 2 DLAT latches and decoded by the 138 CPU cycle. The fed-back and-or gate latches, the decoded WRF, and the next clock will clear the 1st sequencer flop DFF3. This will disable the WRF latch and the second clock will clear the second DFF3 flop, forcing DACWRN low, and setting the first flop since WRF will have gone high. DACWRN low will clear the 74109, SHFTCNTN. The 4 bit counter, 74161, is also parallel loaded to 0, and the counter is enabled by ENP going high. The counter will not start counting nor the shift register start shifting until the clock after the DACWRN flop sets since the load overrides the count enable. When the DACWR flop is set the shift register will start shifting and the counter will count the shifts. After 15 shifts CNT15 from the counter will go high and the next clock will set the DACLAT flop and set the SHFTCNTN flop. This will stop the shift after 16 shifts and assert L1 through L4 depending on the address stored in the latch. The 16th clock also was counted causing the counter to roll over to 0 and CNT15 to go low. The next clock will therefore clear the DACLAT flop causing the DAC latch signal L1 through L4 to terminate and the 16 bits of data to be latched in the addressed DAC. The control logic is now back in its original state waiting for the next write to the DACs by the CP. SERCK is a 10MHz clock, the 20MHz CP clock divided by 2, since the AD1866 DACs will not run at 20MHz. MC2300 Technical Specifications 50 MC2300 Technical Specifications 51 6.8 12-bit A/D Interface The following schematic shows a typical interface circuit between the Navigator chipset and a quad 12 bit 2's complement A/D converter used as a position input device. Comments on Schematic The A/D converter samples all 4 axes and sequentially converts and stores the 2's complement digital words. The data is read out sequentially, axis 1 to 4. DACRD- is used to perform the read and is also used to load the counter to FFh. The counter will be reloaded for each read and will not count significantly between reads. The counter will therefore start counting down after the last read and will generate the cvt- pulse after 12.75 sec. The conversions will take approximately 35 sec, and the data will be available for the next set of reads after 50 sec. The 12 bit words from the A/D are extended to 16 bits with the 74LS244. MC2300 Technical Specifications 52 MC2300 Technical Specifications 53 6.9 16-bit A/D Input The interface between the Navigator chipset and 16 bit A/D converters as parallel input position devices is shown in the following figure. Comments on Schematic The schematic shows a 16 bit A/D used to provide parallel position input to axis 1 and axis 2. The expansion to the remaining two axes is easily implemented. The 374 registers are required on the output of the A/D converters to make the 68-nanosecond access time of the CP. The worst-case timing of the A/D's specify 83 nanoseconds for data on the bus and 83 nanoseconds from data to tri-state on the bus. Each time the data is read the 169 counter is set to 703 decimal. This provides a 35.2-microsecond delay before the next conversion. With a 10-microsecond conversion time the data will be available for the next set of reads after 50 microseconds. The delay is used to provide a position sample close to the actual position. MC2300 Technical Specifications 54 MC2300 Technical Specifications 55 6.10 RAM Interface The following schematic shows an interface circuit between the Navigator chipset and external ram. Comments on Schematic The CP is capable of directly addressing 32K words of 16-bit memory. It will also use a 16 bit paging register to address up to 32K word pages. The schematic shows the paging and addressing for 128KB RAM chips, i.e. 4 pages per RAM chip. The page address decoding is shown for only 6 of the 16 possible paging bits. The decoding time from W/R and DS- to the memory output must not exceed 18 ns. for a read with no wait states. The writes provide 25 extra ns access time for W/R and DS- to reverse the CP data bus. MC2300 Technical Specifications 56 MC2300 Technical Specifications 57 6.11 User-defined I/O The interface between the Navigator chipset and 16 bits of user output and 16 bits of user input is shown in the following figure. Comments on Schematic The schematic implements 1 word of user output registered in the 74LS377's and 1 word of user inputs read via the 244's. The schematic decodes the low 3 bits of the address to 8 possible UIO addresses UIO0 through UIO7. Registers and buffers are shown for only UIO0, but the implementation shown may be easily extended. The lower 8 address bits may be decoded to provide up to 256 user output words and 256 user input words of 16 bits. MC2300 Technical Specifications 58 MC2300 Technical Specifications 59