108&3".1-*'*&34611035$0.10/&/54 APPLICATION NOTE PA79 M I C R O T E C H N O L O G Y )551888"1&9.*$305&$)$0. "1&9 EVALUATION KIT EK61 is an easy to use engineering platform for prototype evaluation. The PC board is a good starting point for an application specific layout. The amplifier is sold separately. Common hardware such as screws, nuts and user's preference for I/O connectors are not provided. The EK61 includes both the universal EVAL36 board and the EVAL61 substrate. The use of EVAL36 and EVAL61 allows for a large area of breadboarding space to work with while allowing a surface mount substrate for the PA79DK. The PA79DK amplifier may be surface mounted directly to the EVAL61, a thermally conductive but electrically isolated substrate. The PA79DK is soldered to a DUT foil footprint area the size of the heatslug as shown in Figure 1. The metal substrate is cost effective and can allow the PA79DK to dissipate power up to the datasheet rating. %&5"*-" /05*/$-6%&% %&5"*-" &7"- #054*%& 54.547 44854 &7"- 1"%,031"%, C6 C8 R4 GND R3 C7 -VS C5 C9 C4 C10 R2 C3 R1 IC1 C1 C2 EVAL61 r 2A EK61 &7"-501 This data sheet has been carefullyCORPORATION checked and is believed to be reliable, however, no responsibility is assumed for possible* inaccuracies or omissions. All specifications subject to change without notice. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY * TELEPHONE (520) 690-8600 * FAX (520) 888-3329 ORDERS (520) 690-8601 * EMAILare prodlit@apexmicrotech.com AN PA79 REV B MAY 2007 (c) 2007 Apex Microtechnology Corp.