Si 5 3 3 8 - EVB Si5330/34/35/38 E VALUATION B OA RD U SER ' S G UIDE Description EVB Features The Si5338-EVB is used for evaluating the Si5330/34/ 35/38 family of any-frequency, any-output clock generators and clock buffers. Fully powered from a single USB port. Onboard 25 MHz XTAL allows standalone asynchronous operation on the Si5334/35/38. GUI programmable VDD supply allows device to operate from 3.3, 2.5, or 1.8 V. GUI programmable VDDO supplies allow each of the four outputs to have its own supply voltage selectable from 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, or 1.5 V GUI-controlled voltage, current, and power measurements of VDD and all four VDDO supplies. Voltage supply jumpers allow easy access for use of external supplies or current measurements. Input signal jumpers allow external control of pin functions such as output enable, phase inc/dec, frequency inc/dec, and I2C_LSB. Rev. 1.4 11/11 Copyright (c) 2011 by Silicon Labs Si5338-EVB Si5338-EVB 1. Functional Block Diagram A functional block diagram of the EVB is shown in Figure 1. The MCU performs the USB to I2C conversion, controls the voltage regulators, monitors the INTR pin, and controls the four status LEDS. It also provides control of the eight input pins when the INx_CTRL jumpers are populated. There are five programmable voltage regulators (VDD, VDDO0, VDDO1, VDDO2, VDDO3), which supply power to the Si533x device. VDD and VDDO jumpers allow the option of powering the device from external supplies, or as a convenient point for measuring current. I2C jumpers allow disconnection of the Si533x device from the I2C bus to allow external control from another I2C master. For the Si5334, Si5335, and Si5338 devices, the EVB is shipped with an onboard 25 MHz XTAL to allow stand-alone asynchronous operation. For Si5335 emulation, synchronization to an external reference is done via IN1 and IN2. Removal of the XTAL and addition of two 0 ohm resistors is required. IN3, IN4, IN5, and IN6 are not available as external clock inputs for Si5335. To I2C Bus VReg To I2C Bus VDD Jumpers XTAL VReg VReg VReg VReg VDDO Jumpers VDD * 0 * IN1 VDDO0 IN2 CLK0A term term * * 0 CLK0B IN3 term term * * VDDO1 IN4 CLK1A term term * * CLK1B IN5 Si5338 IN6 VDDO2 IN7/SCL CLK2A IN8/SDA CLK2B term term * * I2C Jumpers VDDO3 I2C Bus CLK3A INTR term term * * CLK3B INx_CTRL Jumpers * indicates unpopulated components MCU USB Connector Status LEDs Reset Switch Figure 1. EVB Functional Block Diagram 2. Quick Start 1. Install the ClockBuilderTM Desktop software and driver (assumes that Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is already installed). 2. Connect a USB cable from the EVB to the PC where the software was installed. 3. Leave the jumpers as installed from the factory, and launch the software by clicking on Start Programs Silicon Laboratories ClockBuilder Desktop. Click one of the shortcuts in the group. 2 Rev. 1.4 Si5338-EVB 3. Jumpers The Si5338-EVB is shipped with jumpers installed on the following positions: VDD--Connects the Si533x VDD pin to the VDD programmable voltage regulator. VDDO0--Connects the Si533x VDDO0 pin to the VDDO0 programmable voltage regulator. VDDO1--Connects the Si533x VDDO1 pin to the VDDO1 programmable voltage regulator. VDDO2--Connects the Si533x VDDO2 pin to the VDDO2 programmable voltage regulator. VDDO3--Connects the Si533x VDDO3 pin to the VDDO3 programmable voltage regulator. SCL--Connects the Si533x SCL pin to the I2C bus from the MCU. the Si533x SDA pin to the I2C bus from the MCU. The INx-CTRL jumpers are optional jumpers for enabling MCU control of the Si533x input pins. This feature may be available in future software releases. SDA--Connects 4. Status LEDS There are four status LEDs on the Si5338-EVB: RDY (Green)--Indicates that the EVB is operating normally. This LED should always be on. 2 C (Green)--Indicates when there is active I2C communication between the MCU and the Si533x device or between the MCU and voltage regulators. USB (Green)--Indicates when there is active communication between the PC and the MCU over the USB bus. INTR (Red)--The MCU has detected that the interrupt pin of the Si533x device is enabled. The most probable cause for an interrupt is because the Si533x has lost its input signal or the PLL has lost lock. The "Status" tab of the GUI will identify the event that caused the interrupt to occur. I Rev. 1.4 3 Si5338-EVB 5. Inputs The Si5338-EVB has six SMA connectors (IN1-IN6) for receiving external signals. Two of the signals are differential, and two are single-ended. 5.1. Differential Inputs (IN1/IN2, IN5/IN6) The differential inputs only need a differential voltage swing of 300 mV to operate, which makes them compatible with most differential signal types. See "AN408: Termination Options for Any-Frequency, Any-Output Clock Generators and Clock Buffers--Si5338, Si5334, Si5330", or Si5335 data sheet if applicable, for details on interfacing with compatible signal types. It is also possible to lock the Si5334/35/38 to an external signal generator using one side of the differential input and grounding its complementary side. Take care not to exceed the max differential voltage of 1.2 V on these inputs. The board is shipped with a 25 MHz XTAL connected to IN1/IN2. The XTAL removal and resistor changes are required for Si5335 evaluation with an input clock since only IN1 and IN2 are available for input clocking with Si5335. Note that regardless of device, any external input to IN1 & IN2 must be limited to 1.2 V peak-to-peak (see Figure 2 for resistor locations). When evaluating the Si5330, the XTAL must be removed. The differential input on pins IN5/IN6 is ac-coupled with a 100 line termination (R39). Figure 2. Optional Termination Resistors for Differential Inputs IN1/IN2 5.2. Single-Ended Inputs (IN3, IN4) [Not supported in Si5335] These inputs are dc-coupled to the device. They are compatible with a signal swing as low as 100 mV and a maximum of 3.63 V. The signal should have a minimum amount of dc bias to ensure that it is never below ground level. The EVB provides pads for optional input terminations. These may be necessary when interfacing to SSTL and HSTL signals. Note: For details on populated vs. non-populated components, refer to "9. Bill of Materials" on page 13. 4 Rev. 1.4 Si5338-EVB 6. Outputs (CLKxA/CLKxB) Each of the four differential output drivers is capacitively coupled to the SMA connectors; so, the output signal will have no dc bias. If a signal with dc bias is required, the ac coupling capacitors can be replaced with a 0 resistor. The EVB provides pads for optional output terminations. These may be necessary when interfacing to SSTL and HSTL signals. 6.1. Evaluating LVPECL Output Clocks The EVB by default is populated to allow evaluating of all output clock formats with the exception of LVPECL outputs. To evaluate LVPECL signals on the Si5338-EVB, a few components must be soldered down on the board. Take CLK0 for example of. Note that CLK0 has R85, R121/R122, R1/R4, R2/R5, R3/R6, C4/C7, and C15/C17 attached to the nets of interest. The EVB comes with only R121/R122 and C15/C17 installed. This allows support of all output types except LVPECL. Evaluating an ac-coupled LVPECL clock on CLK0 requires a bias resistor of 130 or 200 to ground on each of the output lines depending on driver VDDO. Refer to AN408, or Si5335 data sheet if applicable, for termination details. Make the following changes depending on the CLK0 VDDO voltage: For 3.3 V LVPECL (ac-coupled) * * For Place 200 resistors in place of R1 and R4. Place 0 resistors in place of C4 and C7. 2.5 V LVPECL (ac-coupled) * * Place 130 resistors in place of R1 and R4. Place 0 resistors in place of C4 and C7. The LVPECL output may also be dc-coupled to an LVPECL receiver. To dc-couple the CLK0 output, make the component changes below. Note that R2, R3, R5, and R6 depend on VDDO. 0 resistors in place of C15 and C17. Place 50 resistors in place of R1 and R4. Place C4 and C7 Select R2 and R3 (and similarly R5 and R6) to give a termination voltage of VTT = VDDO - 2 V. For LVPECL termination on CLK1, 2, and 3 follow the guidelines above and refer to the schematics in "8. Si5338-EVB Schematics" as needed. Place 6.2. Evaluating SSTL/HSTL Output Clocks To support SSTL/HSTL outputs, either single-ended or differential, replace the output dc blocking capacitors with a 0 resistor. For example, for CLK0 output, replace C15 with 0 resistor for single-ended, or replace both C15 & C17 with 0 for differential output. Do the same for CLK1,2,3 as needed. Remember to properly terminate at the receiver input. The Si5338-EVB can support on-board termination of SSTL/HSTL outputs, if on-board terminated, measurement of the clock output at the SMA connector would require a high impedance measurement device to prevent overloading of the output. If on-board output termination is desired, the following components must be installed (using CLK0 as an example.) For 1.8 or 2.5 V VDDO: R2 = 2 k, R3 = 2 k, R1 = 50 , C4 = 0.1 F For 3.3 V VDDO: R2 = 2.42 k, R3 = 2 k, R1 = 50 , C4 = 0.1 F Follow similar guidelines for CLK1,2,3 as required. Refer to AN408, or Si5335 data sheet if applicable, for more details on clock termination. Rev. 1.4 5 Si5338-EVB 7. ClockBuilder Desktop Software Installation The following sections describe how to install and begin using the software. There is also a readme.txt file with the installation files as well as a user guide installed with the software. Download the latest versions of the EVB documentation and the ClockBuilder Desktop software for this EVB by visiting the following: EVB User's Guide and documentation set: ClockBuilder Desktop Software: 7.1. System Requirements Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP 2.0 2 MB of free hard drive space 1024 x 768 screen resolution or greater Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 USBXpress 3.1.1 driver USB Note: USBXpress 3.1.1 driver is provided and installed with the software. Newer or older versions of USBXpress available from other EVB kits or online have not been tested with this software. 7.2. Microsoft .NET Framework Installation The Microsoft .NET Framework is required before installing and running the software. Details and installation information about the .NET Framework are available via a shortcut in the NETFramework directory or at the following website: details.aspx?FamilyId=262D25E3-F589-4842-8157-034D1E7CF3A3&displaylang=en There are multiple versions of the .NET Framework available from Microsoft, and they can be installed side-by-side on the same computer. The software requires version 1.1. Contact your system administrator for more details. 7.3. ClockBuilder Desktop Software Installation The ClockBuilder Desktop Software is installed from the ClockBuilderDesktopSwInstall.exe file. 1. Double-click the install file to start the wizard. 2. Follow the wizard instructions to complete the installation for both the software and the driver. Use the default installation location for best results. 3. After the installation is complete, click on Start Programs Silicon Laboratories ClockBuilder Desktop Software. Select one of the items in the menu including the User Guide to get more details on how to run the software. 7.4. ClockBuilder Desktop Software Uninstall Instructions Close all the programs and help files before running the uninstaller to ensure complete removal of the software. The driver software must be uninstalled separately. See "7.6. USBXpress Driver Installation" for details. To uninstall the software, use the Add and Remove Programs utility in the Control Panel, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Uninstall in Add and Remove Programs 6 Rev. 1.4 Si5338-EVB 7.5. ClockBuilder Desktop Software Description There are several programs to control the Si533x device. These are available by clicking Start Programs Silicon Laboratories ClockBuilder Desktop Software X.X, where X.X is the software version number. There is a detailed user guide accessible here and in the Help Help Menu option of the software. Table 1. Programs Program Description ClockBuilder Desktop This automatically programs the necessary registers based on the customer's desired frequency plan for the Si533x device. Bit Field Programmer This utility provides access to each bit field in the register map of the device; so, no masking and shifting is required to decode each setting or control in the register map. Register Programmer This provides low-level control of the device with individual 8-bit register accesses. Note: Once installation is successful, the Clock Builder Desktop application should be available in the Windows Start menu program selection. When running Clock Builder Desktop, an opening page allows selection of the desired target device. Please select the appropriate target device from the list of available devices in order to ensure intended operation. 7.6. USBXpress Driver Installation The EVB uses the Silicon Labs USBXpress driver to allow the EVB to communicate with the computer via USB. The driver is installed after the EVB software is installed. Click Install to run the driver installation. Clicking Cancel will not install any files, and the EVB will not work with the software. Figure 4. Driver Installer Dialog Note: If the driver has already been installed on the computer before, it will not be reinstalled, and a message box will appear as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Driver Already Installed The installer will copy the necessary driver files and update the operating system. However, for every different EVB connected to the same computer, the hardware installation wizard will run to associate this driver with the new EVB. Let the wizard run with its default settings. Figure 6 shows a successful driver installation. Rev. 1.4 7 Si5338-EVB Figure 6. Successful Driver Installation 8 Rev. 1.4 Si5338-EVB The USBXpress driver may be removed via the Add and Remove Programs utility in the Control Panel. Locate the entry called Silicon Laboratories USBXpress Device. Click the button, and it should show the version and location of what it will remove. Figure 7. Driver Uninstall Location The USBXpress installation files are located with the ClockBuilder Desktop Software. The driver files for the EVB may be reinstalled from this location or by running the install software. Figure 8. Driver Installation Files Rev. 1.4 9 Rev. 1.4 IN6 IN5 IN4 IN3 IN2 J13 SMA J11 SMA J8 SMA J7 SMA J3 SMA J2 SMA 10uF C58 + 0.01uF C27 0 0 0.01uF C26 TP1 Test Point VTT_IN4 R78 R77 0.01uF C3 0.01uF C2 R34 2K R30 2K C22 0.1uF 10uF C93 + R35 2K R31 2K Place the 49.9 ohm resistor and .1uf cap very close to the 5338 pins. The 2K resistors can be further away. R17 49.9 TP2 Test Point VTT_IN3 R18 49.9 C23 0.1uF R21 1K IN2_DRV R22 1K IN1_DRV R25 1K 0 R45 IN6_DRV R26 1K R13 Place R close to XTAL pins IN5_DRV 0 GND R23 1K R24 1K R12 GND IN4_DRV 25MHz GND XTAL2 XTAL1 U1 U7 XTAL2 XTAL1 GND 0 0 IN3_DRV R44 2 1 1 2 SDA_5338 SCL_5338 INTRPT 100 R10 TP12 Test Point INTR R7 4.99K R29 49.9 100 R39 SDA_DRV R28 49.9 +3.3V SCL_DRV VDD R84 R83 0 0 C13 0.1uF C11 0.1uF 19 12 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 U2 IN8/SDA IN7/SCL INTR IN6 IN5 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 Si5338 C8 0.1uF 0 R80 VDDO0 C5 0.1uF CLK3B CLK3A CLK2B CLK2A CLK1B CLK1A CLK0B CLK0A R82 0 9 10 13 14 17 18 21 22 R88 R87 R86 R85 100 100 100 100 R128 0 R127 0 R126 0 R125 0 R124 0 R123 0 R122 0 R121 0 R47 49.9 Place close to output pins C12 0.1uF C9 0.1uF VDDO3 0 R81 VDDO2 Figure 9. Si5338-EVB Main Schematic 4 3 3 4 25MHz Dummy XTAL used for trace matching R79 0 VDDO1 16 IN1 7 VDD 24 VDD Si5338 VDDO0 15 VDDO2 11 VDDO3 20 GND 23 VDDO1 GND 10 25 R95 49.9 R115 49.9 R116 49.9 R117 49.9 R118 49.9 R119 49.9 R120 49.9 VDDO3 VDDO3 R36 2K R33 2K R27 2K R20 2K R16 2K R15 2K R11 2K R9 2K R6 2K R5 2K R3 2K R2 2K R43 2K R42 2K R40 2K R38 2K VDDO2 VDDO2 VDDO1 VDDO1 VDDO0 VDDO0 C30 0.1uF R41 130 C28 0.1uF R37 130 0.1uF C54 C24 0.1uF R32 130 C20 0.1uF R19 130 C18 0.1uF R14 130 C14 0.1uF R8 130 C7 0.1uF R4 130 C4 0.1uF R1 130 0.1uF C53 0.1uF C45 0.1uF C44 0.1uF C41 0.1uF C40 0.1uF C17 0.1uF C15 SMA J14 SMA J12 CLK2A CLK1B CLK1A CLK0B CLK0A CLK3A CLK2B CLK3B SMA J10 SMA J9 SMA J6 SMA J5 SMA J4 SMA J1 Si5338-EVB 8. Si5338-EVB Schematics VDD +5V_USB +3.3V J21 USB Type B 1 2 3 4 VDDO3 R66 412 VDDO1 VDDO0 0.1uF S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 U13 ADG728 9 10 11 12 7 6 5 4 +5V_USB R51 1K C38 R76 1K +5V_USB 0.1uF D A1 A0 RESETB SDA SCL +5V_USB 2 3 1 15 16 8 D1 MMBD3004S-7-F R52 2K +3.3V R50 1K R55 2K +3.3V C51 10uF C48 + GND Test Point TP11 +5V_USB VDDO2 SDA_5338 SCL_5338 SDA_5V SCL_5V 6 5 +5V_USB VDD 0.1uF C55 5 6 7 8 EN 3 1 3 1 4 3 2 1 VDD_pin C39 0.1uF VDDO1_pin VDDO2_pin C33 4.7uF S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 U14 R61 RESETB SDA SCL A1 A0 D 2 3 1 15 16 8 C52 1uF 1K 1 1 3 5 7 9 J23 2 4 6 8 10 C42 2 4 6 8 10 SDA_5V SCL_5V R63 U8 1.02K Address is 1001101 C57 0.1uF +5V_USB C37 R62 C59 1uF P4.0 P4.1 P4.2 P4.3 P4.4 P4.5 P4.6 P4.7 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 C43 0.1uF 0.1uF R64 1.02K 1K C8051F340 RST/C2CK C2D D+ D- P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 0.1uF +3.3V R49 1.02K R46 1.02K CONN SOCKET 5x2 Shrouded 1 3 5 7 9 13 14 8 9 47 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 C34 1uF +2.5V Ref R111 0 SDA Test Point TP3 +3.3V SCL Test Point TP4 2.5V VOUT INTRPT VIN U4 GND 2 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 10uF C87 + +3.3V Green D6 Green D5 Green D4 Red D3 R110 0 IN1_EN I2C_5V_EN IN2_EN IN5_EN IN6_EN IN3_DRIVE IN4_DRIVE IN5_DRIVE IN6_DRIVE SCL_5338_DRV SDA_5338_DRV IN2_DRIVE IN1_DRIVE Figure 10. Si5338-EVB MCU Schematic ADG728 9 10 11 12 7 6 5 4 3 +5V_USB SW PUSHBUTTON S1 R60 1K +3.3V MCU R54 2K +3.3V VDDO0_pin R53 2K +3.3V +3.3V VDDO3_pin D2 MMBD3004S-7-F HEADER 2x2 4 2 J19 PCA9517A GND SDAA SCLA VCCA U6 0.9V to 5.5V Address is 1001100 SDA_5V SCL_5V C56 0.1uF +5V_USB 4 2 SDAB SCLB VCCB 2.7V to 5.5V I2C_5V_EN +5V_USB +3.3V VDD +5V_USB 13 GND 14 13 GND 14 11 12 10 VDD R96 0 R69 R68 R67 R65 220 220 220 1K RDY I2C USB INTR +3.3V OEB A U10 +3.3V 4 OEB A U11 NLSV1T244 2 +3.3V NLSV1T244 4 2 IN6_EN 0.1uF OEB A U5 +3.3V IN6_DRIVE IN5_EN C49 0.1uF 4 IN2_EN IN5_DRIVE OEB A U3 NLSV1T244 2 IN2_DRIVE C46 0.1uF C35 4 NLSV1T244 2 IN1_EN 0.1uF IN1_DRIVE +3.3V 3 1 1 REGIN VBUS GND 7 1 1 6 VCCA GND VCCB 6 6 VCCA GND VCCB 3 3 VCCA GND VCCB 6 VCCA GND VCCB Rev. 1.4 3 C31 B 5 0.1uF 5 0.1uF 5 0.1uF 5 0.1uF B B B C50 1 825 SDA_5338_DRV 1 1 1 CLKIN J25 2 2 CMOSFB CMOS CLKINB FBCLK 2 2 2 SDA SCL FBCLKB +3.3V 2 +3.3V 2 +3.3V 2 +3.3V J24 J22 J20 J18 J17 J16 J15 825 R104 R103 511 R101 511 SCL_5338_DRV +1.2V +1.2V 1 IN4_DRIVE R102 1 825 R100 1 825 R97 1 R99 511 R98 511 IN3_DRIVE +1.2V +1.2V C47 C36 C32 SDA_DRV SCL_DRV IN6_DRV IN5_DRV IN4_DRV IN3_DRV IN2_DRV IN1_DRV Si5338-EVB 11 C80 1uF C68 1uF +5V_USB +5V_USB +5V_USB 0.01uF 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 VDD_int_en 8 7 5 4 3 2 SS 16 10 GND EPAD RSTB OUT OUT OUT 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 12 10 SCL_5V +5V_USB C83 0.01uF R109 1 11 17 6 15 14 13 12 C78 1uF CSB/AD0 CLK/SCL 2 CSB/AD0 CLK/SCL 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 W4 A4 B4 W2 A2 B2 17 14 15 16 SS 9 16 MAX8869 11 10 R73 C72 0.01uF R106 10 C62 1uF 1 2 C73 1uF JUMPER J27 +5V_USB 10uF C63 + VDDO1 Test Point TP6 VDDO2_int_en 8 7 5 4 3 2 VDDO1 SS 9 16 SCL_5V SDA_5V 10 GND EPAD RSTB OUT OUT OUT 11 SET MAX8869 NC NC NC OUT SHDNB IN IN IN IN U18 1 10K GND Test Point TP14 +5V_USB GND Test Point TP15 GND Test Point TP16 GND Test Point TP17 C85 1uF +5V_USB Voltage Regulators R70 10K +5V_USB 17 6 15 14 13 12 C89 1uF VDDO1_pin R72 +5V_USB 17 6 15 14 13 12 10K 8 7 5 4 3 2 SS 9 16 13 12 11 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 GND EPAD RSTB OUT OUT OUT R75 15.4K 11 SET MAX8869 17 6 15 14 13 12 CSB/AD0 CLK/SCL A2 B2 W4 A4 B4 W2 VDDO2_int_en 14 15 VDDO3_int_en 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 +5V_USB VDDO3_int_en C70 1uF VDDO2 C86 0.01uF 47.5K R74 10uF C82 + +3.3V Test Point TP10 C81 1uF Address is 0101101 RESB/AD1 SHDN_B SDO/O1 NC/O2 +5V_USB 10uF C65 + VDDO2 Test Point TP7 AD5263 SDI/SDA DIS W3 A3 B3 W1 A1 B1 2 JUMPER J28 C77 0.1uF 1 U20 C64 1uF NC NC NC OUT SHDNB IN IN IN IN +5V_USB U22 1 10 +5V_USB C76 0.01uF R107 C90 1uF VDDO2_pin Figure 11. Si5338-EVB Voltage Regulation Schematic SET GND EPAD RSTB OUT OUT OUT NC NC NC OUT SHDNB IN IN IN IN Address is 0101110 RESB/AD1 SHDN_B SDO/O1 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 7 5 4 3 2 U16 1 VDD_int_en VDDO0_int_en VDDO1_int_en VDD NC/O2 +5V_USB 10uF C79 + VDD Test Point TP13 AD5263 SDI/SDA DIS W3 A3 B3 W1 A1 B1 U23 SHDN_B SDO/O1 NC/O2 W4 A4 B4 RESB/AD1 C84 0.1uF JUMPER J30 A2 B2 +5V_USB VDDO1_int_en C69 1uF VDDO0 W2 +5V_USB 10uF C61 + AD5263 SDI/SDA DIS W3 A3 B3 W1 A1 B1 U19 C74 0.1uF JUMPER SDA_5V 11 SET MAX8869 NC NC NC OUT SHDNB IN IN IN IN C92 1uF VDD_pin Address is 0101100 13 12 11 C71 R105 C60 1uF SCL_5V 9 EPAD 17 6 15 14 13 12 C88 1uF 11 10 GND U21 1 SS RSTB OUT OUT OUT SET MAX8869 NC NC NC OUT SHDNB IN IN IN IN 16 SDA_5V VDDO0_int_en 8 7 5 4 3 2 9 VSS U15 1 2 GND 8 18 1 7 VDD VDDO0 Test Point TP5 VLOGIC 10 VLOGIC VSS 10 VSS J26 10 VLOGIC 7 VDD GND 8 Rev. 1.4 18 7 VDD GND 8 12 18 VDDO0_pin +3.3V MAX8869 SS 16 11 10 R71 10K SET EPAD RSTB OUT OUT OUT GND SHDNB IN IN IN 9 NC NC NC OUT U17 1 IN +5V_USB 8 7 5 4 3 2 17 6 15 14 13 12 C91 1uF 10 C66 1uF C75 0.01uF R108 VDDO3_pin 1 2 JUMPER J29 10uF C67 + VDDO3 VDDO3 Test Point TP8 Si5338-EVB Si5338-EVB 9. Bill of Materials Table 2. Si5338-EVB Bill of Materials Item NI Qty Reference Value Manufacturer Part Number 1 10 C2,C3,C26,C27,C71,C72, C75,C76,C83,C86 0.01 F Venkel C0402X7R100-103M 2 35 C15,C17,C31,C32,C35,C36,C3 7,C38,C39,C40,C41,C42,C43, C44,C45,C46,C47,C49,C50,C5 1,C53,C54,C55,C56,C57,C74, C77,C84,C5,C8,C9,C11,C12 0.1 F Venkel C0402X7R100-104K C13 4 1 C33 4.7 F Venkel C1206X7R100-475M 5 3 C34,C52,C59 1 F Venkel C1206X7R250-105K 6 7 C48,C61,C63,C65,C67, 10 F Kemet B45196H5106M309 1 F Venkel C0603X7R100-105K MMBD3004S-7-F Diodes Inc. MMBD3004S-7-F C79,C82 7 17 C60,C62,C64,C66,C68,C69, C70,C73,C78,C80,C81,C85, C88,C89,C90,C91,C92 8 2 D1,D2 9 1 D3 Red Panasonic LN1271RAL 10 3 D4,D5,D6 Green Panasonic LN1371G 11 14 J1,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6,J7,J8, SMA Johnson Components 142-0701-801 12 13 J15,J16,J17,J18,J20,J22, JUMPER Samtec TSW-102-07-T-S TSW-102-07-T-D J9,J10,J11,J12,J13,J14 J24,J25,J26,J27,J28,J29,J30 13 1 J19 HEADER 2x2 Samtec 14 1 J21 USB Type B Tyco 292304-1 15 1 J23 CONN SOCKET 5x2 Shrouded Tyco 5103309-1 18 1 R7 4.99K Venkel CR0402-16W-4991F 19 1 R39 100 Venkel CR0201-20W-1000F 20 7 R44,R45,R77,R78,R96,R110,R 111 0 Venkel CR0402-16W-000 21 2 R28,R29 49.9 Venkel CR0402-16W-49R9F 22 13 R21,R22,R23,R24,R25,R26, 1K Venkel CR0402-16W-102J 1.02K Venkel TFCR0402-16W-E-1021B R50,R51,R60,R61,R62,R65,R7 6 23 4 R46,R49,R63,R64 25 4 R52,R53,R54,R55 2K Venkel CR0402-16W-2001F 26 1 R66 412 Venkel TFCR0402-16W-E-4120B 27 3 R67,R68,R69 220 Venkel CR0402-16W-221J 28 4 R70,R71,R72,R73 10K Venkel CR0402-16W-103J 29 1 R74 47.5K Venkel CR0603-10W-4752F 30 1 R75 15.4K Venkel CR0603-10W-1542F 31 6 R79,R80,R81,R82,R83,R84 0 Venkel CR0603-16W-000 Rev. 1.4 13 Si5338-EVB Table 2. Si5338-EVB Bill of Materials (Continued) Item NI Qty Reference Value Manufacturer Part Number 32 4 R97,R100,R102,R104 33 4 R98,R99,R101,R103 825 Venkel CR0603-10W-8250F 511 Venkel CR0603-10W-5110F 34 5 35 8 R105,R106,R107,R108,R109 10 Venkel CR2512-2W-10R0D R121,R122,R123,R124, R125,R126,R127,R128 0 Venkel CR0201-20W-000F 36 1 S1 SW PUSHBUTTON Mountain Switch 101-0161-EV 37 1 TP11 Test Point Kobiconn 151-207 38 1 U1 25 MHz Epson FA-238 25.0000MB 39 1 U2 Si5338 SiLabs Si5338N-A-GMR 40 4 U3,U5,U10,U11 NLSV1T244 On Semi NLSV1T244MUTBG 41 1 U4 2.5 V Analog Devices AD1582BRT 42 1 U6 PCA9517A NXP PCA9517AD 43 1 U8 C8051F340 SiLabs C8051F340-GQ 44 2 U13,U14 ADG728 Analog Devices ADG728BRUZ 45 6 U15,U16,U17,U18,U21,U22 MAX8869 MAXIM MAX8869EUE50 46 3 U19,U20,U23 AD5263 Analog Devices AD5263BRUZ20 47 4 Standoffs SPC Technology 2397 48 4 Screws Richco NSS-4-4-01 49 7 Jumpers Sullins SPC02SYAN 0.1 F Venkel C0402X7R100-104K Do Not Populate 2 NI 9 C4,C7,C14,C18, 6 NI 3 C58, C93, C87 10 F Kemet B45196H5106M309 16 NI 8 R1,R4,R8,R14,R19,R32,R37, 130 Venkel CR0402-16W-131F 2K Venkel TFCR0402-16W-E-2001B C22,C23,C20, C24,C28,C30, R41 17 NI 20 R2,R3,R5,R6,R9,R11,R15, R16,R20,R27,R30,R31,R33, R34,R35,R36,R38,R40,R42, R43 19 NI 5 R10,R85,R86,R87,R88 100 Venkel CR0201-20W-1000F 20 NI 2 R12,R13 0 Venkel CR0402-16W-000 24 NI 8 R47,R95,R115,R116,R117, 49.9 Venkel CR0402-16W-49R9F R118,R119,R120 21 NI 2 R17,R18 49.9 Venkel CR0402-16W-49R9F 37 NI 12 TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4,TP5,TP6, Test Point Kobiconn 151-207 38 NI 1 25 MHz Epson FA-238 25.0000MB-W TP7,TP8,TP9,TP10,TP12,TP13 14 U7 Rev. 1.4 Si5338-EVB DOCUMENT CHANGE LIST Revision 0.1 to Revision 1.0 Replaced the voltage input terminal block with programmable regulators. The board is entirely powered from USB power. Added an additional LED to indicate MCU ready. Added jumpers on all input pins to allow external control of features, such as output enable, and frequency and phase increment and decrement. Revision 1.0 to Revision 1.1 Changed "Si533x configuration" to "Any Rate Clock Generator" throughout. Changed "Si5338 Programmer" to "MultiSynth Clock Programmer" throughout. Updated Table 1, "Programs," on page 7. Updated Figures 3, 4, and 8. Revision 1.1 to Revision 1.2 Changed "Any Rate Clock Generator" to "ClockBuilder Desktop" throughout. Changed "MultiSynth Clock Programmer" to "ClockBuilder Desktop" throughout. Updated Figure 3 on page 6. Removed "Uninstaller Option" figure. Updated Figure 8 on page 9. Revision 1.2 to Revision 1.3 Added "9. Bill of Materials" on page 13. Revision 1.3 to Revision 1.4 Added "6.1. Evaluating LVPECL Output Clocks" on page 5. Added references to the Si5335. Rev. 1.4 15 ClockBuilder Pro One-click access to Timing tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows and iOS (CBGo only). Timing Portfolio SW/HW Quality Support and Community Disclaimer Silicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products must not be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are generally not intended for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Trademark Information Silicon Laboratories Inc., Silicon Laboratories, Silicon Labs, SiLabs and the Silicon Labs logo, CMEMS(R), EFM, EFM32, EFR, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember(R), EZLink(R), EZMac(R), EZRadio(R), EZRadioPRO(R), DSPLL(R), ISOmodem (R), Precision32(R), ProSLIC(R), SiPHY(R), USBXpress(R) and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders. Silicon Laboratories Inc. 400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 USA Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Silicon Laboratories: Si5338-EVB