M50FW040 Bus operations
3.2 Address/Address multiplexed (A/A Mux) bus operations
The Address/Addre ss Multi plex ed (A/A Mux) I nterface has a more tr aditio nal style in terface .
The signals consist of a m ultiplex ed address sig nals (A0-A10), data signals, (DQ0-DQ7) and
three control signals (RC, G, W). An additional signal, RP, can be used to reset the memory.
The Address/Address Multiplexed (A/A Mux) Interface is included for use by Flash
Programming equipment for faster factory programming. Only a subset of the features
available to the Firmware Hub (FWH) Interface are available; these include all the
Commands but exclude the Security features and other registers.
The f ollowing oper ations can be perf ormed using the ap propriate bus cycles: Bus Read, Bus
Write, Output Disable and Reset.
When the Address/Address Multiplexed (A/A Mux) Interface is selected all the blocks are
unprotected. It is not possible to protect any blocks through this interface.
3.2.1 Bus Read
Bus Read oper ations are used to output the contents of the Memory Array, the Electronic
Signature and the Status Register. A valid Bus Read operation begins by latching the Row
Address and Column Address signals into the memory using the Address Inputs, A0-A10,
and the Row/Column Address Select RC. Then Write Enable (W) and Interface Reset (RP)
must be High, VIH, and Output Enable, G, Low, VIL, in order to perform a Bus Read
operation. The Data Inputs/Outputs will output the value, see Figure 13, and Table 22: A/A
Mux interface read AC characteristics, for details of when the output becomes valid.
3.2.2 Bus Write
Bus Write operations write to the Command I nterf ace. A v alid Bus Write operat ion begins b y
latching the Row Address and Column Address signals into the memo ry using the Address
Inputs, A0-A10, and the Row/Column Address Select RC. The da ta sh ould be set up on t he
Data Inputs/Outputs; Output Enable, G, and Interface Reset, RP, must be High, VIH and
Write Enable, W, must be Low, VIL. The Data Inputs/Outputs are latched on the rising edge
of Write Enable, W. See Figure 14: A/A Mux interface Write AC waveforms, and Table 23:
A/A Mux interface Wr ite AC characteristics, for details of the timing require ments.
3.2.3 Output Disable
The data outpu ts are high-impedance when the Output Enable, G, is at VIH.
3.2.4 Reset
During Reset mode all internal circuits are switched of f, the memory is deselected and the
outputs are put in high-impedance. The memory is in Reset mode when RP is Low, VIL. RP
must be held Low , VIL for tPLPH. If RP is goes Low, VIL, during a Program o r Erase oper ation,
the operation is aborted and the memory cells affected no longer contain valid data; the
memory can take up to tPLRH to abort a Program or Erase operation.