S8046 is optical communication devices designed for POF (Plastic Optical Fiber) data links. S8046 is a high sensitivity, high-speed
photo IC that receives signals at 50 Mbps and covers a wide dynamic range of 21.5 dB. The output is TTL compatible. S8046 also
features a sleeping mode in which operation automatically switches to low power dissipation mode when no light is input and
switches back to normal operation mode when light is input from the optical fiber. The internal IC checks which mode is currently
selected and this check signal is available from the mode output terminal. Current consumption in sleeping mode is approximately
1/400th that of normal operation mode.
Photo IC for optical link
Receiver with sleeping mode suitable for 50 Mbps optical link
Sleeping mode (low power dissipation)
4 to 50 Mbps
Monolithic photo IC
High reliability
TTL output
Wide dynamic range
Designed to be used with L8045
High-speed data transmission even under poor environmental
conditions with high noise
■ Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25 °C)
Parameter S
mbol Value Unit
Supply voltage Vcc -0.5 to +7.0 V
Output voltage Vo -0.5 to Vcc+0.5 V
Output current Io 10 mA
Power dissipation P250 *1mW
Operating temperature Topr -40 to +85 °C
Storage temperature Ts tg -40 to +85 °C
Soldering - 230 °C, 5 s, at least 1.8 mm awa
from packa
e surface -
*1: Derate power dissipation at a rate of -1.75 mW /°C above Ta=25 °C
■ Electrical and optical characteristics (Ta=25 °C, Vcc=4.5 to 5.5 V)
Parameter S
mbol Condition Min. Typ Max. Unit
Data rate fD bi-phase signal 4 - 50 Mbps
Current consumption
in operation mode
Icco *2, 3 - - 40 mA
Current consumption
in sleepin
Iccs Pin= -∞- - 100 µA
Minimum overload Pimax *2, 3, 5, 6 -8 - - dBm
Minimum receiver input power Pimin *2, 3, 5, 6 - - -28.0 dBm
H level output voltage Voh Ioh= -150 µA *2, 3 2.7 - - V
L level output voltage Vol Iol=1.6 mA *2, 3 --0.4V
Rise time tr - - 5 ns
Fall time tf 20 to 80 % *2, 3
Pulse width distortion ∆t*2, 3 -4 -+8 ns
Jitter ∆tj *2, 3 --5ns
Operation mode to sleeping mode switching input power
Psl *2, 3, 5 - - -33 dBm
Sleeping mode to operation mode switching input power
Pop *2, 3, 5 ---30dBm
Sleeping mode to operation mode switching time
tso *2- - 200 µs
Operation mode to sleeping mode switching time
tos *2- - 500 µs
H level voltage Vmh *73.0 - - V
output L level voltage Vml *7--0.5V
*2: Input is a pseudo-random bi-phase signal at 50 Mbps.
*3: CL=5 pF (including parasitic capacitance of probes, connectors and PC board)
*4: Optical input signal is generated by our standard signal generator.
*5: Average value (at 50 % duty ratio)
*6: Pe=10-9
*7: “H” in sleeping mode, “L” in operation mode
· A bypass capacitor (0.1 µF) and another capacitor (4.7 µF) are connected between Vcc and GND at a position within 3 mm from
the lead.
· The center of the optical fiber is aligned with the center of the lens on the package. The distance between the fiber end and the
lens is 0.1 mm.
· Output becomes undefined at a baud rate less than 4 Mbps.